Classic buckwheat porridge (Panasonic SR-TMH 18)

Category: Dishes from cereals and flour products
Classic buckwheat porridge (Panasonic SR-TMH 18)


Buckwheat 2 measuring cups
Water 600 ml
Salt taste
Butter or ghee for porridge

Cooking method

  • We wash the cereals, put the multicooker in the pan, add salt, water, mix all the ingredients, close the lid and set the "Buckwheat" mode, sit and wait ... or go to fill up.
  • After the cooking time has elapsed, a signal will sound, it's time to go to the table.
  • Put a piece of butter or ghee on the porridge. It is best to serve porridge with baked milk, also cooked in a slow cooker. (see recipe)
  • Bon Appetit!
  • Note: Porridge can be cooked in a multicooker by setting it on the timer in the evening.
  • Also, you can add butter or ghee to the finished porridge while still in the multicooker pan, spreading it in small pieces over the surface of the porridge and not stirring it, and leave it there for a while in the heating mode or even turning off the pan completely. It will be delicious!


To be continued ... there will be more porridge

A list of all my "culinary delights" for the entire time of being on the forum, including current ones the topic "To cook, too, as I can ..." can be viewed here: CULINARY "THINGS" by Admin and "MY BREAD GALLERY" by Admin

Buckwheat porridge with onions and mushrooms Obligaciya

Buckwheat porridge with gibamia and vegetables lilyaschik

Buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms stn

Buckwheat porridge without cooking Alexandra

Buckwheat porridge with onions and eggs emosolova


I suggest not to cook at all, pour boiling water over 1: 2, salt to taste, and close. You will get a delicious and healthy crumbly completely ready-made porridge. Moreover, this is from ordinary, not quickly digestible cereals.

In the arrangement for the multicooker:
I suggest pouring water, if cold - then in the steam cooking mode before the start of the countdown, if boiling water - just pour in, add cereal, salt, close and turn on the heating. Depending on the amount of cereal, from half an hour to an hour is enough. You can put it overnight, I think, add a quarter glass of water more so that it does not dry out. Butter for ready-made porridge, as in your recipe.

Believe me, this is absolutely as tasty as the classically cooked one, but much healthier! I feed my family and eat only this.
Boo Boo
Thanks for the recipe, otherwise I racked my brains over the proportions of water and porridge. Before putting the porridge, I fried chicken with onions in a mullet. From the chicken there was oil with the remnants of onions. She poured cereals right there and poured water over it. Buckwheat is very tasty.
The slow cooker is only the third week, but I like it very much I did the option of barley + buckwheat with vegetables. Similarly, I used to do one pearl barley in a cauldron. In the mixture and the multi it turned out generally excellent.
Vegetables: according to the principle of what is available. Min option onion + carrot. Blue go well with pearl barley. This time I also added Bulgarian pepper. In winter you can take frozen Mexican mix
Cut the vegetables into half rings, carrots into cubes, blue as fries. A slow cooker in baking mode for 40 minutes, but less is quite possible. A couple of tablespoons of oil and then add everything to the saucepan as you cut it. 10 minutes before the end, pour in the soaked pearl barley and washed buckwheat, mix. We give them this time to "make friends", as Vysotskaya says. Then we add water, spices, at your discretion, salt.On the buckwheat mode. I put it with a reprieve for the morning. It turned out great. Wore it to work as a demonstration. Gone with a bang.
Can I join you? Four days ago I bought this magic pot. I read the recipes attached to it, read good thoughts on the forum. The first thing I cooked was a pilaf according to Alexandra's recipe, it came out amazing - REAL. And today I cooked buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms.
My recipe:
Meat (I had pork) about 0.5 kg and I fried one onion according to the BAKING program (about half an hour. Then I switched on the program: Stewing and stewed for half an hour too. After that I put salt on top, laid half a kilo of sterilized mushrooms, added to enhance the smell, a pinch of shambhala (mushroom herb), 4 cups of buckwheat, 8 cups of water and for the program: Buckwheat.
What can I tell you, I'm not about porridge, but this one turned out to be so tasty and tender that I had lunch with an addition. And after that I cooked borsch
Thanks to the forum for being there, and you can read smart thoughts
And I often do this option: a little sunflower oil on the bottom + finely onions + carrots on a grater. The next layer is mushrooms - oyster mushrooms (cheaper) or champignons. Then dry buckwheat. And pour water on your fingers 2 higher than the entire contents. Spices to taste and desire. Buckwheat mode. Stir before serving. It turns out yummy. Carrots taste like that, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.
If there is time, I fry the mushrooms + onions + carrots in the baking mode.
Or you can even pour the cereal with cold water in a bowl and after a few hours eat porridge.There, finally, all the vitamins are intact
Buckwheat with onions and mushrooms.

The recipe is not new and not unique, but suddenly someone will come in handy.

300g champignons,
2 onions,
2 tbsp. l. soy sauce (you can just salt to taste).
1 cup buckwheat
2 cups broth (water can be used, but then still seasonings for taste)

You can, of course, just on "Buckwheat" - drop everything and press a button, but I would like the onions and mushrooms to be fried.

Saute onions and mushrooms for rast. oil with a pinch of salt (so that the mushrooms give off excess juice). - 30 minutes. in the Baking mode.
Add buckwheat, mix, pour water - Buckwheat mode.
Strange affair....
How many different delicious cereals are on the site, but for some reason there is no such simple one ...
The recipe is ancient, inherited from the mother-in-law.
But the porridge is very tasty. This is my very first porridge that I cooked in Mulka.

1. Take the onion, cut it. Pour lean butter into Mulka. We spread the onion, on "baking", you can "pilaf".
Fry to taste. I love to be completely tanned. We also take onions to taste. BUT! Necessarily!
2. My buckwheat. Let's drain. You can pre-fry a little in a dry skillet.
3. Put several eggs in the wire rack.
4. Pour the buckwheat into the pre-fried onion, fill it with water. In quantitative proportions water-buckwheat. We put eggs in the lattice.
Buckwheat mode. While the buckwheat is being cooked, the eggs are steamed.
After MV picks up, we get the eggs. We close MV and on "heating"
Finely chop the eggs and add to the buckwheat. We mix.
And that's it!
You can eat just like that, you can with some sausages, cutlets.
Buckwheat turns out well, oooo very satisfying and beautiful. Try it.
I'll cook it somehow, post pictures.
Admin, thank you very much for the recipe and proportions of classic buckwheat !!!!!
Cooked with a timer delay for the morning - perfect !!!!! It's only my third day of CF and thanks to these proven recipes I'm becoming an increasingly confident user !!

Enjoy cooking and eating
It's nice to hear that everything works out for you, and there is a drop of my work in this
Does anyone have a battle-tested recipe for buckwheat milk?

Tomorrow my cartoon should already come to me, and I love how I love milk buckwheat porridge, and respects her child too ...

You can, of course, just cook it in the usual way, and then pour it in milk and let it stand (my grandmother, I remember, did something like that - first she cooked it, and then kept it on a low fire with milk). But suddenly someone tried a good version of the proportions for the milk?
Ernimel, I think you should adjust the proportions to your taste.

I cook all milk porridge like this: 1 multi-cup of cereal, 1 liter of milk, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, a piece of butter, a chain of salt. Milk porridge mode. I put all this on the timer for the morning so that the porridge will stand for another hour on the podorghevo.
I quite often cook buckwheat for my people in milk, I like this one, especially for breakfast, for 1 liter of milk-200 gr. buckwheat, salt, sugar, butter, to taste.
It's good that I came across this topic!
I cooked buckwheat porridge in milk, because in the book "About tasty and healthy food" it is written that such porridge is boiled in water, and then poured with milk. Well, they don't cook, they don't cook like that - I thought. ??? So I remain in ignorance.
Please tell me, everyone who cooked, does the cereal boil well?
Quote: Elenka69

Please tell me, everyone who cooked, does the cereal boil well?
Very much ! Not at all worse than on the water!
Well, it is believed that cereals are less cooked in milk than in water.

And in a slow cooker everything boils down wonderfully, I just leave 1 hour of heating just in case.
Thank you, Luysia, Crochet!
I will definitely cook! And I leave all the milk porridge on heating for an hour.
for 1 liter of milk-200 gr. buckwheat
Not a lot of milk? Does it turn out like a homogeneous kulesh or just boiled cereal floats in milk?
Here, freshly cooked buckwheat in milk with the proportions that I indicated above:


True, I cooked it on "Stew" for 1 hour, I suspect that it was ready much earlier. It does not float in milk, a bit of milk immediately after cooking is only on top, if left on the "Heating" for 30-60 minutes, even that small fraction of milk that is present immediately after cooking will be absorbed into the cereal. Do you need a photo after "Heating"?
Crochet, please accept gratitude in front of the formation for a visual photo!
In appearance - just very similar to what he dreams of.

But why on stewing and not on "milk porridge"? Is there a fundamental difference in the result?
Crochet, the porridge is good! Very convincing!
Girls, here is the same buckwheat that stood for 1 hour in the "Heating" mode:


There was no difference to the taste, that is, it was completely ready for use after 1 hour of "Stewing", but since mine were still asleep, in order to keep it hot I left it on the "Heating".

Quote: Ernimel

But why on stewing and not on "milk porridge"? Is there a fundamental difference in the result?
Oh, you have to ask your own people, I don't eat porridge ... And sometimes I just put it on the automatic machine for "Quenching", although recently for some reason this "automatic" is constantly working ...
P.S. My eaters say that the taste is no different ... only porridge cooked on "Stew" looks like boiled in baked milk, that is, milk has time to "flood" a little ... on "Milk Porridge" this was not noticed or just have forgotten (lately I cook milk porridge on "Stew").
Now I realized, I just love thinner milk porridge, so I have one glass of buckwheat (I weighed 155 g it turned out) per liter of milk, and Krosh has a thicker porridge from 200 g.

But I didn't cook it on Stew, I'll try.

I have a question for everyone: when I cook buckwheat for 2.5-3 cups, the buckwheat program does not turn off for a long time (it did not time out, but I feel it's time to be ready). I turn it off myself and at the bottom the buckwheat even sticks. That is, the liquid has evaporated enough, but the program does not end. If I take less cereals, then everything is in order.
Does anyone have this problem too?

She began to cook buckwheat on the STEWING. It is not always convenient if you need a timer.
I hasten to share the unexpected joy of buying a multi. Ripe in one evening, before that I thought that I was not needed. Today is the second day (yesterday I almost did it) I did not pour water into a saucepan, today I cooked buckwheat porridge. I put everything on the eye, and a few hedgehogs in the double boiler. I don't know if you can do that, but it turned out delicious. Fluffy porridge, hedgehogs are not boiled! How did I miss this charm before? Classic buckwheat porridge (Panasonic SR-TMH 18) Yes.another plus: I added 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil on the tip of the spoon with salt in a plate. I switch to light food.
Quote: Elenka69

Does anyone have this problem too?
No problem at all. For 2 cups of cereals 4 cups of water, buckwheat program. Everything is super!

Quote: strawberry

I hasten to share the unexpected joy of buying a multi.
I even take a cartoon on vacation
Hello everyone today I have become a multi-lover I want to start with buckwheat for the first time. The question of such a cartoon for 4.5l in our family loves that buckwheat is not boiled, I usually fry it and then cook it, but what is the question in the cartoon? and how much more can you cook in this saucepan? how many glasses and how much water?

It is optimal to cook porridge in a multi in Buckwheat mode 2 measuring glasses, the program is automatic.
If you need more glasses, cook in the Stew mode and you will track the readiness yourself, you can open the lid.

What buckwheat tastes like - until you cook and adjust the amount of cereal and water for yourself - you won't know.

Undercooked buckwheat can be obtained using the manual Stewing mode.
Well, I cooked porridge on your advice, the current is not 2 glasses, I poured 6 it turned out a lot, but for me it is better to fry it first, next time I will try to fry it on baking and then cook it! then it turns out pre-cooked but firm try who is interested in my version, I usually always cooked like this when there was no multi
Quote: 23anita

I'll try to fry on baking

In a multicooker on the Baking mode, you are unlikely to succeed immediately and strongly fry the groats - the wrong temperature and the wrong heating!

It is still better to fry in a highly preheated pan and in a fast mode.

It's my opinion
thanks for the advice!
I even take a cartoon on vacation
celfh! Tatyana! : flowers: Thank you so much for this idea. I took on a business trip and admired (myself) the cartoon for a whole month. And buckwheat was cooked daily. 3/4 cup buckwheat + 2.5 cups of water and a "hint" of salt. By the morning there was awesome porridge and no butter. no more salt was added. Funny! (So my little granddaughter says).
Quote: strawberry

I took on a business trip and admired (myself) the cartoon for a whole month.
It’s great that you didn’t have to eat on a business trip anyway.
So I became the owner of multi. This is just a miracle. The first time I did rice on a timer, there is not enough liquid, I will do more. And today I made buckwheat with milk. 80g buckwheat for 200 milk and 300 water .. perfect ... liquid .. how I love
Dear forum users, I have a Supra MCS-4501 MV. This is generally my first CF, but I VERY love buckwheat porridge ... with onions and eggs, with onions and meat, with vegetables ... crumbly with butter ... well, in this topic you definitely understand me.
But in my CF there is no Buckwheat program! How would you advise to cook delicious buckwheat porridge?

We have a theme for your multicooker people share their experience of cooking various dishes in it.
Ask your question in this thread
Quote: Admin

We have a theme for your multicooker people share their experience of cooking various dishes in it.
Ask your question in this thread: flowers:
So the questions are asked in a topic limited to a multicooker brand, or in a topic tied to a dish (recipe)?
I want to share our homemade buckwheat porridge.
The recipe is basically standard: 1 glass of cereal, 2-2.5 tbsp water, salt. We fall asleep in a saucepan with a lid, and in the oven. Fry onions (2-3 large onions), three carrots on a grater in a food processor (3-4 large carrots), cut tomatoes (fresh naturally, 3-4 pieces) into slices. After about 15-20 minutes, we take out the stewpan from the oven (the water is almost invisible. We lay the layers: onions, carrots (sprinkle them with hops-suneli, ground coriander sometimes), tomatoes, and again in the oven on a small fire ... through 20-25 minutes everything is ready. I open the lid and pour sunflower oil on top). Cooking times may vary just need to know your oven. I cooked it in the cartoon, and in the parent's rice cooker. It turns out just as tasty.
Quote: Cavia

So the questions are asked in a topic limited to a multicooker brand, or in a topic tied to a dish (recipe)?

I cook porridge in a Panasonic multicooker, bought a long time ago, and I don’t know what programs and functions the Supra multicooker has, I’m not familiar with it.

If they ask me how to cook in Supra, I have no answer!
Therefore, I recommended that you go to the section where people cook in these multicooker, and they will help you give a competent answer.

If the question is not related to a specific multicooker and its programs, you can talk about cereals in this topic, or in the topic / recipe for porridge.
Quote: Admin

In a multicooker on the Baking mode, you are unlikely to succeed immediately and strongly fry the groats - the wrong temperature and the wrong heating!

It is still better to fry in a very preheated pan and in a fast mode.

It's my opinion
: hi: I fry the cereals on "Steam cooking", pour hot water with a piece of butter. : nyam: Fried krechka is different in taste and color.
: hi: Sorry for the typo in the word buckwheat.

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