Girls, she laughed to tears now.
Why is izidra to you? I have a Zelmer drying and it dries very well too.
And what kind of bread it becomes delicious toasted in a toaster or AF.
bake bread with dried onions, and why did this idea not occur to me?
Can only fruits and vegetables be dried in an electric dryer? For example, have you tried drying / withering squid or pieces of meat in it?
Girls, tell me when to dry onions - the smell is very strong?
And then. I am afraid my household will "evict" me along with the dryer onto the balcony.
smells strong at first
maybe if I dry it with something else together, then the smell will not be so "audible"
But = death to microbes !! I will definitely dry it = this summer was very damp and cold, some onion is not the same as not ripe, I will use half of the harvest for drying
experimentsI'll try once, and suddenly ... and onion juice, already salty, can be in the freezer, well, at least then in minced meat or some kind of dough, soup ... but I also store drying in pillowcases (apples are the most of them) or for beauty in bags-bags from a regular sale store - something for 30 rubles, they are fabric and with handles. can be hung, they are also multi-colored
fabric and with handles. can be hung, they are also multi-colored
and onion juice, already salted, can be in the freezer, well, at least then in minced meat or some dough, soup
I tried to add to the minced meat - it tastes strong.Here's what I noticed - if the onion is smashed to puree with a knife in a food processor - he will be very bitter - for some reason, what is smaller than him just chop- the more bitter. but I want to extract the juice from the onion in a natural way - with salt - the principle of diffusion (cleverly ....)
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