Mousse raspberry cake

Category: Confectionery
Mousse raspberry cake


Raspberry confit
raspberry puree 200 grams
sugar 50 grams
gelatin 5 grams
water 30 grams
corn starch 10 grams
Raspberry cream
raspberry puree 100g
yolks 2 pieces
white chocolate (I have a confectionery icing) 40 grams
sugar 25 grams
gelatin 5 grams
water 30 grams
Coconut Streusel
butter 30 grams
sugar 30 grams
coconut meal (any nuts or almond flour) 25 grams
wheat flour / grade 40 grams
Grapefruit mousse
grapefruit juice 150 grams
corn starch 10 grams
sugar 25 grams
gelatin 12 grams
water 60 grams
proteins 2 pieces
sugar 100g
water 2 tbsp. spoons
cream 33-35% fat 200 milliliters
Mirror glaze
condensed milk 70 grams
white chocolate (I have confectionery icing) 100g
invert syrup (starch syrup, corn syrup) 100g
water 50 grams
sugar 100g
gelatin 10 grams
water for gelatin 60 grams
dye white and red
ring shape d16
ring shape d18
cling film
baking paper

Cooking method

Raspberry confit

Mousse raspberry cakeWe prepare the products we need. Fill the gelatin with water and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes. Raspberries (you need 300 grams) are pureed and rubbed through a sieve so that the bones do not get in, because they are very hard.
Mousse raspberry cakeMix sugar with starch, add puree. Put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add the swollen gelatin and mix thoroughly.
Mousse raspberry cakeWe cover the ring with a diameter of 16 centimeters on one side with cling film. We try to avoid wrinkles. We put on a flat board. Pour out the confit, let it cool and put it in the freezer.

Raspberry cream

Mousse raspberry cake Soak gelatin and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes. Beat the yolks with sugar until creamy. Add raspberry puree, which we prepare in the same way as in the first case, stir. Put chocolate (icing) in a tall glass, gelatin on top of it.
Mousse raspberry cake Put the yolk-raspberry mixture on the stove and, with constant stirring, bring it to a slight thickening. Do not boil. Mix temperature 82aboutC. Do this with minimal heat.
Mousse raspberry cakePour the cream into a glass with chocolate and gelatin. Let stand for 2-3 minutes.
Mousse raspberry cakePunch the mass with a blender until smooth. Cool to room temperature, covered with contact foil, or with constant stirring.
Mousse raspberry cakeRemove the frozen confit from the freezer.
Mousse raspberry cakePour the cream on top of it, tighten the ring on top with a film and put it in the freezer.

Coconut Streusel

Mousse raspberry cakeMix sugar, flour, coconut meal in a bowl, rub butter on a coarse grater. If you do not have meal, then you can take any nuts, grind them in a blender and use. With your hands, quickly grind everything into crumbs and collect into a ball. Distribute the dough in a ring with a diameter of 16 centimeters. You can simply cut a circle of this size from the rolled dough. By this time, I had two types of raspberry layer already frozen. I took them out of the mold, wrapped them in foil and left them in the freezer. The ring was released and I baked the cake in it, placing baking paper and greasing the sides. Place the cake in the freezer for 30 minutes before baking.
Mousse raspberry cakeWe bake in preheated to 200aboutFrom the oven until golden brown. About 5-7 minutes. Take it out, let it cool, carefully release it from the ring and send it to the freezer.

Grapefruit mousse

Mousse raspberry cakePour gelatin with water and let it swell. Mix the starch, 25 grams of sugar and grapefruit juice. You can buy the juice at the store or squeeze it from fresh fruit.With constant stirring, cook the grapefruit jelly. Remove from heat, add gelatin. Stir well. Cover with contact foil and cool to room temperature.
Mousse raspberry cakePour 100 grams of sugar with two tablespoons of water. We put on the stove and bring to a boil with constant stirring. As soon as the syrup boils, reduce the heat to medium. With a wet brush, remove the remaining sugar on the sides so that sugar crystals do not form in the syrup and cook the syrup to a temperature of 118 degrees. We do not stir the syrup.
Mousse raspberry cakeWhile the syrup is cooking, beat the whites. Your syrup and proteins should be ready at the same time. Pour the hot syrup into the whites in a thin stream, without stopping to beat. We try not to get on the corollas so that the syrup does not freeze there. Continue beating until the whites look shiny, cool and wrap around the whisk. The mass will be very dense.
Mousse raspberry cakeIn several steps we introduce grapefruit jelly into the protein cream, gently stirring.
Mousse raspberry cakeWhisk very cold cream until lightly fluffy. First, we do this at minimum speed, gradually we add them to the maximum.
Mousse raspberry cakeGently mix both masses.

Mirror glaze

Mousse raspberry cakePour gelatin with cold water to swell. Pour condensed milk into a tall glass. Break the chocolate on top (I have icing). Add the swollen gelatin, add the dye. We need a white dye so that the glaze is colored evenly and is not transparent.
Mix water and sugar.
Add invert syrup.
Bring the syrup to a boil and boil to 103 degrees.
Pour the syrup into a glass.
Let stand for a minute to melt the chocolate.
Beat with a hand blender.
You need to whip so that the cap with knives is completely in the liquid and at an angle of about 45 degrees so that less air gets in.
Cool, cover with contact foil.
It is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, and then heat it up in a microwave or a water bath to a temperature of 32-35 degrees and beat. But you can use it right away when the glaze has cooled down to the desired temperature.


Mousse raspberry cakeTighten the form with a diameter of 18 centimeters on one side with cling film. We try to avoid wrinkles. We lay out the sides in the middle with a pastry tape or a regular file. We put it on a level board. Fill in half of the mousse. Put raspberry layers in the middle.
Mousse raspberry cakeWe spread the remaining mousse, lightly tap the board on the table so that the mousse goes everywhere. We do this carefully so as not to move the film.
Mousse raspberry cakeCover with coconut crust, pressing very gently. And align with a spatula, removing excess mousse so that the mousse and cake are in the same plane. We tighten with foil and send to the freezer for at least 4 hours.
Mousse raspberry cakeWe take a large dish. We put the dishes in the center, I have a half-liter jar.
Mousse raspberry cakeWe take out the cake. Heat the sides with a hairdryer or wrap them with a hot towel. We release from the ring. We put it on top of a hill. We remove the pastry tape and film.
Mousse raspberry cakePour the icing on top and let it drain well. Remove the excess from the bottom. We carefully transfer the cake to the dish. You can no longer move, otherwise the glaze will be damaged and expose the sides. We decorate to your liking. Can be left without decoration. This cake looks great without additional decor.

Let the cake defrost in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. But you can start eating cold. Then it will look like ice cream.

Mousse raspberry cake

Cooking is not difficult, just do it with pleasure and love for your loved ones!

The dish is designed for

family or company

Time for preparing:

2.5 hours


The recipe was spied on the site Delicious food, yes, yes. Thanks a lot to the author. I made very small changes.
What can I say about this cake? Delightful, delicious, beautiful. Cooking is not as difficult as it might seem. It seems to me that I wrote longer than I did. Highly recommend! Treat yourself and your loved ones!

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Mousse raspberry cake

Kasotaaaaaa !!! Angel, just super! I’m not strong in cakes, and I don’t eat them, so I’m unlikely to bake them, but if I had a slice, I would have eaten them with pleasure.

No words ... I'm cultured ...
Angela, this is something incredible!
Angelkin is incredible, delicious, incomparable ...
It's even difficult to find epithets for such a work of art ...
Angela, numb ... From delight, beauty and admiration! Bravo!
Gentle, professional, delicious! Worthy of awards, admiration and epithets! Bravo dear! I am proud of our acquaintance and friendship!
ang-kayI'm shocked
How can this be done, and even so beautiful ???
I can't do it because of my curvature, but at least I can admire
Very cool !!!
I don't even know kaaaak such beauty could have been cut, but to eat it - yes !! But start .. heroism !!
Each of your recipes radiates warmth, it's so soulful to look at and envy those who try it all and burst
Angela, beautifully crazy, but how much work. And it should be very tasty.
Angeeel, can a common man repeat this?
The cake is just fabulous, exquisite tenderness
🔗 🔗

FSE, I won't say anything else ...
Quote: Zhannptica

But start .. heroism !!
Come on! Here's how to stop eating ?! I probably would have eaten the whole thing, though already lying down, and then I would have whined from under the table to be shot.

Angela! It turned out amazingly! As you try this, then in a state of passion you can get involved in a fight for the last piece

Added on Friday 02 Sep 2016 11:00 PM

Summer, so she's Angela! Go read the etymology of the name
Angel, no, no, no, nooooooo ... CULTURAL shock ??? I have an extremely uncultured one with obscene epithets for this masterpiece, which in a truly Russian person means the highest compliment, praise and respect

In short, how can I put it more directly ... in that song there were PANTS, and you have such a CAKE !!!!

kseniya D
Quote: Lerele
I can't do it because of my curvature, but at least I can admire
Lerele, I'll stand side by side, right with you, admire
I already recognize Angelina's recipes from the photo. These are not recipes, these are masterpieces, I'm not afraid of the word, which always cause genuine interest and admiration.
ang-kay, Angela, yummy unearthly, yummy in general Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmaline !!!! The cake is magical, beautiful, delicious, cool !!!!!
Girls, my beloved and Kostya Thank you for such a warm welcome. Trust me, I'm trying. To step and step to perfection.
Quote: Tanyulya
treated with a piece
I would treat everyone if there was such an opportunity)
Quote: Zhannptica
you can cut
Quote: Zhannptica
eat it - yes
Jeanne, and eat and cut it is not at all a pity, and if someone comes in, then chop off half and give it away.
Quote: Summer
able to repeat
Olesya, yes it is not difficult at all. When I laid out the recipe more tired. All stages can be done for three or four days. All sorts of jellies, they do everything, Napoleons, they bake everything. Well, a bit of protein custard to train. But also nothing impossible.
Quote: Svetlenki
there were pants in that song,
Sveta, I didn't understand anything. In short, you liked the cake

Added Saturday 03 Sep 2016 08:13

Quote: Arka
then, in a state of passion, you can get involved in a fight for the last piece
Nata, Arochka, yes, we will bake so much that we will scatter so that everyone's foreheads remain intact)))
Angela, eh you, neponimashka !!! Sing a song about louboutins and you will understand what kind of ... your cake.

the most accurate word in front of the pants

Quote: Zhannptica
the most accurate word in front of the pants
I'm probably already bad at thinking. It is necessary to put the avatar back
ang-kay, this is not a cake but a whole art and sheer chemical magic, so many ingredients !!!
but beautiful, very beautiful !!!!
It's hard to find words, cake is a holiday! : suport: Angela, how long did you do it? This is a feat!
Girls, the cake really turns out to be very tasty, not at all cloying and not difficult to prepare. I prepared it back in August for a family celebration. The preparation took several days, it was more convenient for me. I was satisfied with the result and the process. My pets too. This is my first mousse cake and my first mirror icing. So don't be afraid, try it and you won't regret it.

Mousse raspberry cake

Mousse raspberry cake
Innochka, Natasha, Thank you, my darlings.I'm glad you liked the cake.
Quote: NatalyMur
how long did you do it?
Natasha, it's not long in time. All layers are made very quickly. The maximum for everything about all active work is an hour and a half. Then hold it for the longest time to freeze. And yes, the process can be split over several days.

Added Saturday 03 Sep 2016 12:18 PM

Quote: plushka

Girls, the cake really turns out to be very tasty, not at all cloying and not difficult to prepare. I prepared it back in August for a family celebration. The preparation took several days, it was more convenient for me. I was satisfied with the result and the process. My pets too. This is my first mousse cake and my first mirror icing. So don't be afraid, try it and you won't regret it.

Mousse raspberry cake

Mousse raspberry cake
plushka! Everything turned out gorgeous. Suddenly, the report came. Thank you.
Angela! Luxurious cake!Mousse raspberry cakeMousse raspberry cake You are an excellent culinary specialist!Mousse raspberry cake Every time I wish you good luck in the competition.
Ira, smack, smack. Thank you)
Oyyoyoy what a handsome twin brother)))
Respect !!!!!!!
Now we'll see enough of you and kaaaak let's do something ... yeast
pies with cabbage
Yes? And I was thinking about poppy cake

Added Saturday 03 Sep 2016 06:39 PM

marinate the mushrooms all day through a pressure cooker. Hunt to change the subject. I'm going to put the dough

Also good)
Innushka, Chemistry in the store, but here everything is natural, almost its own, delicious!
Quote: Zhannptica
marinate the mushrooms all day through a pressure cooker. Hunt to change the subject. I'm going to put the dough
Ah, that sweet word for mushrooms
ang-kay, Angela, and here I am, when I started to breathe after reading the recipe, I really want to say a huge sincere thank you not only for the opportunity to contemplate the charming and very appetizing beauty, but also for that incredible work and that endless care that you put into in the preparation and publication of the recipe: clearly, understandably, accessible, thoughtfully, competently and at the same time very, very warm :) Here you read the recipe and you understand - it was written precisely in order to be repeated, and so that nothing would be feared, but could, like you, get untold pleasure from the cooking process Thank you, I will definitely make such a cake, and I will be very happy at the minute when, with excitement and endless gratitude, I can bring you a report on the topic
VikaThank you for writing me your impression of the recipe so sincerely. So nice. So much warmth in your post ... Moved.
The cake is just super, this is a real master class!
Lenochka, Thank you)
this is not just a cake, but a sheer delight !!!!!
but it's hard for me to dare to prepare it, alas .. ((
There is no limit to perfection!
kavmins, celfh, Tanyushka, thanks) I'm glad we stopped by)
Quote: kavmins
it's hard to dare, alas .. ((
kavmins, it is difficult to dare, but easy to do. Read more)
Anna in the Forest
Anna, Thank you
Tusya Tasya
Angela, what a great claim to win! I wish you with all my heart
oh, now it's clear how the glaze fits the surface and sides so smoothly))
Very nice!
Natasha, thanks for the wish)
Quote: TV-lad
oh, now it is clear how the glaze so evenly fits the surface and sides
Tatyana, so it's not for nothing that such MK showed
Quote: ang-kay
not in vain
I liked your beautiful cake very much. Angela immediately began to cook it, you can ask you why starch is added to raspberry confit, because there is gelatin. I wish you victory in the competition !!!!
ludok01, Thank you. I did not come up with this recipe, but cooked it, like the author did. So I didn't think about it. But it seems to me that this does not taste like jelly, but it turns out to be a little creamy and softer. Confit actually needs to be boiled well, like jam. We do not do this here, I think that starch acts as a thickener. Maybe I'm not right, someone can tell me.
Zhanna, thank you for the information !!!!!! Good luck in the competition !!!! So I decided to try it.
ludok01, thanks) I hope everything works out)
The idea for this cake is very similar to the recipe from the blog of the talented man Andychef dot ru.

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