In the ranks of fans of steamed and generally "healthy food" I was the last ... But the body decided otherwise and moved to the right flank. So, I would like to hear "experienced advice" about diets. cooking in MB.
Tatuli, I don't cook very much for a couple - it's not enough for me there, I even got rid of my 2 cartoons from the steamers, I haven't cooked in this one either. But I can say 2 words about the diet - in multicooker you really need to add less oil - don't go to the grandmother. And the extinguishing modes are their strong point. And if it’s just steaming that is so important to you, you can always buy a steamer, because their choice in stores was always greater than even a multi-store now.
any rice cooker with an insert for steaming will cook anything for you, put the meat - cook the meat, put the vegetables - there will be vegetables, etc. You will hardly go to work for the future, but you will have enough for one or two.
I don't need "any rice cooker". I'm interested in this one. And how quickly steamed food is cooked in it and the possibility of cooking two dishes at the same time, since my husband does not want to eat my steamed delights ...
Quote: Tatuli

... And how quickly steamed food is cooked in it and the possibility of cooking two dishes at the same time, since my husband does not want to eat my steamed delights ...
I think quickly. Yesterday I cooked an assortment for a vinaigrette (not for a couple, usually), and I threw everything in at once (laziness was in portions), as a result, everything was cooked in half an hour - potatoes, carrots (that's understandable) and beets too. An hour passed from the moment of turning on and getting it. The basket is so arranged that you can soar for yourself at the top, and cook for household members from below. I'm there in the subject of fotala her. I’m happy, if it’s not so expensive, I’m happy.

shl. I forgot, then I cooked more beans for 20 minutes. (around 50 minutes everything worked). Cooked all vegetables at low pressure. I generally prefer this pressure. So it can be faster, but I don't need it yet.
Deushki, I recommend the Recipe from Vikki lives here Multicooker-pressure cooker Moulinex Minute Cook CE4000

I must say right away, I did it with chicken. (wings). I fried it, threw in a can of pineapple with liquid + half a glass of tomato juice + 2 tbsp. spoons of adjika and 15 minutes at low pressure All.

For a side dish - a mixture of 4 rice - water 1k2, a spoonful of odorless vegetable oil, salt, 15 minutes at low pressure.

Multicooker-pressure cooker Moulinex Minute Cook CE4000 Multicooker-pressure cooker Moulinex Minute Cook CE4000 Multicooker-pressure cooker Moulinex Minute Cook CE4000

Chinese restaurants smoke nervously - cook, be the best
What a beauty! and even on an empty stomach, saliva was already puffed up ...
I love household appliances
I bought a shortcut on Sunday 6th February. And so every day I set up experiments in it.
I will describe it by order, maybe someone will come in handy.
I'll start by asking about the open-closed lid and the interpretation of the instructions.
As I understand it, this translation should be interpreted as follows:
when the lid is open - this means when the lid is UNLOCKED, unbuttoned.
When the lid is closed - this means when the lid is closed, that is, when it is turned clockwise.
Closed - buttoned. Open - just covered with a lid.
At the same time, it is not forbidden to fry with the FULLY open lid. You fry it like in a pan, watch the process with pleasure, stir it with a plastic spatula.


Now about what exactly I have already managed to cook:
- roast potatoes with meat
- mannik
- pilaf
- mushroom soup
The point of acquiring fast food was for me mainly in pressure cooking. So that in the evening, coming home from work at 7 o'clock, dinner is freshly prepared and not too late. I needed a pressure cooker ... And this is how it was ...
We stopped at the Eldorado to see the berhof or whatever it is .. which is gas.
Turkey production ...
I didn't like it at all ...
Let's go to the park house - there is immediately in the media mark.
It is worth full of multicooker.
Panasonic both volumes and 2 moulinex are just a cartoon and this is a quick car.
I studied it, talked to the seller and decided to take ...
I liked it))
I liked it even more at home - I fried an onion in it (it has a frying mode, like a frying pan works), put the meat in chunks and large potatoes. No water was poured. Salt, peppercorns, bay leaf.
15 minutes for High pressure mode.
And you're done !!! Yummy potatoes and the softest meat. Tastes like childhood from a pressure cooker. I was afraid in vain. She didn't even hiss ...
In general, weigh ...


For my requests, which I had - to cook fresh food quickly after coming home from work in the evening is the very thing.
But for some other requests there are probably disadvantages.
In it, the timer is set only for the High pressure and Low pressure modes.
And then there are modes
Frying vegetables
Heating that keeps you warm.
Roasting Roasting and Braising - no timer is set for these.
This is probably a minus * DONT_KNOW *
But excusable ...
The control there is mechanical ... Maybe this is also a minus ...
Attached is a colorful book of 100 easy recipes - indicating what to cook in what mode.
In general, if, I'm happy)
There is a steaming basket.
The volume is large, 6 liters, good.
I love household appliances
Strange of course - the browning and browning modes.
Most likely Roasting is Baking.
That's how i think
We need to check - bake something.
A proven recipe for multi - mannik.
Delicious manna. But be sure to let the semolina stand and do not forget to put the soda. If everything is done correctly, you can't even say that this is a mannik
3 Pcs Egg
1-1.5 St Sugar Glasses 200 gram
1 Art Sour cream
100 Gr Maragarine Melted, but it is better to replace it with 1 / 2-1 / 3 rast. oils
1 Tbsp Semolina
1 Art Flour
Salt Pinch
1 Sachet Vanilla Sugar 8g
1/2 tsp baking soda Or 1 tsp baking powder

Art. - ordinary glasses, 200 grams.
Mix all the ingredients, add flour and baking powder (soda) last. The dough is not thick.
Pour into MB, Bake mode 60 minutes.
After the signal in the covered MV, let the cake cool down.


I baked a manna in a fast machine on the Frying vegetables mode
It came out great.
The top turned out to be completely light, the bottom is the very thing, he then became the top of the cake.
Poured it with fresh sweet thick sour cream, sprinkled with nuts. Sour cream, if you pour it on a hot cake, when it cools it becomes like glaze, so delicious.
So experience number 2 (the first was a high pressure beef roast) also ended well).
The husband said that he had not eaten such a delicious cupcake for a long time))

It turned out to be tall, beautiful, due to the small diameter of the pan (compare with the baking dish)
but: the frying timer does not start.
So you can make baked goods in our fast food only being at home, you won't leave.
I decided this way:
If you need to leave - oven in the microwave on the combination mode in a baking dish (I have a beautiful very convenient shape and a multifunctional microwave).
If at home, then you can bake in the multi for 1 hour on a timer from a gas stove or set an alarm on your phone
I love household appliances
Yesterday I was going to come in the evening and make a freshly prepared dinner - pilaf (in SM - in a short-cut). But my husband invited me to the theater. The performance is very good. he was cheerful, good. But long. We returned home at half past eleven.
Plov decided to do it all the same.
It took this:
10 minutes for slicing onions, carrots and meat (defrosted beef in the zero zone now always lives with me), I took 2 cups of steamed rice.
On the Frying mode, I fried in the course of slicing, gradually throwing onions, carrots and meat, then spices, then rice. I poured boiling water 1: 2 (next time I will take less water - it is not required to evaporate water).
I put it on for 17 minutes. Then she blew off the steam (covering the fast car with a towel))).
Done. Excellent pilaf.
This was the third test)
excellently! It smelled very good. delicious.
In general, no matter what is cooked deliciously from her, it smells, and as soon as it smells delicious, it means that it is almost ready. It's a miracle. I didn't have time to put it on - the smell is already coming, the family is beginning to be interested - is it ALREADY ready? so fast?
Quote: I love household appliances

It turned out to be tall, beautiful, due to the small diameter of the pan (compare with the baking dish)
but: the frying timer does not start.
So you can make baked goods in our fast food only being at home, you won't leave.
I decided this way:
If you need to leave - oven in the microwave on the combination mode in a baking dish (I have a beautiful very convenient shape and a multifunctional microwave).
If at home, then you can bake in the multi for 1 hour on a timer from a gas stove or set an alarm on your phone
And when they baked on frying, they covered the lid and in what mode they set it flew out of my head ... bleed off the steam?
Question! Love BT, tell pzhl - did you bake a manna on a prog roasting with a closed lid and a closed valve? How many minutes?.

second question - did you bake it in a basket, laying it with paper or just in a saucepan?
I love household appliances
IRR, thank you.
I also thought that I should take a photo ...
I'll fix it))
I forgot - I did pilaf for 17 minutes at high pressure.
The fourth experiment was this morning.
It turned out that they had eaten all the soup yesterday.
I decided in the morning before leaving for work to cook soup with chicken fillet and mushrooms.
On the Frying mode, while I was cutting everything, I immediately threw it in - the onions and carrots were fried, the fillet (I defrosted it slightly in the microwave on the go) was also thrown there for frying.
There were fresh champiks - also thrown. While roasting, peeled 2 large, good potatoes. I added a spoonful of flour, a spoonful of butter to the pan, so that it would be fried with flour. I threw the potatoes into the CM, added a handful of dry white mushrooms (pre-dried in an electric dryer in the fall), added a couple of tablespoons of pearl barley, salt, poured boiling water over the Maximum mark. I put it on High pressure (HP) mode for 10 minutes. Just in case, I turned on a timer on the gas stove for 10 minutes so that I could hear it while I was going to work.
And she became thoughtful. I looked, it was on the timer for these 10 minutes, it was ... it was ... and the dot was flashing. Four minutes stood for about 10 minutes, then the countdown began. It looks like it first injects HP, and then the timer report goes. It took more than 10 minutes in total. I wonder if everyone has this, or just me? Answer pliz, who noticed this ...
Bleed off steam, opened - great soup!
I decided to pour it into an ordinary pot, which has always been our family norm of soup. And it turned out right flush with the edge, uncomfortable, part of it was cast. I decided to follow. time not to pour water at maximum. The lid underneath was splattered a little, which was not the case when cooking other dishes. I washed everything at once.
In general, I'm happy))
The husband also walks around looking satisfied. I showed him how to bleed off steam and open it, if you have to be able to do it without me))
The fourth experiment was also successful))
And when they baked on frying, they covered the lid and in what mode they set it flew out of my head ... bleed off the steam?
Girls, in my very first post I wrote that I figured out the instructions like this:
An open lid is an open lid.
Closed - means clockwise buttoned.

Baked on Frying with the lid closed but unbuttoned. Frying vegetables = Baking. I decided so for myself, and the mannik showed that I was right.
There is no steam formed there, we DO NOT CLOSE the lid.
Quote: IRR

Question! Love BT, tell pzhl - did you bake a manna on a prog roasting with a closed lid and a closed valve? How many minutes?.

second question - did you bake it in a basket, laying it with paper or just in a saucepan?

Closed but UNSECURED.
There was no valve on the lid, it is not needed in this mode.

Baked directly in a saucepan, pouring a little growth on the bottom. odorless oils.
A handsome man came out to the dish. Ruddy bottom up, pale down
Quote: irson1971

And when they baked on frying, they covered the lid and in what mode they set it flew out of my head ... bleed off the steam?

I just covered it with a lid, without fastening it.
I opened it without any problems, there is no need to bleed anything, I just opened the lid and looked in, smelled and admired. Luchinoy checked in the center - came out dry
Baked for 1 hour on the Frying vegetables mode. IMHO, this is = Baking.
Time was timed by a timer from a gas stove. After the time had elapsed, she came up and turned off the quick-slug, took out a hot manna, turned it out onto a dish, poured it and decorated it.
Quote: I love household appliances

And she became thoughtful. I looked, it was on the timer for these 10 minutes, it was ... it was ... and the dot was flashing. Four minutes stood for about 10 minutes, then the countdown began. It looks like it first injects HP, and then the timer report goes. It took more than 10 minutes in total. I wonder if everyone has this, or just me? Answer pliz, who noticed this ...
Bleed off steam, opened - great soup!
Well, this is just understandable, the pressure cooker first gains pressure, and then cooks for 10 minutes. Always like this. Did you immediately turn on everything from the first minute and go back to the report? no! And I will also add - I try not to play off, there is still the cooking process going on there (as it is written in the instructions). If only suddenly and by urgent need, then yes ... this wet towel is very handy if I want to open it a little faster, I just turn off this hour heating. It cools down in free mode for 15-20 minutes.
I love household appliances
Quote: IRR

Well, this is just understandable, the pressure cooker first gains pressure, and then cooks for 10 minutes. Always like this. Did you immediately turn on everything from the first minute and go back to the report? no! And I will also add - I try not to play off, there is still the cooking process going on there (as it is written in the instructions). If only suddenly and by urgent need, then yes ... this wet towel is very handy if I want to open it a little faster, I just turn off this hour heating. It cools down in free mode for 15-20 minutes.
Yes, apparently before that I just did not pay attention to it! Thank you, now I will take this time into account
As for the bleeding, I completely agree. And about heating - too

Now we need to try out the Quenching and Low pressure modes, I have not yet used them at all.
At Stew, you can probably put morning porridge in the evening to cook ...
I'll try - I'll tell you

Hello everyone! I live in Kazakhstan, Almaty. I decided to buy myself a Panasonic cartoon, as I had tried to cook on it before. But running around the city and never finding a multicooker, Panasonic bought Moulinex CE 4000 all the same. I was afraid to remain without anything at all. I took the last one, from the window, to make a reservation and go for it from one store to another. When I sat down to read the attached recipes I was terribly upset. Everything must be cooked with butter and first fry, and then bring to readiness. Before that I used Panasonic, and never used oil, for example, for extinguishing. In general, at first there were thoughts of taking back to the store, but then I decided to try to cook beef ribs in Moulinex. Coarsely chopped half of the onion, carrot, bell pepper, tomato, put on the bottom of a cartoon saucepan, on this bed about one and a half kilograms of ribs, salted, sprinkled a little dried cilantro, and on top the remaining half of the onion, carrot, pepper and tomato. I closed it with a lid, set the "High pressure" mode and a timer for 30 minutes. Almost immediately, very appetizing smells are heard from the steel saucepan. After the allotted time, I let off steam and opened the lid. Imagine my surprise when I saw such an appetizing dish, in its own juice, that salivation flowed and I immediately wanted to try it. It turned out very tasty, juicy, the taste is simply delicious, the meat is so soft that it just melted in the mouth. And how fast! In Panasonic, I cooked this dish for at least an hour. In general, I am so pleased! By the way, the volume of the saucepan in Moulinex is 6 liters. And a pretty durable non-stick coating.
Borscht, real, cooked on the bone in 40 minutes, it's possible!
Today I cooked such a borschik in SM (quick-cooker) Moulinex. It turned out very tasty, and most importantly, very quickly. I used the meat from the market, from a piece of the back, with a bone. The meat was cooked completely in 30 minutes in the "High pressure" mode. Then I threw chopped potatoes, carrots and onions (not fried, I just love it so much) into a transparent and fragrant broth, again high pressure mode, time 2 minutes. Release of steam, and laid the cabbage and bell peppers in their raw form, "frying" mode, when it boiled, I threw separately fried beets with tomato. And that's all, borscht is ready! Bon Appetit!
I love household appliances
Cooked noodle soup this weekend. I put meat, beef pulp with veins, potatoes, finely chopped onions in the CM. The water poured less than the maximum. Under the closed lid at high pressure for 15 minutes. The steam stopped flowing and opened it. The broth is transparent, the foam on the walls is above the broth level. I poured it into an ordinary saucepan (still put it in the refrigerator in it), put it on gas, threw in the homemade noodles, brought it to a boil - it's done.
What can I say - the soup turned out to be delicious, but not the same in appearance as when cooking on the stove. The broth is more transparent. For some reason, the meat is not gray (as usual), but pink. The meat itself is tastier than usual - juicy. But the broth seems to be less rich. Which, however, is logical. It was cooked in the High pressure mode.
I made a conclusion for myself: if you want a rich broth, you need to cook it on Low pressure or on Stew. Need to try.
Today CM surprised me. Smart beast
This is how it was. It was conceived to stew the cabbage below, and make hedgehogs in a basket above. I looked at the recipe book - there is something similar (I don’t remember which page. But you have to cook there at High pressure, it is recommended to put potatoes down).
I fried the onions in the CM on Frying, poured the white cabbage cut into checkers. I switched it to the Frying vegetables mode, on which I kept it without a lid for 7 minutes, while I sculpted and put the hedgehogs in the basket.
I took the handle off the basket (I don't know if it was necessary to do this, but just in case).
I zipped the lid, set the VD mode, set the timer.
And what ... After the CM gained pressure, the timer did not start ... The CM squeaked and switched to Autoheat mode.
I tried to start again, and again, and cook on ND. Not in any ... Moreover, at the end of the pressure build-up, steam did not come from the green valve, but from the hole in the handle, and quite strongly ...
in general, I decided not to torture SM. After leaving the couple opened it to decide what to do next. And here they are: everything was ready !!! Hedgehogs are soft, huge steel, rice is cooked in them (I put it raw). Cabbage ... cabbage even fried ... and even fried more than necessary. I tried it. Everything is delicious
Probably, due to the lack of water (and in fact, moisture to create steam and pressure) - SM and went into unconsciousness ... It turns out that in the HP and LP modes, either the products need to contain a lot of moisture, or add liquid (boiling water for example) ...
Also this weekend I cooked duck with apples and potatoes. Not a whole duck, but a quarter. At the bottom - onions, a juicy green apple, large potatoes. Top - duck, one piece, skin down. For 15 minutes on highways. I open it - the potatoes are ready. Turned the duck skin side up. I pierce the duck - I'm not ready I closed it - and for another 15 minutes on the high pressure.
Now it’s ready and even browned like in the oven. It turned out delicious
We will know that it takes longer to cook meat as a whole piece
I love household appliances
And another question, maybe anyone knows what the numbers mean inside the valve?
If you remove the green cap and look inside the metal base of the valve, you can see numbers (I have 90). If you rotate it, you can see 1, if you rotate it, you can see something like 0.6.
I didn't understand what it is ...
Hello everyone!!! For the next day I've been reading you and still wondering what kind of cartoon I should take ... either this one, or Panas ... Maybe you would advise me ... I would really like to have a fresh breakfast ready in the morning without getting out of bed .. ...but on the other hand, I really want to cook quickly, and the volume is good ...
Only Panasonic can serve you a fresh breakfast. There is a snooze timer. Moulinex is speed. She's just a pro at preparing meat dishes.

I love household appliances
There are also numbers. But what do they mean in misunderstandings
I love household appliances
Quote: Enchanted

I love household appliances
There are also numbers. But what do they mean in misunderstandings

Something we are together here while in activists
Well, nothing, maybe later the luminaries will catch up
The model is new for now. Only a few have it. I also stood for a long time before the choice. But still, the speed of cooking took its toll. For some reason, we all love Panasonic more. Eh, if only some Panasonic functions were added to Moulinex ...
Or to Panasonic, some of the functions of Mulinex ... Oh, I don't know, girls ... how is she on the consumption of electricity? Eats a lot?
Nope, Panas has a small saucepan. Mine eat everything at once. Therefore, it is better to Moulinex functions Panasonic.
I do not think that much, everything is being prepared so quickly.
I love household appliances
I don’t know about electricity - but how to check a lot or not a lot?
I wanted to buy a pressure cooker. After all, everyone has different problems - someone has a breakfast problem, someone has a dinner problem ... I just have a dinner problem - to come in the evening and cook something fresh quickly. I'm tired of heating refrigerated food in the evenings in the microwave.
Say - but chicken ... Chicken quickly cooks even on a gas stove, yes. But you want and need not only to eat chicken, but also beef, for example, and the tenderloin (entrecote), which is cooked on the stove for a minute, is expensive.
And now I make beef in 15 minutes.
And I solve the problem of breakfast like this: I pour buckwheat with water in the evening. By morning it is completely absorbed. For 5 minutes in the microwave plus butter - that's porridge.
I also cook other cereals in the microwave - milk rice, millet, 20 minutes and you're done. And if there are flakes, then 5 minutes is enough.
And in our SM I want to try to cook buckwheat in the LP mode for about five minutes on a timer in the evening, and then let it stand all night on auto-heating - I'll open it for breakfast. How I cook, I will write here about the results. It should turn out like in a Russian oven languor Then it will be no worse than Panasonic in terms of functionality
Yes, I will never forget the taste of milky oatmeal from Panasonic. Well, just delicious! I will also try to cook such porridge in Moulinex. It will not work out, then I'll buy Panasonic.
I love household appliances
Quote: Enchanted

Nope, Panas has a small saucepan. Mine eat everything at once. Therefore, it is better to Moulinex functions Panasonic.
I do not think that much, everything is being prepared so quickly.
Now I do not cook in such volumes as before, and the refrigerator is not so full of ready-made food - either for lunch or dinner. I'm making a fresh dinner, but I haven't learned to count once, the habit takes its toll, more comes out
Is oatmeal made from rolled oats or oatmeal? Can you describe how it was cooked in Panasonic, with proportions?
Quote: I love household appliances

Is oatmeal made from rolled oats or oatmeal? Can you describe how it was cooked in Panasonic, with proportions?
If you cook oatmeal in a multo, take long-cooked Hercules (more than 10 minutes), I cook in milk, 45 minutes at 90 * C setting overnight
From Hercules flakes. For 1 multi-glass of oatmeal - 500 ml. milk. To fill up and fill in everything, and on the "Milk porridge" mode. When I squeak, I throw butter, I insist on plates for about 10 minutes. They get licked
I love household appliances
Quote: sazalexter

If you cook oatmeal in a multo, take long-cooked Hercules (more than 10 minutes), I cook in milk, 45 minutes at 90 * C setting overnight
Please indicate the proportions of cereal and milk. Do not dilute with water?
Here is a small addition on cereals, it may come in handy
I cook porridge in milk in a ratio of 1 grain to 3-4 milk
I love household appliances
Quote: Enchanted

From Hercules flakes. For 1 multi-glass of oatmeal - 500 ml. milk. To fill up and fill in everything, and on the "Milk porridge" mode. When I squeak I throw butter, I insist on plates for about 10 minutes. They get licked
Thank you. Everything will be fine, we will adapt this recipe for our fast food, so that in the morning we wake up from the smell of porridge cooked at night, bread baked at night))
To get up and get the dishes washed in the dishwasher at night, hang out the laundry that was washed in the washing machine at night, I love household appliances ... she did me too
Exactly! But I would like to get up in the morning, and in the dishwasher-washed sparkling plates there is already a delicious porridge cooked by a cartoon. Laundry washed in the washing machine is dried on the dryer, a little later it will be ironed by the iron itself. And all this was done by the very technology, without human intervention.
I love household appliances
Continuing the theme of cereals. Our fast-paced fellow, I'm renaming it to a samovar
I'm telling you. Above I wrote on what mode I plan to put porridge in the evening in the morning, so that in the morning it only remains to open and feed the child with porridge. No sooner said than done.
In the evening at 10 o'clock, a glass of long-boiled rolled oats was poured into the samovar pan, poured 2 glasses of water and 2 glasses of milk (how much milk there was at home, so much was poured) Water and milk are cold.
She closed the lid. Mode: ND for 4 minutes. I decided for the first time to check how it works. I worked as expected - gained pressure, hissed softly and went into Auto-heating mode. And I went to bed.
In the morning I opened the lid. What a charm for porridge, stewed - crushed.
Hot The only thing - the child said that it should be thicker - they say cook as usual. And usually - this is for 1 glass of cereal - 3 glasses of liquid. Well next time I'll do it
Our shortcut is better than Panasonic - IMHO.
Girls, owners of the Mulinex pressure cooker! Make friends with a pleated fotik and a radical. Write very interesting, but I would like more video.
And how much electricity does it consume in "Avtopodogrev"? The instructions are not written? Well, she should stand all night in this mode ...

And how much can she stand in "Auto-heating" to the maximum?
Quote: camilla30

And how much electricity does it consume in "Avtopodogrev"? Not written in the instructions? Well, she should stand all night in this mode ...
an hour in total. In the instructions for the programs it is written that it is in this mode that the dish remains warm until 12 o'clock and the recommended time for this mode is 1 hour. apparently the default is. I haven't used it longer. And then accidentally left it on for a while.
I love household appliances
Quote: camilla30

And how much can she stand in "Auto-heating" to the maximum?
The maximum can stand 12 hours. Excellent imitation of languor
I stood for 8 hours. I think e-va eats sooo little, because the porridge was hot in the morning, but not much, just right to put and eat without scalding.

Quote: IRR

an hour in total. In the instructions for the programs it is written that it is in this mode that the dish remains warm until 12 o'clock and the recommended time for this mode is 1 hour. apparently the default is. I haven't used it longer. And then accidentally left it on for a while.
I understood that the auto-heating is periodically turned on for 12 hours, so that the dish remains hot for 12 hours. That is, the Auto-heating mode is programmed for 12 hours of operation, after which it must turn itself off. In the morning, 8 hours later, the Auto-heating button was on (by the way, unlike others, it burns yellow). I pressed Start / Cancel and disconnected.
It is necessary to trace it somehow, it is interesting - after 12 hours, the Autoheating should turn off on its own. I'll check.
It seems I already want it more than Panasonic ... just a little bit left and I will buy it ... I will multiply with you!
camilla30, welcome to the forum! Let's buy that faster, otherwise there are so many posts that you want it, we are already tortured to read! We are waiting with a pan! A Rinu 72 ask to clean it, don't worry. She is very delicate
Quote: IRR

camilla30, welcome to the forum! Let's buy that faster, otherwise there are so many posts that you want it, we are already tortured to read! We are waiting with a pan! A Rinu 72 ask to clean it, don't worry. She is very delicate
So I want to buy EVERYTHING, and not what! Thanks for cleaning !!! I'll order it tomorrow ...
Hello everyone! Take me into your ranks !!!
On February 4, for my birthday, my husband gave me this miracle remedy! I immediately fell in love and did not regret for a minute that I had chosen just such a gift!
It is a pleasure to cook in it. Now I cook soups only in it. I fried the fish, but the problem with porridge does not work (
Has anyone tried to bake in a monster cooker?
I love household appliances
Quote: Natasha-Curly

Hello everyone! Take me into your ranks !!!
On February 4, for my birthday, my husband gave me this miracle remedy! I immediately fell in love and did not regret for a minute that I had chosen just such a gift!
It is a pleasure to cook in it. Now I cook soups only in it. I fried the fish, but the problem with porridge does not work (
Has anyone tried to bake in a monster cooker?
I baked a manna, it turned out super. I think you can bake both a cake and a biscuit. I plan to bake "Chocolate on boiling water" next time
And porridge also turns out like in a Russian oven, in the morning you get up - hot porridge is ready.
I love household appliances
I have a samovar since February 6, I use it almost every day, if you have any questions, please contact me, I will try to answer with pleasure
thank you
Quote: I love household appliances

I baked a manna, it turned out super. I think you can bake both a cake and a biscuit. I plan to bake "Chocolate on boiling water" next time
And porridge is also obtained as in a Russian oven, in the morning you get up - hot porridge is ready.

and in what mode? toasting?
I tried rice pudding according to a book ... my daughter ate of course, but it didn’t work out beautifully and somehow fu (
I love household appliances
Quote: Natasha-Curly

thank you
and in what mode? toasting?
I tried rice pudding according to a book ... my daughter ate of course, but it didn’t work out beautifully and somehow fu (

Have you read the previous pages of the forum? I wrote there on pages 9-10 everything that I cooked and how (mannik, roast, pilaf, soups, milk porridge).
I will answer about the mannik. Bake in Vegetable Frying Mode, 60 minutes. Check out my previous posts. I wrote them in the hope that it would be useful to someone, described them in detail. There is also a recipe for manna. Good luck, Natasha-Curly!
Hello everyone!
I am unsubscribing for cooking stewed potatoes with beef. In general, I decided to cook today on the "Stew" mode. At the bottom of the saucepan, chopped meat, onion, carrots, bell peppers, salt, poured a little dried cilantro on it. Top with chopped potatoes, also salted and a little seasoning. She poured a quarter glass of cold water. I closed the lid (just on top) and on the "Extinguishing" mode. I removed the valve. After about half an hour I decided to drop by. A little steam came out, it seems to be stewing, mixed. When the Cartoon squeaked, I looked - I restarted everything raw, the lid was already closed tightly, but not fastened, the valve was in place, but at the "steam free" mark. After about 20 minutes, my potatoes ripened Yummy, minimum liquid, soft meat, but not overcooked. Half has already been eaten, but left for tomorrow. With Panasonic, because of the volume of 4.5 liters, they ate everything at once.
Conclusion: While stewing, it is better not to climb there, but to wait, drooling from the smell
I love household appliances
Enchanted, how many people are you doing? how many potatoes and meat were there?
Quote: Enchanted

I closed the lid (just on top) and on the "Extinguishing" mode. I removed the valve. After about half an hour I decided to drop by. A little steam came out, it seems to be stewing, mixed. When the Cartoon squeaked, I looked - everything was raw
But how could a cartoon squeak if the time is not set in the extinguishing mode?

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