Quote: ELENA 1978

Thanks for the explanations, I will definitely take it on board, especially since I am already 25g. I added malt extract (((instead of the necessary 5g. I don’t know what will happen now. Tell me, and 0.5 grams of dry yeast is correct, there is no typo in the recipe. How to measure these 0.5 grams? in a 7g pack, divide by 14 parts!

The original recipe of "Borodinsky" bread provides for the use of yeast, but I assure you that in this case it is not necessary to add yeast. But it is advisable to remove the leaven before baking (for some reason, it is not mentioned in the recipe), that is, you need to take 20g. starter culture 100% moisture at the peak of activity add 65g. water and 40gr. rye flour, stir and stand for 4 hours at 30C or put overnight at room temperature. If you want to use yeast, measure 1 g on an electronic kitchen scale, and then divide in half.
Three days ago, on Saturday, I still took this bread. Only I have neither malt nor kvass wort, so I used 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry kvass. It worked well, but not great. The bread is a little damp, the roof flattened a little. Apparently less water is needed. Although I added flour to the bread maker when kneading. Or maybe overexposed in the proofer. And yet, for some reason, a very thick crust. It was soaked for two days, today the crust has softened, it has become easy to cut. Although the bread was generally very tasty, it tasted just the same.
Thanks for the recipe!
I will work on bugs ...
Thanks for the recipe. Even without yeast, it turned out well. I used 125g sourdough according to the recipe, she raised the dough well, decided not to add yeast.Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
Very attractive bread Now I will deal with the twists, then it will be possible to make this bread
Better than the recipe source, the crumb is more even.
Many thanks to Mikulishna for the bread recipe! I tried to bake in LG - rather dry and squat ... I bought Panasonic - and everything is just super !!! Hell repeatedly already. Only, I confess, I skip the stage with the dough ... There is always a lot of leaven, I have it very "violent", vigorous, that is, so I put 375 g of sourdough in the dough instead of the dough. Maybe this is of course the wrong bread, but it's still delicious!
Thanks again! And many, many more times!
This is another one. Wrapped up. Matures.
Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
Gentlemen, I bring to your attention "Bread Borodinsky consumption calculator v_1.xlsx", which can be downloaded here 🔗... Simple to use. The table is loaded into Excel. The desired weight of the finished (baked) bread is entered into the green cell and you get the amount of components required for baking.
Note. The leaven, which I have equally by weight from flour and water, I consider flour. Instead of potato flour, I put 1 tsp of gluten on a ~ 800 grams loaf. I bake in a mold in the oven.
I wonder if you can buy in Moscow "Seeded rye flour of 63% yield" or, indeed, replace wheat of the second grade?
Quote: Kalachev
Instead of potato flour, I put 1 tsp of gluten on a ~ 800g loaf. I bake in a mold in the oven.

Potato flour (starch) is not added to the dough, but is used to make jelly, which is used to grease hot bread.
Quote: dogsertan

Potato flour (starch) is not added to the dough, but is used to make jelly, which is used to grease hot bread.

Boiled (or raw) potatoes or potato broth are also added to the bread, which has a very beneficial effect on the texture of the bread, crumb, and the lifting force of the dough. This is an old way of baking bread.
Quote: Admin

Boiled (or raw) potatoes or potato broth are also added to the bread, which has a very beneficial effect on the texture of the bread, crumb, and the lifting force of the dough. This is an old way of baking bread.
Dear Admin. This topic deals with the original recipe of "Borodino" bread of 1939, in which there is no place for either potatoes or broth from it.
I am wondering that in the recipe Potato flour = starch. Why not write so directly - starch? And in the internet there is different information, for example this 🔗
Seeded rye flour is sold at retail, it seems, only in Belarus
And if the peeled one is sieved through a fine sieve, it will become seeded?
Quote: Kalachev

I am wondering that in the recipe Potato flour = starch. Why not write so directly - starch?
Please do not hesitate, but read the book (on page 50), which you are citing (file: "Bread Borodino consumption calculator v_1.xlsx). And remember that it was 1940 in the yard and the corresponding terminology. Good luck with your bread.

Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
Once again, IMHO "Potato flour" is not equal to "starch", just ... Moreover, if you search for the word "starch" in a book with a text search, it will become clear that in 1940 Soviet people knew about its existence.
off top
to dogsertan

Somewhere in 1988, in the market of the glorious city of Daugavpils, private traders sold rye hearth bread by weight. I was then struck by the size of the loaves - half a meter in diameter! The bread was delicious, I guess. And now you sell such bread in Latvia?
Quote: Kalachev

Once again, IMHO "Potato flour" is not equal to "starch", just ... Moreover, if you search for the word "starch" in a book with a text search, it will become clear that in 1940 Soviet people knew about its existence.
off top
to dogsertan

Somewhere in 1988, in the market of the glorious city of Daugavpils, private traders sold rye hearth bread by weight. I was then struck by the size of the loaves - half a meter in diameter! The bread was delicious, I guess. And now you sell such bread in Latvia?
Dear, I do not equate potato flour with potato starch, but in this book,

Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939

where the recipe is from, potato flour means exactly starch and is used for its intended purpose;

Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939.

Many good-quality breads are baked in Latvia, including those of which you are talking, but the price will be from 150 to 500 rubles. per kg.
This is the author's bread theme - by miculishna

Let's not deviate from the topic of discussion of this bread recipe, and arrange from the topic a polygon for disputes on the subject of "who is more to the right" Everything is more right, since we bake bread not according to GOST 1939, but homebaked bread in the interpretation of today's time, and in their kitchen.
The author's bread turned out to be very worthy, to the envy of many - THANKS to the author Mikulishna!

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Quote: Kalachev

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In this situation, this item is suitable! No wonder the site admin deleted your post above with several direct links
Quote: Kalachev

Active link possible only in case of reprint a thematic, non-advertising article, if its presence requires a source

The second point is suitable for us only in the case of a reprint (copying) of the article in full, and if the author of the article, the site administration requires a direct link to the source of the copied material. You should always look at third-party sites, whether there is permission to copy and under what conditions. We have such a postscript on our site.

Here's an example: What can you buy for $ 1 around the world
Quote: Admin

The author's bread turned out to be very worthy, to the envy of many - THANKS to the author Mikulishna!

Tatyana, Irina's bread is really good, no one argues, but envy is a destructive feeling.
Wow, and yummy probably! But the recipe is too confusing for me
Thank you very much for this wonderful recipe! In the summer I still cooked it, I just added a little raisins-: girl_love: it turned out just amazing! The children were delighted. Today I repeat, only without raisins (I forgot at the dacha) Definitely, YES this bread is worth almost spending a day on it! Thank you!
Good day. The bread looks amazing. Already drooling began to flow. Can you please tell me, I just bought a starter culture Extra R. Will it go here and what to do with it?
Quote: VGorn
bought a starter culture Extra R. Will it go here and what to do with it?
Will not work. Extra-R is an acidifier. Composition - a mixture of flour with citric acid. It is added to yeast bread. Yeast and Extra-R give a good rise and sourness to rye and rye-wheat bread. Extra-R can be substituted with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
The recipe is not bad, it's amazing that the bread turned out without molasses at all - I used real molasses and even my crumb was darker than here in the photo.
The lack of any butter in bread and eggs is surprising in the recipe. I added 90 grams of butter, the sourdough had to be ignored completely due to the lack of it or anything similar - in any case, it turned out to be a very tasty bread, which tastes best in the form of crackers - they crunch pleasantly with a good taste. Even if it turned out unsuccessfully (for example, the top may fall inside) - it is very suitable for crackers, and there you can already make kvass ...

It is very problematic to get molasses in our country, the only available place is shops for fishermen, but there molasses is sold as bait for catching and may contain non-food additives - therefore it is scary.
Only abroad managed to get real food treacle made in England (it is produced in canned food, there is also light molasses from the same old company) - in the Amazon you drive in the name Tate & Lyle's Black Treacle and order - they are sent all over the world and very inexpensively (there are several sellers of one product, choose the most profitable) (just take more than one can - because the Russian Post can shake the parcel so much that one can will definitely leak).
As for malt - in any large Auchan it is sold very cheap, already toasted and chopped, in a shiny bag, but it can be difficult to find - look at the shelves of the muesli / oatmeal / bran sections or in the flour section it will definitely be.
I replaced the "seeded white rye flour" indicated in the recipe with Tolokno - this is oats crushed into flour - it appeared on sale in the Stockmann store (a rather expensive product for a relatively small amount, but very versatile flour and truly native Russian).
Many thanks to the author! I really wanted to beat this difficult but tasty bread - and finally good luck! Of all the recipes I've tried, this one seemed to me the closest to the original. True, I don't even know if I've ever tried the original, maybe only in childhood.
I'm baking for the second time, here's my bread.
Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
It burned a little bit, stood in the oven for only 40 minutes, and already the temperature probe was 96 degrees. I had to pull it out, but I held it for another 10 minutes, until 98. Well, the taste did not suffer.
Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
The color of the cut in the photo turned out badly - in fact, the crumb is chocolate brown, as befits Borodino bread
At first, the amount of sugar was a little frightening, the first time it seemed too sweet, but today it does not seem so.
The only bad thing is that it is quickly eaten, and a working woman will not be able to bake it more often than once a week.
About yeast ...
The recipe contains 0.5 g.

Somewhere in the comments, 0.5 teaspoon was written.
How much yeast is there?

It is already the third hour. Everything seems to be made according to the recipe, but the dough does not rise.
A teaspoon contains about 3 grams of dry yeast. So you need 1/6 teaspoon. If you have an electronic scale, you can try weighing one gram and then sending half.
And what does not rise for a long time may depend on your leaven. If she is young, it may take considerably longer. My first bread went up 8 hours.
That's exactly what I did

We have electronic scales. But kitchen ones. They do not measure 0.5 grams.
then we wait.

Thank you!
mamenaHow are you, did you get some bread?
So he came up. Hours in 5.

Edible in principle.

Slept the time when you need to take out. It was late at night.
I took it out 2 hours later. The oven has turned off automatically. But the bread remained inside

The crumb is a little wet. The crust is slightly burnt.
We'll repeat until it's perfect.

A couple of questions.
1. I have some test left. I put it in the refrigerator. How much should you take when making a new leaven?
2. Top crust. In the first photo, she is glossy and beautiful. I want the same.
I've tried 2 options already.
Flour + water, starch + water. To the state of jelly, etc. ...

In both cases, it turned out to be dull and ugly.
Maybe there is a secret?
On the first question. Do you have a little test left? With tea leaves, honey, sugar and salt? As far as I understand, such a thing is not suitable as a starter for a new leaven. If I'm wrong Viki will correct me. Wheat breads are sometimes really baked on old dough, but there is only water, flour, salt and yeast in the recipe.
You didn't need to put all the leaven in the dough, but leave 30-50 grams and keep this particular piece in the refrigerator. This will be the starter. In general, here on the site there is a huge amount of information on the management of starter cultures and there are great specialists in this matter. Read it, it's very interesting there.
On the second question it would be interesting to ask the author. I also do not get such a beautiful gloss with a chatterbox. But the last bread turned out to be more glossy. The dough was allowed to stand in a bowl generously greased with sunflower oil. When I put the dough into the mold, I got the top of the piece oiled. And I forgot about the chatterbox. And it turned out well, I liked it. In general, if you take the bread out of the oven, grease it with butter and take a picture right away, it will have a very beautiful gloss. But after a few minutes, the oil will be absorbed. The crust will become soft, but not so shiny.
And that the crumb is wet - maybe you just cut it early. Rye bread is cut and eaten no earlier than 8 to 12 hours after baking. Processes are still going on there and if you cut it too early, the crumb will be raw and as if not baked.
mamena, the easiest sourdough to make and store
M @ rtochka
Good day everyone!
Finally, I decided on Borodinsky, after buying a real aluminum mold. Therefore, I show what happened:
Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
Borodino bread according to the recipe of 1939
The bread is delicious and aromatic! In my opinion, there is almost a lack of either sourness or salt. But this is fixable in the future. And I was afraid to put a lot of coriander in the dough, but in vain. The bread is wonderful! Fragrant.
My husband really liked it. To my remark that he does not look like a store, he replied - I don't know what's in the store, yours is just delicious
Let the recipe be a little confused, but sometimes you can and should bake such the right bread. If you are at home, then it is not difficult at all, you just need to remember the test in time
Thanks for the recipe!
I baked on Saturday, yesterday I cut it off for a sandwich (Thursday). The bread is soft, never stale, and just as tasty!
M @ rtochka, congratulations, you did it! Rye custard breads are the hardest but worth it! I have tried a bunch of recipes for "Borodino" breads, not pre-mixed - nowhere else could I achieve such a taste, aroma and crumb. According to this recipe, Borodinsky turns out to be very correct - not sour, but rather sweetish. It is better not to add salt, and if you do not have enough acidity, increase the amount of leaven. I bake this bread every week, my household does not recognize another black one, although I want to try something else. I always prepare sourdough with a margin, but my hand does not rise to throw away the excess, so I put it in the dough.If necessary, I adjust the water, but in general, since the leaven is 100%, nothing has to be adjusted.
The hostess hasn't been here for a long time, but I, as a fan of the recipe, show you "excellent"!
M @ rtochka
Thank you! Very nice
I will also add that I cut the remaining piece into crackers a week after baking. The bread was not stale! Amazing
Today I baked this bread, the dough is so tasty that I wanted to eat it raw.
I'm looking for the same one that I tried in the USSR, I have not tried bread yet, lies wrapped in towels.

Questions arose during the baking process.
At the beginning, when we bake at 250 degrees, should we close the mold with a lid? I did not close it and it seemed to me that he immediately fried noticeably?
So then she baked it by 180, covering it with a falga?

Maybe you need to bake with steam for the first 15 minutes, covering it with a lid, and then 50 minutes on a different mode, I baked on .... upper and lower heat ...
With the lid open.
I will be glad to help!
I'm looking forward to trying it!
Lily, no need to close the lid. The author recommends with steam, you can simply spray the bread itself or the walls of the oven with warm water. I have a standard aluminum mold, I put the grill in the bottom groove of the oven and the mold is already on the grill. If you set it higher, the upper crust burns. But everything very much depends on the oven. Mine, it seems to me, warms somewhat weaker than it claims. If yours is too fried, heat up to 200 degrees, and then reduce it further. The main thing is to bake it inside. I have a temperature probe, so over time I don't bother - as the temperature inside 95 degrees became - I pull it out
SvetaI, I'll try!
And the bread itself is like a cake, delicious, but I got it Svetlovat ...
Good evening! How long have I not visited the forum. Thank you all for your attention to the recipe, special thanks to everyone who picked up the questions and gave very correct answers. I still bake this bread, not very often - once a month, according to my mood. He does not seem confusing to me, his hand is full, as they say. For those who want, but have doubts - do it, do not hesitate, the bread is VERY worth it.
Thank you so much for this recipe!
For a very long time I was looking for all the ingredients in our wilderness. And finally I mastered my favorite Borodino bread. The first time I baked it in the evening. There was such a scent in the house that my husband could not stand it until the morning and at 2 am secretly ate a hump
Mom said that this is not bread - chocolate! And we eat even without anything. Just bread and tea. And with lard or with red fish is simply insanely delicious!
My family now often order this particular bread !!
paolva, what a beautiful bread you have! Please share your experience of baking this bread in a bread maker. I have a Panasonic 2511. I tried the oven, it didn't work, it didn't rise at all ((Pekla three times in the oven, it turns out delicious. Thank you, miculishna, for a wonderful recipe!
e, can I answer. I also bake in a Panasonic 2511 bread maker. I bake without adding yeast. I make tea leaves and sourdough. I load the ingredients for the dough into the bread maker and set the "Rye" dough mode. After the end of the program, I still wait 1-2 hours. I add the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough on the "Dumplings" program, help with a spatula, add flour if necessary. I cover the bucket with foil and set the program "Rye" dough. After the end of the program, I look at how much the bread has increased, I wait for a full proofing (2 times increase). It takes me about 1 hour. I'm taking off the film. And I put the pastries on for 1 hour 15 minutes.
I liked the bread maker much more. The dough is sticky. And then you don't even need to touch it.
kuznez84, you will have to try!
But still I baked several times for me that something was missing in the taste that was in the USSR ...
Maybe at 39 he was the same as it turns out according to this recipe .... also delicious!
And the fact that in the USSR it had a slightly different taste, they always brought several loaves home from Moscow ...
I want to find the reason, what is missing, but I still can't
Kokoschka, Lily, try it. This recipe bread is a favorite in our family.Husband said to stop on this recipe because it is perfect
I don't remember what bread was like in the USSR. But I think on the Internet you can find a recipe even according to Gost and try to execute and apply for a bread machine. Maybe you will do it and share with us
Natalia, thank you very much for your answer, I will definitely try to bake it, but we'll finish the two loaves that I baked in the oven at the weekend. I would like to master the process in KhP, because for baking in the oven you need to be at home all day, and this is not always possible. I really like the taste of this bread, but sometimes it turns out damp for some reason.
kuznez84, Natasha Yes, I baked it several times, very good, but I want to find the one.
And for some reason I have it Svetlov, although I put the malt!
It is very interesting to try baking in HP!
e, Elena, it turns out damp if there is not enough flour. Flour is of different moisture content. With each new batch of flour, you need to look at the consistency of the dough and add flour as needed. Therefore, I also knead the "dumplings" on the program to control.
Kokoschka, Lily, you will find, you will definitely find
I'm also not quite black. But I don't have molasses, I replace it with honey. I think it also gives color.
Natalia, I knead by hand with a spatula in a glass bowl, then with wet hands form a sticky dough and put it in a mold. I regulate flour "by eye", it seems sometimes "greedy")). Thanks for the advice, I will try. And in KhP I bake according to the recipe from the book "Custard" with yeast with raisins and coriander. We like it very much. But I want to master Borodinsky's baking with sourdough in KhP, especially since I have accumulated a lot of it))
Quote: kuznez84
But I have no dark molasses, I replace with honey
HERE AND I DO NOT HAVE IT, Maybe it's her?

Quote: e
I regulate flour "by eye", it seems sometimes "greedy")). Thanks for the advice, I will try.
kuznez84, NataliaAnd I'm greedy too, it seems ...

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers