Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)

Category: Blanks
Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)


freshly picked fern 1 kg
water 1L
salt 4 tsp
sugar 6 tsp
vinegar essence 1 tbsp. l
spices for the marinade taste
cans for conservation

Cooking method

  • Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
  • I want to express my gratitude right away dopleta-Larissa, it was she who reminded and inspired my husband and me to collect and prepare ferns.
  • Right now, in Len. area, the possibility of collecting fern ends, about the fern itself in the application. I will describe the preparation here.
  • We have two types of edible ferns: the ostrich and the bracken. We collected the ostrich. The bracken is collected, as a rule, a week later. They vary in taste, the ostrich tastes like cauliflower, and the bracken resembles honey mushrooms.
  • The fern should not be left for tomorrow, it should be cooked as soon as it is brought home! This is what a freshly picked ostrich fern looks like. My husband and I, somehow it happened by itself, we collected exactly 1 kg, in terms of volume it is about 2 liters ...
  • Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
  • There are brownish scales on the fern, I manually went through the "snails" of the fern and removed these scales, if possible, but it is impossible to remove everything, some of the scales are inside the tightly twisted snails.
  • Since the fern is considered a conditionally edible "plant", it must be boiled beforehand in a large amount of salted water. I took a 5 liter saucepan, poured 3 liters of water, salted water (30 g of salt), boiled it, and put the fern in the boiling water. I waited for the second boiling already with the fern, let it boil for 5 minutes, drained the water through a colander, washed the fern itself with cold running water to wash off the separated scales a little.
  • Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
  • I repeated the boiling procedure again. That is, I received a double-boiled fern. To determine the readiness of the fern, you need to check it for unwinding, if the spiral unfolds - without breaking, but at the same time it is quite elastic, then that is what you need!
  • Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
  • If the "snails" break when unfolding, then the fern is damp, and if it becomes flabby-soft, it is overcooked. That is why I cooked 2 times for 5 minutes to get exactly the fern's readiness!
  • Then I divided the fern, put some in jars for preservation, and put some in a saucepan for stewing. Let's continue with pickling.
  • I pre-sterilized the cans in a microwave oven. I laid out the fern snails tightly in the jars, filled the jars with warm boiled water without adding 1 cm to the top. I drained the water - this is our water for the marinade. You can make your own marinade, I gave the proportions from the recipe from my pickled mushrooms. Put spices, bay leaves, cloves, black peppercorns, a small red-bitter pepper in each jar (I grow a bitter pepper up to 0.5 cm on the windowsill every summer), for lovers you can add garlic, cinnamon, horseradish, in general, be guided by my taste, remembering the original taste of the fern Since we have an ostrich that looks like a cauliflower, I did not put garlic, cinnamon and horseradish, I was afraid to hammer the delicate taste of the fern itself.
  • I boiled the water and added salt, sugar and at the very end, after turning it off, vinegar essence.
  • For pasteurization, I put the jars on a rag in the pan, poured the jars with a slightly cooled marinade so that the jars would not burst, poured very warm water into the pan about 50 degrees, covered (did not wrap) lids.
  • I brought the water in a saucepan to 80 degrees or a little more, but not letting the water boil, and pasteurized the jars at this temperature - 20 minutes. I had 2 half-liter and one 300ml jars. After 20 minutes of pasteurization, we twist the lids, remove the jars from the pan and turn them upside down, put them to cool on a newspaper or towel. When it cools down, we put it in a dark, cool place, store it like pickled mushrooms.
  • Dear Bakeries, you can preserve according to any of your recipes!
  • If you remember, we still have some boiled snails, here again many thanks dopleta, LarissaThank you very much, this is your recipe!
  • We take a small saucepan with a thick bottom, put onions and carrots in it in vegetable oil, put the onions and carrots aside, you can then use it somewhere in cooking, and on the resulting fragrant oil with the remnants of onions and carrots (I left about two tablespoons spoons) under the lid, simmer the fern for a short time.
  • Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
  • I did not add any spices, salt, etc. The result is a very tender dish that really tastes like cauliflower. My husband ate fern with mayonnaise, maybe with sour cream, or just like that and generally cold - everything is delicious!
  • To be continued:
    Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)General's style fern. Fern 2 part
    (Mandraik Ludmila)

