The purpose of this topic is to collect in one place information about yeast in the form of a memo, "all and a little".

The topic contains the following brief information about yeast:

- Types of yeast,
- External evaluation of fresh compressed yeast,
- Tips for using yeast,
- What is important to know about yeast,
- The amount of yeast added to baked goods,
- What determines the choice of the amount of yeast,


Baker's yeast belong to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They are grown in an oxygen-rich environment, in special containers with sugar beets, nitrogen mixtures and minerals. These fungi appear in the form of a foamy deposit, which is cleaned of impurities using a centrifuge and water. Then the resulting material is dewatered, compacted and sold in this form.

Fresh yeast (in the form of cubes). When baking bread, they are most often used, as they create the ideal taste and texture. The moisture content of fresh yeast is about 70%. This type of yeast provides the strongest fermentation available on the market. Fresh yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for about six weeks at temperatures below 10 degrees.
The pressed yeast should have a uniform creamy color, and when pressed, it should break, not smear (otherwise it is no longer yeast). Like all living organisms, fresh yeast must "breathe" - without air access, they quickly deteriorate, so sealed packaging is not for them. At room temperature, such yeast is stored for no more than a day. In the refrigerator at 0 +4 C) - up to 12 days. If you can't keep such yeast in the refrigerator, sprinkle it with flour or fine salt and it will stay fresh for another 3-4 days, although the dough will not work well. Before use, the yeast must be crushed and stirred in warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The main thing is not to overdo it with the water temperature: if it exceeds 40-42 C, the yeast dies. If fresh yeast is windy, you can try to "reanimate" them: grind in a spoonful of warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. Sahara. If after 10 minutes the yeast starts to bubble, it means that it "came to life". Dark dry pieces should be thrown away without regret. And the reconstituted yeast should be taken twice as much as fresh yeast. If the trick fails, yeast can be replaced with beer (1/2 cup) or sour cream (1 cup per 1 kg of flour and other dry ingredients).

Granular yeast. When dehydrated up to 66%, yeast will be obtained in the form of small granules, familiar to us as "Shimrit". You need to use the same amount of granular yeast as fresh, but they are weaker. The advantage is that this yeast can be added directly to the flour, thereby ensuring an even distribution throughout the dough, while fresh yeast has to be pre-dissolved in the liquid. Granular yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for about six weeks at temperatures below 10 degrees.

Dry yeast (only 8% moisture) is obtained from the dehydration process. It is recommended to put them in half as much as fresh ones.
Dry active yeast - granules of various diameters - the second stage in the evolution of yeast. They are not as delicate as pressed ones - they do not need a refrigerator for storage, and their shelf life increases to 1-2 years. 100 g of "our" yeast can only be approximately equated to 30 g of dry, granulated. By the way, they are often confused with fast-acting and, when used, are mixed with flour.But in order for dry yeast to show its remarkable properties to a greater extent, they must be poured onto the surface of warm water and left for 10-15 minutes without stirring. Then stir until smooth and add to the dough.

Fast Acting (or Instant) Yeast is the last generation. They look like very small vermicelli. They contain a powerful potential for dough growth: it rises one and a half to two times faster. Such yeast does not need to be diluted in water, and in general contact with water, sugar, salt and fats should be avoided. Such yeast is added immediately to the finished dough, mixed with a small amount of flour.

Brewer's yeast
Already outwardly, brewer's yeast is distinguished by the fact that it is a mass, darker colored and with a rather sharp taste, due to the bitterness of the hop.
Their strength is insignificant, the yeast decomposes easily and, with further darkening, becomes soft.
The high temperatures prevailing in bakeries are especially harmful to them.
Their effect on the dough is very peculiar. At first, fermentation proceeds at a good pace, especially with a cold method of fermentation. This is understandable, since brewer's yeast ferments strongly, and c. sugar solution is stronger than baking ones: from 300 to 350 cm3 of carbon dioxide in the third half hour of fermentation is not uncommon. But the fermentation action does not last long. Already after a few interruptions of the dough, the fermentation decreases and in the proofing, a very slow approach of the formed bread is observed for the most part. In accordance with this course of fermentation, the dough, at first normal, becomes moist, it becomes wet, smearing. As a result, the bread spreads during proofing.
In the oven, brewer's yeast is almost always completely unusable. Fermentation in the oven, so necessary for a good rise of the bread, is absent or incomplete. The bread does not rise sufficiently and remains flat and squashed. The crust is broken, cracked. The crumb is large-pored, rough. The taste and color of the yeast is transferred to the crumb, so brewer's yeast is completely unsuitable for higher types of bread.
When combined with compressed yeast, these disadvantages are of course greatly mitigated. The strong initial fermentation that characterizes brewer's yeast makes a small amount of brewer's yeast quite beneficial, so in many bakeries it is often mixed successfully with pressed yeast.

The smell of fresh yeast.
The smell of good pressed yeast is fresh and pleasant, slightly sour; the taste is soft and clean.
The harsh acidity felt in an old, poorly seasoned dough indicates a contamination with acetic acid bacteria.
An unclean, slightly musty odor indicates incipient decay.

Yeast color
Further, the yeast should be tender, uniform, dull yellow or whitish yellow in color.
For the most part - and almost always - in older yeast pieces, the outer layer, several millimeters thick, is lighter, whiter than the inner core, since the outer surface dries more.
There is no need to dispute this. White bloom on the surface of a piece of yeast can occur due to infection with mold yeast or the Oidium mold; this is established by microscopic examination.
See below for the meaning of mold yeast plaque. Mold infestation does not reduce the value of the yeast; it is simply peeled off. But in most cases it is necessary to observe that the yeast affected by mold is not quite fresh.
Darker yellow yeast suggests brewing yeast.
White kinks in the kernel may indicate an admixture of various old ones, therefore, with different moisture levels of yeast. The bluish-gray color of the yeast is due to the ferrous water, but may also be a property of this race. It does not indicate a decrease in lift; but when baked with good flour, it can affect the color of the crust.

Yeast consistency
Yeast consistency also plays a role in external evaluation. The yeast must be of a certain hardness.They should resist finger pressure, should give a "shell" break, and should not be smeared between the fingers when kneading. Otherwise, we will have old or highly contaminated yeast in front of us. The so-called impact test is very often used. They put a handful of yeast in a handkerchief and hit it like a sling three times on a hard surface. If the yeast remains firm and pliable, then it is sufficiently fresh and strong; if they become wet, soft, then they are not quite satisfactory quality. Too much mold yeast will also soften the test yeast.

Activation of compressed yeast.

The frozen yeast is thawed slowly (at a temperature of 4 - 6 C).

Activation consists in the fact that yeast is stirred in a liquid nutrient medium, consisting of flour and various additives, and left for 30 - 90 minutes.
During the activation process, the yeast does not multiply, but comes out of the state of suspended animation and becomes vital. Yeast cells get used to the new environment and switch to fermentation.
Curd or cheese whey can also be used to activate compressed yeast.

Activation improves the lifting force of the yeast and allows you to reduce its consumption by 20 - 25% against the norm or to cook the dough at a faster rate.

Yeast reproduces at a temperature of 23 - 30g. FROM.

Compressed yeast of standard quality should have a moisture content of not more than 75%, and a lifting force of 75 minutes.
The lifting force or the speed of rise of the dough is the main indicator of the quality of the yeast, which characterizes its ability to loosen the dough.

Yeast quality check.
If you are in doubt about the quality of fresh or dry yeast, do an express yeast test using the following method.
A small amount of yeast, a small piece of fresh yeast, rub with your fingers into a teacup, add lukewarm water (30-35 * C), stir well, and leave alone for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the yeast should "play" and froth. If so, the yeast can be used further in baking.
Dry yeast is tested in the same way.
Normal fresh yeast should rise to the top. If there is no movement, the yeast will not work.

Yeast storage.
To prevent the yeast from spoiling, it must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 °.
This method also helps to preserve yeast: the yeast rod is crumbled into small pieces and dried (in the summer - in the sun, and in the winter - on a central heating battery, etc.); before use, the crushed yeast is diluted in warm water.
You can also put a fresh yeast stick in a bag of flour. The crust that forms on the yeast must be peeled off with a knife before using it. Flour, helping to preserve the yeast, does not deteriorate from contact with them.
You can keep fresh yeast in the following way: crush it, put it in a clean bottle, fill it with cold water and plug the neck with absorbent cotton. It is necessary to keep a bottle of yeast in a cool dark place, changing the water once a day in warm weather, and in a cold one after 3-4 days. This should be done carefully so as not to drain the yeast sediment.
If the yeast just dried up "around the perimeter" - there is nothing wrong, only the activation time will need a little more, and then strain is not bad - the dry crumbs may not completely dissolve. If the yeast, on the contrary, "floated" and acquired an unpleasant smell, then you need to say goodbye to them.

Yeast propagation.
Dough is a closed system in which yeast lives, feeds, multiplies and dies. Their reproduction rate depends on the temperature and the amount of food (sugars) available. At high temperatures (30-35 degrees and above) the reproduction rate increases, at low temperatures it decreases. Another factor that slows down the rate of yeast reproduction is the salinity of the environment. In addition, the waste products of yeast (carbon dioxide, alcohol, etc.) also slow down the rate of their reproduction.
Yeast reproduces by cell division. One cell is able to divide 20-25 times, that is, create 20 to 25 new cells.The life span of one generation ranges from one hour to seven hours, depending on the environment and the age of the mother cell.

Proofing dough
The purpose of proving the dough is to stretch the gluten network using bubbles of carbon dioxide released by the yeast. Thanks to these bubbles, increasing in size and trying to rise up, the dough "swells" in volume and becomes elastic. Smell and taste also depend on this process.

First proofing
The yeast activity in dough is subject to rapid changes. At the beginning, during the first kneading and first proofing, the yeast is in an aerobic state, there is a lot of oxygen and nutrients around it, and there is relatively little yeast. They multiply at a fast rate (this depends mainly on the initial amount of yeast, the amount of salt and sugar in the dough and the temperature). The dough can be baked after the first proofing, but then it will be inelastic, and its pores will be heterogeneous.
The first proofing of the dough (under optimal conditions) should last about an hour, so that the yeast “eats up” the entire supply of sugars and begins to break down the starch.
It is recommended to knead the dough lightly between the first and second proofing so that oxygen gets into it.

Second proofing
Over time, conditions change: nutrients and oxygen become less - oxygen is displaced by carbon dioxide, which slows down the process of yeast reproduction. True, there are now much more of them in the test, but they do not multiply. To induce a second fermentation (i.e., for the dough to come up a second time), it is necessary to recreate the conditions for aerobic activity. To do this, remove carbon dioxide from the risen dough, replacing it with fresh oxygen. To achieve this, knead the dough with your hands, starting from the center and going over the entire surface. The goal is to allow fresh oxygen to penetrate the dough so that the yeast can continue its activity and evenly spread throughout the dough. In addition, thanks to this action, the gluten network remains tense and elastic.
As a rule, the second proofing is faster, because there is much more yeast in the dough and the amount of carbon dioxide released is much higher.
The dough that is baked after the second proofing has an elastic structure and a richer taste and aroma. Its pores are uniform, and their size depends on the amount of water added to the dough.


Increasing the amount of yeast in the dough (say, twice) will not lead to the same increase in the rate of fermentation - both because of the struggle of the yeast for the available resources (oxygen and sugar), and because the more yeast, the more carbon dioxide it produces, and it slows down their activities.
Although the packaging of fresh yeast states that the recommended amount of yeast is 50 grams per kilogram of flour, it is better to put them in half (25-30 grams per kilogram). By doubling the yeast, we won't make the dough come up twice as fast. Moreover, it can impart an undesirable taste to the product.
Bread made from dough with a little yeast tastes more like traditional bread.

Water speeds up the activity of the yeast. It helps them move freely through the dough, dissolves nutrients and promotes their enzymatic activity. If there is a lot of water in the dough, this activates the yeast, and then the dough fits better, and its pores become larger and more beautiful. When fats or sugar are added to the dough and, in order to compensate for changes in its texture, the amount of water is reduced, this interferes with the activity of the yeast.

