Making mayonnaise

Category: Sauces
Making mayonnaise


4 quail eggs,
or 1 chicken,
or 2 yolks from chicken eggs
Salt 1 tsp
Lemon juice or vinegar 1 dec. l.
Mustard 1 tsp
Rast. oil 250 ml
You can add a pinch of sugar

Cooking method

  • The temperature of the food is absolutely irrelevant.
  • My Soviet liter mug is best for making mayonnaise (it is more convenient to add oil while cooking), but now I will cook it in a glass from a blender.
  • Add oil somewhere in 10 - 11 receptions, but in the beginning, in this matter, it is better not to rush. I do not add the oil with a spoon, but immediately from the jug.
  • Beat the mayonnaise with an immersion blender (power does not matter), moving from top to bottom.
  • The total cooking time takes ~ 3 minutes.
  • 1. Beat eggs for a few seconds. Then add salt, lemon juice and mustard, and beat for another 4-5 seconds:
  • Making mayonnaise
  • 2. Then add vegetable oil, first in very small portions (try starting with 0.5 tsp):
  • Making mayonnaise
  • Making mayonnaise
  • 3. Increase the portions of oil gradually, and pour each next portion when the previous butter is well beaten:
  • Making mayonnaise
  • 4. After about 100 ml has been added. oil, you can add the rest of the oil in 4-5 tbsp. l. This photo shows mayonnaise with 100 ml. oils:
  • Making mayonnaise
  • 5. Ready-made mayonnaise:
  • Making mayonnaise
  • When the mayonnaise is in the refrigerator, it will still thicken.
  • When all the butter has been added, taste the mayonnaise, and you can add any other ingredients to taste (besides the butter).
  • I dilute a little with cold, boiled water, to a more liquid state.
  • Then you can add garlic, herbs, etc.



The theory of making mayonnaise sweetka

Master classes:
mayonnaise on quail eggs Qween
mayonnaise for the lazy Qween

adventures with disappearing photos
mayonnaise, try # 1 Qween
mayonnaise, attempt # 2 Qween
mayonnaise, attempt # 3 Qween
mayonnaise with honey and sesame paste Stеrn

mayonnaise with dry broth The teacher

mayonnaise kava

classic mayonnaise and many others Aunt Besya

mayonnaise NataBryl

Lean mayonnaise Kalmykova
classic mayonnaise Anastasia

classic mayonnaise Mouli

lean mayonnaise Mouli

mayonnaise in proportions Fadeeva

kebab sauce, a guide to action Chantal

mustard velvet Lenusya

variations of mayonnaise for the lazy Zest

mayonnaise for the lazy Luysia

"soviet provencal" Shiza

mayonnaise according to GOST USSR Rina72

recipes from 1960s "cooking" Rina72

variations on the theme "mayonnaise on boiled yolks"
homemade mayonnaise (egg) on ​​boiled yolks Chantal
mayonnaise on boiled yolks Lana7386
variations on "mayonnaise without eggs":
mayonnaise without eggs Natamylove
mayonnaise without eggs Pakat

another version of mayonnaise without eggs Wildebeest

mayonnaise in a stationary blender lemur
options for research:

three attempts to invent "baby" mayonnaise Qween

hard-boiled yolk mayonnaise Chantal

homemade mustard, recipe not tested Natamylove

mustard in brine, a guide to action Bread Pete

lean mayonnaise sweetka
homemade mayonnaise application:
mayonnaise cookies tatalija

We already have a theme "Mayonnaise", but I decided to create another one, with step-by-step photos, so as not to get lost.

Mayonnaise tastes better when left in the refrigerator for a while.

Bon Appetit !

MAYONEZE is a sauce, high in fat. Produced from vegetable oil, egg yolks, milk powder with added sugar, vinegar, mustard, salt and spices. It is used for dressing vegetable, meat and fish dishes, salads, for baking meat dishes and other culinary purposes. Increases the taste of food, promotes its better assimilation.

