Summer has passed, followed by autumn, and a cold winter will soon come. And all that remains for us is to sit by the window, watching the snow swirl smoothly in the air. And remember how great we had a rest in the summer, how we basked in the warm sun on the beach, how we swam in the sea and had fun with friends on barbecue, fishing. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to take a vacation in the summer. There are also those who are forced to take a vacation in winter. |
Spain is famous for its very good cuisine. At all times, there was a cult of food here. Spain itself is not one whole, since it is divided into many regions (more than 10). And each of them has its own traditions, its own culture, customs and dialects. These differences also apply to the kitchen. But in any case, the cuisine of any of the regions of Spain is very diverse, and the dishes are delicious and refined. |
Along with achievements in architecture and urban planning, Europe is famous for the development of the culinary arts. Many museums located in all parts of the continent are dedicated to him. It's hard to imagine traveling to another country without getting to know the local cuisine, and food museums are designed to make this familiarity even closer. |
In June, fruits, sunglasses, hot tours, fans ... and also ... winter boots are sold out with a bang. The heat, the smell of hot asphalt and advertisements of soft drinks eaten somewhere on the Cote d'Azur leave no choice: it's time, it's time! I would like to go on vacation, I would like to put on a new swimsuit, those breathtaking sandals with bright, but not pretentious ornaments ... But first you need to buy all this. And enjoy your shopping. |
Before going to Egypt on vacation, you need to know that Islam is practiced in this country, which in turn affects some legislative acts and moral norms. For example, a woman who is not accompanied on a trip by a man or is not part of a tourist group may have problems at the border with a visa. Also, the customs rules are somewhat different from the rules adopted in European countries. |
The Himalayas are an amazing mountainous country with unique natural conditions. On the side of the mountain, the subtropical evergreen forest turns into temperate deciduous forests. This belt is spread from 2000 to 3000 m. Here you can see how the belt of deciduous forests covers the top of the first ridge. Above is the belt of coniferous forests, which is dominated by silvery spruce, fir, larch, tugs.
The Kopetdag reserve is located in the south of Turkmenistan. One of the main tasks facing the staff of the reserve and its scientists is mapping. It cannot be said that these places are poorly studied and have "blank spots", all kinds of expeditions have come here for a long time. Scientists knew a lot about the animal kingdom, the territory that had become a reserve. |
Borodino. A village is like a village. It stands on the Kolocha River, which flows into the Moscow River, stands 120 kilometers from the capital of our Motherland, ten kilometers from the city of Mozhaisk. The village is small and old. Since ancient times, its inhabitants have been engaged in arable farming, beloved by some kind of trade, most of all, appreciating peaceful labor. There are a lot of such villages around Moscow, but still, few were destined to write a bright page in the glorious history of the Fatherland. The village of Borodino has always been at the forefront, where the fate of the Motherland was decided, and gained worldwide fame.
Ask any tourist: where would he like to go? I'm sure he'll name some exotic place in the tropics. And few people would think to go to the ends of the earth to see the harsh northern edge of the Kolyma. Magadan Region is not a paradise for tourists. There are no star hotels or sandy beaches, and the sea is so cold that it is not suitable for swimming. |
Sooner or later, all of us, having gone on vacation and deciding to relax outside the home, are going to go. And wherever we go: to the coast of our native Black Sea coast or abroad, it is important that our trip goes without unpleasant surprises. For those people who are going on a trip abroad, we will try to give some useful advice on what to take with them and how to behave in an unfamiliar country.
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