5 Reasons Vegetarianism May Help You Live Longer |
Recently, vegetarianism has become quite popular. This was facilitated by the awareness of people, primarily those wishing to lose weight, that the inclusion of plant foods in their daily diet does indeed bring health benefits. We know that a vegetarian diet can help you lose and manage weight. And this is due to the increased consumption of fiber, which is found in plant foods. But did you know that eating a vegetarian diet can help fight certain types of chronic diseases and give your skin a healthy glow? As we celebrate World Vegetarian Day, which was founded in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society, here are the reasons why it is worth switching to a vegetarian lifestyle. The idea behind the holiday is to "promote compassion for animals and promote vegetarianism, which can significantly improve the quality of life and is enjoyable." The main objective is to draw attention to various aspects of a vegetarian lifestyle, such as moral behavior, the environment, health and humanity. On the occasion of the holiday, we will name good reasons that will help you take the path of vegetarianism, as well as show its positive impact on your life. 1. Helping the heartVegetarian foods are relatively low in saturated fat and have minimal or no cholesterol. Mostly cholesterol is found in meat, dairy products, and eggs. By not consuming these foods, vegetarians are less likely to experience cardiovascular problems. Vegetarian foods are high in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Eat carrots, tomatoes, garlic, bell peppers, and onions to avoid heart disease. 2. Healthy intestinesVegetarian foods of plant origin are high in fiber. As you know, fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system. A balanced vegetarian diet promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on bowel function. You will also have strong immunity and a reduction in inflammation. Carrots, whole grains, cauliflower, wheat bran, apples, broccoli and beans are some of the foods you need to include in your daily diet for gut health. 3. Slow down aging processA study in Oxford, published in the British Medical Journal, found vegetarians live six years longer than non-vegetarian people. Plant-based diets are rich in fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This, in turn, helps to strengthen the immune system and also slows down the aging process. Eat garlic, berries, tomatoes, nuts, and seeds to slow down the aging process. 4. Preventing the development of cancerLifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, can prevent the risk of many types of cancer. Scientists have come to this conclusion by conducting various experiments. Meat contains animal protein and saturated fat.Sometimes meat products contain carcinogenic compounds that are formed during the processing or cooking of meat, which can lead to cancer. Researchers at Loma Linda University in their 10-year study found a link between vegan or vegetarian diets and a reduced risk of all types of cancer. To avoid cancer, eat more leafy green vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, spices, nuts and seeds. 5. Enjoy the colorful and diverse world of vegetarian foodThe vegetarian world is vibrant and colorful. The brighter the color of fruits and vegetables, the healthier they are. Such colorful products will cheer you up. Vibrant colors are also indicative of the presence of antioxidants in foods. Choose vegetables and fruits with different shades, such as purple. These can be eggplants, blueberries, tomatoes, carrots, oranges, etc. 6. Radiant skinVegetarianism is one of the best diets for your skin. Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains will help the body build up essential nutrients. The antioxidants present in plant foods neutralize free radicals that reduce the formation of wrinkles, brown spots and other skin problems. Include in your diet turmeric, papaya, sweet potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. Ultimately, going vegetarian is not such a difficult decision, given that plant-based foods have a number of benefits. Basic momentsRecently, vegetarianism has become quite popular. N.V. Naumchik |
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