The dish is designed for

2 cans of 0.5 l and a can of 0.3 l

Time for preparing:

long, about 2 hours

Cooking program:

handles, pots


And here about the fern and its edible species. Remember, there are a lot of inedible ferns!
Last week, my wise husband remembered that it was time to collect the fern, we have never collected this interesting "product". My husband has already figured out that of the two conditionally edible species of bracken and ostrich ferns, we mainly have an ostrich. The most beautiful and considered decorative variety. This ostrich grows along the bank of the stream in huge plantations, and you don't have to go far. Walking with the dog, they gathered a basket of ferns in passing. Part I, as already described, put out and partly pickled. It will be necessary to go and freeze for later, because the fern is suitable for harvesting only about a week a year!
This is what the hunting biologist Pyotr Zverev writes about him (Russian Hunting Gazette No. 20, dated May 14, 2003) and No. 20 (May 14, 2003)

Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
ostrich or ostrich feather or ostrich feather. The scientific name of this fern is Struthiopteris Filicastrum, translated from Greek, and gave the Russian name to the plant (Struthion - "ostrich" and pteris - "fern"). As an edible plant, it is less known than the bracken, and yet many must have met this gorgeous plant in the forest.

In the Northern Hemisphere, there are four species of ostrich, in Russia there are two. Outwardly, it is a very beautiful, large fern, a real decoration of mixed and coniferous forests, in addition, it is used in summer cottages as an ornamental plant. The leaves of the ostrich at the time of their highest bloom form a magnificent crown of leaves, the diameter of which in the upper part can reach two meters. Moreover, each subsequent ring of leaves that appears inside, pushes the already grown ring of leaves out and down. In older plants, over the years, a stem gradually forms, resembling a pineapple fruit with thorns that are formed from last year's leaves. It is this trunk that distinguishes the ostrich from other types of fern, for example, from shititniks. 🔗

The peculiarity of collecting young shoots of the ostrich - rachis is that they appear in early summer almost all at once. They are pale green in color and are rolled up into dense "snails", forming a dense ring at the top of the fern stem. At the very beginning, the plant protects its delicate shoots from adversity and the return of cold weather, covering the shoots with dry golden scales that are easily shaken off during collection. Like the bracken fern, young shoots up to 20 centimeters long are suitable for food.The indicator of the suitability of the shoots for collection is the separation of the rachis from the stem: if it breaks with a crunch, then the collection is started at the correct time, but if the shoots break off with effort, "wet", then the shoots are overripe and are not suitable for food. It should be remembered that young shoots of ostrich and bracken are perishable foods, so you should not postpone cooking them for the next day. The sooner you start using them from the moment you collect them, the better the quality of the cooked food. The flavoring qualities of edible ferns are very specific and differ markedly from each other. If the bracken tastes like the best types of mushrooms (both types of ferns, unlike mushrooms, are absorbed in the body almost completely), then the ostrich is rather cauliflower, slightly sweet and satisfying. When preparing both species for food, one should remember the main thing: ferns become edible after pretreatment.
And fresh bracken fern and ostrich are not suitable for food, since plants contain toxic substances (thiaminase) and, in addition, they taste bitter, that's why they are pre-boiled, then fried or stewed. Fresh shoots are also salted (preserved).

