Floury-based liquid yeast

Category: Sourdough bread
Floury-based liquid yeast


whole grain flour (or 2 varieties) 50g
hot water 200g
liquid yeast:
whole brew
water 100g
whole grain flour (or 2 varieties) 8g
sour cream (curdled milk) 40g
pressed yeast 3d
ammonia 2 drops

Cooking method

  • Despite the fact that liquid yeast (sourdough) has a long history, its use in the technological process does not lose its relevance ("Breadmaking of Russia" No. 5, 2008 Liquid yeast - history of creation, experience and prospects.) Liquid yeast (ZhD) is the initial microbiological stage of the technological process of bread production. Liquid baker's yeast is a semi-finished product obtained by multiplying the yeast cells of Saccharomyces serevisiae in a fermented brew. This type of yeast was widely used in Soviet grain production. Liquid yeast was used as a biological leavening agent in the production of bread from wheat flour, a mixture of wheat and rye flour. They were especially widely used in the production of bread from second-grade wheat flour and in the processing of flour with reduced baking properties. Now, in connection with the widely introduced technology of dough preparation with a shortened fermentation period before cutting, the value of liquid yeast is especially increasing, since together with them, substances are introduced into the dough that improve the taste and aroma of the finished product, compensating for the decrease in their formation with a shortened dough fermentation period. Already in the very process of preparing liquid yeast, yeast cells adapt to a flour medium, similar to dough and dough. This makes them very active. The microflora of liquid yeast exhibits a significantly higher fermenting capacity during dough maturation than compressed yeast.
  • The cooking process can be divided into 3 stages:
  • 1. Welding flour with water with T = 85-80 * C for saccharification.
  • 2. Fermentation of saccharified tea leaves with temperature-stable lactic acid bacteria at Т = 48-52 * С.
  • 3. Population of fermented saccharified brew with yeast.
  • The benefits and principles of brewing are well described by Tatyana-Admin in Custard methods of making wheat dough.
  • Having decided to make such liquid yeast, I was faced with the problem of the absence of thermostable lactic acid bacteria. Since lactic acid bacteria available for home cooking die at T above 42-45 * C. But there was a suitable "Leningrad scheme" for this, which I adapted for home production.
  • The Leningrad Scheme (Central Laboratory of the Leningrad Bread-Baking Trust, 1938) provides for the simultaneous introduction of pure cultures of yeast and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria into saccharified flour brew with the addition of mineral nutrition and their joint cultivation at a temperature of 28-30 * C.
  • So let's get down to cooking. We heat about half of the water to T = 50 * C, the second half to T = 100 * C. Pour flour with T = 45-50 * C and stir thoroughly, then brew with the second half of the water with vigorous stirring. If, nevertheless, lumps have formed, then they can be broken with a mixer or blender.
  • Floury-based liquid yeast
  • Leave to cool to 60-65 * C (about 30 minutes later) and add 5g malt (optional), mix and leave to cool completely (about another 1 hour). Add water, sour cream, flour and a drop of ammonia, mix well. Add yeast, mix well again and cover with foil pierced with a toothpick in several places.
  • Floury-based liquid yeast
  • Leave to ferment in a warm place for 8-9 hours. The yeast is ready.
  • Floury-based liquid yeast
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. We use it instead of dry or pressed yeast.To determine the required amount, it is necessary to proceed from the ratio that the railway needs 20-25 times more than pressed ones. So, if the recipe indicates 10g of pressed yeast, then liquid yeast needs 200-250g. You can also focus on the ratio - 1 part of the railway to 2-2.5 parts of flour.
  • It is also necessary to correct the recipe for liquid and flour. I calculated the water and flour content in 100 g of railway: flour - 15 g and water - 85 g. That is, if the recipe requires 400g of flour and 300g of water, then you need to take 200g of railway, 370g (400-30) of flour, 130g (300-170) of water.

Time for preparing:

9-10 hours.


Liquid yeast ensures the production of bread with stable quality indicators (including from flour with reduced properties) and, most importantly, increased nutritional value due to the content of biologically active and prebiotic components synthesized by lactobacillus delbrueckit lactic acid bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. These are essential amino acids, vitamins, lactic acid, which contribute to the optimization and restoration of endoecology (trophostasis), i.e., the normalization of microecological conditions (microflora) of the body, prevention of infectious gastrointestinal diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, etc.) and increased immunity due to the suppression of the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in the intestine. The use of liquid yeast in the technological process of bread production inhibits the development of spore-forming bacteria p. Bacillus, found in grains and flours, causing the "potato disease" of bread, which can lead to severe poisoning.
Daily consumption of bread made using liquid yeast is the prevention of diseases such as diabetes and dysbiosis.
It also contributes to a longer storage of bread, increases the porosity and airiness of the crumb, significantly improves the taste and aroma of bread.