Temperature change can speed up or slow down the fermentation rate. (without any connection with the multiplication of yeast, which requires the presence of oxygen).
The fermentation rate at 30 degrees is three times higher than at 20 degrees, but the fermentation rate at 40 degrees is only twice as high as at 30 degrees.
At temperatures above 50 degrees, fermentation stops.
At a temperature of 0 degrees, the activity of the yeast also stops.
Yeast can survive freezing, but only if it happens quickly enough.
Freezing slowly can damage the cell structure.
French bakers find the dough to work best at 27 degrees. At this temperature, the rate of gas evolution is high enough - the dough is of excellent quality, and the bread made from it is very tasty and aromatic.
At a temperature of 35 degrees, the dough comes up faster, but bitter components are released that affect the taste; in addition, the dough becomes more viscous.
Do not use an oven or microwave to increase the fermentation temperature.
Using an oven or microwave can bring the temperature in some places up to 50 degrees and above, which will cause irreparable harm to the yeast, and therefore to the volume and texture of the bread. Room temperature for proofing is sufficient in summer. The dough is best suited at a temperature of 27 degrees. If the temperature is too high, it will acquire a bitter taste.

If salt content in yeast solution above 1.5% (or 7.5 grams per 500 grams of flour), this neutralizes their activity.
Do not mix salt directly with yeast (or add it to yeast solution). The relatively high salt concentration neutralizes the yeast.
Salt is added at the very end, when all the ingredients are already in the dough. Then its percentage is small, and it will not hurt the yeast.

Too high sugar content also interferes with the activity of yeast. The sugar concentration within 5% (or 25 grams per 500 grams of flour) promotes the fermentation process, and the concentration above 10% (or 50 grams per 500 grams of flour) interferes.
Some housewives ask why, when they put sugar in the yeast dough, the pies are unsweetened. This means that all the sugar the yeast has "eaten". Therefore, it is very important to accurately observe the ratio of all ingredients.
Yeast will not play without sugar, but if there is an excess of it, the dough will not work. When using live (our) yeast, the process is slowed down and the product has a more balanced taste. So fast doesn't always mean good.

The dough should be at least two and a half to three hours old (yeast cell division time) so that the total amount of yeast in the dough doubles. Yes, you can increase the rate of yeast multiplication, but organic mixtures are of no small importance in making bread, which form slowly and give the finished product a rich taste and aroma.

Cherednichenko "Bread and Bakery Products"
For dough made with wholemeal flour and / or with fat, more yeast is usually required.
Powdered dry yeast packaged in bags of various weights. The inscription on the package indicates how much flour corresponds to the contents of the bag.
The most common is dry yeast in bags of 7 grams, which corresponds to 25 grams of fresh yeast. Dry yeast is on sale in 11 gram bags, which corresponds to a fresh yeast cube weighing 42 grams.
The ratio of dry yeast to fresh yeast is 3.6-3.8.
To prepare the basic recipe for yeast dough, you need:
500 grams of wheat flour
1/2 cubes (21 grams) fresh yeast or 5.5-5.8 grams dry yeast.

Gertrude Weidinger "Homemade bread"
Basic amount of ingredients for making bread from yeast dough:
500 grams of flour
20-30 grams of fresh yeast, or 2 teaspoons of dry yeast.
1 teaspoon - 3.5-4 grams, total 7-8 grams of dry yeast.
The ratio of dry yeast to fresh yeast is 2.85-3.75, on average 3.3, slightly less than what Cherednichenko suggests.
1000 grams of flour
40-50 grams of fresh yeast, or 3.5-4 teaspoons of dry yeast.

Masha Kauka "Bread and rolls"
A basic yeast dough recipe contains:
500 grams of flour
1 cube of fresh yeast (42 grams) or 10.5 dry yeast.
This ratio of dry and fresh yeast is higher than what Cherednichenko suggests.

I. Lazerson - yeast dough for bread.

Flour 1000 grams,
Fresh yeast (or dry) 3% (1% dry) by weight of flour, or in grams - fresh yeast 30 grams, dry yeast 10 grams (or 2.5 teaspoons)

500 grams of flour
Fresh yeast 15 grams, dry yeast 5 grams (or 1.25 teaspoons)
The ratio of fresh yeast to dry yeast is 1: 3.

"Collection of recipes for bread and bakery products" according to GOSTs for 1986.
For wheat bread made from premium flour:
Flour 500 \ 1000 grams
Fresh yeast 5 \ 10 grams.

It should be noted that according to GOSTs, bread is baked in bakeries using a different technology for baking bread and bakery products at home.

As can be seen from the analysis of putting yeast in the bread dough, different authors use different amounts of yeast for their baking, and judging by the photographs of the finished bread, an excellent result is achieved.

Yeast R and B and their laying in the dough

Yeast R and B are often mentioned in bread recipes from the instructions for bread makers. What is this yeast?
This is the same yeast that you are used to using to bake your bread.
The only difference is in the dosage of yeast when baking bread for different programs.

1. Amount of yeast B is intended for baking bread according to the Main (basic) cycle (program) BREAD.
2. The amount of yeast R is intended for baking bread according to the accelerated cycle (program) BREAD RAPID.


Analyzing the topics about the use of yeast for baking on our website, you can also see that everyone, in their own way and for themselves, selects the amount of fresh or dry yeast based on the following factors:

- from my own experience of application,
- from your own taste preference,
- from the type of flour (wheat, rye, whole grain, etc.),
- on the quality of flour and the gluten content in it,
- from making light bread dough,
- from making heavy butter dough,
- on the quality of purchased fresh or dry yeast,
- on whether the yeast is real or fake,
- from the shelf life (prescription of production) yeast,
- from the producer of fresh yeast (Lviv, Derbenevsky, French, etc.),
- from the manufacturer of dry yeast (SAF-moment, FERMIPAN, etc.),
- from the method of laying yeast in the dough,
- from what to breed yeast, or lay dry,
- on what to put the dough on,
- from the temperature of the liquid for dough,
- on whether you make dough in a separate bowl, or immediately put it in the oven,
- on the temperature of the ambient air, including products,
- from other components of the dough recipe (amount of salt, sugar, etc.)
- from the method of baking bread in a bread maker, on a timer, in an oven,
- from the manufacturer's recommendations for the use and setting of yeast.

You can try and continue this list further, but it is even so clear that there are many reasons for laying one or another amount of yeast in the dough.

Read the recommendations in this topic, the advice and recommendations of the forum users, the recommendations of yeast producers and decide for yourself the amount of yeast that you consider necessary to use in bread and bakery (pastry) dough and the way they are inserted into the dough.

Information for everyone!

Recently I read somewhere in the Internet (the record was not preserved) that alcohol is not friendly with yeast.

I'm not talking about beer, but about experimenting with champagne.

SAF-moment yeast is a dry fast-acting yeast.

It is recommended to lay the yeast as the manufacturer of the bread machine writes in the instructions.

But in practice, yeast can be put in any order, since the dough kneading starts immediately when the raw materials are laid and the oven is turned on.

The exceptions are:
- Panasonic bakery, since it has a temperature equalization mode and kneading can start within up to 1.5 hours after laying the raw materials.
- baking bread on a timer so that the yeast does not come into contact with water ahead of time.
Quote: Oskalёska

Hello! Please tell me, I want to try baking bread with live yeast. I have x \ n Panasonic 257. How to measure 20 gr.fresh yeast without scales? And in what order should the yeast be put into the bread maker?

If there are no scales, then you need to see how much yeast is in the pack and cut off about the part you want. Of course there will be no accuracy, but without weights, how else?

If you put on a timer, then crumble the yeast into flour. If you bake right away, then into water.
Quote: Sergey1777

Hello everyone!!! Yesterday we bought a Panasonic 2500 and the saf-moment yeast red bag and the bread did not rise, but the taste is awesome !!!!!!!! Voronezh let's try now

Congratulations on your purchase

To begin with you here, on the first page of the topic

Why didn't you get up?
- old yeast
- you need to check the yeast for activation
- you need to buy yeast for bread (but not pizza, or pastry chefs)
- make the correct yeast filling
Please tell me how best to store dry yeast after opening it?
Quote: muccya

Please tell me how best to store dry yeast after opening it?
After opening, dry yeast can be stored in the same bag, carefully sealed from air and pouring a small part into a dry dark glass bottle for everyday use. Most of it must be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in the coldest zone, the smaller part can be stored in the kitchen cabinet, but better in the refrigerator door. Yeast is afraid of light, moisture, and heat, and it is necessary to proceed from this in order to find the best way to store it.
Quote: muccya

Please tell me how best to store dry yeast after opening it?

Here is a lot of information on the analysis of yeast storage, read
And yet, what is the difference between SAF-MOMENT and SAF-LEVURE? How many I do not read, I cannot understand ...
Elena Bo
Quote: IVS

And yet, what is the difference between SAF-MOMENT and SAF-LEVURE? How many I do not read, I cannot understand ...
The saf-moment is put as it is, dry. And Saf-Levure is diluted with water before use. And they are also very smelly, these Saf-levure.
Dear little bread makers, hello!
Can you please tell me what is Yeast-B and Yeast-R? I recently bought a Panasonic bread maker. There, in some recipes (ordinary white bread, milk bread, diet bread) it is written that you need to put Yeast-B and Yeast-R. The rest of the recipes simply say "Dry yeast". Now I don’t know how to bake an ordinary white loaf.
I have already baked 2 breads, but from ready-made mixtures ("English" and "German"), it turned out great. But everything is simple there - everything is already mixed, you just need to add the right amount of water. Now I want to start mastering the recipes attached to the bread maker.
Read the footnote below "Yeast -B: for regular baking. Yeast -R: for quick baking"
That is, for quick baking, put the amount corresponding to the yeast R, for normal baking - the amount corresponding to the yeast B
Lyudmila G
I poured yeast into warm water, no reaction for half an hour. So this yeast is bad too? What to do now? Poor bakers ...

Some yeast like to be activated with sugar and flour Supposed amount of yeast, a drop of 1/2 tsp. sugar, flour 1-2 tbsp. l., water, so that the dough is liquid, like for pancakes, and let it stand warm, near a kettle for example. You do not need to stir, just stir once - and then let them stand like this, cover with a towel.
In 20-30 minutes the hat should appear, the dough will become loose, and it will begin to increase a little in volume - then put it in the dough.
Hello everyone, tell me if I use high-speed tremors, should I choose the BREAD RAPID current program in terms of an accelerated program, or is it possible to pour less ordinary current tremors?

For baking bread in normal mode we use the table Amount of flour and other ingredients to obtain bread of various sizes
3 years I bought this yeast "clumsily" ... and got it ... Now I will be more attentive ...
Quote: ala

3 years I bought this yeast "clumsily" ... and got ...Now I will be more attentive ...

Well, I’m saying, you need to be official. site saf-moment go and find out the truth there

SashaTHANKS for your help in finding the truth
Admin, what can you say about this:
Yeast - types, use, bookmark, selection
Yeast - types, use, bookmark, selection
They write what to knead, distance 15 minutes and into the oven. Will yeast, even fast-acting yeast, have time to loosen something in 15 minutes? I understand that there is still chem. leavening agents, but then why yeast? and it is yeast dough that is declared.
In general, I would like a comment from a professional. Otherwise, I walk around them, and it's interesting to try, and it's somehow scary to feed my family with such a suspicious chemical
Ira Doka
Yeast - types, use, bookmark, selection
I recently bought such yeast from Pyaterochka. My friend spoke positively about them. I have a bread maker relatively recently and I would also like to hear an opinion about this yeast from
"experienced" bakers.
Quote: Serenity
what can you say about this

I have already had a month, if not longer, 2 bags with such a mixture for making a "nimble" yeast dough are in the cabinet ...

I could not pass by the novelty ...

But intellectually, even then I understood that I could not do it ...

Should I try?
Crochet, in, the same (only I did not buy, in the store I stare at them hesitantly). Try it - share your impressions, please!
Serenity, I tried this miracle 2 times - the bread turned out to be wonderful. but somehow confuses the composition (((

Ira Doka, yeast dr. Otcher I really like (as well as almost all their products). here from the saf-moment several times the bread did not rise well (well, at least I think that the fault is in them). I have already made 2 times with an otter - airy bread, high, tasty
Quote: Bereginya
I tried this miracle 2 times - the bread turned out wonderful

Bereginya, and according to what recipe did you make bread?
Quote: Krosh

Bereginya, and according to what recipe did you make bread?
from the book to the bread maker
for 1000g
water 360ml
rast. oil 2 tbsp. l
salt 1 1/2 tsp
sugar 1 1 \ 2 tbsp. l
wheat flour 4 1/3 cups (included)
dry yeast 1 3/4 tsp
Quote: Bereginya
here from the saf-moment several times the bread did not rise well (well, at least I think that the fault is in them)
I bake bread on them for 6 years, never let me down
there was a case, went on vacation, left the package open, came back, tried to bake bread with this yeast, but it almost did not rise, it was already her own fault, not yeast
Quote: Bereginya
from the book to the bread maker

Thank you for your reply ...

Bereginya, I understood correctly, you poured a mixture instead of yeast "Yeast dough in 15 minutes", in the same amount as yeast?

Or was the amount of the mixture still different?
Ira Doka
Quote: Bereginya
I really like Dr. Otcher's yeast (as do almost all of their products)
Bereginya, thanks for the answer. I began to doubt the quality of this yeast after baking bread with the addition of whole grain flour, the bread did not have such a rise as wheat, but probably this is not due to the quality of the yeast, but from the characteristics of whole grain bread?
Quote: Krosh
Instead of yeast, did you pour in the mixture "Yeast dough in 15 minutes", in the same amount as yeast?

Or was the amount of the mixture still different?
right. poured this mixture. the amount looked at a pack of 1 bag of 375 grams of flour. equated to the amount of flour in my bread recipe
Ira Doka, and also did not bake from whole grain flour - I can not find it anywhere.
Quote: Ira Doka
bread with the addition of whole grain flour, the bread did not have such a rise as wheat, but this is probably not due to the quality of the yeast, but from the characteristics of bread made from whole grain flour
Yes. The rougher the flour, the harder the dough rises - there is less gluten, therefore it is less elastic and, accordingly, poorly "holds" voids inflated with carbon dioxide. It's just a feature of the flour variety. But the taste is different! I love wallpaper
Quote: Serenity

Yes. The rougher the flour, the harder the dough rises - there is less gluten, therefore it is less elastic and, accordingly, poorly "holds" voids inflated with carbon dioxide. It's just a feature of the flour variety.But the taste is different! I love wallpaper

Well, it's not yours!
The bread is gorgeous from any kind of flour, including whole grain! And it keeps its shape well, and gluten is developed as it should
You just do not need to forget about the quality of flour and its properties, such flour requires a little more yeast, about 20% more, and requires more liquid to make the dough soft (but not liquid).
There are excellent examples of baking bread from such flour on the forum, take a look.
And this is an example of what should be the dough Kolobok made of whole grain flour. Master Class
Admin, thanks for the amendment, but I had more in mind how flour of different grinding behaves in the same processing (recipe). You, in principle, say the same thing - that for coarse flour you need more yeast, water (and preferably autolysis before kneading). And if you take the same recipe, then bread made from premium flour will turn out to be higher, fluffier and more spicy than from whole grain.
We just approach the problem from different angles.
Ira Doka
Serenity, Thank you! A clear explanation of how differently ground flour behaves.

Admin, thanks for the addition, how to knead the dough from whole grain flour correctly. I really want any bread to bring pleasure both in baking and in eating.
The pressed yeast was kept warm for 12 hours, the color, smell did not change. Toss out?
Quote: Newbie

The pressed yeast was kept warm for 12 hours, the color, smell did not change. Toss out?
Why, you can simply and relatively quickly check them: break off several plates, put them in a cup with slightly warm milk, add a little sugar and leave for 15-20 minutes. If they bubble up and trample up, it means they are alive, you can bake the fools.
Admin, and about the mixture "in 15 minutes" you have not answered anything. I would like to hear your opinion, at least regarding the safety of this thing.
Quote: Serenity

Admin, and about the mixture "in 15 minutes" you have not answered anything. I would like to hear your opinion, at least regarding the safety of this thing.

I do not make a test purchase of everything that is on sale. I use saf-moment and instant yeast, which I have tested for a long time.
For simple baking, I use a baking powder for baking, in bags - also already tested. And since I don't bake a lot of sweet baking, then my choice is stable, So I'll have to listen to your opinion about this mixture
Quote: Admin
I do not make a test purchase of everything that is on sale
This is understandable, but can you say something about the composition? (there is a picture on the previous page, you can see everything).
Quote: Admin
I use saf-moment yeast
I also stopped at them (and fresh, of course)
Quote: Serenity

This is understandable, but can you say something about the composition? (there is a picture on the previous page, you can see everything).

It is also seen there that yeast fortified with baking powder, and stuffed with various nasty things. We made the yeast explosive, which naturally will instantly raise the dough, which is not always useful for the dough itself, it will not have time to ripen as expected. Then don't ask why the roof has collapsed, the crumb is dull.

Maybe this is a good idea, but I like normal yeast and the process when the yeast is not driven, and they themselves dictate the baking order.

I would use such yeast for quick baking, raising the dough, such as pizza, pancakes and pancakes and the like, to raise the dough quickly.
Quote: Admin
We made the explosive power of the yeast, which naturally will instantly raise the dough, which is not always useful for the dough itself, it will not have time to ripen as expected
yeah, I thought that the yeast was there for the sake of appearance, only thanks, then I won't even try it! health is more expensive.
Bakers, maybe this will clarify the interaction of yeast and baking powder a little

A reader of our blog asked a question: Can your self-rising flour be used to make yeast bread?

The chief technologist of Pudoff Group of Companies Lyudmila Kaskova answers:

Yeast and baking powder have the same purpose - to loosen baked goods, but they work in completely different ways. Yeast slowly picks up the dough; yeast dough takes time to ferment. Baking powder works immediately. And if you make a dough with yeast and flour with a baking powder, it turns out that the baking powder has worked out and interfered with the yeast. The baking powder, which is part of self-rising flour, has a negative effect on yeast, inhibits yeast cells. And lush baking, alas, will not work. The bread will be too dense.
In addition, the amazing aroma of freshly baked bread, which we all love so much, disappears in such pastries. The aroma is there, but it is poorly expressed. As for the taste - here is the same story as with the aroma - it is different from the usual.
If you really need bread, and there is no ordinary flour at hand, then you can bake bread. I baked this bread. Here's what happened.
Self-rising flour is best used not for bread, but for other baked goods - cookies, muffins, pies.
how many years have tried all the yeast ... stopped at Fermipan. after I met them, I don't want anything else. and the other day I bought a sale Italian flour for pizza, its implementation period is coming to an end, therefore it is given generally inexpensively. What can I tell you - I think I have never received such bread from myself yet. chic, not the word. everything has risen, most airy. just ummm. husband and son asked again what kind of loaf I baked for them. and this was the usual recipe for the main dough ...
Quote: Newbie

The pressed yeast was kept warm for 12 hours, the color, smell did not change. Toss out?

The answer to my own question is to throw it away, if not immediately use it. Frozen, thawed - some kind of liquid smear. She didn't risk it.
Quote: Newbie

The answer to my own question is to throw it away, if not immediately use it. Frozen, thawed - some kind of liquid smear. She didn't risk it.

This is as it should be, you bastard. Now you need activate yeast and use a dough of them, or so lay in the dough.
Quote: Admin
This is as it should be, you bastard.
no, no, after defrosting the yeast is a little more plastic, but not smear. And this is some kind of porridge. They will go to the mask (what good (penny) throw away)

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers