
Yesterday I studied the beneficial properties of ginger (the doctor told my father-in-law for arthritis to mix chopped ginger root with honey and eat 1 tsp in the morning and evening), I decided to get to know him in more detail and this is what I found.

Ginger (Zingiber) - a genus of perennial herbaceous plants from the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). It is believed that the Latin name "Zingiber" is translated from Sanskrit as "horned root".

Ginger is native to Western India and Southeast Asia. In nature, it does not grow in the wild. It is cultivated in the subtropical and tropical regions of Japan, China, West Africa, Vietnam, Brazil, India, Argentina, Jamaica. And also grown as a garden plant, or indoors - in ordinary pots or boxes.

Ginger has erect, reed-like, rounded stems, reaching a height of 1 - 1.5 m. Flower stems are scaly. Leaves are lanceolate, whole-edged, alternate, with a pointed tip. The flowers are orange-yellow or brown, collected in the form of spike-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is a tricuspid capsule. The rhizomes have the appearance of fleshy, roundish, finger-separated pieces and form a fibrous root system.
Ginger grows in warm and humid climates, typically up to 1,500 meters above sea level, and can grow in a wide variety of agro-climatic conditions. The best soil for growing is loose loam, which contains a lot of humus.

Ginger is propagated by rhizomes, for this the roots are divided into small pieces with "eyes" (2.5 - 5 cm). Planted from March to April. Dug out, depending on climatic conditions, after 6-10 months, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

There are two root forms - white ginger and black. Black ginger is simply scalded with boiling water, without peeling the roots, and to obtain white ginger, the roots are cleaned with a brush and wiped with a 2% solution of sulfurous acid or bleach for 6 hours after removing the peel from the rhizome. It happens that the peeled roots are rubbed with chalk after washing and drying. Black ginger ("Barbados") has a stronger odor and a pungent taste in comparison with white ("Bengal") ginger, since a certain part of the aromatic substances is lost during processing. Both are sun dried. Fracture of light yellow ginger, regardless of the species. Young rhizomes are almost white; but over time, the older the root gets, the more it turns yellow at the fracture. The taste of ginger is sweet and pungent. The length of the dried root can reach 12 cm, and the thickness - 2 cm. The yield of the finished, dry product is 15 - 25% of the wet weight.

The chemical composition of ginger

Ginger contains many useful substances, the main ones are: asparagine, aluminum, calcium, caprylic acid, chromium, choline, fats, fiber, iron, germanium, linoleic acid, manganese, magnesium, oleic acid, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, silicon, potassium , sodium, vitamin C.

100 g of chopped ginger root contains:
The special tart and spicy aroma of ginger root is felt due to the content of 1-3% essential oil in it, which is concentrated mainly in the rhizome. Its main components are: zingiberen (zingiberen) - up to 70%, starch - 4%, gingerol - 1.5%, camphene, linalool, gingerin, fellandrene, bisabolene, borneol, citral, cineole, sugar and fat.
The burning taste of ginger root is given by the phenol-like substance gingerol. Also, ginger contains all the essential amino acids, including threonine, tryptophan, leysine, phenylanine, methionine, valine and others.

Used plant parts

Ginger root is used as a spice in cooking, as well as as a remedy in folk medicine.

Many types of ginger root can be found commercially: ground or chunks of rhizomes, doused with chocolate or candied, as an extract for ginger beer. Ginger goes well with other spices and is part of curry mixes. It is added to the highest grades of light beer. Ginger is usually found in a ground form. Ground ginger root looks like a greyish-yellow powdery powder. It must be stored in an airtight container.

Used in medicine: peeled dry root in the form of powder (250-500 mg), decoction or infusion, in homeopathy, a tincture of the dried root is used.
Useful properties of ginger

Ginger has a unique combination of taste and medicinal properties, such combinations are not found in any other spice. Sometimes even generally recognized medicinal plants are inferior to him in their beneficial properties. As a remedy, ginger has a large list of beneficial properties:
• Possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulating, healing, diaphoretic, tonic, bactericidal, choleretic, antibacterial action.
• Has a strong antioxidant and sedative effect, strengthens the immune system, well protects against parasites, inhibits the growth of bacteria, is used for helminthic diseases.
• Food with ginger becomes lighter, it is better absorbed and takes on a slightly pungent, spicy taste.
• Nourishes the entire body, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The systematic use of ginger in food, in small quantities, increases internal heat, increases appetite, stimulates digestion and the formation of gastric juice, improves gastric secretion, is effective in indigestion, belching, stomach ulcers.
• Effective for colds: colds, flu, coughs, congestion in the lungs, sinusitis, it also helps with sore throat, has an expectorant effect, and boiled crushed roots warm the body well.
• Ginger is an excellent remedy for many allergic and skin diseases, as well as for bronchial asthma.
• It is effective for all sorts of pain in the abdomen, with intestinal, renal, biliary colic.
• It is used for flatulence, to stop diarrhea and to neutralize the harmful effects of animal poisons, it is also used for mushroom poisoning.
• Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
• Has a mild laxative.
• Reduces pain caused by joint disease, is used for rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, edema, sprains, muscle pain.
• The peel of the ginger root has a diuretic effect and stimulates the production of saliva.
• Allows you to relieve cramps during menstruation.
• Is an excellent remedy for mental or physical fatigue to help you overcome stressful situations and rejuvenate.
• It is also used for paralysis and jaundice.
• Stimulates the thyroid gland.
• Improves cerebral circulation, it strengthens blood vessels and improves learning and memory, lowers blood pressure, helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
• Ginger is very effective in fighting the aging of the body, in addition, it helps to increase potency, helps in the treatment of infertility, increases uterine tone and sexual arousal.
• This is the best remedy for toxins and toxins, poorly digested food waste, which are deposited in the cells of the body and poison the entire body, which ultimately leads to various diseases.
• The use of ginger for weight loss is very popular, as it tends to speed up metabolism.
• Effective against "seasickness" (it relieves not only nausea, but also dizziness, weakness), it is also used to relieve signs of toxicosis during pregnancy.
• Useful for the prevention of cancer and the formation of malignant tumors.
• If you chew fresh ginger root after meals, it will keep your breath fresh for a long time and relieve many oral problems.
• Ginger is used to facilitate the manifestation of the beneficial properties of other herbs in the collection.
• Ginger oil is used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Ginger treatment

We offer you several popular recipes using ginger to treat various diseases and ailments:
• Ginger infused with elderberry flowers, peppermint and yarrow is used to relieve severe abdominal pain.
• A small piece of ginger will help protect your mouth and throat. To do this, you need to peel the skin, cut off a small slice, put in your mouth and suck, feeling a tingling sensation. When the effect of essential oils and medicinal substances decreases, the slice can be bitten.
• Ginger powder mixed with water (a paste is obtained) or grated ginger is applied as a compress to the site of pain. It relieves almost any pain, ginger is used for headaches, back pain and chronic rheumatism.
• If you eat a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root with lemon juice and a little salt before meals, your body can digest food quite easily and in addition get rid of toxins.
• In case of toothache, a chewed piece of ginger will help to relieve pain well, which must be applied to the aching tooth. It will destroy harmful microbes, and besides, it will leave a very pleasant smell.
• A ginger bath is good for muscle fatigue and aches. To do this, add 2 - 3 tablespoons of ginger powder to a liter of water, bring to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes, then pour the broth into the bath. Ginger bath relaxes and relieves muscle pain.
• Compress on the back relieves pain well and quickly. To make a compress you need to take 2 teaspoons of ginger powder, 0.5 teaspoon of chili pepper, a teaspoon of turmeric and mix this mixture with warm water. Warm up, apply on a cotton cloth, put it on a sore spot and fix it. A similar composition can be used for joint pain, only you need to mix it not with water, but with well-heated vegetable oil (preferably mustard or sesame oil).
• Taking 1 - 1.5 g of ginger (0.5 teaspoon) with tea or mineral water 30 minutes before or during the trip helps a lot against seasickness and motion sickness in transport. For a pregnant woman, mild ginger tea can help relieve nausea.
• To draw out the contents of the boil, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and ginger with water to form a paste, and then apply the resulting paste to the boil.
• For stomach upset, mix half a cup of white natural yogurt with half a cup of water, add a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg and ginger powder to the mixture.
• Hemorrhoids can be treated with aloe and ginger. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of aloe juice with a small pinch of ginger powder 2 times a day until all symptoms disappear.
Contraindications for the use of ginger
It is necessary to use ginger for treatment and in cooking, taking into account contraindications in order to exclude possible complications. You should give up ginger for those who have the following diseases:
• stomach ulcer;
• diverticulosis;
• diverticulitis;
• pregnancy;
• lactation;
• gall stones;
• duodenal ulcer;
• high fever;
• esophageal reflux;
• gastrointestinal disease;
• nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
Side effects
In case of an overdose of ginger, negative results or side effects are possible in the form of: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions. Reception should be discontinued, treatment is symptomatic.
Drug interactions
• Ginger can increase the potency of antidiabetic medications.
• Is able to increase the strength of anticoagulants (prostacyclin agonist).
• Possible increased exposure to heart medications.
• Reduces the effect of drugs that block beta-adrenergic receptors.
• Counteracts or interacts with antiarrhythmic drugs, increases the risk of hypokalemia;
• Increases the risk of arrhythmia by interacting with depolarizing muscle relaxants;
• May reduce the effect of antihypertensive drugs and, when combined with sympathomimetics, increases the likelihood of hypertension.
• Counteracts nitrates and calcium channel blockers.
Using ginger in cooking
Ginger has a pleasant aroma and special taste and is a valuable food preparation. He fills soups with a delicate taste, especially vegetable, fruit, poultry broths. It is used in the preparation of certain types of cereals. They are used to season homemade sausages, pates, seafood, cheeses, and are often used to make sushi. Ginger enhances the taste of stewed or roasted beef, lamb, veal, chicken, pork, turkey, duck, stuffed vegetables (courgettes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, etc.), vegetable stews, and mushroom dishes. It is used in the preparation of compotes (especially from pumpkin and pear) and the preparation of other drinks, added to elite varieties of tea, used in canning pumpkin, melon, cucumber, put in various marinades and sauces. Candied ginger root is used to make jams, candies, candied fruits, marmalade. It is also used to bake gingerbread, gingerbread, buns, cookies, muffins, biscuits, and gingerbread. In the alcoholic beverage industry, ginger root is used in the production of ginger beer, punches and bitter liqueurs.
Norms for laying ginger in dishes
• in fish and meat dishes per serving - 0.2 - 0.5 g, 20 minutes before the end of cooking;
• in mousses, compotes and other sweet dishes - 0.3 g per serving 2 - 5 minutes before the end of cooking;
• in the dough - 1 g per 1 kg, put when kneading the dough;
• in sauces - after the end of heat treatment.
Pickled ginger
The most popular and healthy dish today is pickled ginger.
For cooking you will need:
• 0.5 kg of fresh ginger root;
• 200ml of rice vinegar;
• 4 tbsp. l. dry rose wine;
• 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
• 2 tbsp. l. vodka.
The ginger root must be washed, dried and peeled. Cut into smaller pieces and place in boiling water. Cook for a minute, then dry the boiled ginger thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Mix together wine, vodka and sugar. Boil the resulting mixture, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves. Add vinegar and wait until boiling. Then put slices of ginger root in a jar, pour the marinade and close the lid. Wait until the jar cools down, and then refrigerate for 3 days. Pickled ginger can be stored for up to 3 months in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the pickled ginger becomes a beautiful pink color.
Pickled ginger is usually used to flavor sushi or other Japanese dishes.
Ginger tea
Ginger tea will help you to increase appetite, give a good mood, give a fresh color to the face and clarity of eyes, it is good for everyone. Ginger tea improves digestion, eliminates toxins accumulated in our stomach and helps to digest food better. You need to drink it in small sips between meals.
Here are some recipes for making ginger tea.
Ginger tea with lemon
Peel a piece of ginger root and grate on a coarse grater to make about two or slightly more tablespoons of grated ginger root. Place in a liter container. Add 50 ml (quarter cup) of fresh lemon juice and honey to taste. Pour boiling water over. Wait about an hour and then you can start trying.
In tea, you will experience three different tastes - sweet, pungent and sour. Such tea will well invigorate and accelerate all processes in the body, especially if they were proceeding very slowly before. It is because of this property that such a recipe is very often used for weight loss.
But don't get carried away! At first, even from half a glass of such an hour, you may have a fever. It is believed that drinking no more than two liters of tea per day is recommended.
Aromatic elixir with green tea
Brew green tea by adding a pinch of dry ginger to the teapot. In just half an hour you will have an unusually aromatic elixir instead of the usual tea. This drink has an antioxidant effect and can also help calm coughs. One cup a day and your skin will look healthier.
Ginger tea with added green
Brew 1 teaspoon of regular green tea (leave for 5 minutes). Strain. Take a slice of ginger root (3-4 cm), cut into small pieces, add a pinch of cinnamon, a couple of cardamom pods, and a stick of cloves. Pour the tea into a stainless steel pot and bring to a boil, continuing to cook for 20 minutes. Then add honey (3 teaspoons) and half a lemon (squeeze juice out of it and toss directly with the skin). Then cook for another 5 minutes. Now you need to let the tea brew, about 20 minutes will be enough. Then strain into a convenient teapot and pour into cups.
This tea can be drunk both hot and cold.
Ginger tea for colds and depression
Brew plain green tea without any additives. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Cut a small piece (3-4 cm) of ginger and pour the prepared tea into a thermos. Add some honey and red hot peppers or chili.
Colds and other colds are perfectly treated with ginger tea with honey and lemon, and if you have a wet cough, we recommend adding cloves or cinnamon to your tea.
Mint ginger tea
Pour 10-20 g of ginger, cut into thin strips, with a glass of clean water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 15 minutes. Add a little lemon balm, mint or other herb, as well as lemon and honey to taste, and you will have a great drink that gives tone and vigor in the morning much better than coffee. Also, this tea is effective for losing weight.
Ginger tea with currants
Tea with currant leaves, black tea and ginger is very good. To obtain a richer taste, tea is brewed in a thermos.
Ginger drink
For cooking, you need the following ingredients:
• 1.2 l of water;
• 3 tbsp. l. grated ginger;
• 5 tbsp. l. honey;
• 4 tbsp. l. orange or lemon juice;
• 2 tbsp. l. fresh mint.
Preparation: Boil water, add ginger, honey and stir. Strain through a sieve, try to squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the ginger root. Add a pinch of black pepper and juice. Add some fresh mint at the end. This drink is consumed hot.
Sour sweetness
Squeeze out the juice of two lemons and add boiling water until you get 300 ml. Dissolve a couple teaspoons of honey and add thinly chopped ginger root. Pour the mixture into 2 glasses, add 2 tablespoons of whiskey to each and serve hot.
Tibetan ginger tea for angina, acute respiratory infections, colds.
For 1 liter of tea you will need:
• 0.5 l. milk, fat content 1.5% - 2.5%;
• 0.5 l. water;
• 10 - 11 pcs. carnations;
• 9 - 11 pcs. cardamom (grains need to be crushed), grind together with cloves;
• 0.5 tsp. dry ginger or 1 tbsp. l. fresh ginger;
• 0.5 tsp. ground nutmeg;
• 2 tsp. green tea;
• 1 tsp. Darjeeling tea (a special kind of black tea).
Preparation: Pour water into an enamel pot and put on fire. Add in succession: cloves, cardamom, dry ginger and green tea. Bring to a boil and simmer for a minute. Add milk. Then add Darjeeling tea and finely chopped fresh ginger (if not used dry before). Add nutmeg while boiling. Then let it simmer for a short time. Remove from heat. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Strain into a ceramic bowl. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, without sugar and spices.
Slimming ginger
You can use ginger for weight loss with the help of healthy and tasty invigorating drinks, teas and various other dishes. Let's talk about this in more detail.
The substances contained in ginger root improve blood circulation and warm from the inside. They seem to "accelerate" all internal processes. Accordingly, the metabolism increases, and this helps to accelerate the loss of excess weight.
Slimming ginger tea
• Ginger tea with garlic is very famous. With the help of this tea, you can quickly lose weight, getting rid of those extra pounds. To make tea in a two-liter thermos, you will need: a plum-sized ginger root (about 4 cm) and 2 cloves of garlic. Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices. Put in a thermos and pour boiling water over, leave to infuse. Then you need to take out the garlic and ginger, strain and drink throughout the day.
• In general, we recommend adding Ginger for weight loss not only to tea, but also to any herbal decoctions - strawberries, mint, lemon balm.
• Orange tea with ginger root for weight loss. Use a blender to blend half a spoonful of finely chopped ginger root, 60 g peppermint leaves, and a pinch of ground cardamom. Pour boiling water over the mixture for 30 minutes, then strain, add 85 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of orange juice and honey to taste. This tea is drunk cold - the mint flavor will increase the feeling of freshness.
• If you need to normalize the functioning of the bladder and kidneys, combine ginger tea for weight loss with lingonberry leaves.
Rules for using ginger tea for weight loss
Let's summarize a few important points related to the use of ginger tea for weight loss:
• Ginger can be used all the time, and not only on days of active weight loss, brew it with green or black tea.
• One lemon wedge for one cup is sufficient.
• If you drink tea with honey, then the honey must be diluted either in a warm infusion or eaten from a spoon.
• Since ginger tea for weight loss is invigorating, we do not recommend drinking it in the evening.
• After making ginger tea for weight loss, it must be filtered, otherwise the tea will be too rich.
• For two liters of water, you need a piece of ginger root the size of a medium plum.
• When preparing the ginger for tea, cut it into as thin slices as possible, such as using a potato peeler.
• Drinking tea before meals will dull appetite and hunger.
• The recommended intake of ginger tea for weight loss is two liters per day.
• It is best to brew slimming tea in the morning. Pour into a thermos and sip a cup of tea throughout the day.
Slimming ginger salad (very good on fasting days)
• 30% raw carrots and 20% baked beets - sweet taste (stimulates the pancreas and stomach);
• 10% orange peel - bitter taste (stimulates the work of the small intestine and heart);
• 20% lemon - sour taste (stimulates the gallbladder and liver);
• 10% celery powder - salty taste (stimulates the kidneys, adrenal glands);
• 10% ginger or pepper - a burning taste (stimulates the work of the large intestine and lungs);
• 1 - 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil.
A source: 🔗
I will be very glad if someone is useful
And I went to grind myself with honey and lemon, we will increase and strengthen
melrin, thanks! Very detailed and valuable information. I often use ginger in tea, coffee, hot and cold dishes, pastries, desserts - but somehow not systematically, and now, armed with knowledge, we will eat it consciously.
Melanyushka, please, I also wound it in a blender with lemon and honey, made tea, added this mixture, and now I sit and drink and feel healthy
More for ginger lovers!

Ginger beer
*** yana ***
I love ginger! and now, at the time of colds and viruses, it is simply necessary and irreplaceable ... the voice restores at once. there is no smell, like from garlic (no less useful). you can add it to almost any dish ... and it crunches so juicy !!!
Sophia K
Hello girls. I would like to ask ginger connoisseurs and lovers how much and how you can store fresh root. Two days after purchase and storage in a polyethylene bag, I started to deteriorate.
When I buy, I either cut it finely, or rub it on a grater and put it in a bag (portionwise) in the freezer. Very good and long shelf life
I buy a small spine, and it does not have time to deteriorate, but the last time I chopped it with a blender with lemon and honey, I add a little to tea
Quote: Sophia K

Hello girls. I would like to ask ginger connoisseurs and lovers how much and how you can store fresh root. Two days after purchase and storage in a polyethylene bag, I started to deteriorate.
I keep it in the refrigerator for weeks without a package.
My root lain for a month in a plastic bag in a cool corridor (I stupidly forgot about it). I discovered it by chance, and so he was young and fresh. But he pecked at his kidneys. I cut it into pieces and stuck it into the pots for now, in the spring I will plant it in the garden. I wonder in what conditions and how it was kept before me.
For the second week, I also have nothing in a cellophane bag in a vegetable box in the refrigerator - I bought a huge one (it was not smaller), I pinch off a piece ...
I brewed green tea with a teaspoon of powdered ginger (800 ml per kettle), I drink it with lemon ... Delicious!
Quote: ShuMakher

I brewed green tea with a teaspoon of powdered ginger (800 ml per kettle), I drink it with lemon ... Delicious!
Very tasty, Mashun, but from him you can count stars or elephants right up to the morning
Gyyyy, right now ... With my guard ... they'll drown anyone and after anything I sit at the computer, my eyes stick together, but I have no strength to stand
I try to regularly consume ginger, with boiling water and lemon, that's it! I clean the spine, rub it with small straws on a Berner grater and put it in a jar, store it in the refrigerator. Stored in this way in the freezer, too, is excellent, only you have to break it off with difficulty, and the taste and aroma do not change.
*** yana ***
Quote: ShuMakher

I brewed green tea with a teaspoon of powdered ginger (800 ml per kettle), I drink it with lemon ... Tasty!
and fresh is much tastier and more aromatic!

Quote: Margit

.... I keep it in the refrigerator. ... only you have to break off with difficulty, and the taste and aroma do not change.
and before you put it in the freezer, spread the bag with your hand so that the pieces do not lie in a heap. and let the air out ... everything gets easily then ...
Quote: *** yana ***

and fresh is much tastier and more aromatic!
and before you put it in the freezer, spread the bag with your hand so that the pieces do not lie in a heap. and let the air out ... everything gets easily then ...
*** yana ***
I tried it, you still have to pry it with a knife in order to take a handful. I use small noodles, because I like them better than with plates.
*** yana ***
yes, I, too, and in rings and cubes ... I take out a frozen bag, if it freezes, I knock on the table slightly .. and everything crumbles ... I got into the action and scored cheap ginger ... a lot .. .. gone, rubbed, cut and into the freezer ...
I constantly use fresh ginger, but here the price of ginger has dropped sharply. The ginger was very dense and juicy. I chopped it on Zelmera, also collected the juice, froze some of it, and put the rest for drying in Ezidri, dried it on solid marshmallow trays. The ginger turned out to be a beautiful yellow color with a wonderful aroma. Now store-bought ginger powder smells like soap to me, such a big difference in flavor. I store it in a glass jar.
When prices for ginger and root celery fall, I make preparations for the first and second courses. Shredded ginger, celery and carrots. I put in small bags for freezing 150 grams of celery, carrots and 20 grams of ginger. Usually 10 sachets are obtained. It is enough for a long time. I put it in the soup 15 minutes before the end of cooking.
Girls! Thank you Tanya-Zhivchik - reminded me of ginger! : rose: In January, I wrote: "I had a root for a month in a plastic bag in a cool corridor (I stupidly forgot about it). I discovered it by accident, and so it was young and fresh. But it pecked at my kidneys. I cut it into pieces and I stuck it in the pots so far, in the spring I will plant it in the garden.I wonder in what conditions and how it was kept before me. "I am reporting. Out of seven pieces with buds in a pot, only one survived (I blamed for it), but it did not grow at all. In March, I planted this piece with a bud in the garden, nothing did not cover it and only three weeks ago a sprout came out, now it is 12cm high and has four leaves. I couldn’t understand at all that it’s got out, because I’ve poked around everywhere without hitting it. I wonder when it will be possible to harvest the crop?
Quote: GenyaF

Of the seven pieces with buds in a pot, only one survived (I was guilty, I flooded it), but it did not grow at all. In March, I planted this piece with a bud in the garden, did not cover it with anything, and only three weeks ago a sprout emerged, now it is 12 cm high and has four leaves. I couldn’t understand at all that it had come out, because I’ve stumbled everywhere without hitting it. And now I just finished wrinkling the leaf, and it smells like ginger. I wonder when it will be possible to harvest the crop?

Zhenechka, it's not even your fault that the ginger didn't want to grow in the flowerpot. The fact is that some plants begin to grow only in open ground, and only suffer in a flowerpot. Maybe a ginger like that.

It must be ... as much as 12 cm ...
Look by the fall for a visit as we will come for a harvest of ginger ...
Damn, how are we going to share one spine for the whole Bread Maker? : girl_in_dreams: I had to plant a lot. And I wonder how the root grows there in the ground? And when to start digging? And the leaves, I think, can be applied somewhere, because they also smell.
Quote: GenyaF

Damn, how are we going to share one spine for the whole Bread Maker? : girl_in_dreams: I had to plant a lot. And I wonder how the root grows there in the ground? And when to start digging? And the leaves, I think, can be applied somewhere, because they also smell.

Well then, okay .... I'll come myself.

Ginger is planted in April, and you can dig out the grown roots after 6-10 months, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

I found nothing for using the leaves.
In October-November, I’ll dig, unsubscribe. Come! And maybe I'll try the leaves in some marinade, while they are still green.
Ginger-loving girls, I need your help: I've made gingerbread cookies with fresh ginger a couple of times. To do this, I rubbed it on the finest grater, the root is juicy, but very "hairy". The first time these "hairs" -fibers were sticking out of all the cookies, the second time I used only juice without pulp, but the cookies were not enough aromatic-ginger. How do you struggle with this "hairiness" of ginger, how can it be processed in another way, crushed, or maybe this is the only one sold here?
Quote: Sveta_

Ginger-loving girls, I need your help: I've made gingerbread cookies with fresh ginger a couple of times. To do this, I rubbed it on the finest grater, the root is juicy, but very "hairy". The first time these "hairs" -fibers were sticking out of all the cookies, the second time I used only juice without pulp, but the cookies were not enough aromatic-ginger. How do you struggle with this "hairiness" of ginger, how can it be processed in another way, crushed, or maybe this is the only one sold here?

I love ginger, and I always have it at home, but I add dried powder to cookies ... In teas, soups, hot - fresh
*** yana ***
Quote: GenyaF

In October-November, I’ll dig, unsubscribe.
I wonder what happened in the end? what about the harvest? ... they write that it grows well indoors ...
The hairiness of ginger worries me too. I squeeze the grated fresh ginger through organza, otherwise you never know what the guests will think when they see these fibers in baked goods. I don’t take dry ginger, because I know for sure that many ground spices are diluted with starch by unscrupulous traders. Nutmeg powder is exactly half of starch, so I buy it only in the form of nuts, and rub nuts on a mini grater (my son-in-law, seeing a mini grater for spices, laughs - "Grater for Barbie"!)
Quote: *** yana ***

I wonder what happened in the end? what about the harvest? ... they write that it grows well indoors ...

And nifiga did not work. The heat came and everything dried up. Although, in December I dug to see, and there new buds on the old root climbed out. I transplanted it to another place, I will continue to observe. I only read in the fall that ginger does not tolerate drought, but I grew it in the very sun.
*** yana ***
GenyaF he is generally tenacious .. ETOGES root! now, even in the store, they sell them with buds pecked ... and the hand reaches into the pot to shove it .. you can not even take it out into the street ... and the plant itself is also beautiful. though we eat a lot of ginger so that I can’t grow it so much .. but interesting.
Quote: Creamy

I squeeze the grated fresh ginger through organza, otherwise you never know what the guests will think when they see these fibers in baked goods.
So you only use juice? I also did so, but it seemed to me that without the pulp, the sharpness of ginger is lost. How else to get rid of only fibers and still leave the juice with pulp?
Yana, as I wrote above, that my store hatched, and planted him. And recently I read that for planting it is necessary to choose a young and least fibrous root with buds and shade it from the hot sun, and it grew in the very sun, and I can’t remember about its fibrillation. Maybe my spine was already old ... I will transplant it to another place in the spring and buy another one for planting.
It's funny that I have not tried baking bread with ginger yet, it is probably worth trying, I myself adore ginger. For colds, it is good to brew with boiling water and drink (only if the pressure does not bother). And recently I read reviews about green coffee with ginger green ginger, I want to buy. Before that, I just drank green coffee to lose weight, but they say the result is even more effective with ginger, maybe someone has already tried it, what can you say?
ginger is a great thing
vacationing with friends in goa
the locals told us that tea with ginger and honey heals almost everything - from, sorry, diarrhea to a hangover
we still regularly brew and drink
IMHO it's like our garlic in terms of effectiveness
Quote: Hippolytus

the locals told us that tea with ginger and honey heals almost everything - from, sorry, diarrhea to a hangover
I heard the same story about Egyptian tea made from fenugreek seeds, I forgot how this tea is correctly called. but it tastes funny. and yes, I would probably add ginger to borscht.
sweetka, tested on myself - a really effective remedy for many ailments. We went to India 5 years ago, but since then ginger has been constantly in our tea)) I recommend
So who would argue, I won't. I love ginger very much. I shove it into almost everything. Candied ginger is my signature number! People come to watch how I eat them in handfuls and survive after this.
I really like the tea with ginger !!! I got tired of this picking of the frozen and fresh laziness to mess around every time and I made myself a preparation for a week - I turned ginger root, lemon with pitted skin in a blender grinder, added honey and in a dry jar in the refrigerator. At least in tea, at least a bite - as you like.
I know about hot honey, but it's so tasty and lazy !!! If you are worried about it, put it in cooled tea or add sugar.
Once there was a lot of ginger (it was cheap) and it turned out that jars with such a blank can be safely stored for six months in the refrigerator!
And in the summer my husband suggested adding mint ... And it turned out a mojito (fresh mint - also in a blender).
By the way, in the summer in cold water is something !!! Highly recommend.
My proportions are approximately equal in volume lemon, ginger, mint + honey as much as these together. But you can choose it individually, according to your taste.
Have a nice ginger tea !!
Quote: Lady_L
I made myself a preparation for a week - ginger root, lemon with pitted skin, turned it in a blender grinder, added honey and in a dry jar in the refrigerator. At least in tea, at least a bite - as you like.
Once there was a lot of ginger (it was cheap) and it turned out that jars with such a blank can be safely stored for six months in the refrigerator!
Strange, but in a month, it starts to mold!
Now we actively use a tablespoon in the morning and in the evening ... the flu goes, here in order to prevent the use of .. there are a lot of vitamins!
*** yana ***
Today at a party I was treated to canned food with ginger ... cucumbers with zucchini, garlic and ginger, squash caviar with ginger, tomato sauce with ginger. I liked it very much .. Itself somehow did not dare to experiment. But I will definitely do it
Thanks for the useful information. And I used to use ginger only for colds

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