Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

Category: Yeast bread
Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)


Wheat flour 500 grams
Fresh boiled potatoes 3-4 medium tubers
Potato broth 150 ml
Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
Salt 1.3 tsp
Sugar 1.5 tbsp. l.
Yeast SAF-instant 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method

  • Boil fresh potatoes, crush them, make liquid mashed potatoes, cool.
  • Put chilled mashed potatoes in a bucket of a bread machine, add chilled potato broth, olive oil, wheat flour, salt, sugar, yeast on top.
  • Switch on the "dough" mode. Be sure to track the state of the kolobok.
  • Divide the finished dough into molds (1/2 of the height of the mold), and put on proof until the dough doubles. The dough turns out to be very fluffy, soft, and with large "blisters" inside, which squeak when cutting the dough.
  • Turn on the oven at 180 * C, put tins with dough pieces for baking into the hot oven, after 25 minutes reduce the baking temperature to 165 * C and bake until fully cooked.


The addition of potatoes has long been practiced in baking.
Among the many modern bread recipes, you can also find the addition of potatoes in different forms: mashed potatoes, cereals, starch, etc.
Potatoes are added in an amount of 3-7% by weight of flour (or 15-35 grams per 500 grams of flour). The purpose of these additives is to compensate for the lack of starch in flour, while improving the quality of the crumb, especially with excessively strong or short-breaking gluten.

Abroad, starch correction is made by adding potato flakes or dry mashed potatoes in powder to the dough in an amount of up to 4% of the flour weight (or 20 grams per 500 grams of flour).

Baking cornstarch is often added in powder up to 3% (or 15 grams per 500 grams of flour).

Some traditional Belarusian and Baltic breads necessarily include potatoes, sometimes up to 40% (or 200 grams per 500 grams of flour).


Many people recommend cooking raschin not with wheat or rye flour, but with potato flour, which presents the next big advantage. Potato flour contains some kind of, still insufficiently examined, nitrogenous substance (apparently an enzyme), which acts as a pathogen on yeast, as a result of which fermentation occurs much more vigorously and rather with a relatively smaller amount of yeast consumed. For this purpose, the potatoes are boiled (by putting steam into a vat with potatoes) and mixed with water to form a liquid gruel, to which, after cooling to + 25 or 30 C., yeast is added. When using potato rasch, the rest is done as usual (above).

You can read about the properties of bread with the addition of potatoes, potato broth in the topic "Potatoes - use for dough"

This is what came out in the end from 500 grams of flour. Two pretty handsome men, very airy and soft inside. In the context of the bread, I'll show you in the morning when it cools down.

A large brick went to visit, where it was devoured.

Only this is left of the little one, I hasten to show. I broke the crumb in half to better see the crumb texture.

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

Delicious bread turned out on mashed potatoes.
So I try not to eat white bread, and then I applied it all day.

Mashed potatoes for this bread are not at all difficult to make.

We clean and cut the potatoes (it is better to take boiling varieties), fill with water so as to cover the potatoes and there is enough water to cook it, add a little salt.
When the potatoes are ready, we cool them right in this water, without draining it until it is warm or cold.
Next, put 3-4 boiled potatoes in a bowl without water, make mashed potatoes from it with a crush, and put the mashed potatoes in a bucket of a stove. Add 150 ml there. potato broth.
For 500 grams of flour, 3-4 medium-sized potatoes are enough.

I recommend not pouring out the remaining liquid from cooking potatoes.
Pour it without straining into the reservoir. container and put it in the refrigerator or freezer for storage.
This liquid is useful for adding to any bread instead of water, as well as curd whey.

Here is a photo of a night potato bread. The bread is small in size, breathes well inside, and the crumb structure - you can see for yourself.
The bread is cut very well, there are very few crumbs.
And this bread cannot be stored for a long time - it is eaten too quickly.

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

I wish you to bake the same bread
Stunned! I want to run away from work and bake the same miracle! At what stage are the cuts on the bread made?
Irina @
Admin, did you make this bread in a bread maker?

Admin- insert
I did, I propose a photo.

Wheat and potato bread in a bread maker

At the request of the working masses, I made potato bread from liquid mashed potatoes in a bread maker. And I added a tablespoon of chopped fresh dill.

It seems to me that it is easier to bake it in the oven. I plugged in the temperature probe and sit and wait for readiness, regardless of whether the dough is thin or not, the result will be excellent.

In a bread maker, you must observe a bun, and mashed potatoes, no matter how thick, dehydrated, still require more flour and are always soft, softer than necessary according to the rules of a bun. Just before the proofing, I noticed a "daub" at the bottom, and let's urgently add more flour.

