World Obesity Day: 5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight |
Obesity is one of the problems associated with a number of diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity is the result of unhealthy lifestyles, including a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, and poor diet. Some of the factors that increase the risk of obesity and related diseases are beyond our control, such as genetic predisposition; however, much can be done in this regard by changing some of our eating habits and making some changes in our food choices. You can go on grueling diets and make a series of drastic changes that can lead to weight loss. It can help you lose weight quickly, but the results are temporary and definitely not the best for your health and well-being in general. Make small but constant changes to your diet and the result is health in all its aspects. This does not mean that you will completely give up eating comfortably, but you need to have a balanced diet. Sweet or fried treats can sometimes be included in your diet, but the point is, those extra calories need to be balanced with healthier foods and more physical activity. In the context of comfortable eating, it is important that the basic rules are strictly followed. 1. Eat unhealthy foods from time to time. If you eat them every day, reducing your frequency to once a week or even once a month will help you cut calories. 2. Limit the quantity. If you like fried pancakes - take 2 pieces, not a whole plate. 3. Choose or cook foods that are low in calories. Cook at home with lower calories, healthy ingredients, and control your portions during meals. 4. Read different recipes for the foods you like and find ways that they can fall into the nutritional category. One of the reasons changing habits is difficult for most of us is because we tend to focus on what we cannot or cannot have. It's better to focus on what you can have and build a balanced diet plan that will help you eat healthy foods and achieve a healthy weight. 1. Eat little, but often. Eat often at regular intervals, but make sure you limit your portions each time you eat. It is advisable to aim for three healthy meals and two small snacks a day. You will eat about every three hours and not overeat. 2. Get rid of seasonings. An extra layer of cheese, mayonnaise, or some other sauce can add a lot more calories to a meal than you might think. Sometimes getting rid of condiments can help you cut hundreds of calories in the long run. 3. Drink water. At every meal, make sure you drink enough water before eating. This will help you stay hydrated, slow down your food intake, and feel satisfied after snacking, even if you've consumed fewer calories. 4. Follow the 50-50 rule. When preparing food, keep in mind that vegetables and fruits make up at least 50% of the food on your plate. They are high in nutrients and fewer calories, helping you stay full longer and avoid overeating. 5. Eat slowly. This is a difficult habit to cultivate. As a child, we used to eat quickly, but as adults, we need to get rid of this habit as soon as possible. Food is not a competition or a race.If you ingest your food, you are doing a disservice to your digestion and possibly overeating. This World Obesity Day and Do's and Don'ts will ensure you develop a healthy relationship with the food you eat. Good eating habits are the path to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Kordopolova M. Yu. |
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