The collected young shoots of the fern begin to cook as soon as they return from the forest. First, they are boiled in a large amount of boiling, salted water, while the cooking process is not allowed to drift, since when removed from boiling water in a timely manner, the fern retains not only its presentation, but also retains its unique taste. Also, during the cooking process, scales are detached from young shoots. After the fern is dipped in boiling water, they wait for a second boil, after which they gently mix and continue to cook. Properly cooked shoots should form a ring when bent, without breaking (undercooked), or limp (overcooked). The bracken fern is cooked a little longer than the ostrich (10-12 minutes from the beginning of the new boil) over low heat. In Asian countries, it is believed that the ostrich and bracken should be boiled in copper dishes, then the plants retain a bright green saturated color. After boiling, the fern is discarded in a colander and the water is allowed to drain, after which you can proceed to direct cooking. Having previously evaporated excess moisture in a pan, the shoots are fried in oil or stewed like mushrooms. There are many recipes for cooking from fresh ferns, it makes no sense to list them, and since impromptu is not the last thing in cooking, the methods and recipes for preparing mushrooms can be taken as a basis.
If there is no time to prepare a fresh fern, then care must be taken to preserve the fern. Any neutral containers are suitable for this: enameled dishes, barrels, glass containers and the like. The main canning method is salting. Salt is taken in the amount of 20-25% of the weight of young shoots. First, a thin layer of salt is poured on the bottom of the container, then it is laid in layers of rachis and poured again with salt. Each subsequent layer of fern becomes a little thicker. At the end of the laying of the fern and the last portion of salt, a clamp-circle is placed on top, on which oppression is placed, equal in weight to the mass of the fern (for an ostrich, oppression can be used more easily). The container with the salted fern is placed in a cool place for two weeks, then the burn is removed, the brine is completely drained and the fern is shifted in the reverse order (the one that was at the top should now lie at the bottom) after which it is poured with a new brine, the concentration of which should be at least 20-22%, and again will interfere with oppression Now the fern can be stored as long as you like.
To prepare fern dishes, the required amount of salty is taken in advance and soaked for two days, for which the water is periodically changed. To speed up the process of getting rid of excess salt, you can place the canned fern under running water.If you are familiar with the technique of canning vegetables, then young fern shoots can be rolled up in jars, as is done when canning cucumbers or tomatoes, using 6-7% brine as a filling with the addition of ascorbic acid as an additional preservative per 1 liter 0.5 grams of acid.

Young fern shoots, lightly sprinkled with salt, can be stored by placing in freezers. Finally, drying the fern. The collected young shoots are boiled in salted water for 10 minutes. Thrown back in a colander and spread in a thin layer on a cloth in a dry, ventilated place. Once every 3-4 hours, the fern layers are turned over, then this procedure is performed more often. As the shoots wither, you can begin to knead them slightly. Boiled shoots dry out in 3-4 days, after which they are placed in a cloth bag and hung in the kitchen. In dry form, bracken fern can be stored for several years. For preparation, dry shoots are soaked in water in advance, while the water is periodically changed.

It should be recalled that if a person wisely uses wild plants, then he will not harm the pantries of the wild. On the contrary, there is even a "rejuvenation and recovery" of naturally growing fern "plantations". It should always be remembered that when collecting, some of the young shoots must be spared, and then in subsequent years a larger number of ferns can grow here compared to untouched areas. And if you choose young shoots cleanly, then sooner or later this will adversely affect the ferns. For the ostrich, the same rules apply as for the bracken: when collecting, part of the young shoots should be left on the "stem", and not cut them off completely.However, in European Russia, industrial fern harvesting is not practiced, and "amateurs", subject to the above rules, do not can have a negative effect on ferns, since it is not in the tradition of European Russians to use these types of plants in their writing, and, most likely, the story about edible ferns can serve as a guide to familiarize themselves with the unusual gifts of the forest.
In order not to confuse edible fern varieties with inedible shitnikov, I give a reference, everything is there with pictures, very clearly explained and shown:


And what they don't eat)))) I've never heard of fern in banks)))
Thank you, Lyudmila! And for a great recipe and for mentioning my name. True, I have never canned ferns, although I often ate salted ferns brought from the Far East. But I surprise guests with fried bracken every year. The ostrich, as I wrote to you, I am afraid to collect, because I am afraid that I might confuse it with a similar poisonous shield breeder.
Mandraik Ludmila
Ladies, I have found so many fern recipes, you can't change everything, we won't collect so many.
Larissa, husband studied the site

Fern Eagle
Bracken fern

Mushrooms, berries, birch sap ... Here, perhaps, are all the gifts of the forest, for which, according to tradition, the inhabitants of the Russian northwest hunt from year to year.
I don’t know for what reasons such a valuable product as bracken fern is not at all popular in our area. While, for example, residents of Japan, China, and Korea consider it a delicacy and buy from us for a lot of money.

Fern as food

For the first time, I learned about the suitability of ferns for food in Altai, where the whole flower of Soviet science gathered every autumn. Engineers from various research institutes, candidates and even doctors of science. All of them were heading in unison towards the small village of Shulginka not in order to clash at a conference in scientific battles, but in order to earn money from harvesting sea buckthorn.

For one kilogram of harvested and handed over berries, they paid 1 ruble. One person, depending on their skills, could prepare from 40 to 100 kg of sea buckthorn per day. For vacation, one could earn an amount exceeding the six-month income of the average Soviet scientist.

There I also learned that in addition to sea buckthorn and pine nuts in Altai, you can also earn extra money in the spring by collecting the Orlyak fern, which Japan and China buy from us in huge quantities.

It turns out that bracken fern is not just edible, after salting it has an exquisite taste, reminiscent of mushrooms and asparagus at the same time.

In addition, the use of fern has a beneficial effect on growth processes, promotes the development of the skeleton, improves metabolism, the activity of the nervous system, increases efficiency, improves the state of the endocrine system, and promotes the removal of radionuclides and other hazardous substances from the body.

Bracken fern proteins are similar in properties and composition to those of grain crops, and therefore are easily digested.
It is not without reason that in our markets one kilogram of salted fern now costs 1000 rubles.

Bracken fern in the Leningrad region

A reasonable question immediately arises: does the Orlyak fern grow in the North-West region, in particular, in the Leningrad region? I hasten to please the readers of the site, the bracken fern is one of the three most common ferns in our area, and it is not a problem to find it in the forest.

But first, a little theory.

Fern Eagle
Bracken fern
Only young sprouts of bracken fern with a height of no more than 20 -35 cm are suitable for food. When its leaves have not yet blossomed, but form a squiggle characteristic of ferns.

This crucial moment in the Leningrad Region usually occurs in mid-May and lasts until early June. A little earlier, a little later, depending on the weather.

It is at this time that you need to harvest the fern. An additional sign of the fern's food condition is the characteristic crunch when the stem is broken.

The fern is never cut with a knife, but is always broken by hand near the ground. The edible plant always breaks easily with a characteristic click. If the stem does not break, but bends and bounces, this means that the fern has already outgrown. There is no point in collecting such plants. They will be coarsely fibrous.

The collection process is as follows. You walk through the forest, where fern thickets were noticed in the summer, find its sprouts, pluck them, cracking the stem with your hand near the ground, and form a bunch of such a size that is comfortable to hold in your hand. After that, tighten the bundle with an elastic band and put it in a bucket or basket.

How to distinguish bracken from other fern species

Here we come to the most important question of the article, how to distinguish Bracken from other fern species, among which there are inedible ones.

As I already said, most often in the Leningrad region you can find three types of ferns - bracken, ostrich and shitnikov. Moreover, the latter, among other things, is also poisonous.

However, I hasten to please you, the Orlyak fern has a very characteristic sprout, which is difficult to confuse with other types of ferns.

1. Sprouts of bracken fern stick out from the ground one by one at a distance of 10 cm or more from each other, and ostrich and dwarf fern fan out from one point.

Fern Eagle Fern shchitnik
Bracken fern Fern fern

2. The sprouts of the bracken fern are smooth and clean, while the ostrich and dwarf fern are covered with dark scales and small leaves.

Fern Eagle Fern shchitnik
Bracken fern Fern fern

Fern ostrich
Fern ostrich

That is, it turns out that the bracken in the forest is quite easy to recognize. But it is much more difficult to distinguish an edible ostrich from a poisonous thyroid bug in the spring. Their shoots are similar in many ways. But such a task, fortunately, is not before us.

An additional landmark that helps to determine the type of fern can be the old, overwintered leaves of the plant, which are usually found around young stems. On them, you can see the geometry of the leaves, which is specific to each species. In the bracken fern, the leaves are more rounded, and in the fern and ostrich, they are more indented, and more decorative.
Bracken fern leaf Fern leaf
Bracken fern leaf Fern leaf

By the way, it is easiest to find places where ferns grow in the spring forest using these withered leaves.
Fern old leaves
Old bracken fern leaves

It is even better to notice the places where bracken ferns accumulate from the summer. When you go for mushrooms and berries. Adult bracken plants look like this:
Adult bracken fern
Adult bracken fern

How to cook a fern

It must be said right away that in its raw form, any fern - including the bracken - is inedible. To be eaten, it must be prepared in a certain way.

Fern Eagle
Bracken fern
Returning home from the forest, you should immediately start processing the fern. The fact is that the plucked shoots wither and grow stiff very quickly. This process begins from the bottom, from the place of the break.

Therefore, it makes sense to cut off 10-15 mm of the bottom of the stem. Then the bundles of fern are placed in a pan or barrel in layers, sprinkling each layer with a large amount of salt. It is believed that salt should be at least 25% by weight of the fern. But, as they say, you can't spoil porridge with butter.
A flat cover is placed on top of the last layer, and a load is placed on it, the mass of which should be equal to (or be greater) than the weight of the fern.
The fern container is placed in a cool place for three weeks. This ends the first stage of salting.

After three weeks, the brine is drained from the container, after which the load is removed to swap the lower layers of the fern with the upper ones. When changing layers, the fern is again sprinkled with salt, but in a smaller amount. And again they put the fern under oppression for another three weeks.

At the third stage of salting, brine is prepared: for 10 liters of water - 1 kg of salt. The fern is poured with brine and left for another three weeks.

That is, the whole process of salting lasts 9 weeks. After that, the fern can be stored indefinitely without losing its taste.

Fern Bracken salted
Bracken fern
Before cooking, the salted bracken fern is soaked, getting rid of excess salt.

I do not give recipes for dishes in which bracken fern is used. They are easy to find on many cooking sites. Here is just a short list of them: stewed fern with tomatoes, fern in dough, fern with eggs, fern in sour cream with new potatoes, fern stew, fern cutlets, pizza with fern.

In conclusion, good news. On the Karelian Isthmus, the first sprouts of bracken fern appeared on May 18 this year. It's time to start harvesting it.


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we looked at a bunch of pictures, descriptions, in my opinion the shititnik is not very similar to the ostrich, it grows at an angle, and it has a different structure. In general, we definitely have an ostrich, all this was a week ago, we ate, are still alive and liked it very much - very tenderly. By the way, if we go after the eagle, in the forest it is still possible to find it not overgrown, I want to make it "like a general's style", I found a recipe, with sausages, cheese, eggs, etc.
It's easy to find him, Luda. Probably in the summer I walked in the forest in places where thickets of high openwork fern sway almost at the level of the belt "sea waves". Moreover, it does not grow bushy, but with separate leaves.
Mandraik Ludmila
Larissa, we need to find time, between the bees, the garden-garden and household chores, in order to go to the forest, which is just outside the outskirts, and we don't have time ... It seems that my husband says that he knows places, he is wonderful with me - from words he notices everything! I really want to try the bracken
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
need to find time
Yes, this is the main condition for me too - I also do not have time.
How interesting! And here I only see a fern on the flower beds :)
Mandraik Ludmila, dopleta, !!! Thank you very much for the interesting topic! I called a friend, she promised to collect. We urgently need to go to visit (to the fern). I rummaged in the internet, here's more information about ORLYAK: "promotes the development of the skeleton, improves metabolism, the activity of the nervous system, increases efficiency, improves the state of the endocrine system, promotes the removal of radionuclides and other hazardous substances from the body."

Added Thursday, 19 May 2016 10:44 PM

Quote: Reset

How interesting! And here I only see a fern on the flower beds :)
We also have an ostrich growing in our flower beds, already big, beautiful ..
I have this ostrich ... He is so aggressive! Has filled the best soils. This year I dug it out, dug it up, and there is still a huge amount
Mandraik Ludmila
Galina, you do not dig it out, but cut it all out in the spring and it will die off by itself, we then left half of the sprouts so that the plantations would not degenerate, but you do not need this ...
KLO, a fern in composition, they write, is close to mushrooms, only it is easily absorbed, unlike them!
Reset, well, from the flower beds, I don't think you pick it up ... but in general, it, a fern, grows almost throughout the entire territory of the former USSR.
He loves water and shade. Our fern grows: along the stream - an ostrich and in the forest a little deeper - a bracken ..
Quote: KLO
here is more information about ORLYAK
And most importantly - it is delicious! Despite the fact that I fry it every year, still no one can figure out what they eat, and the first comparison is usually fresh forest mushrooms.
And we had a meeting opening of the season of the Mushroom World forum and I put together a huge package of Eagle. The first time I cooked it. Soaked the night in salt water, then boiled for 10 minutes. Then I wanted to ferment, but froze it. And part 3 times for breakfast fried with onions, poured with an egg and added a little adjika and soy sauce. I didn't even expect it to be so tasty. It resembles both mushrooms and asparagus. By the way, by the way, I also break the asparagus out of the bush and cook, and new sprouts are still appearing. Fermented the dull, also delicious. Now is a fertile time for the use of all kinds of wild plants.
What a jerk I am! I threw out so much! I knew about the fern, but I didn't think that the decorative ostrich is edible. Is it definitely edible? And then I still have a Dacha in the forest, it opens up late with us.
Quote: dopleta

And most importantly - it is delicious! Despite the fact that I fry it every year, still no one can figure out what they eat, and the first comparison is usually fresh forest mushrooms.
All right, I'm packing my suitcase!

Added Thursday, 19 May 2016 11:34 pm

Quote: Gala

What a jerk I am! I threw out so much! I knew about the fern, but I didn't think that the decorative ostrich is edible. Is it definitely edible? And then I still have a Dacha in the forest, it opens up late with us.

Throw away the product!
Mandraik Ludmila
Galina, exactly, exactly - the ostrich is edible, I gave a link above to the site where it was explained how to distinguish it from the scabbard, here again, what would be for sure!
We also have a lot of it, you can collect not only snails, but shoots up to 20cm, I hope to collect and freeze the boiled ones, we need to find time, which, as always, is not enough!
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila

Galina, exactly, exactly - ostrich - edible

We also have a lot of it, you can collect not only snails, but shoots up to 20cm, I hope to collect and freeze the boiled ones, we need to find time, which, as always, is not enough!
Eh, I would have known before, I would have slightly ripped off a neighbor's flower bed.
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
I really want to try the bracken
Mandraik Ludmila, Ludmila, and we only collect bracken. It tastes like mushrooms to me
I laid out the casserole recipe with him, it turns out delicious
And so the sea of ​​recipes! And soups are boiled, and fried, and stewed, and dumplings are molded ...
Thanks for the recipe! Our wild garlic has just begun, there is no fern yet.
Mandraik Ludmila
KLO, yeah, under cover of night, in a black and black suit, quietly, dashes, sneak up with a knife and ... cut out the shoots halfway, so that this secret operation could be carried out every spring!
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
I hope to collect and freeze boiled
And you can use another way - pour the salt harder and leave to salt. It turns out quickly!
Then this salty can be soaked all year round and used in various dishes. Very comfortably!
Mandraik Ludmila
Elena, God himself told you that such dishes are more common in your country, maybe this is the influence of Chinese or Korean cuisine.
Although what we sell in Korean cuisine under the name "fern" is natural soy!

It depends on how much we collect, if more then you can salt it, and if a little, then again, if we don't eat it right away, then I'll freeze it.
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
maybe it's the influence of Chinese or Korean cuisine
Yes, as experience shows, what we call here Korean and Chinese cuisine is one name (yes, like everywhere else in Russia, probably ...)
And fern here, probably from centuries old, is eaten, as I understand it Here they eat everything that you can eat, because you won't run away too much
I had an old book about wild plants in Kamchatka, there are seafood recipes with ferns ... But I got lost somewhere, I can't find it.
And I wrote about salty, because it is a very quick way of preserving, you don't need to spend a lot of time with cans / boiling water and it turns out a very convenient product! In winter I wanted it, got it out, soaked it and enjoy it! Stored for years
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila

KLO, yeah, under cover of night, in a black and black suit, quietly, dashes, sneak up with a knife and ... cut out the shoots halfway, so that this secret operation could be carried out every spring!

Yes, easily, especially when insomnia, and now I will "visit" to collect a suitcase. The friend must be instructed, she must be in time (north of LO). Eh, sadness, go far.

Added Friday 20 May 2016 00:22

Elena_Kamch,! Thanks for the "salty" recipe!
Mandraik Ludmila
Elena, in the appendix to the recipe, under the spoiler, uncle the hunter described the method of salting, in principle, nothing differs from mushrooms, and the truth is nothing complicated
KLO, yeah, not the dipped beam. On the side of Len. obl, everything is later than ours, we are in the south, so you will have time
Quote: KLO
Thanks for the "salty" recipe!
KLO, but not at all!
Since our bracken is quite long, it is convenient to fold it into bunches, tie it with an elastic band and salt it like that. Then a bunch is taken and it is not necessary to choose it, align it to each other. He took it, soaked it, cut it off a little at the base, removed the gum and forward.
And the ostrich never tried If it looks like a cauliflower ... mmmmm ... it's still yummy!
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: Elena_Kamch
similar to cauliflower
Yes, very similar to cauliflower, we liked it
Lind @
Quote: Florichka
Fermented the dull, also delicious
But as? Do you have a recipe?
Quote: Florichka
Fermented the dull, also delicious.
And I also want a recipe.
Mandraik Ludmila
Drain sour like cabbage:
Dry method:
Wash and chop the leaves of the dream. Then scald in boiling water and let the water drain, wrapped in cheesecloth. Then put the herbs on the bottom of the glassware (jar), sprinkling each layer with salt. Press down each layer strongly with your hand or a crush so that the greens release juice. When the can is full, press down the contents with a weight and place in the refrigerator. The dish will be ready in three days.
Wet way:
Wash young leaves with petioles, put in a jar, sprinkle with grated carrots. Pour with brine -1.5 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water. For sourdough, add a crust of black bread. Put the load so that the dampness does not float up and leave to ferment for 2-3 days.
I pick everything like this, using the method of Zachariah for pickling, his recipe is pickled sweet peppers.