Make the bun tighter at once, it will be as it should be for proofing.

Here's what I did, check it out. But, the bread is still lush and tasty, it is worth baking it.

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

Quote: Jeannette

Stunned! I want to run away from work and bake the same miracle! At what stage are the cuts on the bread made?

On health I make cuts in the form of deep tucks with scissors when I put the dough for proofing. The dough rises already with tucks.

Quote: Irina @

Admin, did you make this bread in a bread maker?

It is quite possible to do, but I specially bake in the oven, it is much tastier and the smell is wonderful.
Pay attention to the height of the dough when it was lifted in the bread maker - in my Hitachi stove the bucket is elongated and 18 cm high, and the dough rose to this height in the "Dough" mode, and, moreover, everything was inside blisters and bubbles.
A combination of potatoes + yeast gives such a reaction by the formation of carbon dioxide.

There is one more recipe for potato bread, I will try and display it.
Admin, we have very similar recipes for potato bread. Only I bake it in HP, and make mashed potatoes not liquid (I didn't think of it, next time I'll try to make liquid mashed potatoes). I confirm that the bread is excellent!
Irina, in hp such bread will work out great, only you will have to look behind the bun)
And today I started an experiment. I baked wheat and potato according to the first recipe.
Hell in HP in the main mode.
Alas! It didn't work out very well. It all started with the fact that the kneaded dough seemed thick to me. Added water. Kolobok did not work. There was a batter. As a result, the bread did not rise.
Everything else, it was not baked in 3 hours 20 minutes. I had to put extra time.
But a bad result is also a result. Next time I will already know what to do.

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

Unfortunately, you have added a lot of liquid.

I repeat all the time that boiled potatoes have a lot of their own liquid and at first the bun is deceiving, it asks for more water.
Do not believe him and do not pour out all the flour at once, gradually let it be processed, then it is easier to knead the oven and the flour will take as much flour as needed.

Try it again, you get decent bread.
Yes, I understand about the liquid.
But here I have a question. The recipe says to make liquid mashed potatoes. Should it be diluted with something? The same 150 ml of potato broth as indicated in the recipe? Or do you need to take liquid puree + 150 ml of broth?
Oh, am I making myself clear?
Quote: svetamk

Yes, I understand about the liquid.
But here I have a question. The recipe says to make liquid mashed potatoes. Should it be diluted with something? The same 150 ml of potato broth as indicated in the recipe? Or do you need to take liquid puree + 150 ml of broth?
Oh, am I making myself clear?

Understandable, understandable

Take boiled potatoes from the water in which it was boiled, it will be very wet and damp itself. When you crush it with a pusher or a potato press, you get a liquid puree (you didn't cook it in a double boiler, where there is no liquid).
Add 150 ml to this puree. potato broth (or directly in a bucket.

There is a lot of liquid in potatoes - both raw and boiled - so much horror.

But unlike the flour + water ratio, the potato + decoction + flour ratio requires more flour and a longer absorption of flour.

And I clearly explain

If something is still not clear - whisper, so I will immediately ...
So I did it all over again. She pounded the potatoes and mixed them with 150 ml of broth. I added flour and began to interfere with my HP. And so everything went tight, there was a lot of flour around the edges, so I splashed more broth.
And that's all ... The dough turned into porridge.
But even though the "hat" on the bread did not work, the taste is still amazing. The crumb may be a little viscous. But not scary.

Thank you for the clarification. Now I will not be intimidated by too tight dough at the very beginning.
Admin baked breads according to the first version of breads turned out to be excellent, but I just tried to make challah, but I didn’t succeed, the pigtail all merged together and instead of challah it turned out to be a bar.
I baked potato bread from Admin - tasty, but heavy, obviously a lot of potatoes, probably big tubers.

Girls, thanks for the feedback

vorona, what was the recipe for baking bread? It seemed to me that only bread with sour cream is heavy (no, a little fat), the rest are light.
If the amount of potatoes in grams is not indicated, take 200 grams of boiled potatoes.

In general, the taste and color .... So it was not your taste ... And this can be.
Basically - it says 3-4 tubers, you can see my tubers are large.
Quote: vorona

Basically - it says 3-4 tubers, you can see my tubers are large.

If you have a lot of potatoes, you will need a lot of flour to adjust the bun. If you get a lot of dough, then the bread maker will stir the dough, but it takes more time for the first proofing, the dough is just cramped in the bucket, there is nowhere to go and expand, the gases are working at full strength.

