For the first time I came across a turnip in a store and, naturally, I bought it. They knew about the useful properties of the turnip even in Ancient Rome and, of course, in Russia. We should also include healthy food in our diet and, moreover, tasty food.
Useful properties of turnip
Since ancient times, turnip has been considered an excellent means of cleaning the body of toxins. Raw turnip contains up to 9% sugars, a very high content of vitamin C (twice as much as in any root vegetable), B1, B2, B5, PP, provitamin A (especially in yellow turnip), easily digestible polysaccharides, sterol (element necessary in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Turnips contain the rare element glucoraphanin, a plant analogue of sulforophane with anti-cancer properties. This element is found only in turnips and various types of cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower.
Turnip contains rare trace elements and metals: copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and many others. There is more phosphorus in turnips than in radishes and radishes, and sulfur, necessary to cleanse the blood and dissolve kidney and bladder stones, cannot be found in any other familiar vegetable. Magnesium is abundant and helps the body store and absorb calcium. The turnip even contains an antibiotic that inhibits the development of certain fungi, including those dangerous to the human body (not acting, however, on E. coli and staphylococci).
Turnip activates the liver and the secretion of bile, which prevents the formation of gallstones. Cellulose supports the activation of intestinal motility and the prevention of nutrient stagnation. This has many benefits for lowering cholesterol levels, which in turn is great for preventing atherosclerosis. Turnip contains lysozyme, a substance with very strong antimicrobial activity. It is interesting to note that turnip is a natural antibiotic capable of destroying or preventing signs of various diseases, especially of the skin and mucous membranes.
Turnip is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins. Turnip nourishes, but does not allow excess weight to start. The mineral salts and essential oils found in turnips can serve as a versatile health-regulating complex. It is not for nothing that so many tales and sayings about turnips have appeared.This root vegetable has wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. In addition to being delicious, properly cooked turnips are also incredibly healthy.
For diabetic patients, turnip is an excellent general tonic; doctors especially recommend it in winter. However, it is worth controlling the amount eaten, since this root vegetable contains a lot of sugar, and you should generally abstain from rutabagas.
Turnip juice is drunk when coughing, sore throat (from a simple cold to the restoration of a completely "shrunken" voice). It relieves asthma symptoms, improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. Boiled turnips are ground into gruel and applied to sore spots with gout. And even a toothache was removed with a decoction of turnips. A large amount of fiber in turnips stimulates intestinal motility.
A decoction of turnip roots improves sleep, calms the heartbeat, has a laxative effect, helps with asthma and bronchitis. To prepare the decoction, you will need one to two tablespoons of chopped turnip root vegetables. You need to pour two hundred ml of boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes and drain. Take a decoction of 1/4 cup four times a day or one glass at bedtime.
Perhaps the decisive role in the displacement of turnips was played by the longer cooking time of turnips in relation to potatoes. The potatoes boiled much faster, became crumbly and soft, and more dishes could be made from them. The feeling of satiety from turnips and potatoes is similar, at that time it was not customary to understand the reasons for the sensations. "Potato satiety" was the result of heavy digestion of large amounts of starch. The carbohydrates that make up the bulk of the potato provided a lot of calories, but it is the carbohydrate food that is responsible for the excess body fat. Turnips, like celery, parsley root and parsnips, which are often overlooked today, can just as well be used in soups instead of potatoes and even boiled down to the softest state. Yes, cooking turnips takes more time, but in terms of the balance of nutrients and special health-improving properties, turnips leave potatoes behind, and in the skillful hands of an experienced chef it becomes a delicacy.
By stewing and baking, you can prepare a lot of wonderful turnip dishes. For example, with apples and raisins. The turnips are the main ingredient in this dish, but options with sauces, gravies and additives are possible. Turnip can be a side dish for meat, game or fish. 🔗
Dates: benefits and properties
For most of the inhabitants of Russia, fruits such as dates are considered sweets, or a delicacy, without which it is quite possible to live. But in the countries that are the homeland of dates, the attitude towards them has always been different, and they could even form the basis of nutrition.
Dates began to be cultivated by humans a very long time ago, about 5-7 thousand years ago. Where is the birthplace of these fruits is not known for certain: some scientists believe that this is Mesopotamia, others - Saudi Arabia or North Africa. Today, date palms grow not only in these countries, but also on the American continent, South Africa and Australia.
In many Arab countries, dates have long been considered a fruit that can maintain health and ensure a long life, and therefore were one of the staple foods - for example, like rice in Southeast Asia.
Dates were also used to treat various diseases: purulent wounds, inflammation, and even venereal diseases. However, in such cases, unripe fruits, red-yellow, with a tart taste, helped more often. Interestingly, the Quran, the holy book of all Muslims, speaks many times about dates as fruits recommended by Allah himself: in particular, they are recommended for women to use to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding. Dates were also recommended for men - to maintain male strength and sexuality.
In the old days, going to war or on a campaign, Arab men took with them at least two bags of dried dates. It so happened that these fruits saved both the warrior and his horse from death, giving them strength in battles and difficult transitions.
Why are dates so useful and what do we know about them today? Of course, with the help of modern science, it is easier to understand the composition of dates and their effect on human health.
The benefits and properties of dates
The nutritional value of dates is amazing: they contain vitamins A, E, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron and essential amino acids that are not found in other fruits.
The calorie content of dates is quite high (282 kcal per 100 g of dates), they contain enough fat and protein, a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, and therefore many people who are prone to overweight are afraid to include them in their diet.
Of course, you shouldn't overeat these sweet fruits, but dates are unlikely to cause obesity. On the contrary, many nutritionists recommend replacing the usual sweets with them: sweets, sweet pastries, pastries, cakes, etc. Imagine how a handful of dates for dessert or tea is healthier than a cake with fat cream?
benefits of dates
By the way, there is also the opinion of nutritionists that you can eat only 1 date a day, drink it with a glass of milk, and this will be the very minimum of nutrients that we need to keep going. The percentage of sugar in dates is the highest - there is not so much in any other fruit, however, this sugar is not harmful to the body, since it is very easily absorbed and processed.
The great Russian scientist, biologist and physician I. I. Mechnikov considered dates to be an excellent remedy for the treatment of intestinal disorders. However, one should not forget to thoroughly wash dried and dried dates, as many pathogens accumulate on their sticky surface.
Eating dates helps the heart, as they are high in potassium; they support the liver and kidneys; normalize the acid balance in the body; create a favorable environment for the development of beneficial intestinal microflora. Dates also strengthen the immune system, are useful for anemia, coughs, viral infections, and as a restorative after a long illness. Many scientists believe that dates, when consumed regularly, can provide cancer prevention.
The list of useful properties of dates can be continued for a very long time: they tone up, relieve fatigue, relieve diabetes mellitus and paralysis of the facial nerve.
Patients with hypertension, if their blood sugar is normal, doctors recommend eating 50-100 g of dates before breakfast, about half an hour. Such a course can be carried out for 3 weeks, then take a break for 10 days and repeat.
With dystrophy, patients are prescribed a date broth with rice.
Why are dates so good for pregnant women and nursing mothers? Already in our time, scientists have found out that dates contain special substances that strengthen the muscles of the uterus. Therefore, childbirth is facilitated, the uterus contracts better, and bleeding after childbirth ends much faster.
During breastfeeding, dates provide adequate nutrition for the baby, enriching the mother's milk with useful substances. Children who are fed with such milk grow healthier, as their bodies are more active in resisting infections.
Compounds in dates can help prevent depression, which is a common companion for pregnant women and young mothers. Therefore, dates are also useful for children with an unbalanced psyche.
In the homeland of dates, they are considered a medicinal food: the Arabs eat them not only with milk or yogurt, but also with bread, fish and butter. This combination perfectly saturates, helps the brain and gives physical strength.
properties of dates
Another useful property of dates is a mild hypnotic effect.The amino acid tryptophan, found in dates, is converted in the body into serotonin, the mood hormone, and melatonin, the sleep hormone. So dates work selectively: they can stimulate a tired person, and help those who suffer from insomnia to fall asleep - it is enough to eat 5 fruits at night.
You can cook many tasty and healthy dishes with dates: fruit salads, cookies, pies, cakes, baked goods. Date sugar and honey are made from them, compotes, jelly are boiled, muesli and sweet pasta with nuts are prepared.
Chicken stuffed with dates
One of the simplest and most delicious dishes that can be easily cooked in our conditions is chicken stuffed with dates. You can prepare this dish for the holiday. Minced meat is prepared from rice, cooked until half cooked, lemon and dates. The lemon needs to be peeled and finely chopped, like dry pitted dates. Put the fruits and rice in a pan and fry, stirring occasionally. Add parsley, salt, pepper, ground almonds.
The chicken is stuffed with the resulting mixture, sewn up, rubbed with spices and salt, greased with olive oil and baked in the oven for about an hour, pouring white wine.
Contraindications to the use of dates
Can dates harm someone? People who have kidney stones or a tendency to migraine should eat fewer dates, and those who have chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines should eat them boiled, like any dried fruit, for example, in the form of compotes.
Dates leave a sweet plaque on the teeth and can lead to tooth decay, but brushing your teeth after eating them will be fine. In this case, the teeth will only become stronger, since dates contain calcium and fluoride - the elements necessary for their health.
Which dates to buy?
When buying dates, do not pick up too wrinkled, as well as those on which mold or crystallized sugar is visible. Dates should not be stored in plastic bags, but in a glass, hermetically sealed container. In this form, they can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole year.
Today on sale there are many varieties of dates grown in different countries, so you can try, search and find the most delicious for yourself. And do not be afraid of weight gain - after all, dates are much healthier than any of the most refined sweets. 🔗
Since the turnip contains quite a lot of vitamin A, and it is a fat-soluble vitamin, we season the dish with oil. I added linseed.
Why is linseed oil useful (especially for women)?
Modern research has shown that eating flaxseed oil reduces the risk of stroke by 37%. Eating flaxseed oil, you can not be afraid of such terrible diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and many others. In folk medicine, it is used for worms, heartburn, and various ulcers. In terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, flaxseed oil surpasses the products of the usual diet, and only 1-2 tablespoons provide satisfaction of the daily requirement for them. According to its biological value, linseed oil is in the first place among edible oils. Flaxseed contains 46% of vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body, but is brought in from the outside. Flaxseed oil contains valuable unsaturated acids and a large amount of vitamins A and E. Linseed oil contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances necessary for a healthy diet. The most important components of linseed oil are fatty acids: - alpha-linolenic acid - 60% (Omega-3); - linoleic acid - 20% (Omega-6); - oleic acid - 10% (Omega-9); - other saturated fatty acids - 10%. If Omega-6 is present, in addition to linseed, in sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, mustard, olive oils, then Omega-3 is present in sufficient quantities only in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This is the uniqueness of linseed oil, hence its specific smell, so familiar to us from fish oil.This is an indicator of the high quality of the oil, its purity, and also proof that it has not been mixed with other vegetable oils. Daily use of flaxseed oil helps to: prevent the development of heart attacks, stroke and myocardial infarction (reducing the load on the heart and blood vessels due to a decrease in blood viscosity and normalization of fat levels); lowering blood pressure; reducing the risk of developing breast and rectal cancer; reducing the incidence of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus. Flaxseed oil is an important element of a woman's nutrition, its use contributes to: facilitating the course of premenstrual syndrome and premenopause; improving the condition of the skin and hair; strengthening the nervous system; the work of the kidneys with edema; improving visual acuity; relieve and treat asthma. Flaxseed oil can be used both in pure form and in a mixture with other vegetable oils, it can be mixed with honey, fruit or syrup.
In Russia, flaxseed oil has been used since ancient times - we can safely say that the benefits of flaxseed oil have been confirmed by centuries of people's experience. So, the beneficial properties of flaxseed oil were used in cooking - with oil from flax seeds, lean dishes were seasoned, added to the dough, and on holidays, especially refined dishes were prepared on the basis of oil from flax seeds. Flaxseed oil has also been renowned for its ability to effectively heal wounds and relieve pain.
Today, the benefits of using flaxseed oil are backed up by serious scientific research - let's talk about this in more detail.
Linseed oil composition
Speaking about the benefits of the use of flaxseed oil, one must immediately dwell on its unique composition, due to which the range of useful properties of the oil is so wide. So, in addition to a large amount of vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, B-group vitamins, vitamin K), it contains a full range of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of vitamin F (fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 families). These acids play an important role in biological processes in the human body, but the body is not able to synthesize them on its own. For example, in flaxseed oil, scientists have found more Omega-3 acid than the famous fish oil. There is simply no other product in nature that has such potential. Flaxseed oil is also high in saturated fatty acids.
This vegetable oil is produced from flax seeds by cold pressing, due to which the finished product retains its medicinal properties. Then linseed oil undergoes refining, during which the color of the product also changes: the higher the degree of refining, the lighter the oil.
Benefits of flaxseed oil
The gift of nature - linseed oil - has a number of unique beneficial properties for human health and beauty, due to which the range of its application is very wide. So, thanks to the large amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, flax seed oil can have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the human body. Nutritionists advise replacing sunflower oil with linseed oil, which will contribute to the process of losing weight.
Flaxseed oil thins the blood, tones the vascular system and lowers cholesterol levels. By regularly applying flaxseed oil to your table, you will receive tremendous benefits for your health due to the effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
They are distinguished by the beneficial properties of flaxseed oil for solving problems of the gastrointestinal tract, it successfully fights gastritis, colitis, heartburn and constipation, and helps eliminate worms.
For the female body, the benefits of flax oil deserve separate words - the use of flax seed oil prevents the development of cancer of the female breast and rectum, and helps to normalize hormonal levels.It is recommended to be included in the diet of postoperative patients, pregnant women, children, vegetarians (as a substitute for animal fats), as well as people who want to lose weight.
The properties of flaxseed oil are widely used by the cosmetic industry, it can also be successfully used in "home" cosmetology, for example, using face masks.
Linseed oil applications
Now let's talk about how to properly use flaxseed oil to maximize the effect. The good thing is that the use of flaxseed oil is not limited to a strict framework - you can use it as a seasoning, drink it alone, or combine it with kefir. In nutrition, flaxseed oil is most delicious with vinaigrette, vegetable salads, sauerkraut. It is also used by adding it to fermented milk products and cereals, to dough products, to which it gives an exquisite smell and attractive color. The use of cold linseed oil is most useful, since it loses a number of its beneficial qualities during heat treatment. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed oil a day is enough for your body to receive the required amount of nutrients.
How to take flaxseed oil
You need to take flaxseed oil, gradually increasing the dose, so that the body can get used to flaxseed oil and get the maximum benefit from its use. For the first week, drink a little flaxseed, one teaspoon a day in the morning, 20-30 minutes before meals. At first, the stomach can react negatively, causing feelings of nausea, then eat the oil with a lemon wedge. The second week, you need to add an evening dose to the morning dose, also a teaspoon half an hour or an hour after dinner. In the evening, you can take flaxseed oil in combination with kefir by simply adding it to kefir. The third and fourth weeks of using flaxseed oil should be devoted to gradually increasing a single dose to one tablespoon. This proportion - in the dining room in the morning and in the evening - is recommended to be taken within three months. During this time, flaxseed oil will allow you to establish a correct metabolism, improve the functioning of the blood and heart, the condition of hair and nails, and also cleanse the body of toxins and thus help lose weight. 🔗