Another question:
Olive oil - the basis of the so-called. Mediterranean diet. "Olive oil is almost entirely composed of unsaturated fats that are good for the heart and blood vessels."
Why do you consider polyunsaturated fatty acids harmful? Which fats are good for you?
There is nothing further from the truth than what you have written about olive oil. Indeed, olive oil is practically the only vegetable oil that can and should be consumed.For the reason that it is almost 70% saturated fatty acids, which are practically not subject to rancidity. PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) olive oil contains very little - from 4 to 14% - which is why it is very resistant to heat.
The best natural oil is palm or coconut oil - this oil looks like paraffin, and tastes like unsalted lard. It can be stored for months at room temperature without changing its properties. Unfortunately, it is only sold in bulk in 20kg boxes.
As for the widely advertised media "benefits for the heart and blood vessels" that PUFAs (that is, vegetable oils) allegedly bring to humans, this is a more abrupt myth than the "benefits of fruits". Moreover, the most harmful of all commonly available oils is linseed oil. Unfortunately, we do not currently have the opportunity to engage in debunking this myth. But an article on how the Eskimos actually eat, and to what they owe their unusual health and longevity, will certainly appear in the near future.
Another question:
Incredible! Especially about linseed oil!
PUFAs are everywhere praised (for example, 'The most valuable thing in olive oil is polyunsaturated fatty acids'), and all sorts of troubles are attributed to saturated fats ('saturated fats contribute to high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other serious diseases').
On linseed oil: 'it is necessary for the prevention and complex treatment of diseases such as stroke, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many others.' "The nutritional and health benefits of this natural gift are mind-boggling."
The most important components of linseed oil are fatty acids:
- alpha-linolenic acid - 60% (Omega-3);
- linoleic acid - 20% (Omega-6);
- oleic acid - 10% (Omega-9);
- other saturated fatty acids - 10%.
If Omega-6 is present, in addition to linseed, in sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, mustard, olive oils, then Omega-3 is present in sufficient quantities only in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This is the uniqueness of linseed oil.
And probably only babies have not heard about the benefits of Omega-3 ...
If you can, just a few words, why is linseed oil harmful?
Please be advised that, contrary to all the promises of the food and medical industry, Omega 3 fatty acids are characterized by exactly the same harmful activity towards humans as Omega 6 fatty acids. What is the harm? Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids cause:
• Lipid peroxidation (LPO)
• Suppression of the immune system
• Suppression of mitochondria
• Suppression of aerobic energy production
• The formation of lipofuscin - the so-called age spots on the skin and in the brain
• Brain damage
• Liver damage
• Skin damage
• Thymus atrophy
• Degeneration of the spleen
• Damage to the heart
• Atherosclerosis
• Decreased endurance due to decreased glucose use
• Diabetes
• Destruction of the retina
• Strokes
• Destruction of red blood cells
• Allergies in children
• Metastatic cancer
It is clear that shouts are already heard: “Wait! How so!? After all, I / he / she have read hundreds of articles about the great benefits that Omega 3 brings to a person just in the fight against all those pathologies that you just listed! "
Yes, we perfectly understand your indignation - it is difficult to admit to yourself that you have fallen victim to yet another brainwashing propaganda. To be convinced of the opposite, you would have to familiarize yourself with about 50 truly scientific works that refute what you, the consumer of goods and services, were led to believe by the sellers of these very goods and services. Let us repeat: we have neither the time nor the goal to engage in debunking myths for the sake of the very process of bringing someone to clean water.We are engaged in science and sometimes, if a spontaneous desire arises, we write articles about what we consider interesting.
What are fatty acids in general? Fatty acids are just a chain of carbon atoms with a carboxyl group at one of its ends. Three molecules of these fatty acids are linked to a glycerin molecule to form triglycerides, the most common form of fat found in food and our bodies. If all carbon atoms in a fatty acid are connected by single bonds, then such a fatty acid is called saturated, which means only that the carbon atoms can hold the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms. Thus, the fatty acid is saturated with hydrogen. If a carbon atom in a fatty acid is bound to a neighboring carbon atom by a double bond, it means that he donated a hydrogen atom for this. Then such a fatty acid is called unsaturated. Fatty acids that have more than one double bond in the carbon chain are called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
Research shows that a healthy, normal human body is 90% saturated and monounsaturated fat and only 10% polyunsaturated fat. Since these data were taken from people living in a modern, one way or another saturated with PUFA world, there is every reason to assume that a healthy person living in the wild, far from the "benefits" of civilization due to natural products, has a percentage of PUFA in the body, tending to zero.
Omega 6 fatty acids are acids in which the first double bond occurs on the 6th carbon atom, counted from the Omega end of the chain (i.e., the end opposite to the carboxyl). The most widespread Omega 6 PUFAs are linoleic and gamma-linolenic, which are mainly found in vegetable oils - soybean, corn, rapeseed, peanut, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, sesame, etc. EFA = Essential Fatty Acids). Well, to what extent are these PUFAs really irreplaceable? In terms of the legal killing of the population, they are truly irreplaceable, since they are the leading cause of death worldwide. Yes, it is in this way that the most effective control over the population is carried out. Haven't you heard that the idea of reducing the world's population by 90% has long been seriously discussed?
Back to olive oil, pick up a bottle of high quality Carbonell olive oil and read the ingredients:
• Total fat content: 93.3g
• Unsaturated fatty polyacids: 13.3g
• Unsaturated fatty monoacids: 66.7 g
• Saturated fatty acids: 13.3g
As you can see, PUFAs in olive oil are only 14%. Monounsaturated acids - 72%, saturated - 14%.
And take a bottle of flaxseed oil in our hands:
• Linolenic acid - 60%
• Linoleic acid - 20%
• Oleic acid - 10%
• Saturated fatty acids - 10%.
As you can see, this is the exact opposite of olive oil: 90% PUFA and only 10% saturated FA.
For more information on the composition of lethal oils, click here.
What sweets can replace sugar and fruits in your regular diet? Drugstore glucose?
Could you give a table of replacement of the most frequently used HARMFUL products for useful or least harmful ones? For example: replace vegetable oil with butter, fruit with honey, etc.
And one more thing: how do you and your family eat yourself? What did you eat for breakfast today and what will you have for lunch?
We are not in the business of looking for replacements for what is unnecessary. A person, unlike, for example, a chicken, does not eat sand and pebbles - so no one asks how to replace them. Likewise, with fruits - a person who wants to stay healthy should not eat this global class of foods. Fruit and sugar are not needed at all for the full functioning of the human body.Therefore, the question "what to replace" is meaningless. This is about the same as asking, and how to replace cigarettes?
We also do not compile tables of "more harmful" or "less harmful" products. We know exactly what kind of food a healthy, complete person should eat - and we eat it. As for honey ... Remember this simple truth:
Sugar, both in honey and in orange juice, causes just as much harm to a person as sugar in sweets. Because the glycation from the processing of fructose (fruit sugar) is 10 times the glycation from glucose.
Therefore, when you hear from someone about the "naturalness" and "benefits" of fruit or honey, you can laugh in his face.
If you eat carbohydrates at all, then they should contain glucose, but in no case fructose. Potatoes and rice are ideal examples of such starchy carbohydrates. But even these carbohydrates cannot be eaten without meat.
In general, for each person there is his own specificity of nutrition - completely depending on what metabolic disorders he has. You can find out about this, if you wish, after passing urine and blood tests and passing a complete metabolic test.
Another question:
OK I understood. On New Year's Eve, our whole family is planning to go to the Moscow region and will be able to get tested.
In the meantime, I ask you to answer about the pharmacy glucose, is it possible to eat it as we eat now (while we eat) sugar?
We do not recommend sugars in any form. Of course, we cannot prohibit anything to anyone.
Another question:
Why is there such an obsessive unconscious craving for sweets? Starting from childhood, from infancy - do they only move by instincts, and gnaw a pear or apple greedily with just the teeth that have appeared?
I can't guarantee that my answer is correct, but sugar cravings may be due to the extraordinarily high energy yield from aerobic burning of sugars. Sooner or later, such a mode of work of the body leads to depletion of the antioxidant pool, "burnout" of membranes and the entire spectrum of degenerative diseases.
Could you elaborate on the negative properties of fruits? Is it because they have a lot of glucose?
The truth about glucose and especially fructose (fruit sugar) is a hard truth for the vast majority of people. After all, everyone thinks that since the fruits are given to us by Nature itself, then the sugar contained in them is also natural, and, therefore, cannot be harmful in any way. All agribusiness is built on this premise.
What is the difference between glucose and sucrose? Glucose is a 6-carbon monosaccharide that is found in most carbohydrates consumed by humans. Sucrose is a disaccharide that combines glucose with fructose. So it is fructose (also known as fruit sugar) that causes the greatest harm in the sense that it overstimulates the body's insulin response, which triggers the chain reaction that causes most degenerative diseases.
Eating fruit is not just “not healthy” - for a number of people (especially those who have a glucogenic type of energy production or an overstimulated parasympathetic nervous system), it can be fatal in the end.
I understand that this is hard to believe - I could write 100 pages of scientific evidence that fructose really does huge harm to the body, and that all claims about the usefulness of fruits, reaching from the pages of any publications, are lies from the first to the last word. Like everything else in this world, truth is the exact opposite of what the media is promoting.
The truth is that fructose is only slightly inferior in harmfulness to other sugars, but only if it is used as the only source of calories and only during fasting. If fructose is absorbed, for example, in the form of an afternoon dessert, i.e."On top" of other carbohydrates and proteins, then the consequences for the physiology / biochemistry of the body are an order of magnitude more severe than from eating pure refined sugar.
The harm caused by vegetable oils is, in one way or another, associated with free radical oxidation. The harm caused by eating fructose is also associated with free radicals. The pathological aging process associated with fructose is called glycation.
When people say the word sugar, what do they even mean? They mean sucrose. What is sucrose? Sucrose is a disaccharide, that is, in other words, these are two lower molecular weight sugars linked to each other. What are these low molecular weight sugars? Glucose and fructose. The most common sugars found in food are glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactose (milk sugar, i.e. a mixture of glucose with galactose).
It will be difficult for you to believe what I am about to tell you, but you will have to. Almost no fruit on Earth is natural. In all these peaches, oranges, grapes and other "fruits" that you see on the shelves of supermarkets or city markets, there is nothing even remotely reminiscent of natural fructose. Absolutely all "fruits" are a product of artificial hybridization by humans of small fruit fruits with tart seeds, which give truly natural trees and shrubs. Have you ever tasted the fruits of a wild, forest apple tree? So this is the last reminder of what real apples should be. What you grow in your summer cottages - these extremely sugar-packed "sweets" - all this is a product of hybridization carried out over the past few centuries. The human body was not originally designed for exposure to "food" containing such concentrations of sugars.
In general, the consumption of fructose is the second leading cause of death in the world - the second after the consumption of PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), i.e. vegetable oils and products prepared with their help (and this is 70-80% of all food on Earth).
Another question:
What advice can you give today to mere mortals how to maintain their 'health' (What to think, what to do, what to eat, what to drink, how to breathe?)
Is it possible to maintain health without fasting, cleansing and other stressful, painful procedures?
I'll tell you this: you need to lead a moderately toxic lifestyle. That is, there is normal, coarse food (if boiled potatoes, then with peels, if vegetables, then directly from the ground from the garden, etc.), indulge in spices and pungencies, in short, eat everything that grows, crawls and runs. No forced diets! Drink tap water, swim in natural reservoirs, lie in the sand, do not wash your hands before eating, do not disdain alcohol (in small quantities), you can smoke a little tobacco. The most important thing is never to follow any rigidly ordered life rules. Life, like food, should be "ragged", unexpected, with frequent variations. The body must be constantly in moderate contact with hazards - bacteria, fungi, mold, viruses, toxins, carcinogens, etc.
For only then will he be able to train and keep the defense system in good shape! Only then! When there is no "enemy", the defense system atrophies, because, as you know, the function creates an organ.
People leading a sterile lifestyle, children from whom their parents blow off dust particles, usually end up very badly - just take the fate of Savely Kramarov.
About fasting: it will be quite enough if you abstain from food once a week, for 15-20 hours, but on a regular basis.