Take 200 grams of boiled potatoes and adjust the humidity (do not pour a lot of water, enough according to the recipe) and the bun.
Quote: Admin

Take 200 grams of boiled potatoes and adjust the humidity (do not pour a lot of water, enough according to the recipe) and the bun.
The gingerbread man was perfect and the bread turned out to be very tasty, but potatoes predominated there. Now I'm baking potato-sour cream, I understand your tubers are 100g. we have twice as much.
Quote: vorona

The gingerbread man was perfect and the bread turned out to be very tasty, but potatoes predominated there. Now I'm baking potato-sour cream, I understand your tubers are 100g. we have twice as much.

Apparently it's not about the weight and number of tubers. I took 200 grams and 4 medium tubers, boiled them peeled and in their uniform, and made various additives (see recipes).
The point is probably the taste of the potatoes themselves in the dough, maybe this is not your taste, this also happens.

Good luck! Look for your bread flavor!

Thank you.

That's right, potatoes have a positive effect on dough rise and crumb structure, it becomes more airy. And potatoes were used in baking bread not only during the war, but much earlier, even in ancient times, when there was no yeast.

Advice to everyone - put boiled potatoes in jars and save them for adding to the dough. Boiled potatoes can even be placed in the freezer (with or without decoction). I think that nothing bad will happen if you put away the remains of mashed potatoes with the addition of milk, eggs and others for storage.

Read about the use of potatoes in baking at the very beginning of the topic.

All my recipes for bread with potatoes are designed for baking both in the oven and in a bread maker, since I knead the dough in the bread maker in the "Dough" mode, and at the same time follow the rules for forming a bun. You can immediately place the dough on baked goods in Basic mode (3.50 hours) and you will get a delicious, delicious bread.

Good luck and delicious bread to everyone!
Has anyone tried to bake using Rollton potato flakes? I tried it yesterday, - it seemed that there was too little water, - the dough didn't even work out, it didn't bond. Added another 100 ml. It also seemed that it was not enough, the dough was already very tight. Added another 40-45 ml. and that's it ... Further, the dough spread, became watery. It went up really well, but the crumb turned out to be absolutely unbaked ... :-(

Z. Y. I used a recipe from Crumbs, but reduced it by half from 750 gr.
Quote: Sas_ang

Has anyone tried to bake using Rollton potato flakes? I tried it yesterday, - it seemed that there was too little water, - the dough didn't even work out, it didn't bond. Added another 100 ml. It also seemed that it was not enough, the dough was already very tight. Added another 40-45 ml. and that's it ... Further, the dough spread, became watery. It rose really well, but the crumb turned out to be absolutely unbaked ... :-(

If you tried to make mashed potatoes from flakes, you probably noticed how much water dry potatoes take in. Lots of.

So it is in bread dough.
Therefore, it is better to first make mashed potatoes of the desired consistency from the flakes, and then knead the dough on it according to all the rules of the bun.
But water must be added very carefully, drop by drop. At first, it is better to add generally 30-50 ml, not more.
There is enough liquid in the finished mashed potatoes to knead the dough. At first, the dough will be clumpy and it seems that there is not enough water, but soon it becomes soft, and in the second batch it will be very soft or even liquid, which you have to gradually add flour to the bun.

I wrote about this in the very first recipe for Potato Breads, and then I constantly warned about this feature of potatoes.

See here:

Interaction of various types of flour with liquid

Admin, thank you! I know that in the morning I will have to put on quick bread - for lunch, guests, lovers of fresh bread with a crispy crust. I can't put on the timer, the stove will wake us up and won't let us sleep on the weekend. In the evening I clean up the dishes after dinner, two tablespoons of mashed potatoes are left in the saucepan along the walls. I'm going to throw it away. And here in your head your phrase "do not throw away the remains of mashed potatoes, it will come in handy for adding to bread." Quickly in a mug and put it in the fridge. In the morning I sprinkle it with liquid and add it to "quick bread from Elena Bo". The bread turned out to be taller, with a larger pore crumb with a characteristic for potato bread, but very light "rubberiness", crumbled less (it was necessary to cut it 40 minutes after baking, warm). Here it is, the power of potatoes!

Bake and eat for health

Now try not to drain the liquid from boiling potatoes, you can store it in the freezer and add it to any bread instead of water. Pour into small containers for one use.
If there are a couple more potatoes in it, even better.
Boil potatoes 2-4 more, useful.