The industry produces a wide range of mayonnaise.According to the degree of fat content, mayonnaise is divided into high fat (fat content over 50%) and low fat mayonnaise (35%). The main type of high-fat mayonnaise is table provence (66% fat). It has a delicate sour taste and aroma of the starting products. On its basis, by adding a number of substances, other high-fat mayonnaises are produced: mayonnaise with spices (the amount of fat is reduced by 9%), mayonnaise with horseradish (the fat content is reduced by 12%, 18% of chopped horseradish is introduced). Spicy mayonnaise is also produced: "Ogonyok" (with the addition of tomato paste), "Yuzhny" (with "Yuzhny" sauce), etc. To improve biological properties, vitamins C and B6 are added to mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise is perishable and should be kept in the refrigerator. The first sign of mayonnaise spoilage is the formation of a dark layer of separated oil on its surface.

In order to make mayonnaise less greasy, you can add boiled water, milk or sour cream while stirring. The mayonnaise will become more pungent when you add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to 200 g of mayonnaise. For cold fish and meat dishes you can add (to taste) 1 m2 tablespoons of grated horseradish.

Mayonnaise can be made at home. This requires 100 g of vegetable oil, 1 yolk, 0.25 teaspoon of ready-made mustard, salt, vinegar to taste. Put the yolk in a porcelain or enamel dish, add mustard, salt, stir everything. Then gradually, stirring continuously, pour in vegetable oil in small portions (each new portion of vegetable oil is poured in only after the previously poured part has completely combined with the yolk). When the mixture is thick, add vinegar (or lemon juice). The finished mayonnaise should have the consistency of sour cream. You can add ground pepper, garlic, and other spices.

Thank you so much! The topic is very necessary for me. I think that such a mayonnaise with quail eggs is possible even for a child.
one). Should I only add refined oil? I use only unrefined at home, and at home there is a bottle of refined fortified, is it okay?
2). What is the maximum amount of water that can be added to this amount of food?
3) How many days does this mayonnaise keep in the refrigerator?
The teacher
Good day! Mayonnaise is prepared from 2 eggs, half a teaspoon of mustard (dry or ready-made), half a teaspoon of white pepper, half a teaspoon of Rollton broth or dry seasonings, 1 tablespoon of powdered milk (if any) 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, 250 ml ... odorless sunflower oil. Beat with a blender for 1.5 minutes. It costs 7-10 days in the refrigerator. I haven't bought store-bought mayonnaise for five years.
Best regards, Teacher
Bee, I prepare mayonnaise with refined oil (mainly corn, sunflower), sometimes with the addition of nerafin. olive. Fortified will do.

On average, I add ~ 50 ml of water. Honestly, I pour it on the eye.

Mayonnaise is stored for quite a long time (for sure, it didn’t stay for a week).
For a long time, the idea of ​​making homemade mayonnaise haunted. On the way to its creation, there was a splashed kitchen, and spoiled products, and a mixer that almost burned out, but ... the result pleasantly pleases our taste buds. Having tried different options, we settled on this (the original recipe of which is taken from the site 🔗):


To prepare 300 ml of mayonnaise, you will need:

1 egg (or 2 yolks)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (I do not always put it)
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1/2 tsp dry mustard seeds
2 tsp wine vinegar
150 ml olive oil
150 ml of sunflower oil (you can replace all oil with olive oil)

All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Begin whisking by placing an egg (or two large egg yolks) in a narrow-bottomed bowl so that the whisk takes out all the ingredients all the time.Then add mustard powder, which gives the mayonnaise a pleasant aroma, helps the mixture to emulsify and gives the mayonnaise that smooth texture. Season with salt and black pepper. Mix everything well.

With an electric mixer in one hand (or a blender, but remember that the motor heats up quickly) and a jar of unscented vegetable oil in the other hand, add only one drop of oil to the egg mixture. Oils with strong aromas are not suitable as the mayonnaise will be too coarse. Better to use olive oil. Whisking each drop of oil thoroughly seems odd, but absolutely necessary, and after a few minutes and a few drops of oil, the mixture will begin to thicken.

At this stage, and only then, you can carry away the oil droplets - when the mass begins to thicken, the critical stage is over (although, there is still a risk that the mayonnaise will curdle if you add oil too quickly and too much. If this happens, do not cut Just put another yolk in a clean bowl, add the curdled mixture, drop by drop, and then continue adding butter as if nothing had happened.)
When almost half of the oil has been added, add about 1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar to thin the mixture. Then you can pour in the oil in a thin constant stream without stopping whipping. When all the oil has been added, taste the mixture and season with salt and black pepper. You can add a little more vinegar to taste if needed. the exact amount cannot be specified, as it depends on your taste.

Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

It would be interesting to know other recipes tested by someone else. If there are still such lovers of homemade mayonnaise or its similarity, please respond!
Aunt Besya
I also make mayonnaise myself at home since then. as I bought the Zepter mixer many years ago. It is very simple with him, because the rotation speed is high and there are no problems with adding oil drop by drop. I do it only on a homemade egg, sometimes in full, but then this is no longer a classic mayonnaise, but a salad dressing. Sometimes on the yolk, toggle it is mayonnaise. If mustard is added to the mass, it will be Provencal mayonnaise. I often put chopped garlic or canned cucumbers - spicy, but not stored for a long time. In general, it is better to make mayonnaise straight from the tin, before refueling, although you have to make several cans before large feasts - it can be stored for up to weeks without problems. I don't add vinegar, I prefer lemon juice. Here is information from my notebook (I don't remember the site)
"The approximate composition of a classic mayonnaise for an average homemade portion (actually the ratio according to the chef's taste):
• olive oil - 150 ml;
• egg yolk (carefully separate from the protein, including from the flagella) - 1-2 pcs.;
• sugar - 1.5 teaspoons;
• salt - 1/3 teaspoon;
• lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 1/2 tablespoon.
• and 1 teaspoon of ready-made mustard for Provencal mayonnaise.
(Russians, shortly before serving, can add 2 tablespoons of water to give the mayonnaise a more familiar white creamy look.)
1. OIL. The composition of mayonnaise contains from 70 to 84% premium olive (sometimes other vegetable) oil.

Generally speaking, it should be the best refined olive oil - and then mayonnaise is suitable for all occasions. Olive oil can also be unrefined (such mayonnaise has a pronounced taste of the original oil, that is, it is a mayonnaise for an amateur or for certain dishes).
Cooking provencal mayonnaise
(contains mustard)
The preparation (emulsification) of this type of mayonnaise is the simplest, since it contains a natural emulsifier - mustard. That is why the taste of this sauce is spicy, not as refined and delicate as that of classic mayonnaise. But for many, especially meat dishes, this type of mayonnaise is the most suitable.

It will take about 200 ml (a glass) of oil. The temperature of the products is 14-18 degrees Celsius.

We take 2-3 yolks, an incomplete teaspoon of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of ready-made mustard and mix everything well.

Add half a teaspoon of oil (not drop by drop, as in preparing mayonnaise without mustard).

Emulsify with active circular stirring in one direction until complete homogeneity is achieved and a little more (it is better to re-emulsify than under-emulsify!). Then add the oil already by teaspoon, and then, increasing the portions as it thickens, and by a tablespoon, and by the end 2-3 tablespoons, each time carefully emulsifying.

But if you add too much oil even once, the mayonnaise will disintegrate, or, as it is called in cooking, it will “get oiled”. Therefore, when preparing mayonnaise, it is reasonable to use the principle of parachutists - “hurry slowly, it will work out faster”.

When the emulsification process is completely finished, add lemon juice or vinegar to taste (the mixture turns a little whiter and becomes thinner), stir thoroughly and ... the mayonnaise is ready! With some skill, cooking Provencal mayonnaise takes no more than 8-10 minutes.

After standing for several hours in the refrigerator, the sauce becomes more jelly-like.

If you want to add a little sugar or salt to the finished mayonnaise to taste, then you should stir thoroughly until the grains are completely dissolved! Otherwise, the emulsion around the undissolved crystals will begin to disintegrate after a while, and then all the mayonnaise will quickly disintegrate.

If the emulsion breaks down during cooking, you can add 2-3 drops of water and try to emulsify more intensively. If this attempt does not succeed, then you can prepare a new mixture with yolks and add not oil, but failed mayonnaise during emulsification. Or just use the resulting "unsuccessful" mixture for dressing salads, toasting eggs, slices of bread, boneless and bread-crumbled cheese slices, etc. (The oiled mayonnaise mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, like mayonnaise, for up to a week or more. )
Making the classic mayonnaise sauce
(no mustard)
This is where the “culinary aerobatics” begins.
Everything is the same as when making Provencal mayonnaise, but mustard is not added to the yolks.
In this case, emulsification is much more difficult. Pour in refined olive oil (the rest of the vegetable oils are even more difficult to emulsify, and the taste is not the same!) At the beginning should be a few drops, by the end no more than a teaspoon.
But on the other hand, we will prepare a real classic mayonnaise sauce, less spicy than Provencal, and having that delicate and delicate taste that made it famous in world cuisine.
Mayonnaise additives
(specifically to mayonnaise, and not to an industrial milk-white surrogate)
Additives are added to the finished mayonnaise shortly before serving - no more than 1 hour.
Mayonnaise with additives cannot be stored!
Only the most common mayonnaise additives are listed here, but they can be varied indefinitely to suit different dishes and individual tastes.
Spicy additives are usually added to Provencal mayonnaise, while caviar and sweet additives are usually added to classic mayonnaise (without mustard).

Horseradish mayonnaise - up to 20% grated horseradish, a little sugar and salt (for preparation, see "Russian table horseradish" below). For cold meat and some fish dishes.
Mayonnaise with tomato - up to 30% tomato paste (you can also have a pinch of red pepper, a little more sugar, salt, sometimes sautéed onions are also added). For boiled cold fish, hot fried fish, for dressing fish salads.
Mayonnaise with gherkins and capers - finely chopped gherkins and capers are added to taste. For cold fried meat, for boiled pork.
Mayonnaise with spices and soy sauce - added to taste. For dressing meat and vegetable salads.
Mayonnaise with dill ("Spring" mayonnaise) - finely chopped dill is added to taste, a little parsley is also possible, sometimes dill oil is simply added.
Onion mayonnaise - add up to 20% grated onion to taste.
Garlic mayonnaise - garlic gruel and black pepper are added to taste.
Swiss (or apple) mayonnaise - applesauce is added to taste, a little in equal parts of lemon juice and dry wine.
Orange mayonnaise - grated horseradish and orange juice are added to taste in equal parts.
Fermented milk mayonnaise - add katyk or yoghurt to taste, a little mustard and lemon juice.
Green mayonnaise (or spinach) - add spinach paste and grated horseradish to taste.
Mayonnaise for asparagus (shantaya sauce) - add sour cream, whipped with mustard and salt.
Tarragon mayonnaise - finely chopped fresh tarragon or ground dried tarragon is added to taste.

Snack mayonnaise, different (for cold fish and egg dishes, for sandwiches)
- 20% of pureed black caviar is added;
- add 20% of mashed red caviar;
- 20% of pureed caviar is added;
- add 20% pureed or finely chopped herring;
- 20% of finely chopped salted salmon, salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon are added;
- add 20% finely chopped anchovies;
- 20% of finely chopped keels are added;
- 20-30% grated cheese is added (it is possible with the addition of greens, or caviar, or salted fish).

Various dessert mayonnaises (for sweet dishes)
- add 25% of any jam or preserves;
- add 25% condensed milk or condensed cream (Dietichesky mayonnaise).
Mixer Mayonnaise Recipes
Given according to the texts of the published recipes of V.V. Pokhlebkin.
But it is much better and easier to emulsify according to these recipes (according to the product ratios given in them) by hand, adding lemon juice at the end.
Composition 1 (no mustard - classic mayonnaise)
150-200 ml of olive oil,
2 egg yolks,
a little less than a quarter teaspoon of salt
half a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice,
a quarter teaspoon of red pepper,
preferably 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
a quarter teaspoon of dry tarragon ground in a coffee grinder.

Composition 2 (with mustard - provencal mayonnaise)
5-7 yolks,
1 liter of olive oil
lemon juice, salt, white pepper, mustard - to taste.

Preparation (for Formulation 1 or Formulation 2). Separate the yolks in the most careful way, not allowing a drop of protein and completely removing the films from the yolks [there is no explainable sense in removing the shells from the yolk - approx. SuperCook].
Beat the yolks in a mixer until foamy, while gradually adding a little salt.
[Whisk, that is, saturate with air bubbles, turn into foam, is impossible. This not only makes emulsification much more difficult, but also drastically shortens the shelf life by accelerating oxidation. There should be no foam in the mayonnaise. - approx. SuperCook]

Little by little, butter is added, which should have exactly the same temperature as the yolks (about 16-18 degrees), while the beating does not stop for a minute.

Add lemon juice drop by drop (the beating is not stopped). Add oil again, but faster, until completely beating. Then the final introduction of lemon juice, salt, pepper (and mustard) is carried out; beating continues until the mayonnaise is completely smooth.
A friend shared this recipe, and now we all the time make mayonnaise at home, forgetting about the purchased one, I do the only thing with a submersible blender, my friends make it with a combine, I have never tried it with a mixer since I have it since the days of the Union and is not going to break, but the power is not great therefore never tried to do it. So the ingredients:
- 3 eggs,
- 3 tsp Sahara,
- 3 1/2 tsp. salt,
- 3 tbsp. l. vinegar
- 3 dessert spoons of mustard,
- about 300-500 ml. refined vegetable oil (odorless).
This recipe is designed for three eggs, but you can make 1-2 eggs, depending on how much mayonnaise you need. The oil is written approximately, because if you make it for salads, then I usually take less volume, if you spread it on bread, then more.The technology is usually as follows: I take a glass liter jar of mayonnaise (those in which mayonnaise with an iron screw cap is sold), throw in all the ingredients except oil, beat with a blender for a couple of seconds, and then start pouring in oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat with a blender, readiness and the amount of oil will be can be seen by the consistency of the mayonnaise. At first, I needed helpers to pour in oil and hold the jar, otherwise it jumped a lot, my blender just appeared then, now I got used to it and everything works out only with the help of my hands, it seems to me that the blender began to behave more calmly. I take eggs, mustard out of the fridge, butter and everything else is in the kitchen, and I don't bother with the same temperature of ingredients, so mayonnaise is made in about five minutes, it takes more time to put everything together. It is convenient to take a jar of mayonnaise, because then you do not need to pour mayonnaise anywhere, closed it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. The only mustard is better to taste, because it can be very different, Torchin was originally taken in the recipe, then I started to throw the local Zaporozhye one, so I get only half a teaspoon for 3 eggs, it is very vigorous.
Good luck with your cooking.
And I have such a recipe for Classic mayonnaise, once I read it on the forum from the chef one-did-it turns out deliciously. Only I do everything with a mixer, not a whisk.

3-4 egg yolks,
7 g finely ground salt,
a pinch of white pepper
1h a spoonful of tarragon vinegar or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice,
2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard (optional)
600 ml olive oil,
2 tbsp. tablespoons of boiled water.


Place the yolks in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, drizzle with vinegar or lemon juice, add mustard (optional). Whisk in eggs. Start pouring oil into the sauce - first drop by drop, then, when it begins to thicken, a little faster. Sprinkle with vinegar or lemon juice from time to time. At the end, pour in boiled water, which will ensure the uniformity of the sauce during its long-term storage.
And if you add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of whipped cream for every 300 ml of mayonnaise, you get Chantilly sauce
Qween, thank you so much for the mayonnaise master class, did it for the first time and everything worked out
Anastasia, and what is the consistency of the finished product? In my opinion, homemade mayonnaise comes out thick. If spreading on bread - the very thing, but in a salad, I would like it thinner.
For many years I have been making mayonnaise myself. The recipe is as follows:

1 egg (whole)
3 tbsp. l. water
1 tbsp. l. vinegar (any - wine, apple, just vinegar)
200 ml. odorless oils (I use sublimated, olive bitter)

Flavoring additives:

1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp a mixture of different ground peppers (I use a mixture of 5 Santa Maria peppers)
1 tsp regular mustard from a jar (not seeds !!!)
1 clove of garlic

Load all this into a blender with knives and beat well. As a result, you will get about 300-350 ml of mayonnaise .. The whipping time, as experience shows, depends on the blender - from 1 minute to 3 minutes. If you also add fresh herbs, say dill or parsley, then the mayonnaise will become cool green. For some reason, this is what causes interest and admiration among children. If you want a thick mayonnaise, reduce the amount of water. And you can experiment with flavors, ... as there was nothing in the house !!!! from spices and I had to add my unloved vegeta there. It turned out very tasty
Mouli, if I understood correctly, then you do not pour in the oil drop by drop, in a thin stream, but mix all the ingredients at once? If yes, then this is generally a SUPER RECIPE !!!
Quote: kava

Mouli, if I understood correctly, then you do not pour in the oil drop by drop, in a thin stream, but mix all the ingredients at once? If yes, then this is generally a SUPER RECIPE !!!

That's right, all at once: D This recipe was given to me a long time ago by the chef of a restaurant. He called it “lazy mayonnaise”. You can, of course, drip oil, separate the yolk, etc. ...this is for gourmet aesthetes. And to fill up a regular Olivier, this is also suitable!
Post mayonnaise is made with soy milk. I myself am not a fan of such exotic things, therefore I did not cook ... but I have a recipe in the bins, purely theoretically it looks like this (I don’t remember where I got the recipe):

1/2 tbsp. dry soy milk,
1 tbsp. water,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 tsp mustard, pepper to taste,
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.

Dissolve salt in a little water and combine with vinegar. Pour soy milk powder with hot water, stir (preferably with a mixer) and let stand for 15-20 minutes, then add sugar and beat with a mixer for several minutes. Continuing to beat in a thin stream, pour in the vegetable oil. Finally, add the vinegar-salt solution, mustard and pepper.
Quote: kava

Anastasia, and what is the consistency of the finished product? In my opinion, homemade mayonnaise comes out thick. If spreading on bread - the very thing, but in a salad, I would like it thinner.

In my opinion, the consistency is normal, I put it in salads.
Which mustard is best for making homemade mayonnaise? I ask this because the taste of mustard can affect the taste of the finished product. As far as I know, Russian mustard is spicy and strong with a bitter taste. Here we sell mustard of many varieties and production of different countries and firms. And the local mustard is rather sour.
Caprice , I put spicy "Russian mustard".
Sometimes I add mustard beans and lemon juice to the finished mayonnaise, it turns out another delicious sauce.
Quote: Caprice

Which mustard is best for making homemade mayonnaise? I ask this because the taste of mustard can affect the taste of the finished product. As far as I know, Russian mustard is spicy and strong with a bitter taste. Here we sell mustard of many varieties and production of different countries and firms. And the local mustard is rather sour.
And rightly so, both the taste of mustard and the taste of the sauce will be different! Mayonnaise, too, is different for everyone, I like it the most with homemade mustard, it is so hot that I smeared it on a piece of jellied meat, wow! and a tear has broken through! (my grandmother always did)
but a soft store, only a mustard taste, actually not even mustard (IMHO), but mustard sauce for me, and if it is sour, then you can add sugar
Quote: obgorka_gu

so spicy that I smeared it on a piece of jellied meat, wow! and a tear has broken through!

obgorka_gu , I, too, just like this mustard.
That's it ... That with bitter mustard, the mayonnaise turned out to be bitter, which my family did not like Everything, as if it worked out, whipped right, the mayonnaise turned out beautiful, and the taste is brrr ... to put it mildly, none. Since then, she stopped making mayonnaise herself. We buy local mayonnaise, from only one firm "Telma". We tried to buy from other companies - either too fatty or simply not tasty. And after buying Russian mayonnaise "Olive", my men just howled and forbade me to buy Russian mayonnaise, regardless of the manufacturer. They told her to "stop reinventing the wheel."
Quote: Caprice

That's it ... That with bitter mustard, the mayonnaise turned out to be bitter, which my family did not like
So with any you can try to do it, because it does not affect the mustard consistency of mayonnaise, but only the taste, which means which mustard you like and put it down, and very bitter mustard, this is a disrupted technological process, the mustard must be infused, and mustard must be exactly not bitter, but spicy!
Quote: obgorka_gu

very bitter mustard, this is a disrupted technological process, the pungency in the mustard must be infused, and the mustard must be exactly not bitter, but spicy!

obgorka_gu , I agree with these words. I cooked mustard from powder several times myself. Before that I asked my grandmother everything. She also said that properly cooked mustard does not taste bitter. After brewing mustard powder, the bitterness went away for 3-4 days.
Now I do not make mustard, we have ready-made tasty for sale.
I completely forgot how, during a time of total food shortage, I read in some book about making mayonnaise at home. Nobody even knew about the mixer then, let alone what they had at home. The book said that you need to pour oil into the yolks drop by drop and rub vigorously with a wooden spatula. So I did. It took about 40 minutes for this intervention and then the hand hurt for 2 days. but the mayonnaise turned out to be good, "like in a store" Then groceries began to appear in stores and the need for homemade production disappeared.
And today, thanks to Qween, I remembered that you can make mayonnaise yourself at home !!!! Throw away the false packs of "Olive" and "Quail", and make your own real olive. Or quail. Moreover, blender mixers will really cope with this task in 1 minute !!!
Thank you Qween !! Thanks to you for the list of products that I make at home. replacing purchased analogs, it will also be replenished with undeservedly forgotten mayons!
And I won't even look for that old book - I will use your proven recipe
Cake, to your health!
And I started to make mayonnaise with a Ros mixer, a blender is screwed into it from behind. Power 175 W, if I'm not mistaken. But it turned out very quickly too.
Bread Pete
In a food processor (attachment - knives for chopping meat) mayonnaise is much easier to make than with a mixer. Excessive thickness is removed at the last stage of cooking by adding a small amount of water. I usually use 60-70 ml of water for one batch (500 ml of butter and 2 chicken eggs).
I read it, got inspired and went to sculpt mayonnaise, it turned out that doing well, just outrageously simple, even grew up, that for so long she was afraid to touch the production of home and to the indecent devoured an artificial one ... die ....
Thank you so much for the recipe and step-by-step gallery
Aunt Besya
Well done,Qween , correct, clear recipe! I also like to add a little sugar and white pepper. And if you pour lemon juice at the end, when all the oil has already been driven in, then you will not need water either - it brightens the sauce and makes it thinner
Aunt Besya
Quote: lodlena

Girls, what if you beat mayonnaise with a whisk attachment?
What do you think will work? Or is it better with a blender?
It will work, because before there were no submersible blenders. Only it will take more time and the oil must really be added drop by drop
Quote: Qween

Sofim, that is great !
How about the taste?
To my taste there is a lot of salt (I tucked the salad and did not salt it anymore), otherwise, I liked it very much. Mustard powder was added instead of mustard. Thanks for the detailed description
londar , to health.

lodlena , I tried several times to make mayonnaise with a whisk, and I did not like either the process or the mayonnaise.

Aunt Besya, Thank you !
With any amount of additives, in any sequence, I still add water. We like it better

Sofim, you are welcome . It's good that the taste did not disappoint you either.
Hello everyone
Having heard and read about the harmfulness of ready-made moonaise, I have been preparing it myself for several years. I can share my experience. I would be glad if I can help someone.
A true classic mayonnaise is an emulsion of olive oil in raw egg yolk with a little added sugar, salt and lemon juice. Provencal mayonnaise also contains ready-made mustard. Therefore, it is not necessary to add mustard. If, moreover, it spoils the taste.
I myself make mayonnaise from eggs, mustard, salt, lemon juice and olive oil, in a blender (not immersion). Lay in eggs, salt, mustard and lim. I beat the juice and gradually add oil. When adding more oil, start emulsifying at a slower pace and finish quickly.
Once I found valuable information about mayonnaise. The technology and the recipe were given there.The technology requires 70-84% oil, 10-15% yolk, 2-3% fructose (sugar), 5-6% lemon juice or 9% vinegar, 1-1.5% salt, small additions are possible (up to 0 , 5%) ground vegetable spices to taste with this dish. And up to 6% of the finished mustard in Provencal mayonnaise.
I myself lay the products by eye adhering to the above proportions.
The fact that the oil first needs to be poured in drop by drop is a true truth. In order for the oil to be emulsified. The most important thing in making mayonnaise is to beat in one direction. Therefore, you can beat with a spoon, a submersible blender or in a bowl, with a mixer, but certainly with one stirrer or just a hand broom.
During emulsification, the oil breaks up into microscopic balls, which are enveloped in egg yolk, preventing them from reuniting.
Electric stirrers make the size of these balls very small, which helps to increase the shelf life of the emulsion, but degrades the taste of the mayonnaise. Cooking is easier and faster though.
Manual emulsification allows you to get larger balls, which significantly improves the taste of mayonnaise, but slightly reduces the shelf life of the emulsion (it's easy for a week in the refrigerator, but it won't stand for longer - it's very tasty).

And another question.
I made mayonnaise according to the first recipe. It turned out the first time.
But the mayonnaise turned out to be very salty (maybe I was wrong somewhere) and also with a strong aftertaste of eggs (I took 1 chicken egg). This is normal?
For me, too much salt 1 tsp, I just put half the next time, and I made mayonnaise with vinegar, it seemed to me empty on lemon, but on vinegar, the taste of an egg is not felt at all.
Oh, girls, the photos disappeared. It's a pity, no words, all the photos were very informative.
I will try to insert more with different answers, but then later, now there is no possibility. I'll go and see if my beautiful ice cream has disappeared in the Ice Cream Maker.

I put salt "under the knife", maybe we have different spoons. But from HP, a spoon will definitely fit. In addition, I dilute the finished mayonnaise with water.

There is no egg taste in mayonnaise.
But, by the way, yesterday I made an ice cream, so I also got eggs so that I can feel them in the finished ice cream. The yolk of these eggs is very yellow, the dough will be beautiful.
unfortunately, eggs often contain salmonella, and heat treatment is not provided in the recipe. The risk is certainly a noble cause, but all the same, it is better to shop
Anya has already looked.
Thank you so much. Very descriptive pictures. I will definitely try this method!
Only I didn't quite understand: does the blender move from top to bottom to and fro, or only in one direction?
The blender must be pulled up more, and very slightly lowered down (as if grabbing a little ready-made mayonnaise), and then immediately up again. I want to repeat that it really feels like exactly how to do it, and at what pace. That is, in 40 seconds there will be mayonnaise, somehow it turns out by itself.
It is desirable that I have not yet completely confused with my explanations.
Good luck with your cooking!

oleg9979 , to your health!
Quote: Qween

The blender should be pulled up more, and very slightly lowered down (as if grabbing a little ready-made mayonnaise), and then immediately up again. I want to repeat that it really feels like exactly how to do it, and at what pace. That is, in 40 seconds there will be mayonnaise, somehow it turns out by itself.
It is desirable that I have not yet completely confused with my explanations.
Good luck with your cooking!

oleg9979 , to your health!

Qween what a fine fellow! , I already gave links to my niece and girlfriends, to such a wonderful step-by-step performance of mayonnaise! in words they did not understand how to do it, but here such clarity! Super! Personally, only a quarter spoon of salt is enough for me! And for additional disinfection and taste, I always add garlic and I love garden dill!
obgorka_gu , to your health!

Quote: obgorka_gu

Personally, only a quarter spoon of salt is enough for me!

I also like to turn the Kotani Miller with herbs several times instead of salt. I already have several different ones, but most of all I like the "French Herbs", which I bought the very first.
Quote: oleg9979

Do not worry, I could see everything yesterday, but today it is no longer.
strange, but I can see everything! Qween and put a photo through a radical?, maybe the size is at the limit?

Quote: Qween

I also like to turn the Kotani Miller with herbs several times instead of salt. I already have several different ones, but most of all I like the "French Herbs", which I bought the very first.

I love this company too! I have a favorite "4 peppers", and not for general cooking, but turn into a plate for yourself
Quote: obgorka_gu

strange, but I can see everything! Qween and put a photo through a radical?, maybe the size is at the limit?

I love this company too! I have a favorite "4 peppers", and not for general cooking, but turn into a plate for yourself

It's strange, of course, but I see my photos again.
I put c / z Radical. Everything as usual.

I also respect 4 peppers, right on the plate.
And on the radical, these pictures should be stored? can links here? \ dreamily \
My attempt # 5. I will insert one photo in one reply.

1. Put in a glass from a hand blender: 4 quail eggs, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 dec. l. lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. salt and a pinch of sugar:

Making mayonnaise
2. Put the blender's "leg" on top:

Making mayonnaise
3. Pour 250 ml of vegetable oil:

Making mayonnaise
4. Turn on the blender, and the mayonnaise starts to form instantly:

Making mayonnaise
5. Now pull the blender up a little and then down a little. I assure you that you yourself can understand at what pace to do this:

Making mayonnaise
6. In the process, it looks like this:

Making mayonnaise
6 a:
Making mayonnaise
6 b:

Making mayonnaise

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