Valeria 12
Arka, Hurrah !!!! I finally found rye bread made from wallpaper flour. True year 2012.
But, girls, answer and Arka (if the recipe is relevant) - I have rye sourdough from peeled flour. How to turn it into wallpaper? As I understand it, take 50 grams of peeled rye sourdough and feed it with rye flour and water to a volume of 430 grams, as per the recipe.
Valeria, oh well, made me laugh))) 2012 !! As if 1812)))
Before baking, feed the leaven with the flour you are going to bake. You can take 20 g of starter culture and feed it to the desired volume in 2 stages. First add 40 g each of flour and water to 20 g, and after it grows, add another 150-160 g of flour and water. The leaven will disperse well and work well in bread.
Arochka, and here's another question. Here, my leaven lives in the cold air. I'm still waiting for the form. So there it is, well, 200 grams is definitely there. When I'm going to bake the bread, can I use it all? Then how to revive it and so on and how long?
In no case do not take everything. Do as I wrote above. 20 g! Taste your starter. If there is a lot of acid, then 3 days before baking, take a teaspoon of your sourdough and feed it once a day in the 2nd with a larger proportion (every day take a teaspoon from the previous one) and so on until you get the acid out.
If your sourdough tastes good, then you can the day before baking according to the scheme from my previous post.
And don't store that much leaven unless you bake it on an industrial scale every day.
Nah, I don't bake a drain, I just grew it for 7 days. So I thought that I could take it all.
No, it is better not to store a lot of it, but to quickly stuff it into pancakes, pies, cookies, waffles, etc. And keep the droplet, but feeding it regularly. Excess is simply thrown away if there is nowhere to attach.
aaaaa ... but I thought it was better this way. The boss understood everything)
Here is an ambush. Can it be dried in a dryer? And take dry?
Only a strong leaven is dried at its peak.
Read about conservation here
After drying, the leaven will not be immediately used. My "drying" wakes up after 3 days of resuscitation. Not the most convenient option, because I have a bright plan for baking bread. If I feel like baking, or at least kneading, but not on anything ... Therefore, it is more convenient for me to have the sourdough always at hand. But if someone is used to planning baking or baking every 10-14 days, then "drying" is an option!
Now I have dried rye, but for now I bake wheat or wheat-rye on "Levito madra" (they were treated).
Valeria 12
Quote: Arka

Valeria, oh well, made me laugh))) 2012 !! As if 1812)))
for 5 years and the topic can be closed, and the author of the notification turned off, and he left the forum.
But I am glad for you that you received a "thank you" from me, and made fun of, and pricked a colleague.
No, what are you! I am not a hedgehog, I do not inject. I'm a harmless green chameleon
Unless it touched you a little with the crown, so you will forgive me
Valeria 12
I love you

Added Thursday, 16 Feb 2017 10:12 PM

This is my bread. Baked strictly according to the recipe from wallpaper flour. I haven't tasted it yet. Slightly burnt at the bottom. In my oven I should probably bake on the top floor. I baked on average.
Girls, has anyone tried to bake this bread in HP?

Rye bread in sourdough from wallpaper flour
I've tried it. I liked the oven better. In HP, it will not be baked on the machine. It is necessary to put the baking separately at about 1:20, or even 1:30.

Valeria! Nice bread came out, very much! although slightly overexposed, it may turn out to be a little dry. The oven fires well! It's great for baking bread. It's just that the total time needs to be reduced.Alternatively, reduce t to 180 g. FROM.

Now I bake like this: if bread is made from batter like ciabatta, then I check it in 15 minutes, if a standard kolobok dough is 30 minutes, rye or dense (c / z) - 45 minutes. And the check is ordinary, by the sound: I open the oven and vpendyurivay the bread a couple of scrambled eggs in different places. If the sound is dull (empty), then the bread is baked. Well, I am guided by the color of the crust, if it is pale, then I give it another 5 minutes.
Valeria 12
Yes, Arka, the bread was dry, BUT only on top.
The crust is stone, the bottom is burnt, but inside it is glittery, not porous, moist. I checked it with a stick - it was damp all the time, so I had to bake it for 1 hour. The bottom of the bread peels off and falls off when slicing.
I don’t sin on the recipe, this is my first bread in the oven at all, but for rye wallpaper, experience is needed.
That is why I asked about baking it in the HP - in the HP you can see the level of the rise on the razorstoy, here everything is by eye. Probably, it was necessary to stick a wooden stick into this reptile - to mark the height of the rise.
Next time I will bake it in HP - I have a Panasonic 2502: you can add baking time in it (1.30 + time up to 30 minutes to the main one). I get chic sourdough rye-wheat breads in KhP (with 3 parts peeled flour, 1 part wheat).
But, I want to go (and far) from premium wheat, so I rejoiced at your recipe.
But, I'll finish him off even though our rye wallpaper costs 56 rubles / kg, because your bread tastes awesome. She wrote a lot of bukoff, she was upset that she was busy with him all day and nothing happened, except for beauty. True, my husband liked everything !!
Valeria, but you can see a photo of the cut?
How much bread was proofed?
As for the rise, the hearth bread can be caught by the first bubbles that appear on the surface. Then send it to the oven. But this must be done carefully, because pure rye without wheat gluten is such a swell!
To make the bread grow up, and not wide, you can wrap the shaped blank with a towel rubbed with flour, thus creating a side. Well, or wrap with a baking paper tape in a circle and secure with some kind of clothespin.
Valeria 12
Stood at the proofing hour 2. There were no holes after proofing, there were cracks. photo of the section
Rye bread in sourdough from wallpaper flour
Of course, he did not rise up in the proofing, but increased in diameter, the leaven was very strong: it fed it 2 times, and it also doubled every time. In general, I will try to bake it in HP.
ValeriaIs that crumb tore so badly during baking?
Or did it happen when slicing bread?

For crumb defects, possible causes:
flour is made from substandard grain;
too long batch;
impact of a bread piece when planting in the oven and / or immediately after baking;
insufficient proofing + baking too long at high temperatures.

Maybe several factors influenced at the same time.
Let's figure it out together.
Valeria 12
Yes, the crumb broke so much during baking, and the bottom also breaks off when slicing. Answer to your questions:
Kneading in HP 10 min
Whole-grain wallpaper flour "S. Pudov" (Russia)
No batter hit
I think that I didn’t form the kolobok very well - for us, teapots, in the recipe it should be emphasized (practically not kneaded, only blinded), insufficient proofing (there was no bubble) and high oven temperature (200 then 180 is not my option).
With your help, I realized my mistakes. Thank you
Yes, this flour is expensive, which, by the way, is not a guarantee of quality. They could grind it from sprouted or infected grain.

Regarding the formation of a bun, I personally never form a rye bun. Neither the bun itself nor the preparation before proofing. My favorite dough is wet, it’s impossible to form something out of it, natural putty. I just shape it with wet hands, without rolling or folding anything, since for rye dough there is no task to develop gluten, it will not develop.

So do not worry about the kolobok, everything is fine with him.
To enhance lifting properties, you can add 25% wheat (any) flour.
Valeria 12
Arka, I still don't want to add wheat flour to this recipe, I will achieve heights with rye flour. I will look for another wallpaper manufacturer. There will be progress, unsubscribe. Thank you for accompanying the recipe.
Always happy to help
You can use "you" with me, I even insist
Quote: Valeria 12

Next time I will bake it in HP - I have a Panasonic 2502: you can add baking time in it (1.30 + time up to 30 minutes to the main one). I get chic sourdough rye-wheat breads in KhP (with 3 parts peeled flour, 1 part wheat).
Valeria, we will very much wait for your results in HP.
Can you share your recipes using HP?
Valeria 12
Finally I baked this bread in HP. I got a simplified, lightweight version. While the smell was baking, the whole house was breathtaking. Slightly reduced the amount of honey by 1.5 tbsp. L. (2-sweetish for my taste).
In general, the taste of this bread cannot be compared with anything, I have not yet baked such a fragrant and luxurious bread (although the first one was burnt). Thanks Arka - again. This is genius!
Rye bread in sourdough from wallpaper flour
P.s. Having tried this option for baking bread, I think that you are correctly suggesting baking it in the oven: so it has a richer taste and more porosity, or you should not reduce the amount of honey.
Valeria, to your health! A couple more pastries, and pick up the consistency and proportions to your taste! I would be glad to help if you have any questions.
Valeria 12
ArkaThank you for the pleasure of healthy baking
Hello everyone! I saw the topic with rye bread and now I decided to register and share my humble experience. He brought out the leaven himself a couple of years ago under the "influence" of Irina Khlebnikova - I think many runetchiks know her. The recipe was chosen as the simplest and most technologically advanced - "Urainsky bread" (I insist on stress) For about a year I baked in the oven (Samsung combi) with convection and an additional top grill ... I worked, so to speak, those. process - they began to work out (despite the fact that my Samsung turned out to be "dead", and the temperature is not only 250, but 220 is difficult to catch up) almost factory bricks (I used the A10 form) began to promote my experience among friends ... But there were only a couple of followers of the "correct" bread ... For a year, "politely" refused the "trophy" Panasonic SD-255 bread maker (relatives bought a more advanced one) - loudly asserting: "EVERYTHING MAKES ME." In the end, natural curiosity, a craving for technology and automation prevailed :) In the end, I forgot about the oven as a "nightmare"! :) The only thing, I came to empirically that the water in the recipe should be reduced by about 10%, well, to monitor the activity of the starter culture - so that the result is better, immediately from the refrigerator it (the starter culture) and put in the dough is not the best option, it would be good to let it feed / walk at room temperature. To summarize - of course, in the oven, the result was almost 5, here 4 probably with a minus ... but, the process captivates - put / clicked / forgot :) Yes, I almost forgot :))) because of what I am all this "novel "I wrote that! :) I have a full cycle time of 6 sometimes 6.5 hours. That is, I add 2.5 - 3 hours to the standard cycle in the Rye Pastry bread maker. And the whole process looks like this:
cooking dough for 2 - 3 hours, then MANUALLY kneading in a bowl of basic water and flour (sometimes I experiment and add a little buckwheat flour, flaxseed flour, corn flour ... dry rye malt - taste a la "Borodinsky", you can sesame, and from seeds sunflower, it turns out heavy) then I shift it into a mold with a wet spoon (the spatula is removed, and I close the shaft with an inverted stainless glass - so that the shaft does not get dirty, and an extra hole in the bread will not interfere with the further process of moisture removal and fermentation) - I turn on the baking process as I said adding 2.5 - 3 hours. After baking, I am in no hurry to take it out, I give the bread an hour and a half to "reach" ... and it happens even more - if I kneaded in the morning and ran to work .... Then the bread in a linen towel for 12 hours
, it dries up and pom into a bag and after another 6 - 8 hours you can eat.
Conclusion - only a bread maker! - now there is NO hassle with bread!And how does she (the bread maker) cook meat for ham (I bought Redmond here, and of course Shtebu DD2 followed her, but where to go! :) kneads - to go crazy with your hands like that .... I apologize for the "novel" .. . it happened...
AndyHow vividly everything is described, presented in detail.
Yeah, I see you, too, were sucked into the most ... In short, the diagnosis: an incurable open (and therefore contagious) form of bread addiction and device addiction.
Welcome! Let's welcome you with open arms! We cannot cure, but we can understand.
Valeria 12
Arka, 😀
Arka, good afternoon to you and all members of the forum!
Yes, you are right - bread and kitchen "devices" are our everything ... thanks for your understanding ...
I want to add a little about baking:
Several times I tried to bake white bread on my wheat sourdough (and I have two of them - I brought them out, as taught, wheat - and then "overfed" ... well, or, to put it correctly, "translated" into rye) to bake white bread ... after several, in general, successful tests - I strictly FORBIDDEN myself to bake such bread! Despite the fact that I am (well, I hope :) the person is seasoned ... repeatedly but I also went on long hunger strikes, and so on .... I could not pass by - I constantly had a desire to cut off a piece, spread butter, put some cheese ... In short, it’s impossible to come off!
I grabbed this wheat sourdough for a friend - after a month and a half of baking (he baked in the oven) - they loudly "scolded" me saying that his weight had increased by almost three kilograms!
So, now only rye bread (well, with small impurities, as I said, wheat or other flour - I want to try more amaranth flour ...)
Well, and the wheat leaven, in dried form, lives in the refrigerator in a jar ... sometimes, however, we take it out for pancakes - it is restored from a dry state in a couple of days - and in batch ...
And also from a hobby, recently, as I wrote, the Redmond ham maker (I will not advertise this particular brand much, but four springs are correct) and Steba DD2 was bought for it - of course, with an eye on the "sous-vide". The multicooker is still great helps in the preparation of sour milk. I boil milk in it (in a stainless bowl - it practically does not burn) and, fortunately, there is a temperature of 30 degrees - I poured in the leaven (I returned after a long break to Evita) set it for 5-6 hours and, as they say, forgot - nothing needs to be wrapped up there with newspapers, blankets ... So that we do it on the sly - for the joy of the family ...
As I understand you
The same story, only Tescoma instead of Redmond, and heredity still allows me to kiss bread and butter, even at night.
And so, everything is the same: hams, sausages, bread rolls, souvids and so on.
This is the diagnosis. We must accept and accept ...
Arka, good evening!
From my hobby (well, to be honest) in the past year there were eight brews of real (not from concentrate, I emphasize!) Grain beer ... You know, it turned out straight beer-beer. The ingredients were taken by the most simple (well, to fill your hand) yeast, however - the Americans - here, like in bread - they are the head of everything Well, this topic is essno for a completely different site / forum ... There was still a partly microbiological interest in brewing - I can to protect the culture of yeast from "evil" contaminants? As a result, my culture survived five transfers without any signs of infection - in any case, subsequent organoleptic tests did not reveal significant changes in the taste of the drink ... I realized that the acquired skills of sterilizing food tech. process (brewer's yeast, as they say, so painful, not like our rye - they themselves will eat whoever you want!) will be very useful in the implementation of mine (I almost wrote BLUE - mind me, mind you! ... ohalniki) of an old dream - Camembert cheese. I got to know the technology superficially - there, as in brewing - sterilization and sterilization again ... Parallel but with the brewing of this by no means improving the figure (and not only) drink ...although, too, do you know, heredity still allows a lot - despite age, but about hunger strikes, which I mentioned above, this was done, so to speak, as ... knowledge - like numerous tyubazh / dubazh (for an adult: 250 olive and 250 lemon juice) hydrogen peroxide, turpentine baths - in "finding myself" I even drank ASD-2 twice ... the result? and what, in fact, will be to a healthy person! So I'm sorry I was distracted, I wanted to say that I discovered the topic of kvass. Of course, he has not fully revealed it yet, but in production there are already rosehip-hawthorn with the addition of ginger and without it, apple, fruit and of course rye malt. My sourdough (I use rye) does an excellent job - and this product completely replaces "harmful beer" in most cases ... And in preparation ... (oh, I almost wrote to spit, imagine! It is very simple. Here ... as it is now fashionable to say: well, something like this ...
It's nice that such enthusiastic people come to the forum!
Valeria 12
andy, you are great, maybe you are still dancing or singing? You can post a video here
Arka, the lady is very good-natured, but .... your last post is -off-top.
Valeria 12 - do not believe "I don’t dance, I don’t sing, I rub more and more ... somehow in life my hands and soul are drawn to the material, to what you can touch, and ... eat at the end! no, then what would "art become to us - everything is more alien and disgusting" no, of course, there are poems in the baggage and so on. - but, you are definitely right, or, if you like, you are right, - the topic is not in the topic, if translate into the eternal language, into the Russian language, the foreign words you used ... "off" and even "top" - from "not living" English (not by the night THEY will be mentioned the language ... yes, by the way, on the topic: found again in my own suburbs flour "Rye Patterns" - very credible, I "sat" on it for more than a year - highly recommend!
Arka - thank you for your kind words - somehow I immediately "smelled" a related haplogroup - you are from Minsk, aren't you? and I have two grandfathers and a grandmother - Belarusians - hence the ending of the surname with "ich"
Yes, it was by the last name that I understood

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Selection and operation of bread makers