Good luck!
Rustic stove
I followed the path of least resistance with "potato" bread
When I cook mashed potatoes, there are always a few half-eaten spoons + something else you can scrape off the saucepan. I am everything remains I add the remaining mashed potatoes to the dough according to the basic white recipe and pour in the potato broth as a liquid. Experience has shown that adding mashed potatoes in the range of 50-100 g does not require adjusting the recipe, the maximum is to add a couple of tablespoons of flour when kneading. My mashed potatoes are potatoes + butter + milk (cream).
The bread is very ennobled with such an additive - and the smell, taste, touch.
Admin, is 165 ml of liquid enough for 400 g of flour ??? Much more goes for such an amount, especially since there is buckwheat ...
Maybe I don't understand something? ..
Quote: LaraN

Admin, is 165 ml of liquid enough for 400 g of flour ??? Much more goes for such an amount, especially since there is buckwheat ...
Maybe I don't understand something? ..

This property is in potatoes, the more you roll the dough, the softer it becomes, although it barely turns during the first batch. In this case, add flour in portions.
Therefore, you need to be careful with the liquid, otherwise you will have to add a lot of flour.
Look at the recipes from the very beginning of the topic, you will see for yourself.
Today the potatoes were specially dried well, but they still gave away the liquid.

In this recipe, the ratio of flour and water is well chosen, although I do not exclude that you will have to add a little something - the products and baking conditions are different for everyone.

And the bread is delicious - worth it!
Thanks for the clarification! Doubts arose because I recently baked wheat bread with buckwheat flour, the bun took a lot of water. And jacket potatoes are very dense and "dryish". Therefore, purely theoretically, it looks like there is not enough water. But you have to try. I didn't do it with potatoes, only with mashed potatoes.

Conduct a small experiment - take in your opinion "dry" potatoes boiled in a jacket, add flour to it and mash well with your hands (like butter and flour on shortbread dough), and see how well it absorbs flour. Then on this "experimental" dough, put the bread in the bread maker, adding the rest of the products.
I kneaded the potatoes with a crush, but it was possible, as I described above, to knead it with flour with my hands.

A good comparison is butter - it looks like it is from the refrigerator and is hard, but as it is then combined with flour from the heat of the hands, the dough becomes very soft, which must be refrigerated for an hour before cutting.

I forgot that I also tested the first option in bread. Very nice and tall bread turned out. It is a pity that I did not have time to take a picture, I treated my friends. Thank you very much for the recipes!
All goodness and joy! I am happy to join a large family of bakers. Many thanks to Admin for the great recipe. Just now, I’ll ask you to explain how you can regulate the temperature for proving the dough (... at 30 degrees ...) and other temperatures, if you have a bread machine and there is an ordinary gas stove with a built-in gas oven, where the heating temperature is from 170 to 270 degrees?
P.S. I baked bread according to the main recipe yesterday, it turned out to be low, but very tasty, completely baked. Just delicious! Baked in my favorite x / furnace Moulinex 5002 XXL
Thanks in advance for the information! Nata.

In order of questions.

Thanks for the feedback on my recipes, it's very nice if someone likes what I'm doing.

If you closely followed my bread recipes, you probably read that:
I knead the dough practically in the bread maker, the first proofing of the dough is going on there, that is, everything is done in the bread maker in the Dough mode.
After that I spread the dough on the table, mold it into bread of the desired shape (challah, loaf, mold, etc.) and put it on the 2nd proofing. Proofing can be carried out simply on the kitchen table, if the temperature in the apartment allows. The most favorable temp. for proofing the dough 26-30 * С. Put it on the radiator if you like. Cover the dough with a towel or plastic wrap and there is no draft.
I chose the oven proofing option. I choose the "baking" mode, but I set the temperature to 30 C, I don't have less in the oven, and that's enough. When the proofing ends, I don't take out the bread from the oven, but increase the rate to 180 * C.The oven heats up to the desired temperature and then begins baking bread until cooked (see recipe).

Almost all of my recipes are suitable for baking in a bread maker, since the kneading is done in a bread maker and I track the bun before the first proofing.

I hope I answered on the merits of the questions.

Good luck!

I saw a cork from a bottle in a drawer and my head immediately triggered what needs to be done from it.

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

The result is a knife for cutting bread and loaves.
I have already tried it, it is very convenient, the hand holds the cork-handle firmly, the blade also does not jump in the hand, the strips are cut immediately, the desired depth, neatly.
You can see it in post 68, the top of the bread is cut lengthwise.
Thanks for the recipes. I made bread according to recipe # 1. They give you a HUGE (mouthful) THANKS, my mom and son.
Thank you very much for the recipes, I have already tried "Belarusian challah", "Wheat-potato" and "Wheat-rye-corn" very tasty. This is "Belarusian challah"
Peace be with you bakers!
once a week I bake bread with potatoes, such a symbiosis from the recipe for 5004 and the workings of Admin always turns out to be tall and porous
but yesterday for some reason it didn’t rise and inside it’s some kind of moist

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)
Peace be with you bakers!
I inserted the wrong photo, although it can be seen that the bread did not rise very much.
but on the cut, although the photo did not work out very well, you can see not air
I did not change the recipe, everything is as usual, but the potatoes from the new batch
In this connection, the question is ANY potato variety suitable?
before, I somehow did not bother about this, I put what it was
but now, after the failure, I became thoughtful

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)

I do it on any potato, white, blue-eyed, which is boiled and not.
The only difference is that when you cook potatoes in their skins, they become drier than just in water.

It seems to you that "everything is as usual." In fact, they could have taken flour from another batch and yeast, etc. ...
Once upon a time it is not necessary.
It happens that we ourselves get tired of the same recipes, in spite of the fact that they are our favorites, as they say, "the eyes are blurred."
Need a change of scenery! Try to temporarily switch to another bread, until you miss the potato again.

It happens that it helps, at least I do it.
Peace be with you bakers!
Admin the thing is that both flour from one bag and yeast from one can
and water from the same filter but the potatoes are different
and I already missed potato now I put a new batch
Peace be with you bakers!
Admin there are two options or your wish helped or because
that the neighbor asked for his own potatoes from the garden and something completely different
a business

Wheat-potato tin bread (oven)
Good day!

I just got a wheat-potato mold out of cotton according to your recipe !! While the bread is getting cold. In the process of preparing the ingredients, I had a question - to crush potatoes into mashed potatoes, you need liquid. According to the recipe, you have indicated 150 ml of broth, this includes, in the sense of mashed potatoes or do you take additional liquid for mashed potatoes? If so, which one, for example, I make mashed potatoes with cream.

Puree implies that the potatoes need to be mashed. This is not a mashed potato garnish for meat.

Just knead with a pusher, fork - that is, chop, the potatoes are kneaded well while hot or warm, and you do not need to add liquid.

150 ml of liquid is extra. liquid for the formation of dough and kolobok. And then pour 100 ml first. , add the rest if necessary. Potatoes have a lot of liquid, read my recipe comments.
Admin, thanks for your reply. True, I added a little broth to the puree. The bread turned out to be very fluffy and tasty. That's just where the holes from the stirrers are the pulp glued together, it seems the potatoes are not mixed. Maybe she put a lot !? I will still bake very tasty
Quote: Mouli

That's just where the holes from the stirrers are the pulp glued together, it seems the potatoes are not mixed. Maybe she put a lot!

Adjust the bun.Pay attention, at first it seems, when kneading, that there is not enough liquid, it barely scrolls, but then a very liquid dough turns out. Be careful with adding liquid.
yes, yes, that's right ... it seemed to me that I needed to add liquid. The gingerbread man was some kind of ragged, so 1 tsp dripped. .. but it was not necessary !!
Peace be with you bakers!
wheat and potato yes with fried onions
I bake it once a week for sure
and then somehow at work he mentioned \ before that he brought the usual \ well and
let's ask people how it is from potatoes - in short, I baked it and brought it, and during lunch I had a little thought
heat it up in the microwave cut it into pieces and put it a few in the mv literally pulled it out for seconds and stunned
it's good that I just put a little
the truth is, the people diminished both dry and wet, and even licked their lips
but the misunderstandings will follow because of what it is
Admin, thanks a lot for the recipe. Today I baked wheat and potato bread in a bread maker with fresh yeast. I use fresh yeast in cotton only the second time, and this is the first time I use such bread. This is a yummy, I just pulled it out of the bread machine, salivation began to flow, I could not wait for cooling. They began to try the hot one right away, then they tried it again and it ended. Such a miracle is with us for the first time. Here are the potatoes ... Thank you so much.
Admin, although the bread was hot, it was very tasty. True, I made it with milk, there was no potato broth, but now not a drop of it will pass by the bread machine.

So, what does the cheese consist of? also a fermented milk product with additives from vinegar and other things, so it gave a small growth of bread
Quote: Admin

So, what does the cheese consist of? also a fermented milk product with additives from vinegar and other things, so it gave a small growth of bread

For some reason, I thought that processed cheese contains more chemistry than fermented milk derivatives.
I have sour cream in an open sachet in my fridge, waiting for it to turn sour, well, or disappear ... so it has been lying for a week. I already went to the principle, decided to wait until it ceases to be "good"

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers