Sooner or later, all of us, having gone on vacation and deciding to relax outside the home, are going on the road. And wherever we go: to the coast of our native Black Sea coast or abroad, it is important that our trip goes without unpleasant surprises. For those people who are going on a trip abroad, we will try to give some useful advice on what to take with them and how to behave in an unfamiliar country.
1. Choosing a tourist route
Of course, you first need to decide where to go. If abroad, then to which country. Having made a choice, it would be nice to study the features of the chosen state, the laws and national traditions of the people living there.
For example, chewing gum is strictly prohibited in Thailand. This law may look funny to us, but uninformed tourists are threatened with a fine of up to $ 600. And in the Emirates, in no case should you take pictures of local residents, especially women in a veil. This action is perceived by the Muslims living there as an insult. When photographing a historical monument and seeing that a person is in the frame, it is worth asking permission to photograph him.
2. Choosing a travel company
Travel agencies, unfortunately, can also cheat by providing incomplete or incorrect information to their clients. So, for example, they can show photos of a luxurious five-star hotel for which you pay, and as a result, they can settle in an ordinary hotel upon arrival, and nothing can be fixed. So it is worth asking about the business reputation of the travel agency you decided to contact, find out its rating and read customer reviews about it. It is not worth choosing a country on the advice of a travel agency agent, because they primarily offer unclaimed or last-minute travel deals. Choose your country yourself.
In addition, agencies often exaggerate their services, which is also fraudulent. You have to be vigilant and try not to pay for a nonexistent service. So find out everything and carefully study the terms of the contract. Always look at what you are signing, and do not be lazy to read the text in small print. Pay special attention to the concept of "Force majeure", otherwise force majeure circumstances. Be responsible in relation to yourself and do not rely on luck and Russian "maybe". Try to become economically secure and don't be fooled.
3. Packing a suitcase
The next question: what to take with you and how to avoid being overloaded at the airport? A few simple rules can help here.
At first, prepare a list of things you would like to take on the road. Edit it. The basis of the list should be documents, essentials and a first-aid kit. Documents, valuables and money should not be put in a suitcase, they should always be at hand, because from cases of loss of luggage, although they are rare, no one is insured.
Secondly, buy one good and roomy suitcase on wheels. A few small suitcases get in the way and create a lot of problems.
Thirdly, do not take unnecessary things with you "just in case." In addition, the contents of the suitcase still strongly depend on the place where you go to rest. For example, in Thailand, everything is very cheap, and you can only take a passport, money and medicines to this country, because everything else there can be bought at surprisingly low prices.
Fourth, you should take your hand luggage with you, and then put purchased souvenirs and alcoholic drinks on this place.
Fifth, luggage stowage should be ergonomic.Everything needs to be packed compactly so that there is enough space for everything.
Now that the first steps in organizing a trip abroad are made, get on the plane. Fly and good luck!
Zelenko T.N.
Our travels