Linochka, wow! Now, it turns out that you read and calculated! Well done !
Elena Kadiewa
Sleepily did not understand the calculations for liquid and flour. And what does ammonia give? Is it required (I just don't have it at home)? Now I’ll swing, I’ll go and put it, just without ammonia.
No, I'll put it in the night.
I subscribe to the topic to study.
Linochka, thanks for sharing such a wonderful experience
Lina, these are very fast beneficial microorganisms! even high-speed in comparison with all sorts of ferments about ammonia, I wonder what it affects
Girls, ammonia is a source of ammonium for yeast growth. It greatly accelerates their growth. I found one article and the author's abstract of the dissertation, where ammonium was added to liquid yeast and trace elements and yeast were ready in 3-6 hours, and in the experiment - in 30 minutes! Here! I'm sooooo happy with the result!
For those who follow the topic I tell you. Today I decided to check the activity of ready-made yeast, which stood in the refrigerator for 3 days. I measured out the grams I needed, left them warm for 1 hour, put dough on them. It came well after 1.5 hours, the dough again turned out to be soft and tender, very pleasant to work with. The bread came out fluffy. It doesn't smell like yeast at all. The previous bread is still not stale (I am observing).
I found an abstract where such a technique was worked out - if active yeast was needed after 8 hours, then 1 part of ready-made liquid yeast and 3 parts of saccharified brew were kneaded, if after 12 hours, then 1 to 7, if after 16 hours, then 1 to 15. Then yeast was at its peak. Next time I will try to do it according to this scheme.
Oops, oops, I'm here too. The picture is simply mesmerizing ... I hear about ammonia for the first time.
Quote: Anna1957
I hear about ammonia for the first time.
And I already heard when I made champagne yeast from culture from a test tube. But then I forgot.
For those who follow the topic, I decided to make footnotes on the bread already baked with this yeast.

Pancake with whole grain flour with liquid yeast (Linadoc)

Floury-based liquid yeast

Bread with liquid yeast "Linen bun" (Linadoc)

Floury-based liquid yeast
I will replenish as I bake.
Linadoc, Lina, I've missed so many recipes! Very curious, you have to try! Thank you!
Quote: Linadoc
For those who follow the topic, I decided to make footnotes on the bread already baked with this yeast.
Thank you, Linochka
By the way, I can safely say that bread with this yeast does not dry out for a very long time and does not become moldy.
And now a new bread, rye. The yeast did a great job!

brewed rye bread with liquid yeast (Linadoc)

Floury-based liquid yeast
Here's another recipe:

Whole Wheat Bagels with Liquid Yeast (Linadoc)

Floury-based liquid yeast
Here's another recipe:

almost Tuscan bread with liquid yeast (Linadoc)

Floury-based liquid yeast
Linadoc, thanks, you need to experiment.
This is the first time I've heard about such an action of ammonia.
Hello Lina!
I am a newbie in home baking, I found your recipes, everything is unusually beautiful and sure delicious. I studied your recipes.
Yesterday I made 2 types of liquid yeast: on 1 grade flour (I did not find the second one) and whole grain flour. I put them in the refrigerator for the night (right?). In the morning of this day, I measured the required amount of heat. While I am re-reading your advice. There are several questions: You write: (from the author's abstract) - if an active leaven is needed after 8 hours, then we knead 1 hour of railway and 3 parts of saccharified leaven (its recipe is given in Zavarny rye?), Tell me is it always made like that? and where do we store the leaven during these 8 hours? In the same recipe (Custard rye) - grease with ready-made jelly - how to make it? In the recipe for bagels, boil water (how much water?) With 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar? And the last question, advise where is it better to leave the dough in a warm place with steam (and how to make this steam correctly?)? Sorry for so many questions, I guess accuracy in baking will not hurt. Once I tried to bake in KhP, it didn't work out, but the desire to learn how to bake the right tasty bread remained.
Ludmila, glad to see your interest!
Quote: santi
I put them in the refrigerator for the night (right?).

Quote: santi
if an active starter culture is needed after 8 hours, then knead 1 hour of ZHD and 3 parts of saccharified starter culture (its recipe is given in Zavarny rye?)
This is described in the yeast recipe, only there is a slip of the tongue, you need a "saccharified brew". That is, we again prepare saccharified tea leaves in an amount 3 times more than we plan to take yeast and add ready-made yeast, leave it for 8 hours at room T or slightly higher (preferably 28-30 * C). During this time, all this will turn into an active yeast leaven.

Quote: santi
grease with ready-made jelly - how to make it?
1 tsp starch 1/4 of a glass of water and microwave at full power for 1 minute.

Quote: santi
boil water (how much water?) with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar?
Depends on your utensil, but about 1L so that the bagels can float freely.
Quote: santi
leave the dough to rise in a warm place with steam (and how to make this steam right?)?
I just put a frying pan with boiling water on the bottom of the oven, and heat the oven for a little (1-2 minutes) and leave it with the light on.

Quote: santi
Once I tried to bake in KhP, it didn't work out, but the desire to learn how to bake the right tasty bread remained.
Still, I advise you to take the simplest recipes for HP and learn how to bake there, it's easier, and then move on to the oven. From the recipes in HP I advise you to try bread on old dough (see. Tanya's recipe - Admin). If you do it on this yeast, then it's easier to take a palyanitsa for a start.
Thank you very much for your quick, detailed answer!
With a palyanitsa I started the dough "puffs", now I kneaded the dough and set it to fit. I really hope that it will work out. Then I'll try to post photos of what happens.
I also read Admin recipes, I know her from recipes for drying fruits and vegetables in Isidri.
Lina, do not tell me what to do and where to use the flour "divinka" wheat bakery wallpaper if its shelf life ends in a week, and I have it -6 kg?
Quote: santi
where to use divinka flour
If it is in good condition, not bitter, not rancid, then you can dare to use it in a mixture with ordinary wheat flour, and you can also bake pancakes, pancakes and other things. Just add regular wheat to it, otherwise it is very heavy.
Thank you!
Good evening!
That's what I did! My first experience, but the taste is very, very. Errors were - I put the oven in a not completely preheated oven. But I really want to be like you. Lina, another question for you is my taste without sourness, is that how it should be? My husband likes it with sourness, advise how and what to do?
Thank you.
Floury-based liquid yeast
Floury-based liquid yeast
Floury-based liquid yeast
Lina, good morning!
Another question arose (please excuse me for bothering you, but who, besides the author of the recipe, knows all the answers?) - is it necessary to feed ready-made yeast that is in the refrigerator? If so, how to do it correctly? Thank you.
Judging by the photo, the bread did not stand up, and it looks like twice, at proofing and on the way. Time needs to be increased. Maybe you are cool. The sourdough gives sourdough. It is necessary to look at the topic of leaven. You don't need to feed yeast with anything, it's yeast, not sourdough. In general, it turned out well, clever!
Thanks for the support!!
I repeat the training today. I will take into account your comments. Now bread is baked in the oven, but I have a bunch of questions:
Linochka tell me, with what oil do you lubricate the proofing basket? Today I greased it with butter, dusted it with flour, put it in the oven with steam, the dough came up 10 cm high. Beautiful, elastic. Then I neatly turned it over onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and at that moment the dough seemed to "blown away" to 5 cm (in general, like yesterday). Then turn on the oven to heat up to 330 gr. (this is my swing.), I covered the bread with a towel while the oven was warming up - min. 10-15, the lifting height has not changed. Delivered, baked as you recommend in the recipe. Here's what happened. Until you cut it - hot.
How do you get so tall, airy?
Floury-based liquid yeast
Floury-based liquid yeast
Oven max 230 - 330 typo
If it was blown away and did not rise, then it stopped. You can check when it is time to press the barrel with your finger, if it recovered immediately - early, if slowly - it's time, if not recovered, it's late. Until you feel the dough it is best to do it on baking paper without turning it over. Just transfer the paper with the blank to a heated under or into a hot cauldron when baking. You can immediately put a workpiece in the form for proofing, and then simply rearrange it in a hot oven.
Thanks a lot. I think I'll try tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Goodnight!
Hello Lina!
The student asks to check the teacher's homework and assess the work done.
I did as you said, increased the time of the spreading and slightly the temperature and baked one bread on paper, the other in the form, though I smeared the form with butter (probably in vain), but it did not spoil the taste.
The bread is delicious, when you click on it, it is immediately restored, the husband speaks like a real loaf, and your comments and advice are very important to me. I attach photos:
Floury-based liquid yeast
Floury-based liquid yeast
Floury-based liquid yeast
Ludmila, excellent result! Well done! The form is better thick-walled, like a cauldron. Lay down the baking paper, it will be easier to remove it. Better yet, stand it on paper, and heat the cauldron or ceramics with a lid together with the oven, and then carefully lower the paper with the blank into the heated cauldron and close the lid for 15 minutes, then lower T and remove the lid.
Good evening! Thanks for the advice!
I have a large cauldron, and a thick-walled ceramic baking dish, in which the last bun of bread was baked. I will try to heat it up and do everything according to your advice. I will report on the results. I have a multicooker with a baking mode, I want another option to try baking in a multicooker. I'd like to bake bagels according to your recipe, I think I'll take a chance one of these days. Found a recipe for your homemade sour cream and cheese, what a needlewoman you are! I want to try. I bought ingredients for sour cream, found where to buy sourdough for cheese, I will buy it too.Thank you for the goodies, for sharing them with us!

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