
The article used the materials of the forum and the article by Stalik Khankishiev "Sour-milk products on our table"

Milk "conversion" scheme:

1) milk (cow, goat, sheep, ...) = cream + whole milk -> return

2a) sour cream

2b) katyk | matsoni | yogurt = syuzma + whey -> ayran | tan | kurt (kurut) -> kurtob
2c) kefir

2d) koumiss

3) baked milk -> ryazhanka | kaymak

4a) cheese

4b) cheese

4c) curd cheese


Dishes for fermenting milk must be thoroughly washed, dried, and even better sterilized. The easiest way is to keep the washed glassware in the microwave for a few minutes.

Boil the milk and wait until it cools down to +35 - + 45C (the optimal temperature for the life of lactic acid bacteria). Add the starter culture, then leave in a warm place for 8-12 hours. Do not disturb.


skimmed milk. Obtained by separating cream from whole milk on a separator

Sour cream

1) Add a few tablespoons of yogurt or a special sourdough (sold in many stores) to the CREAM, put it in a warm place for souring, and then take the future sour cream to the cold (the optimal temperature is plus 5-6 degrees) and hold it for a day.
2) Cooking sour cream by Qween

Homemade sour cream turns out to be very tasty, sweet and thick.

There are several options for making sour cream from milk and cream. I bring my worked, and favorite version of our family.

0.5 liters of homemade milk
0.5 liters of homemade cream (like this:
When such cream is in the refrigerator, then it can be cut with a knife)

1. Boil milk and cool to room temperature.
2. Add 0.5 capsules of dry yogurt ("Dr. Goodman", or "Roselle") to the milk
3. Stir the cream with milk and yogurt:
4. Put the container with the future sour cream in the yogurt maker for 1 hour. Can be in hot water for 15-20 minutes.
5. After turning off the yogurt maker, leave the sour cream for fermentation. This takes 5 to 7 hours. Most often it takes 5.5-6 hours.
Stir the sour cream periodically with a spoon (~ every 1-1.5 hours). When the sour cream thickens and has a subtle sourness (it looks like this:
), then you need to put the container in the refrigerator for final cooking.
Stir 3-4 times. Then you can leave.

The result is this sour cream:
You see, the spoon is worth it.

Bon Appetit !

Katyk or Kefir

"... Do not confuse katyk and kefir, even if these products are similar in cooking technology and even, in part, in taste, there is a big difference between them. First of all, because kefir is prepared using a special type of leaven, in which yeast is also present, which saturate the drink with carbon dioxide and alcohol, and bacteria, the result of which is also vinegar. Therefore, kefir is more acidic, with a more complex taste and does not have such a dense clot as katyk. " (Stalik Khankishiev)


kefir is a product of mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. It is produced from pasteurized milk, which is fermented with sourdough prepared on kefir fungi. The latter, like milk, are a product of animal origin. But the product is rather mysterious: scientists have not yet been able to isolate kefir fungi in their pure form. For this reason, the only way to obtain a starter culture is to grow and multiply already existing lactic acid microorganisms. By the way, they are, by the way, like real living beings, are born, grow old and die.And this process is proceeding rapidly, which explains the impossibility of long-term storage of the product, or rather, long-term preservation of its useful properties.

Features of kefir production

1) Like any living substance, kefir fungus requires a careful and attentive attitude towards itself. In this sense, it resembles a pet that needs warmth and regular dairy food. In addition to these two prerequisites for obtaining high-quality kefir, there are others:
According to experienced owners, the result depends on the quality of milk, or rather, kefir - the fatter the original product, the thicker it is, and the less whey it contains. You should feed the kefir fungus once a day - two teaspoons of the fungus in a glass of milk.
Stirring is required during the leavening process. It is desirable to do this 10 hours after milk feeding, that is, after half the time required to prepare kefir (18-20 hours).
A sign of complete readiness is the appearance of a thick layer on top, in which the fungus itself is located. There are two ways to separate the fungus from the fermented milk at the bottom of the jar - either remove it with a spoon, or strain the entire contents through a colander.
After fermentation, the fungus needs to be rinsed with cold water. Warm, and even more so hot, are completely excluded - delicate lactic acid bacteria cannot stand high temperatures.
The kefir fungus needs a new portion of milk immediately after rinsing. If for several days there is no need for kefir, then the fungus should be sent for overexposure to the refrigerator - there the fermentation process will take up to a week. A longer pause can be achieved by mixing equal amounts of milk and water.

2) TO make homemade kefir, boil half a liter of milk, cool to 35–36 degrees (so that you can safely hold your finger in the milk) and add 5–6 tablespoons of old kefir to it. Stir, wrap the bottle in a blanket and leave in a warm place for 5-6 hours, then refrigerate for several hours. If instead of old kefir you add curdled milk to milk, the taste of the drink will be slightly different. If there is no old yogurt or kefir at home, a piece of black bread can be used as a leaven. (AIF)



"in still warm, steamed or warmed milk, put the sourdough and leave the milk wrapped up so that it stays warm longer, until the morning ..." (Stalika Khankishiev)


"If the milk is boiled for a long time, some of it will evaporate. That is, it will become more concentrated and in a smaller volume will contain more nutrients. The taste, again, will be brighter, more intense. fire for an hour or two, sometimes stirring so that the foam formed on the surface does not interfere with evaporation, and at the bottom does not form a burnt.And then everything is exactly the same as with ordinary katyk - cool to forty-forty-five degrees, ferment, keep warm , so that it cools slowly until morning, and in the morning serve it to the table! Do you even know how grateful you will be to those who used it yesterday? Listen, this is just a healing balm in such cases! And in the summer, when you don't want anything? Do you have any idea how good get a jar of cold yogurt and eat it with dried lavash or breadcrumbs? " (Stalik Khankishiev)

Baked milk, Ryazhenka

Do you know yourself what happens if you don't let the milk boil, but keep it on the stove or in the oven and darken it even longer? You will get baked milk, and fermented baked milk from it!
Honestly, it's worth it to tinker sometimes, since it's all the same in the kitchen, so let it stand, this saucepan is on the stove or, so as not to interfere too much, in an oven preheated to 100-110 C, but so that the milk does not boil , in order to get an authentic product and be surprised at the difference in tastes of a miserable storehouse or real, homemade fermented baked milk.The taste of homemade fermented baked milk is half forgotten, and for some it is completely unknown - our children will try it for the first time. And I guarantee you, I promise that they will love this fermented baked milk once and for all and there will be no need to persuade the children to eat, they will ask for it themselves! (Stalik Khankishiev)

Baked milk in a multicooker from Admin



1) While the milk is boiling on the stove, froth will form on it. You remove this foam and lay in layers in a jar. Just do this: a layer of foam, a layer of yogurt, a layer of foam, a layer of yogurt. And let the jar stand by the stove all the time while your milk is boiling, and you, from time to time, come to the pan to remove the froth. So, put this jar of foam in a warm place, along with the yogurt. In the morning, stir the resulting kaymak with honey and serve for breakfast with hot bread. The last capricious will eat this breakfast and ask for more!

2) In Uzbekistan, kaymak is a very thick, very fatty (sometimes up to 60%!) Cream. And recently, kaymak is prepared there very simply - with a separator.

3) But in the south of Russia, on the Don, another method of making kaymak has been preserved. There, fatty milk is placed in a wide bowl in the oven for almost the whole night. And in the morning, the top layer is removed, where all the milk fat is collected under the foam layer. But this will never work out of store milk.
(Stalik Khankishiev)

Ayran, Tan

1) Prepared from katyk or yogurt

2) Ayran is still better to do from suzma.
It is necessary to take gauze folded in several layers, pour katyk or yogurt into it and hang it so that the serum is glass through the gauze. What remains in the gauze is suzma.
Look, there was a katyk. And we have learned to divide it into syuzma and serum. If you try the whey that remains after the syuzma, you will agree with me that not everyone will like its bitter-sour aftertaste. What I suggest is to replace this serum with good and tasty mineral water. It is quite simple to determine the proportion in which the syuzma and water should be mixed - how much serum is glass from the syuzma, add so much water. In fact, we got a kind of reconstituted katyk - almost the same in nutritional value and content of basic substances. You can even add carbonated mineral water, minerals will not interfere with us, and gas bubbles will help stir the syuzma with water. It is likely that you will not want to add salt to the resulting drink, and your soul will ask you to add only dried herbs, an infusion of purple basil or a few summer apples, cut into quarters, to it. Oh, how good it is to add quince slices to it in the fall! Or just dilute it not with water, but with quince infusion in boiled water.
When the ayran is ready, wait, do not drink it right away, let the drink saturate with the taste of seasonings and decorations, and then ... drink it before meals, with meals and even after meals, if your food was not too fatty - in this case, without tea indispensable, again I say!
From the syuzma we get ayran - similar in properties and concentration to katyk, except perhaps without a clot.
(Stalik Khankishiev)

Take gauze folded in several layers, pour katyk or yogurt into it and hang the serum through the gauze. What remains in the gauze is suzma, and the whey, which is glass, is also very useful and useful in the household - knead pancakes, bake special bread, and whoever likes it, let him have a glass.

"... I asked my spouse to sew a bag suitable for the size of a centrifuge in which we dry greens (by the way, a useful thing in the household, I assure you!). And I put several liters of katyk in this bag and began to rotate the centrifuge. The water had to be drained. several times, but the syuzma turned out to be excellent - no one would have believed that I did it in five minutes.

Put it on the table just like that, even with herbs, garlic, salt and red pepper - this is a wonderful accompaniment to meat products or an independent dish. On a piece of cake, a little flavored suzma and the lost appetite will return immediately. For fatty foods, and even more so - this is just a necessary supplement.In Iran, they will not sit down at the table until suzma is served - it is believed that the food will not be used for the future. And we? Have you seen enough ads and have a snack with mezim? Why do you need them, these medicines, when here are natural, genuine products that will willingly help our digestion, and even carry vitamins and minerals with them!
Sometimes, if the syuzma is too thick, then you can dilute it a little with water and add fresh, finely chopped mint, dill, dry savory, garlic, walnuts and raisins. You can flavor the appetizer with cucumbers - fresh or pickled. You can replace the cucumbers with radishes or green radishes. Do not be surprised by this combination, together with lavash it will be an excellent appetizer for a festive dinner. "
(Stalik Khankishiev)

Kurt (kurut)

if you dry the syuzma, and at a certain stage of drying, roll balls out of it, smaller than ping-pong balls, but larger than a quail's egg, then you get a kurt (kurut), well known to everyone who has ever lived in Central Asia. And in Azerbaijan, the kurt is formed in the form of rather large heads, weighing three or four hundred grams. The fact is that if in Central Asia, kurt is often eaten as it is, as some kind of snack that you can always take with you, then in Azerbaijan and some other regions, kurt is used to make sauces, for example, khingalam. Yes, the kurt is pounded, diluted with water, allowed to soak and swell, rubbed through a sieve and get something that resembles a suzma.
It would seem, well, why not take a fresh syuzma? And the taste turns out to be different - that's the point!
(Stalik Khankishiev)


In Namangan, Uzbekistan, a special drink is prepared in the summer - kurtob. Kurt - you already know what it is, and about in Farsi means water. It turns out that the name of this drink can be translated as "water infused with kurta".
This drink is prepared very simply: the kurt is crushed, dipped in water, stirred intensively, seasoned with salt and red pepper. Can you imagine drinking some kind of hot red pepper drink in the summer heat? But here the principle of "knocking out a wedge by a wedge" works - you drink such a kurtoba, your forehead will sweat from the pepper, and after that no forty-degree heat is terrible. And a cool, refreshing drink still helps - again, to maintain the water-salt balance.
(Stalik Khankishiev)


KUMIS is obtained from mare's and cow's milk.
Koumiss is a fermented milk dietary drink made from mare's milk or skimmed milk from other types of farm animals.

If kumis is prepared from cow's milk, then a mixture of whole and skim milk, milk whey and sugar (2.5%) is pasteurized, cooled and then fermented with a special fermentation, which provides mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol - and promotes the formation of antibiotic number of anti-tuberculosis) substances.

Ready kumis is an effervescent drink of white color, sharply fermented milk, with an admixture of alcohol, taste and smell. Distinguish kumis weak (one-day), containing up to 1% alcohol, medium (two-day) - up to 1.75% alcohol, strong (three-day) - up to 5% alcohol.

Kumis stimulates appetite and has dietary and medicinal properties; it has long been used for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Kumis is also used for exhaustion after illness.

Nutrients of kumis (proteins, fats, milk sugar) are absorbed almost completely (up to 95%). When eating kumis, the digestibility of proteins and fats contained in other food products sharply increases.

Strong kumis is not used for medicinal purposes; they use it only as a refreshing or intoxicating drink (which is much healthier than drinking beer).

The shelf life of kumis is no more than 3 days at temperatures up to 8 ° C.

KUMIS FROM MALK'S MILK.Compared to cow's milk, mare's milk contains more sugar and less fat, therefore, when it is fermented, the proteins do not fall out in the form of a dense clot, but form flakes that are easily destroyed when shaken. Mare's milk mare's milk has a specific taste.

COW'S MILK KUMIS is a mixed fermentation product. It is made from skim milk with added sugar. When fermenting milk, the smallest flakes of protein are formed, which are easily assimilated by the body. Kumis increases appetite, improves digestion and metabolism. Depending on the degree of ripening, kumis is distinguished: weak with an alcohol content of 0.1-0.3%, medium containing 0.2-0.4% alcohol, strong in which alcohol is up to 1%. (Admin.https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/in...ic=4612.0)
/ From personal experience: kumis is for children and for adults - different alcohol content. Unfortunately, I don’t know the recipe - a Kazakh secret. The real recipe for kumis is much more complicated than the above description, sometimes it contains pepper, etc. The effect of kumis can be described as follows: you won't drink much out of habit, but after 15 minutes you want to again /



Take a few liters of milk, it is better to mix cow and goat - I like cheese from such a mixture much more - and put it on the stove. When the milk boils, it will need to be salted to taste. Moreover, you will be surprised how much salt is required to make the milk seem moderately salty. For two liters of milk last time I took 1.5 tablespoons of salt! After the salt has spread through the milk, acid must be added to it so that the milk curdles. This is where you have a choice. You can add some katyka or yogurt. You can add lemon juice. You can even add some sour greens of your choice. When such cheeses are made for sale, even diluted vinegar essence is added. But I hope that you will never do this for yourself, but take, for example, part of the katyk and part of the lemon juice - this is a delicious combination. Maybe you are not even lazy and make cheese not from fresh boiled milk, but from baked milk - the taste will be even richer.
So, when you add a mixture of katyk and lemon juice (juice from half a lemon and two tablespoons of katyk) to the milk, the milk will immediately begin to curdle. Wait until the proteins separate from the whey, and the whey becomes more transparent and acquires a yellow-greenish tint, and then discard the milk in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. But do not overcook the curdled milk - the curd will become tougher and the finished cheese will not be as tender as you would like.
Let the serum drain, but do not pour it out - it will still come in handy for us. When the whey comes off the resulting cottage cheese and cools down, tightly tie the cottage cheese into one lump with the gauze in which you left it and put it in the whey, or we will call it otherwise - brine, and put oppression on top. Let it stand for a day, and then move the bundle of cheese directly in the brine to the refrigerator. You can use it the next day, but this cheese also requires some ripening - you yourself will choose the days when its taste becomes pleasant for you.
The amount of cheese that can be obtained from milk depends little on the fat content of the milk, but the amount of casein is much more important. Some breeds of goats give milk with a high content of casein - if you find milk from such goats, then you can salt the milk less without losing the amount of cheese. But, in the end, we are not in a socialist competition for the production of cheese, but in our home kitchen, where we prepare tasty and healthy food for ourselves and for our families!
(Stalik Khankishiev)

Cheese stories or Cheese dairy at home
Please tell me in what proportion you need to dilute milk powder thanks in advance
To obtain 1 liter of milk, you must dissolve 8-9 tbsp. l. dry milk in 1 liter of warm boiled water (35-40 degrees)
Zvezda askony
really like Finnish "fried cheese"
Is there a recipe for this cheese in the pantry of our forum?
I came across a description of almost all dairy products on the Internet:
Sweet milk
Boiled milk
To prevent the milk from burning, pre-rinse the pan with cold water. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire without a lid and bring to a boil. Do not leave unattended and watch carefully to prevent milk escaping.

Baked milk
Pour the milk into an earthenware jug or pot, cover with a lid and put in the oven over low heat.
The milk will be ready when it decreases in volume, becomes dark creamy, and acquires a specific taste.

MILK THICK (boiled)
(it is also an essential ingredient for making YOGHURT - see below)

Pour milk into a thin aluminum pan, low and wide. In this and only in the same one, it is necessary to cook all the milk and boil the milk, not using it for anything else.
Make a weak, barely noticeable fire and leave milk on it for a long time, for three to four hours, without a lid (!), Waiting for the moment when it decreases by about 1/3. After that, the milk acquires a different, even more pleasant taste and aroma.
Used as a standalone drink or for preparation Bulgarian yoghurt (katyka). For making thicker Greek yogurt milk is boiled down by 2/5 or almost half.

Siberian varenets
Season hot baked milk with thick fresh cream at the rate of 1 / 2-1 glass of cream per liter of milk.
Varenets can be served with tea, coffee.

Dairy products
Fermented milk products are essential components of a complete healthy diet for children and adults.

Taking into account the various violations in their modern industrial production, as well as the inevitable extremely undesirable additives of preservatives to increase the shelf life, it is necessary, if possible, to prepare fermented milk products at home directly from milk, especially for children, pregnant and lactating women.
Unfortunately, at present, at least 70% of the dairy products available for sale are falsified, and therefore unsuitable for a healthy diet.
It is almost impossible to distinguish a falsified dairy product from a benign one at home.

Remember that the shelf life of any benign fermented milk product in the refrigerator cannot exceed 2-3 days!
And on sale there are "yoghurts" with a shelf life of 6 months or more.

NOTE. Home fermentation of fermented milk products should be carried out only in complete darkness - carefully wrapped or in a dark cabinet.

Part 1

Fermented milk drinks include: yogurt, kefir, acidophilus, as well as national fermented milk drinks ayran, koumiss, yogurt, yogurt and some others.

Fermented milk drinks are produced from milk of different fat content and skim, with the addition of fruit and berry fillers or other aromatic substances, sugar or without addition, by fermentation with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, followed by the destruction of the protein clot, which provides a liquid or semi-liquid consistency.

The types and combinations of lactic acid bacteria used in the sourdough determine the characteristics of the taste and texture of the drink.

Many fermented milk drinks can be prepared at home.


Yogurt is a fermented milk dietary product produced from whole or skim pasteurized, sterilized or baked cow's milk by fermenting it with a ferment prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria.

Dairy factories produce common curdled milk, mechnikovskaya, acidophilic, southern, varenets, ukrainian (fermented baked milk). According to the fat content, fatty curdled milk is distinguished (usually 3.2% of milk fat, and in Mechnikovskaya, Varenets and fermented baked milk up to 6%) and low-fat (no more than 0.05% of milk fat). The curdled milk must have a strong and undisturbed curd.

Ordinary curdled milk made from whole or skim pasteurized milk, which is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Mechnikovsky curdled milk made from pasteurized whole milk or high-fat milk; milk is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus.

Acidophilic curdled milk prepared from whole pasteurized milk, which is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci with the addition of acidophilus bacillus.

Southern curdled milk prepared from whole pasteurized milk, fermenting it with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. Milk yeast is sometimes added.

Varenets - curdled milk made from baked or sterilized milk of high fat or low fat, which is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci. Sometimes a pure culture of lactic acid sticks is added.

Ukrainian curdled milk (fermented baked milk) prepared from baked milk of high fat content (6%) by fermentation pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

At dairy factories, flavoring or aromatic substances (sugar, honey, vanillin, cinnamon, fruit and berry jams and preserves) can be added to curdled milk during its packaging. The same products can be added at home to regular curdled milk before consuming it.

Curdled milk is digested and absorbed much better than milk.


The first way
Milk is pasteurized at + 85 ° C without aging or boiled.
Then cooled to + 35- + 40 ° C in cold water
You need to pasteurize and cool milk in the same container.
Prepared milk is fermented, stirring well, with the previous yogurt at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 liter. For fermentation, you can use sour cream purchased at the store.
After that, the milk is poured into jars and placed in a dark place at + 35- + 38 ° C.
The yogurt will be ready in 6-10 hours.

Second way
Boil the milk, cool to 30-35 ° С, add ready-made yogurt (2-3 teaspoons per glass of milk) or sour cream (0.5 tablespoons per glass of milk) to it, stir everything well, pour into glasses, cover and put in a warm place for 18-20 hours.
The shelf life of curdled milk is no more than 3 days at a temperature not higher than 8 ° C.

Sour milk is traditionally served in Russian cuisine with sugar and dried in an oven or oven with fresh rye bread crumbs.

- 1.5 liters of milk,
- 1 tablespoon sour cream.

Pour the milk into 3 bottles and place in a large, not very deep earthenware bowl. Place the bowl in the oven.
When ruddy foams are formed on the milk, lower them with a spoon to the bottom. So repeat 4 times.
Then pour 1 glass of milk, cool, shake with a tablespoon of sour cream, mix with the rest of the milk.
Pour milk into glasses, distribute the froth evenly, and keep in a warm place. To speed up the souring, a crust of black bread is usually put in milk. When sour, refrigerate.
Serve with sugar and rye bread crumbs.

Varenets (old recipe)
- 1 liter of milk,
- 0.25 l of cream,
- 1/2 cup sour cream,
- 1 yolk,
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Mix the milk and cream in a saucepan and place in the oven. When foams appear, lower them with a spoon to the bottom and shake. Leave one foam on a plate. The milk should boil down by one third.
Remove it from the oven and cool to the temperature of fresh milk. Add sour cream mixed with yolk and sugar, beat with a whisk, pour into cups and put a piece of froth on top.
Keep in a warm place (30-40 ° C) until it turns sour. Then refrigerate.
Serve with sugar, cinnamon and breadcrumbs.

- 3 glasses of cream,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1/4 bag of vanilla sugar,
- juice of 1 lemon.

Boil two glasses of cream mixed with sugar and vanilla sugar over low heat until tender (kaymak is ready if a drop dipped in cold water thickens to the consistency of sour cream).
When cooking a kaymak, you need to make sure that it does not burn.
Remove the kaymak brought to the sample from the heat, cool (you can put it in a bowl with cold water), then beat with a spatula, while adding lemon juice drop by drop. When the kaymak is well rubbed, i.e. it becomes thick and white, add the remaining glass of whipped cream into it. Mix well and refrigerate.
Kaymak is mainly used for wafer interlayers.


Kefir is a fermented milk diet drink produced from pasteurized cow's milk by fermenting it with a leaven prepared on kefir fungi or specially selected pure cultures that cause lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.

Depending on the duration of ripening, kefir is distinguished weak (one day), middle (two days and strong (three days).

The longer the ripening, the more alcohol (from 0.2 to 0.6%), lactic acid and carbon dioxide accumulates in kefir.

Dairy factories produce fat kefir (3.2% milk fat), fatty with vitamin C and fruit kefir with fruit and berry syrups, containing 2.5% fat, and non-greasy (no more than 0.05% milk fat).

Tallinn kefir differs from the usual one by a higher content of dry fat-free substances (at least 11% instead of 8%).

Kefir is digested and absorbed much better than milk. Alcohol and carbon dioxide contained in kefir, its sour taste and aroma stimulate appetite, tone up the nervous and cardiovascular systems, suppress putrefactive processes in the stomach and intestines.

Kefir is used in medical nutrition. Strong kefir has a fixing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, weak - laxative.
Strong kefir is not recommended for people suffering from high acidity of gastric juice, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

The shelf life of kefir is no more than three days at a temperature not higher than 8 ° C.


To prepare kefir, milk or fermented milk is fermented with a ferment of kefir fungi or a portion of previously prepared kefir (or purchased in a store).

To prepare the starter culture, kefir fungi (obtained from the previous portion) are washed with warm boiled water. Then, in a glass jar, they are poured with boiled and chilled milk to + 18- + 22 ° C (1/3 cup per 1 g of fungi).
When the milk curdles (usually in a day), it is filtered through a sieve.

The fungi are washed on a sieve with warm boiled water and again poured with the same amount of milk.

Secondary curdled milk is kept in a refrigerator or cellar for 24 hours, it is used as a ferment for making kefir.

The kefir fungi remaining after straining are washed with warm water, placed in a jar and again used to prepare the starter culture.

The milk is boiled and cooled to + 20- + 25 ° C, poured into a clean dish and a ferment of kefir fungi is added - 2-3 teaspoons per glass of milk. After the formation of a clot, kefir is cooled to + 8- + 10 ° C and left at this temperature for ripening with an exposure of 2-3 days.

As mentioned above, in the absence of previously prepared kefir fungi, kefir at home can be prepared using kefir bought in a store as a primary ferment.

KEFIR IS VERY USEFUL FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS. Regular use of fermented milk products helps to improve metabolism, strengthens a weakened body, and increases appetite.

NOTE. Regular use of kefir both increases the effectiveness of most anti-cancer drugs, and significantly reduces their effects.

Acidophilus is a fermented milk dietary product prepared from pasteurized whole or skimmed cow's milk by fermenting it with a ferment from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci and acidophilus bacillus, as well as kefir fungi.

Dairy plants produce acidophilus fatty (milk fat 3.2%) and non-greasy (milk fat no more than 0.05%), fatty sweet and low fat sweet... Acidophilus is digested and absorbed much better than milk. Acidophilus is used in clinical nutrition, since lactic acid bacteria contained in acidophilus suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines.

The shelf life of acidophilus is no more than 3 days at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.


To prepare acidophilus, milk is or reverse pasteurized at a temperature of 90-95 ° C for 30 minutes, cooled to + 40 ° C, add acidophilus bacillus culture (you can add a portion of store-bought acidophilus), mix and leave for 10 hours.

To prepare a secondary starter culture, the primary starter culture is added to the milk intended for fermentation at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter and prepared in the same way as the primary starter culture.

After 5-6 hours, the secondary sourdough is ready. It is used to ferment the next portions of acidophilus.

Acidophilus is considered ready if a dense clot has formed.

In extreme cases, in the absence of a pure acidophilic culture or acidophilus, kefir can also be used as a primary ferment, then each time fermenting subsequent portions of milk with the resulting product.


Milk serum - a by-product of the production of cheese and curd. It contains about half of milk's nutrients - soluble protein, which makes up 20% of milk protein, all milk sugar, mineral salts, water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to widely use serum for human nutrition.

Serum is used in the production of baby food, bakery, pasta, confectionery and whey drinks.

Whey drinks are produced by fermenting pasteurized milk whey with the addition of flavoring and aromatic fillers: kvass wort concentrate, sugar, yeast, salt, tomato juice, etc.

Depending on the added fillers, they produce kvass "New", "Milk", an acidophilic yeast drink, a drink with tomato juice, a drink "Cool", drinks "Aromatic", "Summer", "Solnechny", etc.


Koumiss is a fermented milk diet drink made from the milk of mares or skim milk of other types of farm animals.

If kumis is prepared from cow's milk, then a mixture of whole and skim milk, milk whey and sugar (2.5%) is pasteurized, cooled and then fermented with a special sourdough that provides mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcoholic - and promotes the formation of antibiotic (including anti-tuberculosis) substances.

Ready kumis is an effervescent drink of white color, sharply fermented milk, with an admixture of alcohol, taste and smell. Distinguish koumiss weak (one day), containing up to 1% alcohol, middle (two-day) - up to 1.75% alcohol, strong (three-day) - up to 5% alcohol.

Kumis stimulates appetite and has dietary and medicinal properties; it has long been used for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Kumis is also used for exhaustion after illness.

Nutrients of kumis (proteins, fats, milk sugar) are absorbed almost completely (up to 95%). When eating kumis, the digestibility of proteins and fats contained in other food products sharply increases.

Strong kumis is not used for medicinal purposes; they use it only as a refreshing or intoxicating drink (which is much healthier than drinking beer).

The shelf life of kumis is no more than 3 days at temperatures up to 8 ° C.


Ayran in Kazakh is a fermented milk drink common in Kazakhstan.

To prepare Kazakh ayran, you need to take from half to three quarters of a glass of sourdough per liter of milk. You can use yogurt, kefir or sour cream as a starter culture.

Bring the milk to a boil, cool to room temperature, add the prepared starter culture, stir, pour into glass jars or ceramic cups and leave to ripen for five to six hours.


Matsoni is a fermented milk drink common in the Transcaucasus.

To prepare yogurt, milk must be boiled, cooled to a temperature of 45 ° C, poured into glass jars of 0.2 or 0.5 liters, add to each full teaspoon or tablespoon of sourdough - live yogurt (see below) or, in extreme cases, acidic sour cream, mix well, wrap and put in a warm place for 6-8 hours.

Part 2
SUZMA (cottage cheese from yoghurt) and AIRAN

Sour milk as the basis of fermented milk products

The simplest fermented milk product is yogurt.

It is formed by itself, without any artificial help, by simply souring raw milk in a warm room. In this case to accelerate the souring, a crust of black bread is usually put in milk.

Therefore, the people call it not only yogurt, but also raw milk and dough... However, dummy milk takes two days for its full formation, otherwise it is liquidish. Therefore, milk is sometimes helped to turn into curdled milk - a spoonful of sour cream is stirred in it and placed in a hotly heated room (kitchen). As simple as yogurt is, it is the basis of most fermented milk products.

From its top, "vershoks", remove sour cream, and its bulk goes to cooking curd.

Cottage cheese

In curdled milk, even a two-day one, there is always a lot of whey. Therefore, the first operation is to drain, separate the serum from the clot. To do this, part of the whey is simply drained from a jar of yogurt, and then the remaining clot is poured into a special linen bag in the shape of a cone.

Such a bag must be sewn and used constantly. It is more convenient than looking for a suitable random rag (gauze, calico, linen) every time for making cottage cheese.

It is most advisable to make a bag with a volume of 3-5 liters of milk, but not less.

Having drained the curdled milk clot into a bag, hang it over some dish and leave it for at least 5-6 hours, during which the whey will gradually come out of the curdled milk and cottage cheese is formed. Only after that, you can try to artificially squeeze out the hidden whey by placing a bag of cottage cheese under a press weighing 3-5 kilograms (between two boards, plywood).

In this way, after 5-8 hours, you will get a gentle homemade raw sheet curd... It will not crumble, but will break off in large thick beautiful layers.

But if you want to make the cottage cheese drier, then you should put the yogurt in a bowl, before pressing the whey, put it in a water bath and heat it up. Then the serum itself will rebound from the clot.

In this case, you need to be careful and do not overheat curdled milk (!), otherwise the cottage cheese will become hard, fine-grained, unpleasant in taste, because the sour milk will brew and coagulate.

If you heat the curdled milk lightly, in moderation, then when the whey is squeezed out, you will get a wonderful dry, dense blade curd, which will look like a bar.
Special types of curds:
skyr, irimshik, hedgehog

Usually we use curd only from curdled milk, that is, from raw milk.

Meanwhile, in home cooking, it is advisable to use other types of cottage cheese, created by world culinary practice in the past and now forgotten.

All of them are easy to do, and most importantly, they give a ready-made, usable product 20-40 times faster than ordinary Russian cottage cheese, and besides, they do not require any fuss with decanting, squeezing, washing dishes and a bladed bag.

Try them and they will quickly catch on with the adults and kids in your family.


You have a liter or three-liter jar of milk in the evening: by the morning, yogurt has formed, which is not quite strong yet for cottage cheese and at the same time quite sour. You cannot eat that much curdled milk now, and you don’t want to, but you need to have something solid for breakfast. What to do?

Take a liter or two of fresh milk, quickly boil in a large deep saucepan and at the very moment when the frothy cap of boiling milk begins to rise to the edges of the pan, preparing to run away, pour in exactly the same amount of yogurt as boiling milk in one stroke. The fire can be increased for 1-2 minutes, or it can be left the same. Then continue boiling the mixture for no more than 2 minutes or less, depending on the amount of liquid.

As soon as the whey turns greenish-yellow, stop boiling and drain it, trying to combine all other grains of curdled milk with the large milk clot. Put the resulting curd in a deep plate and gently rinse with a spoon on all sides so that all the greenish-yellow whey is separated, but not the whitish liquid. As soon as a white, milk-like liquid begins to separate, stop pressing on the clot.

It turned out skyr - cottage cheese made from half sour milk and half sweet milk, not sour, pleasant, with a particularly elastic consistency, with a barely noticeable creamy, and not the usual curd smell. It is ready for immediate use.

Irimshik and hedgehogs

If we change the ratio of curdled milk and fresh milk and instead of a 1: 1 ratio take two liters of fresh milk and one liter of curdled milk, then you get cottage cheese with a different taste and consistency, called irimshik.

It can be boiled until the whey separates for a maximum of 5 minutes.

If you change the proportion in the opposite direction and take twice as much yogurt as fresh milk, that is, two liters of yogurt and one liter of milk, you get cottage cheese hedgehogs, which cannot be boiled for more than one minute - in fact, at the same moment when the yogurt is poured into hot milk, the whey will rebound.

To both of these types of curd, you need to add half a teaspoon or one teaspoon of salt and 25-50 grams of butter, stirring them with the curd while it is still warm.

Irimshik and hedgehogs work much better if they use not ordinary Russian curdled milk, but katyk (yogurt), which we will talk about below.

In addition to the combination of curdled milk and fresh milk, sour cream is used as a ferment for one or another type of milk to compose a number of fermented milk products.

Guslyanka (gustyanka)

If in one liter thick milk (see at the beginning of the page) or simply in boiled and cooled to 30-35 ° C, pour a tablespoon of sour cream diluted in half a glass of the same milk (for one liter of milk) and put in a warm place, tightly closed, then the resulting yogurt will be worn name "Gustyanka", or "Guslyanka", and differ in taste and density from ordinary raw milk (curdled milk).

It can be further used to create different curds, thereby modifying their taste.

Ryazhenka or Ukrainian varenets

If in baked milk (see above) pour one glass of sour cream into one liter of milk, it will turn out after fermentation for 3-4 hours ryazhenka, or Ukrainian varenets.
Bulgarian and Greek yoghurts (katyks)
Suzma (cottage cheese from yogurt)

If a thick milk (boiled milk, sweet milk product - see above at the beginning of this page), chilled not lower than 30 ° С and not higher than 35 ° С, ferment with 100-150 grams of live yogurt per liter of milk and at the same time carefully wrap the dishes with milk in cotton blanket, batting or quilting, leaving it warm for 8-10 hours and protecting it from shaking and moving (!), you can cook very tasty YOGURT (or katyk), i.e. sour milk fermented with the culture of the Bulgarian sour milk stick.

It should be borne in mind that the 30 ° C required for fermenting yoghurt will be maintained due to the fermentation process only in a large amount of milk (at least 2-3 liters) with careful wrapping. For fermentation of small quantities, it is necessary yogurt maker - thermostat that maintains the temperature.

When cooking thick milk for fermentation Bulgarian yoghurt milk is boiled down by about 1/3, for thicker Greek yogurt - by 2/5 or almost half. You can also use store bought and boiled 6% milk.

Home breeding of the culture of sour milk Bulgarian sticks. With a simple fermentation of thick milk with sour cream, yogurt (katyk) will not work right away, not the next day, but only after a similar repeated fermentation of thick milk has been made at least three to four times, but not with sour cream, but 100-150 grams the previous portion of katyk, and gradually bulgarian bacillus culture, which in the future must be maintained continuously and every day a new katyk should be fermented with an old katyk. In the first two fermentation, not katyk (yogurt) will be obtained, but "gustyanka" (see above) - a product closer to a very tasty thick curdled milk.

After a month or two consecutive repetitions of such fermentation will be finally cultivated pure culture of the Bulgarian stick, creating a real taste of katyk (yoghurt) and forming its special valuable properties.

Self-made live yoghurts are very useful for children and adults, especially with dysbiosis, allergies and a tendency to frequent colds. The shelf life of live yogurt in the refrigerator is no more than 2 days after readiness, since the healing substances that are very useful for health, developed by the Bulgarian stick, gradually disappear with further peroxidation of the yogurt.

If possible, it is better to initially ferment thick milk not with sour cream, but with "live" yogurt, bought in a store - which has a shelf life indicated on the package for no more than 2-3 days (!), That is, to which toxic preservatives that killed the Bulgarian bacillus - then the yogurt will turn out right away.

From all other types of curdled milk katyk it differs not only in taste, but also in that it has extremely little whey. It is practically invisible, and it is found only when decanting the katyk in a bladed bag.

After decanting the yoghurt (katyk), not cottage cheese is obtained, as from ordinary curdled milk, but SUMMER - a product that occupies a middle position between cottage cheese, sour cream and butter.

Suzma possesses all the good qualities of these three products and does not have any of their negative qualities.

Its main advantage and miracle is its reversibility both "backward" - to the "pre-snake" state, and "forward" - along the path of transformation into products of a higher order, with a greater concentration of fat and protein fractions. Suzma can be diluted after two or three days and even after a week of storage in the cold and turned into a kind of sour cream, milk, katyk, or, conversely, turned into butter, starting to beat, or make cottage cheese from it, heating it over a fire in a water bath ... But by itself, without additional dilution or heating, Suzma is capable of simultaneously playing the role of sour cream, and cottage cheese, and butter.

It can be put in borscht and cabbage soup, spread on bread and used in cheesecakes, curd cakes, curd spreads.

Ayran (drink made from suzma diluted with water)
Fruit yogurt

In summer, 100-200 grams of suzma, diluted in a liter - half a liter of cold boiled or mineral water, gives a wonderful thirst-quenching and invigorating drink - ayran.

Thus, suzma is a wonderful, healthy, tasty fermented milk product with a diverse, wide profile of use. This is why it can be highly recommended for home meals and as a convenient ingredient in many home cooking.

In trade practice, the name is used "yogurt" to indicate specific Bulgarian yoghurt (katyk) made from thick milk (see above). Strictly speaking, yogurt (in Bulgarian "yogurt") is the same katykbut named in another Turkic dialect (Turkish); some peoples of our country call it also chekize, tarak.

However, gradually in European countries under the name "yogurt" they began to understand only such katyk, which is prepared with vegetable (berry and fruit) additives.

Since ancient times in Tatarstan, very often a small piece of beet is put into the katyk during fermentation to tint it, give it a slightly pinkish tint, and make it beautiful. Many other peoples, whose national cuisine includes katyk, do the same.

Sometimes cherries, blueberries, currants and other berries with intense, highly coloring juice are used for touch-up.

This technique, used in folk cuisine only for beauty, gave the idea of ​​the food industry in a number of European countries - Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Romania, Finland, etc. - to produce katyk with various additives of berry and fruit juices and puree no longer for beauty, but for changes and additions to its taste, to create a variety of products enriched with vitamins. This katyk with the addition of berries and fruits is now called yogurt in commercial practice.

Fruit yogurt is easy to make at home:

Just during the fermentation of thick milk for making katyk (see above), together with the ferment (100-150 grams of old katyk per 1 liter of thick milk), you need to dilute 50 grams of any fruit or berry puree or put 4-5 berries per liter of fermented yogurt like this , so that for each glass there is about one berry or one teaspoon of mashed potatoes.
You can use puree of apples, currants, strawberries, plums, cherries, tomato paste, raspberry and blackberry juice.

Maybe the information will be useful
Girls ... I didn't know where to write - I'll write here, seemingly on the topic ... The day before yesterday I looked at the test purchase, I didn't really understand what they were testing, because I ran back and forth around the apartment, but it seemed like matsoni. Well, on the sly, we decided to complete 2 tasks at the same time:
- like to support farming in Russia
- well, like buy domestic.
And under this business went to some kind of farm ... Lord !!! No, I understand, I want to show off on the screen, especially on the federal channel, but at least get ready and ask how to do something - who did not understand - the star of the screen is the owner of the farm. So...
1. It all started with showing the finished product, this is the yogurt itself. So this pretzel takes a slotted spoon !!! and starts with it !!! transfer the product from the fermentation tank to a liter plastic bottle ...
The film crew was also impressed and quickly switched to other plans ... in other words, apparently asked to show how everything is happening ... Oh ...
2. A citizen takes milk in a bucket from the milking (filtration was not shown !!!) and directly from the bucket pours milk into a fermentation container (about 10 liters, probably)
3. He takes this tank and puts it into the milk processing machine, sets the temperature to 70 !!! degrees.
4. And the last thing - he takes a paper bag of sourdough, a teaspoon and on the tip of a teaspoon gently pours the leaven over the milk (chick-chick ...), closes the lid - EVERYTHING !!!
I am RYDAL ....
I did not find a suitable topic, so I will forgive here.
Many of us make various dairy products at home. A kefir fungus lived (lives) with me, but then a jar of yogurt was brought from Georgia, and I've been here with pleasure for a month now, while I sent the kefir fungus to the freezer. But the question torments. On the say7 forum, they write that yogurt can be frozen, but the method is not disclosed. Maybe someone knows? How to freeze how long he lives there without losing quality? Anyone have this experience?
And tell me, when preparing yogurt in MV, it should be interfered with? How often?
Palych, not necessary! On the contrary, as little shocks as possible for him. As for the test.
Ikra, so I was tupatul yesterday (((, after 6 hours I opened the lid and interfered and then an hour later I looked and ... my yogurt split, at the top of the floor. see pure water and at the bottom like whey, as if curled up, right? And in the morning from the bottle began to drain - the serum went ...yeast from ashan, vivo, there are 1-3 liters, I mixed it for 2.5 ... it turned out liquid and sour (((What and where did I go wrong?
Palych, there are many reasons when yogurt does not work.
It happens - the milk is not right. And now, almost certainly the store "is not right." Because it's spring. On this spring milk, I ruined my kefir fungus - it became so accumulated that I did not save it. Although I did it on the same milk from the same manufacturer all year round.
They also stirred in vain. It is necessary to stir, but only at the moment when you stir the leaven in milk - here it would be nice even with a whisk, for better distribution throughout the mass. And then pour in and ... hide for the entire production period.
The fat content of milk also affects. The fatter, the tastier and less sour.
And the sourdough itself too. I tried many different ones, and still stopped at the fact that I began to ferment on a jar of some kind "type of activation" without additives with more or less fresh production time. I don't like sour.
And the temperature regime also affects the final product. Still, our multi is not always perfect (and even yogurt makers). Everything is achieved empirically. If your instructions say that, for example, yogurt is obtained within 4 hours, then this means ... that you have to try. My yogurt maker fried for 4 hours so that everything flaked. Then I put a silicone mat (a hot stand) in it and everything began to work out, but in 4 hours and 30 minutes. But I messed up some food, yeah
So ... the resulting product is for baking and for new achievements)))
Ikra, homemade milk for yogurt, fatty, I'd kind of reduce the fat. I mean, stratification is a sign of what? What stood for a long time? In the instructions, 6-8 hours at 40 ° C, I have the same ... or that my body is overheating? And curled up from the pov. temperature? Or the fact that I often zyrkal, open / close the cover multi, I wonder. Or what did you mix? Well to draw conclusions, adjustments, corrections.

And I also saw such jars for making yogurt on sale, do you need it? It's kind of on the water. bath? I just poured it into the bowl. And what would be thicker it is necessary to take less milk or ferment longer?
Palych, I think, from the fact that

Quote: Palych
often glanced, open / close the cover multi, interesting w. And mixed

In general, it is not recommended to put a yogurt maker even on the refrigerator, although the current ones are quiet. But they are still shaking!
Try not to experiment, but to do everything strictly according to the instructions. Souring does not like drafts and shocks.
Yes, and about the jars. It is necessary for anyone who is comfortable to have portioned yogurt. In addition, the structure is not disturbed there, since you do not stir anything after cooking and do not overflow. And how to cook - see the instructions for your multicooker. I have a yogurt maker, there are jars without water, but in the cartoon ... I don't remember. )
Tell me, what can be done with stagnant yogurt, kefir? I did a lot and I don't have time to "master" everything. If you pour them into one saucepan and separate the type of cottage cheese?
If you have stood too much, the cottage cheese will be sour.
But you can also cottage cheese. Bake pancakes on whey, add sugar, raisins and yolks to the cottage cheese. Wrap in pancakes and fry.
Next, figure out what to do with the protein))) (in principle, you can add the whole egg to the cottage cheese if there is a lot of it, or you can not add it at all, but the filling does not flow with the egg and does not crumble).
Palych, Igor, the cottage cheese will turn out great !!!
Yes? Right now, I'll do it, pour everything into one pile and can I immediately warm it up or wait until the thick and cheese milk separates? And if there is already bitterness? Is it better to pour this out of a jar?
Layering is a sign of curdling milk casein. The more acidic the product, the lower the temperature it occurs. Therefore, here, apparently, it stagnated so much that it curdled at the temperature of yoghurt preparation.
Is 40 ° the recommendation of the starter manufacturer?
Can I ask a question about cottage cheese? At the market I buy cottage cheese in circles for 350 rubles. Delicious, but it's a pity from it, and, probably, you won't be able to make cheese cakes and casseroles. In the same market there is crumbly cottage cheese in buckets. But it costs from 150 to 170 rubles.As far as I know, real cottage cheese cannot be so cheap. The question is whether it can be bought and what can it be made of? Highly . I want syrniki, I haven't done it for a long time.

Look at these cheesecakes

Dairy productsClassic fried cottage cheese pancakes
Looked, thanks. But the question about the most important component - cottage cheese - haunts me. Even in the marketplace, I suspect about palm oil (((I would like it to be as little as possible in the diet. Oil, of course, not cottage cheese.
Quote: pravum
cottage cheese, haunts me

Cottage cheese can be homemade. In cheesecakes, the main structure is the moisture content of the curd. As an example, this is cottage cheese Domik or Prostokvashino - moderately dry, moderately moist. Then the flour will need to be added at least.

The rest I wrote directly in the recipe for cheese cakes following the link
Quote: Admin
in the recipe for cheesecakes
Thanks for the tip to fry without a lid. It all seemed to me that they would not bake without her. Now I'll take a chance.
Just on the topic of the question pravum: found on the Roskontrol website. Experts have tested several popular varieties of 9% fat cottage cheese.
“Experts of Roskontrol searched, but could not find high-quality cottage cheese. Products of 7 brands passed the examination, and all samples were on the black list of Roskontrol for a number of violations.
Semi-fat cottage cheese of 9% fat content was sent to the laboratory of the brands Ostankinskoe, Milava, Domik v derevne, Prostokvashino, Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, Korovka Iz Korenovka, Sincerely Vash.

For more information on what the experts found and what they did not find in the curd, see the link under the spoiler.
In short, the "palm trees" were not found, but almost everywhere - starch, which is unacceptable by technology in the manufacture of cottage cheese, as well as yeast and mold.


Quote: Ikra
all samples were blacklisted by Roskontrol
Here, this does not give me rest. Tomorrow I'll start looking for a topic of how to make cottage cheese itself, suitable for cheesecakes and casseroles. Oh, how I do not like to cook
pravum, the simplest is to ferment the milk and warm it up to 60-80 degrees on a fire, in a water bath or in a slow cooker, cool and put it on a sieve or cheesecloth. The whey can be used on pancakes, bread, or other baked goods. About a pound of cottage cheese comes out of two liters of good milk.
pravumlove i hope
Quote: pravum
this does not give me rest.
No, you are worried about palm oil. And there starch, it is not a hindrance to cheesecakes. As a last resort, drop it with iodine - it will turn blue, which means there is starch (probably. I read it somewhere here. But I'm not sure that the starch in the curd is in such a form that it gives a reaction with iodine. It is necessary to check). Then you can present a claim to the seller / manufacturer and then, if you wish, to Rospotrebnadzor.
By the way, there are studies in June. It's not a fact that they haven't fixed anything so far ...
pravum, well, roughly speaking, I totally agree with Elena. Starch for cheesecakes, oddly enough, is not bad at all, on the contrary, it will take away excess water. On the contrary, there is a problem with milk for fermentation ... For me, for example, Parmalat refuses to ferment. But the ULTRA-PASTEURIZED Brest-Lithuanian with a whistle! I bought it, put it in the kitchen (well, what, it’s long-playing? Well, I thought so ...), a week later I looked - cottage cheese in a bottle!
Svetlana, I buy milk from a local producer in pasteurized film. No problems. In sterilized in an amicable way, you need to add sourdough. The ultra-pasteurized "itself started" the normal lactic acid microflora - this, of course, you are lucky))
Accomplishment, and what am I talking about? Not fermented with leaven! Well, the "luck" is very relative ... the bitterness is terrible ...
And, well, bitterness in spoiled sterilized milk is the norm. What has been sown out of the air has grown. Well you wrote - cottage cheese, and I was surprised, where did the normal sour-milk microflora come from ?!

The leaven doesn't work - maybe the question is in the leaven? Although for some reason I am prejudiced against parmalat and never buy.Either my husband - a great esthete of milk - once tried it a long time ago and said "fu", or something else - I don't remember. But I don’t buy either.
Quote: Ikra
found on the Roskontrol website. Experts have tested several popular varieties of 9% fat cottage cheese.

Roskontrol is an office that makes money by blacklisting or whitelisting manufacturers. This company has been repeatedly involved in scandals. Better to check the products on the Roskachestvo website. For curd you can see here:


Quote: Completion
No, you are worried about palm oil
Yes, starch doesn't scare me. If nothing else is there, then, perhaps, it is worth buying. Gathered after work to the market for cottage cheese. I would venture to buy for 170 in buckets for cheesecakes and in circles for 350 just to eat. Last time, like nothing, I got caught. the casserole is delicious. And a friend in the store bought from buckets, says she threw out the cheesecakes cooked from it (((

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