Sponge roll (master class)

Category: Confectionery
Sponge roll (master class)


Wheat flour

Cooking method

So let's get started. I give a sequence of actions. maximally saving time, effort and nerves.
Kenwood kitchen machine owners can jokingly make these baked goods. The rest, not covered by Kenwoodomania, will have a little more difficult.
I show you how to make dough in Kenwood because nobody has shown it before. The owners of hand mixers make the dough according to the traditional technology I described in KX-1. If the hand mixer is powerful enough (from 400W), then you can try to beat it down as shown here.
We turn on the oven to heat up to the maximum.
Pour spoonfuls of sugar into a cup and pour boiling water over it. stir, let it cool. This will be the ready-made syrup for soaking when the cakes are cold.
Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or just writing paper. We don't smear anything!
Let's prepare the cream. I took 200ml of homemade sour cream and knocked it down with a mixer with 2 tablespoons of condensed milk. Fast and delicious! You can replace sour cream with whipping cream. you can use cottage cheese.
Sponge roll (master class)
Drive 6 medium eggs into a bowl and add 200 g of sugar.
Sponge roll (master class)
We set to knock down with a round whisk (not a spatula!) At the highest speed for 5 minutes. Owners of hand mixers should suffer for 10 minutes, no less. We focus not on the volume and snow-white color of the mass. After 5 minutes, our eggs with sugar will look like this.
Sponge roll (master class)
Sift 220g of flour directly into the bowl onto the sugar and egg mass.
Sponge roll (master class)
With a spoon, knead the dough from bottom to top. Not for long! Here is such a mass turned out
Sponge roll (master class)
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a close-up photo of a convenient device that quickly stretches the dough on a baking sheet and does not crush the whipped mass once again. The point is that we need a fairly rigid strip in the size of a baking sheet, and at the edges it should have legs 5 mm high. It is enough just a couple of times to run such a thing over the dough, resting the legs on the sheet and the dough will be laid out perfectly evenly. In general, they produce professional \ "stretchers \" with legs of different heights, but we will not spend crazy money, but we will adapt something ourselves or ask our husbands to make a simple \ "help \" - a ruler with two matches at the edges, or here I am a cover from I cut off the shoebox. It is bad, but it is clear that its lateral edges are 5 mm longer.
Sponge roll (master class)
Stretch the dough along the sheet. then across. It is advisable to crawl over it as little as possible in order to minimize it. I got 2 squares 32 * 32cm + another 32 * 16cm rectangle from this portion. We correct the dough with our hands, remove the smeared places so that they do not burn.
Sponge roll (master class)
Now we put on baking. Here we must meet 2 important conditions. The oven should be as hot as possible and the top should be hotter than the bottom. In new ovens, turn on \ "only top heating \", in old ones, put the baking sheet on the highest position. Our task is to bake our biscuit very quickly, within 3-4 minutes, but so that it does not have a bottom crust, only the top one. After 3 minutes, my cakes looked like this. A pale yellow color indicates readiness - you can not touch or feel anything.
Sponge roll (master class)
Immediately, as soon as they were taken out of the oven, the cakes must be removed from the baking sheets. the fact is that the residual heat of the metal dries this thin biscuit, as it were, without baking. And we must not lose the plasticity of the layer, so we immediately remove it and put it on the table. We do not need a grate either - let the biscuit be steamed from below. As soon as the layers have cooled down (5-10 minutes), turn them over and remove the paper. See, the bottom is completely white and plastic! So, everything is successful!
Sponge roll (master class)
We turn the layers over again, facing us and with a sponge, carefully soak each layer a little with our sweet water. We pay special attention to the edges: they are still a little drier than the middle, despite all our efforts, so here we will moisten a little more.
Sponge roll (master class)
Now thinly spread the cream or filling with a knife. And, \ "the highlight of the program \" is the wrapping of the roll. We are not in a hurry and do not break 5 cm at once !!! We raise the side literally 1 cm high!
Sponge roll (master class)
Now, carefully around it, we begin to roll our roll, without pressing down and simultaneously along the entire length. We form a ROUND roll, if possible.
Sponge roll (master class)
Well, that's all, we turned. Now we shift the seam down and lightly press down along the entire length to better adhere in layers.
Sponge roll (master class)
From above, you can coat with the same cream and sprinkle \ "in the theme \" You can take a nozzle and draw a series of \ "ropes \" tightly adjacent to each other and forming a kind of background. You can just scribble zigzags on the cream with a fork.
Sponge roll (master class)
Now the rolls need to be put in the cold at least overnight. Then they \ "gain taste \" and show themselves in all their glory. A freshly rolled roll is cut badly, so I crumpled it up so that I can show you it in a section in a photo right now.


Sponge roll recipe Cake

Chocolate sponge roll Cake

The reasons for the "breaking" of the roll Anastasia. Cake

Recipe \ "ganache - glaze \" for roll Gasha

Roll dough leveling device.Nata333

Questions about making a rollDaisy

Answer and analysis of mistakes in baking a roll Cake

Dough leveling device Lika

Further clarifications on the roll dough leveling tool Cake

Hello my dear!
Something we sat in one place. However, the school year has begun and it's time for us to learn something new too!
I thought for a long time about your suggestions \ "something faster \", \ "something tastier \" and reila to teach you how to make all of us our favorite biscuit roll. We remember it from childhood, we often buy it, but we don't dare to do it ourselves. Everything seems to be simple, but the technology is scary. Therefore, we bypass it. Completely undeserved !!!!
Let's do it? With any filling, with any cream. It is done very quickly: it took me 40 minutes to make 2 rolls. Let's start with general tips.

1. Even forget to think to make a roll \ "like our bakery \"! To achieve plasticity and even some rubberiness of a biscuit semi-finished product, a lot of different emulsifiers, whipping pastes, gels for rolls, etc. are added to the whipping dough. Ask Yandex-stunned from the range of chemistry. And all of it is added so that the dough is knocked down into a more luxuriant mass and does not fall off + it spreads in a thinner layer + does not break when twisted. Therefore, we will leave our dreams of a shop roll and make ours, home, eco-friendly and useful.

2. Sponge cake dough for rolls can be made more liquid than for cakes and this does not affect the final result. Therefore, if someone has not yet obtained a biscuit for the cakes. can work while with a roll.

3. If you want to make a roll with jams or jam (homemade or purchased). before spreading on the layer, heat it in the microwave until hot. The hot jam will be spread with a thinner layer. The biscuit layer is not afraid of hot filling.

4. The cream for the roll should be chosen softer, so as not to press on the biscuit with a thin spread.

5. Biscuit semi-finished product is baked at a very high temperature. 300-320 *, in general, the maximum in your oven. At a lower temperature, the layer will lose a lot of moisture during baking and will cease to be plastic.


I intentionally showed you the most primitive option. At your request, you can multiply the complexity and improve the recipe by adding alcohol to the impregnation, making some kind of unusual cream, adding fillers ...And yet, I dare to assure you that even in such a simple version in 40 minutes you can make a wonderful dessert for tea!
Of course, the rolls are perfectly frozen and stored \ "until the event \" in the freezer. When thawed (within 1-2 hours) at room temperature, they do not lose their appearance or taste. Of course, they are in the freezer, tightly wrapped in plastic.
I look forward to your questions, and, of course, good rolls!

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Sponge roll (ang-kay)

Sponge roll (master class)

Thank you so much for such a detailed tutorial on rolls. I never did it, and I love them so much. I found the reason with your help - the temperature was 200 degrees and immediately turned on the heating from the bottom and top, putting the baking sheet in the middle. Along the way, the question arose: how thick should the dough be on the baking sheet after smoothing it, about 1 cm?
All girls FOR HEALTH!
Andreevna, I made a "stretcher" with a leg height of 5 mm. When baking, the dough rises, but after cooling it again falls off and again groans 5 mm. This is the optimal height for me. If done higher, twist without cracks is harder. if you do below, it is very difficult to keep track of the baking so that the layer does not dry out. But if there is a desire to make a very thin semi-finished product, then, in principle, you can adapt. But a series of experiments is needed.

To my message yesterday, I want to add that the owners of small ovens can also knead the dough for 6 eggs, and then quickly bake layers of biscuit in turn. The dough will wait with virtually no deterioration in quality. Worse. if it is ironed with a spoon, it will be flattened, then it will definitely be egg slurry, not dough.
I love small rolls, but if desired, it was possible to wind the second layer on it after folding the first layer. It would be a thick, luxurious roll. Ate docking neatly, it is almost imperceptible in the cut. that it is 2 layers of twisted, and not one.
Cake, take credit, just wondered why my soul wants to - I look, I want the roll to turn out great, curled up wonderfully, tasty - no thanks for sharing the tricks

here's what's left after taking samples

Sponge roll (master class)
husky, there were cracks, only they rolled deep into the depths and you can't see the cracks appear, if you roll up tight, I then did it more freely, and now

my sister came, took a sample, said "like a store" and demanded a recipe
And if there is no 300-320 degrees in the oven? After 220 I have the next line at the maximum (I think it's 250). What to do then?
Lisss's , I do not know whether to regard the expression "like a store" as a praise, but you seem to like it

You will receive a MEDAL NAMED AFTER THE CAKE upon arrival Hairpins from the Red Sea. Or negotiate with Chantal- she has keys and folders with award sheets

Natalyan, set the oven to maximum! I think your 250 * should be enough for you too! Good luck!
Natashik, I, too, not 300, but just baked not in 3, but in 5 minutes - so don't be afraid, nothing will dry out and will not start to break
Cake, I thank you so much! I never stop admiring you, how lucky we are with you. The roll turned out to be very tasty. It is done very quickly. He baked for 3 minutes, curled up easily, and most importantly, you can improvise with him as you please. The impregnation was made based on 1 tbsp of water, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, added rum. I smeared with Charolott cream (your protein custard is more to my liking) put the cherries, and voila, a masterpiece on the table! (I gave the camera down, I don’t pretend to be a medal).
Natasha, I wrote about 350 *, sorry! Of course, I wanted to say about the fact that when 250* everything will turn out fine.
kolynusha, rinishek , I am very glad that you did it without any problems! I’m saying that nothing complicated, you just need to grasp the technology! Very valuable, which is fast, right? There isn't as much fuss as the cake requires.
kolynusha , something, in my opinion, sweetish syrup ...If the cream is also sweet, then in general it will be too much ... Although, the concept of "sweet" is different for everyone. But I would still have less sugar in a glass than I put half a glass.
In Kengis's book, which I consider to be the Bible for a homemade pastry chef, all the impregnating syrups are very sweet, even GOST allows "thinner" ... But the creams there are still not very cloying ... Although not all ...
Girls, I'm so glad !!!! Still, my pedagogical diploma was useful to me. Primary school teacher is my profession (according to the diploma) since 1992. So I am explaining to you as first-graders Successfully.
Cake, I so in a hurry described that the syrup is also yours
https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=8956.0, and I automatically reduce sugar everywhere, both in syrup and cream. Next time I will increase the amount of syrup a little, I like it when the roll is well soaked (and the baba).
Aunt Besya
Here's what I got:
Sponge roll (master class)
The first pancake is lumpy, I hope that it will be more successful in the future
I don’t know why, but my eggs were badly beaten (there is no doubt about the freshness), it seems to foam. but when she sifted flour on them, she lowered the eggs right in front of her eyes and sank to the bottom of the bowl herself, respectively, then everything went awry

But the recipe is superb !! fast and not difficult !!
Tortyzhke respect and respect
Aunt Besya, foam foam strife! Maybe he just had to beat some more. Cake writes for 5 minutes, but for example, I beat it on my mixer much longer! So far, it is not foam that turns out, but a stable air mass, which I like to call strong foam.
The main thing is that it is edible !!!! And the rest will come with experience
Today I also spoiled my guests with a roll! I only had an hour. I was in a hurry. I rolled the second roll still slightly warm. This is probably why it cracked a little when folding. Very fast and delicious !!
This is how they looked when I folded them:

Sponge roll (master class)

So, when I decorated it for a quick hand.

Sponge roll (master class)

And I completely forgot to photograph what was left after the guests left !!!
Everyone was very happy !!!

Cake !! Thank you!! Thanks to you, another delicacy appeared in my piggy bank that can be quickly prepared,
if unexpected guests suddenly appear.
Aunt Besya, from the side would show how the roll is curled up. a? Pimpki, I saw your chocolate (y) I am glad that the hand is no longer trembling and they are all the same as soldiers! What is the cream inside? Next time, beat the sugar-egg mass a little longer, it seems to me liquid. because it's not finished.
artisan , I don’t know what kind of mixer you have, so I’ll say that I measured the time on the Kenwood kitchen machine. There is a power of 800W and even a planetary mixer. The volumetric whisk rotates in 2 paths. A beast, not a machine! Enough 5 minutes. Hand mixer. I made a reservation about this technology, it really takes longer to beat.
I think. that Aunt Basie's electricity in connection with the heating season went down in the network, so it was whipped up properly. Kenwood works for me on the transformer. since in the network 190-200 Volts, no more
husky, could not make "just a roll", the poet's soul could not stand it !!! I cut a birch for tea! Why is there a lot of cream? I put so much only cottage cheese with a secret thought that the children will eat more useful cottage cheese And I put less other creams - I smear thinner.
They cracked you slightly, I'll tell you. And, most likely, that did not cool down well. But swallowed? So everything is fine!
husky, don't dodge! Answer in essence: WHAT IS THERE YOU GOT FOR YOUR CREAM SO GREATLY FOUND?
Cream with peach yoghurt + peach fruit. Impregnation sugar syrup + Amaretto liqueur. And so much - there was nowhere to go. In a hurry, cream thumped - mom do not cry. But from the heart !!!
husky, the idea of ​​a log is just SUPER! I took it into service!
Cake, as always, GOOD MAN! There are simply no words! And, maybe not in the subject, did I miss the promised master classes on working with bag nozzles? Or are they not yet?
Quote: husky

Cream with peach yoghurt + peach fruit.
Well, no, husky, you can't get off that easily. What fat cream, what yogurt, proportion?
Biscuit roll is my first experience with biscuit dough in general. MK Tortyzhka on rolls has not yet been, and I have not read KH, where it is written about biscuit. Therefore, it would be fun to look at what happened from the outside, because I continued to beat the beaten eggs with flour. And then she didn't hesitate to bake what came out. To top it off, half of the cake was left on the baking paper, and it was like a crouton. But after I soaked it better with syrup and baked another cake, I still got a delicious roll, only very soggy.
This is how it came out:
Sponge roll (master class)
Kitiara , for the first-born just cute! Pulled, as they say, "from the other world"! Yes, and they also rolled a banana into it, soooo creatively Try to bake it again in the near future to take into account the mistakes and repeat everything more successfully. Otherwise it won't be remembered.
Quote: MariV

.... and aiming at the roll!

I'm not taking aim. Today I made my fourth roll. Oh, and I love them !! And the main thing is that they always began to curl up in such a pretty tube. Today I remembered the words of Tortyzhka that the rolls can be joined and made one big and thick one !!! So I decided to experiment and make not a log, but a stump !!
Docking was not difficult at all. The seam is really not visible. The main thing is not to wind up tight and remember to grease the shovchik with cream where it joins. Here, I got it so big and thick

Sponge roll (master class)

And so it looks like a hemp

Sponge roll (master class)

She put it in the refrigerator to brew. Tomorrow we will try
But I'm still thinking how to cut it? I wonder if it won't fall apart?
Quote: husky

But I'm still thinking how to cut it? I wonder if it won't fall apart?

husky, well, you're a dreamer !!!!! soooo topic to develop! And after all, I did not begin to paint the stump as usual on the cut, but left it open! You just tease the client: "Look what kind of roll" it looks like. like rings of wood! Well done!
How to cut? yes to saw, probably to saw !!!!!!
Quote: Cilia

Oh, I forgot to ask .... What cream is inside?
yes, the same "Charlotte". This time I decided to please my husband. Do you see him "home" .... this is when the cream is butter "Charlotte". + added liqueur + pieces of peach juice jelly.
After such masterpieces, I didn’t want to exhibit my little girl, but on the other hand: I’m not a magician, I’m just learning

I tuned in for it for two weeks, it turned out it took me only 40 minutes. True, she sprinkled it with powdered sugar on top (mine do not like when there is a lot of cream, but it’s even better for me - faster) and he looked quite decent.

Made in Boshik 4757 half the norm. I baked the cake for 4 minutes, the next time I will hold it for 3 minutes, because the bottom is browned. When I took off the paper, I thought: well, that's it, it didn't work out, and then I soaked it in syrup with lemon juice, spread it with whipped cream with condensed milk, everything curled up and didn't crack anywhere.

Sponge roll (master class)

True, the next time I will wrap it not in length, but in width, then it will be thicker and I will try to bend the inner edge by 1 cm.

Sponge roll (master class)

(photo quality is not very good, I shot it on my phone)

Cake, thank you very much for the master class, I myself would never dare to roll.

And the biscuit is fluffy: maybe it was necessary to beat the eggs longer to get a fine-pored structure?

Despite the many mistakes, I am very pleased with the result
Lenusya! Well, just SUPER for the first time! And in general for the roll, I warned that it is fast! And with a combine is generally a matter of minutes!
Fluffy biscuit is a plus, not a minus! It will stand for a day, it will just melt in your mouth! Why do you need "fine-pored"? Do you yearn for the store?
Now make a full portion, not half - you will make 2 rolls, one for tea, and the other "in the bins of the homeland." That is, in our dimensionless freezer, where we, hostesses, "just in case", have the first. and the second, and compote! And roll.
Quote: Tortyzhka

Now make a full portion, not half - you will make 2 rolls, one for tea, and the other "in the bins of the homeland." That is, in our dimensionless freezer, where we, hostesses, "just in case", have the first. and the second, and compote! And roll.

I'm afraid that my hand will not rise to remove it from the bins. With one, I get a little piece, but if I make two 🔗

If you make a full portion and bake the rolls one by one, will the dough settle? Is it better, probably, to knead twice half the norm?
Lenusya, well, what will spoil you in 4 minutes of baking ?! Mix at least 2 portions at once! All the same, you will rewrite everything in 15 minutes! You bake one or the other on the other, you stretch it out, so quickly and sprinkle a whole biscuit tablecloth! And then there are different fillers in one base cream and in 40 minutes you will have 4 different rolls: with fruits, berries, cocoa. chocolate, nuts ... but even with ice cream!
I'll come to you with a roll. Thanks, it's easy and delicious. I did everything according to the recipe, but there was nothing to align. when rolled a little cracked. what's wrong what's wrong?
Sponge roll (master class)
Anael, plump. that's cracked. And "a little" because it baked correctly. It is a pity that I did not find something to level. At least a casting machine would just smuggle the dough on a baking sheet! Next time, try to make the layer thinner, more turns will be in the roll and will not crack at all
The cake is even thinner. Wow, at the edges it was thin, but in some places it was thick. I was afraid to crawl back and forth with a ruler, slightly leveled it with a spatula. And there was no time, the little one had to be brought from the kindergarten, it was necessary to run. Everything is done so quickly, the longest thing is to beat with a mixer. and everything else in a matter of minutes. Super. Now my husband and I drank tea with a roll. cream cream + condensed milk, deliciousness.
Yes, I was still photographing my manunya with my spoon trying to steal a piece. Ate a good bite too. Here's proof of how she sticks a spoon.
Thanks again to Tortyzhka!
Sponge roll (master class)

I DID IT! Hurrah!
Simply huge salvation for your master class!
It turned out really easy with your instructions! And, lo and behold, my roll even curled up as it should! Cream - whipped cream. The photo will be "working", exclusively for the report, just rolled roll, before being sent to the refrigerator for cooling. "Ponytail" cut off and tasted -! While the roll is cooling down, I'll think about how to decorate it.
Thank you, Cake, once again for MK and advice!
Sponge roll (master class)

1. And 200 grams of flour as always?
2. Are the upper heating and grill the same thing? Do I need to turn on the grill to the maximum?
3. And immediately there both opposites?

Well, I marinated everything for myself and now I jump between here and Haskin woodworking station ...
Hairpin while Tortyzhka is gone, I'll write, flour, read it myself, written by Tortyzhka 220 gr., I have an electric oven, so I have an upper ten it is a grill - if you also have it, then this is it; each baking sheet is baked separately for 4 minutes, well, it turns out very quickly ..
Summer resident
I don’t know how anyone else, but my DR celebration usually lasts a week. For tomorrow I made the first roll in my life.

Sponge roll (master class)

And the Martini roll is impregnated and his cream is sour cream from
Summer resident roll is just a feast for the eyes! And how were the flowers, what were they made of?
Hairpin, well, do not brake !!!! It's time to do it. and not look at how the oven is arranged !!!
Summer resident, well, you're done !!!!! Did you do one or several (which was enough for the whole holiday week)? So thick chocolate !!! I wanted to praise you for the flowers, but you bought .. everyone can buy ... Although, perhaps. a quick roll also requires a quick decoration. I did it perfectly !!! Were there any difficulties or did you wind up in the same breath?
Summer resident
There were two cakes, rolls. The second one with apricot jam was simply sprinkled with nuts. Curled up easily, just surprisingly
I also baked rolls and I am grateful for the master class on them! It turned out, though a bit thick (next time I will stretch the dough a little more on a baking sheet, but tasty, very well and still curdled well! damage to taste and will do often!
Cakes, tell me, for the gifted, what it means: "I show you how to make dough in Kenwood, because no one has shown it before. Owners of hand mixers make dough according to the traditional technology I described in KX-1. If a hand mixer is enough powerful (from 400W), then you can try to shoot down as shown here. "
This means that if the mixer is weak, then beat the proteins separately, then the proteins with sugar, etc. using the biscuit cake technology?
I really don't know how powerful my mixer is
Well, the girls ... screwed it up quickly, I'm very glad! such a win-win tea treat, right? After all, you want a biscuit, but you are too lazy to bother with cake Well done! not a single miss!
skate, deciphering my writing.
For biscuit dough, you can beat whites and yolks at the same time, that is, whole eggs with sugar. But this takes more time. A weak mixer that gives a small number of revolutions and is afraid of overloads will not withstand such a test. In Kenwood. as you know, 800W and a planetary beating system with a volumetric whisk. so that whole eggs with sugar puts in a fluffy mass in a matter of minutes. If the mixer is too weak, do better with the traditional technique, separating the whites and yolks. The result is the same. and the load on the mixer is less.
I want to warn you. If the whole egg-sugar mixture is not sufficiently finished off (it has not increased in volume, is yellow, grains of sugar are felt), then the biscuit will smell strongly of eggs and will look more like an omelet. So watch closely!
I'm carrying a cake and I thank you for the master class. Thank you for showing and telling everything very clearly. My rolls are not decorated like others, but they are very tasty and were highly appreciated by all eaters.
Sponge roll (master class)
My husband has eaten 3 pieces this morning - this does not happen to him in the morning, but then it burst! I even got scared in an amicable way! He said that with this filling made of caramel pudding, for some reason the roll reminded him of a cake from Soviet times - "Slavyanka" - it was like that with halva in cream - and he loved it very much. I asked to make such rolls more often! I'm going to stock up on pudding!
Anastasia your pudding interested me, when I just read your message yesterday, maybe take a picture and put up a picture.

I remembered that I once bought something like that. Anastasia is he? Sorry for the quality of the photo - I was in a hurry.
Sponge roll (master class)
Quote: Gabi

I remembered that I once bought something like that. Anastasia is he?

Yes he!!! And the firm is the same! Only in the photo it tastes vanilla, but I had caramel! I added sugar to the milk while heating, boiled it and set it to cool so that it becomes thicker. So I missed them. Now I will try to add another halva crumb to it next time!
Quote: Gabi

Anastasia, I understood everything, and when I bought next to it there was caramel pudding and some other stuff, so this is not a problem. I bought it just in case, though I don’t know where I will apply it, but now I know.

And I just went to our local large supermarket and did not find this pudding there. I also took it in reserve, and then yesterday I remembered that I had read on the Internet, that they make a cream from it, and now I decided that it was time to try it too!
Quote: Gabi

The cake is ripe with a question about a chocolate roll - how much cocoa can you put in the dough?

2-4 tablespoons. Be sure to sift! and mix with sifted flour. only then add to the egg mass.
The danger is that cocoa powder has a significant fat content, and beaten eggs are very afraid of fat - they immediately fall off.Therefore, we knead very briefly and very carefully. Do not be afraid that the dough has become "dirty" color - it will bake - it will darken. Do not expect to achieve a "black" roll - the color in purchased rolls is not given by cocoa or even coffee. I won't say anything. Otherwise, your phobia will develop on purchased sweets.
To enhance the "chocolate" in the same vanilla pudding, when dissolving, pour cocoa-vanillin with chocolate flavor, too. well, pour chocolate on top. Or brush with cream and sprinkle with chocolate on a teatrochka. And you will have "chocolate chocolate"
I baked a roll yesterday, it turned out delicious. The main thing is what happened. Thanks for the science!

Quote: Hairpin

2. Are the upper heating and grill the same thing? Do I need to turn on the grill to the maximum?

My grill works only in the "fool-not fool" mode. In short, I turned it on, the oven heats up, and I make the dough. I did it, put the baking sheet on the top shelf and went into the room, read what to do next. I return to the kitchen, and smoke is pouring out of the oven. In general, in about 2 minutes, the top of the biscuit turned into an ember. It's good that only the very top (I just cut it off when the biscuit cooled down). But the sponge cake remained moist inside. Then she turned on the gas and baked for another 3 minutes. With adventures, but the family was satisfied.

As a cream there was semolina porridge (a glass of milk + 1.5 tbsp. L. Semolina) + 150g of butter, ground with 1 glass of sugar.
Thank you so much for the roll master class. Here's what happened.
Sponge roll (master class) Sponge roll (master class)
For the first time, my roll curled up perfectly, there was not even a hint that it would crack anywhere. From 6 eggs, two layers of biscuit 30x38cm were obtained. Soaked the biscuit with syrup consisting of sugar + boiling water + frozen strawberries (strawberries + a little sugar and grind in the processor) Moistened well, very well. Then I smeared the cakes with cream: sour cream + condensed milk and rolled a roll. She immediately sent one roll to the freezer as NZ, and anointed the second with cream: butter + boiled condensed milk and sprinkled with crushed candied peanuts.
PS Beat with a manual mixer 400 W, 8 minutes. True, he is also Kenwood
When wrapped, the roll breaks. Why?

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