Pickled bell pepper (Zachary)

Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
In the fall, we ate 9 kg. To sleep, I also took large young cabbage and zucchini circles, young garlic, chili pepper. I shifted the dill with sticks (since autumn they were) and poured boiling brine at the rate of 2 tbsp l. salt per liter of water. covered with a plate. I got a little cold and added a couple of tablespoons of whey. It was hot, fermented in 1.5 days. Then into the cold. It's cool now, just standing on the balcony. Did a lot. It will be hot, put it in the refrigerator, you can freeze it for soups. Soup with sauerkraut resembles sorrel. a little harsh, next time I'll flanch it for a couple of minutes, but very tasty. I want to try to make kimchi with snake. They make radishes from the tops.
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: Florichka
They make radishes from the tops.
Yesterday I had a bunch of radish tops that didn't go to the salad - I threw it into the compost.
Lyudmila, on the forum there is a recipe for my Chuchi, summer chimchi.

Summer chimchi (preparing delicious radish tops) (Chuchundrus)

Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
Mandraik Ludmila
Irina, And I already found and threw the bookmarks for myself Thank you Florichka, I bookmarked everything! Radish went, I'll do it!

Posted Saturday 21 May 2016 02:15 PM

Yesterday my husband and I went to the forest, looking for a bracken fern - they did not find it, there is a lot of inedible shititnik. In general, the forest is empty, mushrooms, morels, lines, the same was not found. Let's go to the ostrich plantation,
Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)
Another ostrich right in front of the house by the stream was robbed, collected 1.5 kg, boiled them yesterday, today I will cook.
Oh wow!!!!!! Neve life would not have thought that there are edible ferns ...
Thanks for the information!
Mandraik Ludmila
Natusichka, and grow everywhere! And the cowberry is generally used as an ornamental plant!
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila

Another ostrich right in front of the house by the stream was robbed, collected 1.5 kg, boiled them yesterday, today I will cook.

Wow, whole plantations! And yesterday I walked in the private sector, found a Ginkgo biloba tree, read that it grows in Taganrog (Rostov region), so much delight! (sorry for the flood)
Mandraik Ludmila
I am now making out the Second part about the fern, the fern in general style

Posted Monday 23 May 2016 05:45 PM

KLO, well, wow, your gardeners live, grow ginkgo-bilobo in Rostov, south of course, but your winters are the same cold, I wonder how it overwinters like that ...
Mandraik LudmilaSo it seems that the ostrich has already outgrown? I have a lot in front of the house in the country. But I understand that it is necessary to harvest the rings early in the spring.
Of course, already outgrown.
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila

KLO, well, wow, your gardeners live, grow ginkgo-bilobo in Rostov, south of course, but your winters are the same cold, I wonder how it overwinters like that ...

Itself was shocked when I saw it, so the tree is already 3.5 meters (I don't know how to insert pictures, otherwise I would have already posted it). And the tree grows just on the street of the private sector, almost on the road! I regularly walk next to this alley, and did not see, but here, walking, I decided to turn off. (Well, some positive emotions and exclamation marks) I even plucked the leaves neatly to make sure. I tried to grow this tree on the balcony (like figs, it was such a quirk, crazy), well, no luck ..
Mandraik Ludmila
Irina, the fern is harvested up to 15-20cm in length, that is, rings on the leg (stem) up to 20cm can also be found, we can still find such rings, but we are still to the north ..
KLO, I wonder where it came from, did it really accidentally grow ... Great!
Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)

Here, I took a picture. We once sold seedlings of 30 centimeters at an exhibition, and seeds in stores ..
Mandraik Ludmila
KLO, wow, it's already big, well, apparently in your climate it feels good!
Congratulations on your well-deserved victory in the "Best Recipe of the Week" competition
Mandraik Ludmila, Congratulations!!!! With a victory !!!
Mandraik Ludmila
Thank you, honestly, I did not expect! But very nice ..
Mandraik Ludmila, Congratulations on the medal !!!

Fern: canned and stewed (part 1)

Ludmila, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very happy about you!!!
Mandraik Ludmila, Ludmila, with a medal !!!
dog gray
That is why I am here and settled down - live, learn. I didn't know anything like it. To bookmarks!

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