Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)

Category: Special bread
Kitchen: ukrainian
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)


Water 340 g
Rock salt 10 g
Vegetable oil (odorless) 2 tbsp. l.
Natural honey (* you can not use it) 1 tbsp. l.
Whole grain flour 300 g
Wheat flour 280 g (+/- 20 g)
Fresh yeast 12 g
* Or dry yeast 2 tsp
Dried apricots 200 g
Finely ground oat flakes 50 g

Cooking method

  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • * Background - see "Appendix"
  • And now! .. TOP 4!
  • KULICH 1: "Whole grain with dried apricots"
  • Small clarifications:
  • * The ingredients of the recipe are related to this particular cake.
  • (For the preparation of the rest of the dough, active recipe links are given.)
  • * Honey, in this recipe, I add only to the cake dough.
  • This recipe makes delicious bread without honey (see below).
  • Step 1.
  • Dough preparation.
  • We put the necessary ingredients in the bucket of the bread machine, in the order they are mentioned in the recipe.
  • We start the "Yeast dough" program.
  • Immediately pour a little less flour into the bucket of the bread machine. If necessary, gradually add the missing quantity during the batch. Focus on the "kolobok".
  • While the main batch is in progress, take dried apricots:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • We cut each half into longitudinal strips.
  • Add to the dough at the program signal:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • * In the Moulinex RZ710100 bread maker, you can immediately (before starting the program) pour it onto flour. HP sparingly interferes with almost any additives, even from the start, without damaging their form.
  • After kneading:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • The dough turned out - 1 kg 156 g:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Step 2.
  • We spread the dough into molds.
  • We take metal forms
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • * The first form on the left (for reference, liter) was not used this time.
  • * Photo after baking, so a little with traces of former yummy, sorry
  • And also such a silicone mold. Next to a can of condensed milk:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • With her in the middle:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Grease metal forms with margarine (not butter) or rast. oil without aroma. We use silicone without lubrication.
  • We lay out the dough in forms:
  • (404 g):
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • 250 g:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • 350 g:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • 250 g:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • 150 g:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • We put the molds on a baking sheet (for convenience, they will go to the oven on it). We cover with a plastic bag:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • We disperse for 1 hour 15 minutes. Future Easter cakes came up:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Step 3.
  • Baking.
  • We put in an oven preheated to 120 *. After 20-25 minutes. add heating up to 160 *.
  • After 35 min. we check with a wooden skewer for readiness:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • * Baking times may vary depending on the size of the molds and the heating mode.
  • * When baking any Easter cakes, preheat the oven to 100 * -120 *. And the first 20 minutes I do not increase the heating. Then I add heating up to 160 *. For liter tins and tins from condensed milk (for reference), the total baking time is 30-40 minutes.
  • We take out the baking sheet from the oven:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Everything is ready:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Cover the cakes with a towel on top. Let them rest for 15 minutes.
  • Step 4.
  • Extraction from forms.
  • We take a mold with Easter cake in our hands.
  • * If necessary: ​​tap on the side of the form. Lightly crush the mold from the barrels (in a circle), grasping with two fingers on opposite sides of the mold. We tap lightly on the bottom of the mold. And shake it out.
  • I was immediately shaken out easily without additional effort.
  • Here is:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Babies:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bottoms:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Step 5.
  • Decoration.
  • Lubricate the top of the cake with honey (I have from acacia):
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Dip the top into the coconut flakes:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Here is our beauty:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • The rest of the cakes (with oat powder) can be greased with honey or left as they are:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Together - a friendly family:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • "Composition" with a cut:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Incision:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Cross section:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Cross cut:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Ordinary bread (500 g) from the same dough, baked in HP:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • KULICH 2: "Whole grain with apples"
  • We prepare the dough according to the recipe:
  • What happens:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • We load the dough into the mold:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Parting:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Done. We put to bake:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • After baking:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Small:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Here is:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Donets:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Incision:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Crumb:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Grease the top with honey.
  • You can also decorate the top with pieces of dried apricots (see in the final photo). Inadvertently, some photos were deleted Only this one remained:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • * If you decorate the top of the cake with something, dried apricots or something else, it is better to bake the cakes just from the dough, without powder.
  • Festive bread from the same dough in the Moulinex RZ 710010 bread maker:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Festive CZ braid with apples before baking in a bucket:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • After baking:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Incision:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Pads:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • KULICH 3: "Coffee with cherries".
  • We prepare the dough according to the recipe:
  • Oven only:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Kulich:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • The bottom:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Melting a chocolate bar for diabetics:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Dip (or spread) the top in chocolate, sprinkle:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • In the context:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Coffee stars (without cherries) were baked by a little Princess:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Incision:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • All together before decoration:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • And after:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • KULICH 4: "Rye with raisins and caraway seeds"
  • We prepare the dough according to the recipe:
  • After baking:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Donets:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Kulich:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Already in chocolate and with powder:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • With a cut:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • With holiday stars:
  • Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
  • Let everything turn out delicious!

The dish is designed for

4 things.

Time for preparing:

6 h

Cooking program:

Oven or HP


Hello, dear forum users
Today I am with an untimely recipe. When it was "on time" I was engaged in the process. I didn't have time to treat the princess either. And I don't want to postpone it for "later" either. Who knows what will happen? .. Close people with us here and now
But there will be time to practice
In order not to burden the already cumbersome recipe, I will use the "Note" for the subsequent story.
The recipe has its own history of origin ...
Part 1.
It is connected with the fact that for some time now people with diabetes mellitus began to appear in my environment. With a variety of celebrations and feasts, situations of awkwardness arose, due to the fact that they were not allowed something. With explanations, sighs or without them, but with invariable feelings of deprivation, incompleteness of the holiday. And mental discomfort for me. Nothing terrible, but the sediment is available.
The situation with the "main" table was quickly leveled off. What can not be said about the "sweet" table ...
Yes, there were sweets, purchased and specially prepared, but the main cake, Easter cakes "like everyone else" for the Feast of Christ's Resurrection were either in the "inaccessible zone" or in very limited quantities. Everyone is enjoying themselves, and some - zas. Someone has a piece of cake, and someone has a useful cookie. Everything is also clear to everyone, but notes of sadness and sadness are read ...
Of course, I'm exaggerating a little, but only a little.
Continued in "Part 3"
Part 2.
There was a time when, from time to time, categorical statements were made about bread, like many other products, about the harmfulness of its use and the desirability of its exclusion (or minimization) in the diet: for the sick, healthy and on a diet.
Antithesis 1.
1. Somehow my mother-in-law got sick. There was a disorder with the heart. And among other recommendations, it was said that she apparently eats little bread. Everyone was surprised, but it was so. Really not an amateur. I don't remember what the trick is, but there is some benefit from bread for the heart muscle. The situation was long before I heard about the dangers of eating bread, so I don't remember the nuances, and I did not ask about bread then. There were other topical questions.
With my heart, the situation returned to normal. But since then, mom eats bread herself and invites others (even controls)
Antithesis 2.
Somehow I accidentally got on the broadcast of a TV program about the European Fair in the Baltics. One of the days was dedicated to bakers. It talked about bread as an alternative to fast food. The alternative was healthy bread with various additives, conveniently cut "under the pocket" of a business suit. Shown ladies' and men's configuration options.It was said that a piece of wholesome bread will always be in place: it will go well with coffee and tea; and to a friendly conversation, and to a business conversation, etc.
After this program, I began to look for sources to study the theoretical basis on bread and bakery, trying to remember what and how my grandmother did.
In the course of immersion in the material, at work I introduced a "bread diet". We had fun with the girls with different breads. On average - minus 3 kg per month.
So, along the way, my bread dainties arose.
Part 3.
I wrote earlier in recipes that the development of HP began with sourdough bread. This helped to diversify the diet of loved ones (relatives and friends) of people with diabetes: desirable healthy cereals alternated with healthy bread made from flour of the desired cereals and grains.
All of the above did not happen in one day and a year, of course.
This is how the approbation and selection of different recipes gradually took place.
Today in front of you is a selected TOP 4 for creating sweets for elegant gourmands and not only ...
Now my "non-standard" guests do not squeeze into the sofa from awkwardness, do not feel deprived, do not lower their eyes, do not deny, they say "I don’t like sweet things since childhood." Everyone has their own treat or favorite treat. On the festive table, next to ordinary sweets, bread cakes, pastries and Easter cakes take their place of honor, which everyone wants to try and enjoy.
And joy to the mistress
Let's create together

Hello again, my dear guests
I invite you for the purpose of treating and joint creativity, in fact (right) of living in the same territory - our beloved HP
$ vetLana
Marysya27, Allochka, thanks for the recipes. For my family are relevant. Everything is in my bookmarks.
Marysya27,: swoon: well, you also worked hard .. it’s necessary to arrange so much in just one time .... you’re a heroine. There is no limit to my gratitude (you know why ...) and I will also say that what I read, where about minus 3kg .. for me it's true ..

before NG, she baked almost every day, then cakes, then chapatki and of course she constantly chewed a lot of them ... and surprisingly even lost weight, and then the men parted and like me and my daughters nafig flour ... and in a couple of months I recovered again. ... that's when I started to think - the bread cracked; I lost weight, I didn't use it, I got better .. kapets You definitely need to bake the right bread

Thank you so much for your work, interesting information and sooooo useful
Allochka, you are a great fellow! Directly admire! Do not just prepare a table for family and guests, but also take into account their different problems and needs! You are very sincere and attentive! Bravo!
$ vetLana, Svetlana777, Svetlanushki, Lilyalili, Lilenka, thank you, my good for the kind words
Quote: Svetlana777
where about minus 3kg .. for me it's true
Svetushka, it's true, it's true, it's true The girls and I at work, however, mostly indulged in sourdough bread. Various tasty and healthy. We will definitely talk about this. We will share our experience and observations
Marysya27, you and I seem to think in the same direction. I also baked a cake from the Central House of flour for Easter, only I added cocoa to it so that, in my opinion, the color for the cake was unsuitable for masking. Of course, not Easter cake, but a sweet (I have with stevioside) bun, but for those who are deprived of the opportunity to eat real Easter cakes, this is quite an adequate replacement. And you just have a variety -
Anna1957, glad to welcome
Quote: Anna1957
Marysya27, you and I seem to be thinking in the same direction.
Anna, this pleases and is so important for living in the same territory and joint creativity
Quote: Anna1957
Of course, not Easter cake, ...
Anna, if everyone does his own personal name, then this is imperceptible. In diversity, accentuation is blurred, concealed. When all the cakes are different, then all are real And the basket is full, and everything with its very real Easter cake
In this recipe, cakes are matched to one thematic line.And there is also the line "The best for men": cakes like "Beef Wellington" - little dough, a lot of meat; bread with bacon (cracklings), onions and paprika, etc. Women's - with freaks: playing with color; or by the type of a monkey with different yummy Children's line: the same with different sprinkles or different with the same.
Of course this is if necessary. And if not, then it is traditionally different

Something like this:
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Or like this:
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Or like this:
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Or like this:
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)
Or somehow


Bread cakes (for elegant gourmets and not only)Kulich alternative low-calorie

Anna1957, Add to the piggy bank
Marysia 27, you are just great! Great recipes - I will try everything.
Even reading the recipe, you understand - it's easy to execute, the taste is wonderful!
June, glad to meet you You can call me. Thanks for the kind words
I will wait with "boasts" and just like that, on a visit
Marysya27, thanks for the recipe! What a job I did! Such beautiful Easter cakes! I'll bake. Perhaps I will even brag !!!
Ava11, Alla, welcome
Quote: Ava11
I'll bake. Perhaps I will even brag !!!
Allochka, I'll wait. Maybe even hope
Marysya27, you are such a wizard! I'm amazed
Matilda_81, Thank you
I saw your new nomination, I am also delighted. I sincerely congratulate you on the universal recognition of merits
Always glad to meet you
Marysya27, maryskin, well done, I made such a lot of people, they are so pretty now I would definitely screw one up, I'll bookmark them, thanks ..
kristina1hi dear
Quote: kristina1
I would definitely screw one now
They usually don't stop at one, everything just begins with one small
So that? Little?
Marysya27, maryskin ..., not just one for me, no matter how ..., training
kristina1, agreed
Hello, Allochka! You again have extraordinary beauty for all tastes. We need to cook something small with c / z flour. Clever, needlewoman, thank you!
Congratulations on your well-deserved victory in the "Best Recipe of the Week" competition
$ vetLana
Allochka, congratulations! Clever girl, inspirer! How lucky I was that I got into the topic of Tortilla and met you
Congratulations on your victory !!! URYAYAYAYAYAYA !!!
Allochka, Heartiest congratulations!
Deserved victory for a wonderful recipe!
Simply amazing! Great!
lettohka ttt
Allochka, congratulations on a well-deserved victory and a medal!
Marysya27, congratulations on a well-deserved victory, smart girl!
What an unusual recipe! I would even say a master class!
Marysya27, maryskin congratulations on your victory, urrrraaaa !!!!!!!!!!!
Chef, thanks for the good news, understanding and support
I am glad that I liked the recipe
$ vetLana, Svetlanka, I am also glad to meet you: thanks to Tortilla, and our spiritual HP, and the people who created and maintains the life of the site
Matilda_81, Gulnarushka, meet with gratitude on the pages of the recipe, and always admire the avatar
Ilmirushka, dear, I try and do not lose hope to wait for Ilmir-style bread in little Princess, and preferably on the recipe page
$ vetLana, Matilda_81, Ilmirushka, Rituslya, Ritochka, lettohka ttt, Natalochka, julia_bb, Yulenka, kristina1, Kristina, Dear Friends, thank you for sharing the joy of victory with me and sharing your warmth I am always waiting for you to visit and I am glad to see you
Marysya27, With a medal!
And we are waiting for more recipes! tasty and healthy!
Anatolyevna, Matilda_81,

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers