Quote: Trishka
What for?

But, in the first message I read ..
Quote: Admin
We now have several options for action:
First: the resulting lump of leaven can be cut with a cross so that the depth of the cuts goes 1/3 deep into the dough, but not deeper, straighten the corners a little and put the leaven in a cylindrical vessel greased with vegetable oil. The incision, in addition to symbolism, has practical significance, this is how the aeration of the inner layer of leaven occurs
And I read that they put her in a narrow vessel so that she grows in height, and she had something to cling to, but nothing to oil ...
Ksyusha, as I understand it, there are diseases that can be in the kitchen and can threaten the leaven. These diseases are always introduced from the outside, for example, with purchased bread from the store. If a sick cereal was stored in a jar next door.
All kinds of mold, potato sticks and other live garbage. From them, you should initially rinse the dishes so as not to infect.
It is then very necessary if your bread has grown moldy recently at least once. This stuff can be in the air. In theory, it would be good not only to wash the jars, but also to do cleaning with airing of the entire kitchen, wash your hands. If the previous portion of the leaven has become moldy, it is also a symptom that the infection can settle in the kitchen and harm the leaven.
That is, see for yourself. If the kitchen is sterile. Purchased bread did not hurt anything in your kitchen, then you don't need to steam too much. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash and ventilate. However, here it must be remembered that the detergent must also be completely removed. Its remnants, even simply by their aroma, can kill germs in the leaven.
That is, strong chemistry cannot also be used, which then will also kill all living things from the air.

For the same reasons, it is better to take bottled or boiled filtered water. So that external chemistry does not interfere with the life of microbes.
I also planted my leaven in a narrow container. Tired of liter cylindrical Chinese teapots. I took them apart for parts and stuffed them into such a glass cylinder. It was fun to watch how the leaven "reaches for the sun." Italians say that it is in narrow vessels that it does not spread so much and evenly rises up. From above, I simply covered it with a film and made several punctures with a toothpick.
fffuntic, Len, thanks for the info!
Well, everyone's bread probably got moldy at least once, now I always keep bread in the refrigerator, although this is also not very right for taste.
In general, I try to keep it clean, but of course you can't foresee everything.
And I take water for sourdough filtered, but not boiled.
Well, you know yourself, there is "how to do it right" and there is "how we do" But if a problem arises, ugh, ugh, then you need to understand where the legs grow from. We all itch only when something goes wrong.
Also, in a good way, it is better not to allow spontaneous lowering of the leaven, as far as I understand. This is bad for gluten. To do this, they put them in a narrow vessel and restrain the rise. They do not allow to rise and tear at maximum rise. Also for the same purposes, - to keep the rise, make the consistency cool.
Quote: fffuntic
spontaneous lowering
So I got it down, well, I'll see what and how it will be.
Well, once it went down, some of the gluten broke there. That is, now you would have to feed her more often with the replacement of good gluten from a new portion of flour. As far as I understand, feeding can compensate for the loss. Probably, this lowering will be fundamental if bread is baked on spoiled gluten.And if you carry out several dressings, then the gluten can be completely restored. It seems so to me.
For now, I will feed it according to the Italian recipe, every 48 hours, and then I will see
Tex, with the child and the seed, missed the sourdough - stopped. Thinking to freshen up or anew? It looks normal, it doesn't smell very sour ... I'll take a break and do it.
Nastya, well, look, she didn’t stand still enough for all the already developed microbes to die. In theory, gluten should suffer the most. That is, with frequent feeding, in theory, everything should come to life and renew itself. Just until she recovers, keep her like in a resort, fulfill all her whims
Quote: fffuntic
Just until she recovers, keep her like in a resort, fulfill all her whims
Yes, it looks good, it also smells normal - not even sour, rather, fermented milk-fruit. I will observe, taste, and if it turns acidic, I will bathe in sweet water.

So, I fed. The starter itself looked and smelled great! The gluten, of course, collapsed fairly and the acidity was strong, but there were no mash smells or mold. Just a very hungry leaven.
I fed it thinner for activation, then I will transfer it to thicker again. Nowhere to roll the leaven! All sowing is busy, damn it ...
Quote: Trishka
I understood everything, thanks girls, so I won't go crazy, I'll just wash!
again I missed something, what to wash, when and why?
Quote: Trishka
I want to add that banana has a smell, almost the smell of vomit, or it has stood, or it should be, I do not know, but horror ...
Now there is a restoration of microflora, the fight against putrefactive and beneficial bacteria, so the first days the smell can be unpleasant, but then, when the good bacteria defeat the bad, the leaven will smell of sweet fruit. My rye is so stank , smelt that it seemed that the cats shit in the kitchen. But now it smells so delicious of apples and honey
My Levitochka is in the fridge.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

Bulka Cherkizovskaya on Levito.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

And the cutter. The husband could not resist - he cut it warm. The crumb laughed. When it has cooled down completely - a magical aroma!)
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

Quote: Newbie
again I missed something, what to wash, when and why?
As I understand it, treat with boiling water / disinfect all surfaces that come into contact with the dough / starter culture, so as not to introduce unnecessary pathogenic microflora. That is, scald a bowl, fork, sourdough jar, table, wash the kitchen before kneading so that mold spores (if any) or anything else have passed into the sourdough.
And do not wash chem. funds in the PMM? Or have I read the wrong thing again?

I looked at the renewed sourdough in the cabinet - no gu-gu. No mold, but no fermentation either. It smells good. Though it's warm in the kitchen.
I don’t know if I have a chance to get her out?
Quote: mamusi
Levitochka is in the refrigerator.
How fluffy she is.
Ritual, how much flour do you have, and how big is the jar?

Bulka Cherkizovskaya on Levito.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
What a beauty !
Natasha * Chamomile
Quote: Tricia
there is no fermentation. It smells good.
I don’t know if I have a chance to get her out?
Here it is with me ... At first, I almost ran away, and now she sits silent ...

And the day before yesterday I put sourdough on a banana. I'll feed you this afternoon. If I have no glitches, then it is bubbled by this morning.
Quote: Tricia
As I understand it, treat with boiling water / disinfect all surfaces that come into contact with the dough / starter culture, so as not to introduce unnecessary pathogenic microflora. That is, scald a bowl, fork, sourdough jar, table, wash the kitchen before kneading so that mold spores (if any) or anything else have passed into the sourdough.
I probably won't do
although ... a spoiled banana was lying around alone, but it's a pity to throw away the spoiled one?
Quote: Trishka
Ritual, how much flour do you have, and how big is the jar?
This jar contains 160 yeast, + 160 flour + 80 water. A jar of about 1 liter. I do not know for sure
various spores will still fly in the air, there is no getting around it.Therefore, we simply maintain cleanliness in the kitchen and in clean dishes, knead the leaven with clean hands. My starter is always tightly closed with a lid. So nothing should fly
And I take the dishes from the dishwasher. Or just washed it with soda, dried it and put it in the cabinet before use. I only have starter jars for starter.
Quote: Newbie
Quote: Tricia from Today at 11:04 am
As I understand it, treat with boiling water / disinfect all surfaces that come into contact with the dough / starter culture, so as not to introduce unnecessary pathogenic microflora. That is, scald a bowl, fork, sourdough jar, table, wash the kitchen before kneading so that mold spores (if any) or anything else have not passed into the sourdough.

Quote: mamusi
Bulka Cherkizovskaya on Levito.
can I have a recipe?
Quote: Newbie
Yes laaaadno!
This is if mold or other byaka suddenly and again comes out in the leaven. And after the PMM detergents, a layer remains that prevents living microorganisms from developing or something else. I myself just scald the bowl and fork, and my starter jars with soda, not in the dishwasher. But I'm not rolling the leaven on the table yet - there is no room.
Quote: Newbie
a spoiled banana was lying around alone, but it's a pity to throw away spoiled banana?
if it just perespal, then it will go, and if it is rotten, then it will be discarded.

Quote: Tricia
And after the PMM detergents, a layer remains that prevents living microorganisms from developing or something else.
soda plus citric acid and additional rinse
Here is my starter culture before the first feeding, a little less than two days after mixing with a banana:
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
For today half a day it has grown considerably.
Here, according to this recipe, baked.
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and careCherkizovskaya bun in accordance with GOST in a bread machine
Quote: Bozhedarka
the smell can be unpleasant
Thank you, otherwise I was really worried that I just got rotten

Quote: mamusi
A jar of about 1 liter.
Thank you !

Well, and mine!
Today is the second feed, 48 hours have passed.
As you can see, this time it did not grow very much, but there was no mold either.
In both, small bubbles are observed, practically throughout the volume.
I fed 60/30/60 again and put 0.5 l in the jars again, in 800 gram it has a lot of space for now.
The smell of banana is no longer so disgusting, but until you call it pleasant, there is a struggle between "good" and "evil" ...
Grape smells like flour or something ...
When kneaded, the grape is denser and less sticky.
Banana sticks to everything it comes into contact with, and almost immediately spreads in the jar ..... maybe she needs more flour?
Here they are before feeding.
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
It's already finished.
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

We look forward to what happens.
KsyushaAt first, these leavens always have a smell beeeeeeeee, let's put it mildly, not very pleasant, but then .... Such an aroma is pleasant.
Volume, I hope so ...
Natasha * Chamomile
Quote: Trishka
Banana sticks to everything it touches

It sticks to me too. When I knead it on the table, I dust the table a little with flour.
That's when I mess it up on the table, it doesn't seem to stick very much, but it's worth rolling it into a ball, all the khan ... to hands, to the table, to the bank ..
Natasha * Chamomile
Oh, to the bank, yes .. To lay flat on the bottom, cuts up, sometimes you have to tinker!
Quote: Natasha * Chamomile
Oh, to the bank, yes .. To lay flat on the bottom, cuts up, sometimes you have to tinker!
and in the bank to pochikat?

Yes, as if without any problems ... I put it on the table and in the jar ...
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Ritual, beautiful!

Quote: Newbie
have a drink in the bank
The knife will not work yet, my dough is painfully soft.
And with scissors, hands won't get through ...
I muddied the leaven, I screwed it up, really. I took a ratio of 1: 1: 1 (and what came over me), and it turned out to be liquid. Add half more flour?

added flour - you can't do it
Quote: Newbie
added flour - you can't do it
nothing, I kneaded the first batch very cool.

Quote: mamusi
Here, according to this recipe, baked.
Cherkizovskaya bun in accordance with GOST in a bread machine
Thank you! and how much leaven did it take for this recipe?

Quote: mamusi
Yes, as if without any problems ... I put it on the table and in the jar ...
very interesting way of feeding
Quote: Bozhedarka
How much starter did this recipe take?
I took 240 g.
And accordingly, she reduced the amount of flour in the recipe by 160 g, and the amount of water by 80 g.
mamusi, Thank you!!!! I'll go feed the sourdoughs for baking!

Quote: Trishka
The knife will not work yet, my dough is painfully soft.
a knife is needed very sharp and knead a dense bun.
My fed banana Levita rose by 1/5 a day later, small bubbles are visible. Not very playful, but I do not lose hope. Now I will bake bread every 2 days with the leftovers from feeding, otherwise it’s a pity to throw away good flour.
Natasha * Chamomile
Quote: Newbie
and in the bank to pochikat?
No, it won't work. And there is not enough space with a knife, and even more so with scissors.
Oh, Ksyusha already wrote while I was sleeping!
mamusi, oh, what a beauty you have!
Quote: Anchic
Here is my starter culture before the first feeding, a little less than two days after mixing with a banana:

For today half a day it has grown considerably.

ooh, giant. What kind of flour did you use? My something after a night in no eye
Newbie, Ryazanochka flour, I have been baking bread on it for the last few months, I buy 6-8 packs of 2 kg in shares at once.
Baked baguettes on Levito
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
And mine was originally on Makfa, but not so "triumphant". And now I'm feeding KRUPNOV (white pack).
The sourdough ripped noticeably and the smell changed!

Quote: Painting
Baked baguettes on Levito
The beauty!!!)))
Quote: Anchic
Novichok_ya, Ryazanochka flour, I've been baking bread on it for the last few months, I buy 6-8 packs of 2 kg in shares at once.

oh no, not her
Natasha * Chamomile
Paint, Tomwhat delicious baguettes! So I would chew off a piece!
Girls, and mine seems to have disappeared ... Two days ago I fed, although it did not increase almost in volume, but it was in bubbles, and today not a single bubble. Some kind of sticky mass, although the smell is normal, it smells like dried fruit, but sour. I'll see until the next feeding.
Quote: mamusi
And mine was originally on Makfa, but not so "triumphant". And now I'm feeding KRUPNOV (white pack).
and where you take a large one, I only saw oatmeal, but we could not look closely. I have a lot of premium flour of all sorts, but I don't bake it, there was a cheap, unidentified one, I shoved it into the leaven, and I didn't want to open a new pack in vain.

Quote: Natasha * Chamomile
Girls, and mine seems to have disappeared ... Two days ago I fed, although it did not increase almost in volume, but it was in bubbles, and today not a single bubble. Some kind of sticky mass, although the smell is normal, it smells like dried fruit, but sour. I'll see until the next feeding.
pichal, maybe the flour is weak, you need to feed it every day?
Girls, in Magnit I took Whiteonezhny flour for the action. I immediately grabbed the package. The leaven is rushing on it like crazy. And it grows well on any Stary Oskol and Lipetsk regions. But on Makfa I got stuck about 7 years ago and since then I go around it by the tenth road. Ryazanochka doesn't like it either. All the dough "floats" on it. Maybe they bring this to us, but I don't risk it anymore.
And I just looked at mine, the vapsche did not grow in a day, it spread over the bank and FSE ... I'll wait until tomorrow ...

Quote: Painting

Baked baguettes on Levito
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Handsome men!

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