On the Internet, passions have long been raging about the use of modern yeast. Some say that they are useful, while others claim that they are harmful ... So where is the truth? Who is right?
I do not side with either one or the other, and I think that information is never superfluous. Conclusions do you
To the history of the question:
For a long time in Russia, the bread table was looked upon as the throne of God. And in the only prayer left by Jesus Christ, the word bread is synonymous with food in general. Bread is a gift from God - our great-grandfathers said. But they did not bake it with thermophilic yeast. This yeast appeared before the war. Scientists who were studying this issue came across sources from Hitler's Germany in Leninka, where it was said that this yeast was grown on human bones and that if Russia did not die in a war, it would die from yeast.
Our specialists were not allowed to make links to sources, to copy them. The documents were classified.
So, if thermophilic yeast arose recently, then with the help of which kvass bread was baked in ancient times and in the recent past? Famous peasant sourdough cultures were made from rye flour, straw, oats, barley, and wheat. Until now, in remote villages, recipes for making bread without today's yeast have been preserved. It was these starters that enriched the body with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, mucus, pectin, biostimulants.
Baking bread in folk cuisine has always been a kind of ritual. The secret of its preparation has been passed down from generation to generation. Almost every family had its own secret. Bread was prepared about once a week with various leavens: rye, oat. The use of unrefined rye flour led to the fact that although the bread was coarse, it contained all the useful substances that are found in cereals. And when baked in a Russian oven, the bread acquired an unforgettable taste and aroma. We can safely say that such bread as in Russia has never been in the world. It was consumed in large quantities. The average peasant, for example, in the 19th century ate more than 3 pounds of bread daily (a pound is equal to 430 grams). It was this kind of bread that made it possible to regulate the work of the intestines and introduce a number of useful substances into the body. They could only dream of sith, that is, white, refined bread. The habit of rye bread from the first days of life was so strong that its absence was hardly tolerated.
Such cases are typical. In 1814, when the Russian grenadiers, famous for their strength and endurance, entered Paris, they began, going into bakeries, to look for rye bread and asked the owners for "bread quickly and quickly." This is how the "bistro" was born. Being in the Caucasus, Pushkin also suffered without rye bread.
The ancient science of baking was preserved among the people for a long time. I have heard about a funny case when bakers came to the Minister of Light and Food Industry with an amazing gift, which they brought wrapped in canvas. Showing that it was a lush loaf, they wrapped it up and sat on it again, then got up, threw back the canvas and the minister saw the following picture: the bread, squeezed by the weight of large men, straightened out before his eyes and acquired the same size. The craftsmen noticed that such bread will not grow moldy and stale even after a year. This miracle was hard to believe. This bread was also not baked using thermophilic yeast. Fillipova's bakery was known throughout Moscow, famous for its bakery products, witnesses of our glorious past in the field of baking are still alive.
But for several decades, bread has been baked differently.And for this they do not use natural starters, but thermophilic yeast invented by man, Saccharomycetes, which simply do not exist in nature. And the technology of their preparation is anti-natural.
Scientists all over the world have sounded the alarm long ago. The mechanisms of the negative impact of yeast on the body are revealed. French professor Etienne Wolf, academician F.G. Uglov, 13.11. Iskakov. P. P. Dubinin (Problems of statistics and economic modeling. Proceedings of the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy), Rosini Gianfranco ("The presence of a killing feature of yeast". Canadian Journal of Microbiology ", 1983. t, 29. No. 10. p. 1462), G Bassi and DA Sherman (Killing factor, - Biochemistry, Biophysics, 1973, No. 298, p. 868-879), SA Konovalov ("Yeast Biochemistry", 1962, M., Pishchepromizdat, p. 13-14), correspondent of "Izvestia" L. Volodin, (Paris, February 27 by phone, published on February 28, p. 4), Rubin B. A. (Fermentation, - BME, vol. 3, 1976, p. 383- 384), V. M. Dilman ("Four models of medicine", L., Medicine, 1987. pp. 40-42, 214-215), Marilyn Diamond, Donald Schnell, (USA "Acid-base balance"), B Mikhailov, L. Trushkina ("Food is a serious matter" M., "Molodaya Gvardiya", 1988, pp. 5-7). The bibliography on this topic can be continued, but we'd better see what thermophilic yeast is - saccharomycetes and what role do they play in reducing the health of those who eat foods prepared with them? nenie.
Thermophilic yeast and its negative health effects.
So, let's repeat: the saccharomycete yeast (thermophilic yeast), various races, which are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking, are not found in nature in the wild, that is, this is the creation of human hands, and not the creation of God. By morphological characteristics, they belong to the simplest marsupial fungi and microorganisms. Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more perfect than tissue cells, independent of temperature, pH, and air content. Even with the cell membrane destroyed by saliva lysozyme, they continue to live. The production of baker's yeast is based on its propagation in liquid nutrient media prepared from molasses (waste from sugar production). The technology is monstrous, anti-natural. Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc. Strange methods, it must be admitted, are used to prepare food, moreover, given that there are natural yeast in nature, hop yeast, for example, malt, etc. etc.
Now let's see what a "disservice" thermophilic yeast does to our body ...