Educational games for preschool children

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Educational games for preschool childrenAs they get older, young children can spend more and more time playing on their own. And by the age of three, they are already able to come up with their own game scenario. Children engage in dialogues with enthusiasm, reincarnate, and it is a pleasure to watch them at this time.

The baby's independent play is very important and should not be interrupted. But games with parents are no less important. They allow you to replenish the child's knowledge in a playful, easy manner.

Having a pleasant time with your baby, it will not be superfluous to bring developing aspects into the game process.

Children at the age of three need to develop fine motor skills, so you can pay a little attention to games with this focus. Sorting items is great for developing fine motor skills.

Sorting items can be done in a fun way and can be done according to the shape, color, size and belonging of items.

Sorting items can be various things. Cubes can be arranged by color, buttons by color and size and shape, large beads about shape or color. You can sort by various categories, for example: images of wild animals separately from pets; fairy-tale heroes separate from real characters; vegetables from fruits, etc.

It is important not to treat the sorting process as a duty, but to turn it into a game, come up with an interesting story, or accompany it with a children's song.

Educational games for preschool childrenColored cardboard can come to the rescue. It is enough to cut flowers, butterflies to them and play, send each butterfly to your flower house.

You can show your child how to draw coins on their own by placing them under a sheet of paper and painting over with a pencil from the outside. These cardboard coins can then be used to play the store.

Children enjoy playing with cereals and pasta. Large pasta you can paint with paints, and then string them on a thread and make beads. Cereals are also great for creativity. It is enough to fill some container with cereal and make a pool of cereals, then hide an object in the cereal and ask to find it by touch.

In addition to the development of fine motor skills, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to taste perception.

You can pour water into cups, after adding sugar, salt, lemon juice, and leave one cup without additives. After giving the child a taste of the drinks, it is necessary to explain that by adding sugar to the water we will get a sweet taste, from salt the water will become salty, and from lemon - sour, and without additives the water will retain its original taste.

A similar method can be used to pay attention to the child's sense of smell. You can invite him to play a game "guess". To do this, the baby needs to be blindfolded and bring boxes with fragrant objects to the nose. You can put vanillin, lemon wedges, garlic, mint leaves, onions, chocolate, etc. in such boxes.

Don't forget about the development of your child's hearing. Before starting classes, you need to explain that sounds are voiced, deaf, quiet and loud. Place in empty containers (suitable for cosmetic cream), various fillers and shake them. Suitable as a filler beans, sand, candy wrappers, beads, etc. After you demonstrate the different sounds, you can ask them to find sources on their own.

And, of course, special attention should be paid to the development of speech. Reading your favorite works contributes to the full development of the child's speech. Therefore, do not be lazy and be sure to read fairy tales and poems for your child. You can also enrich your child's vocabulary.

To do this, it is enough to list the words with the letter "B" to the kid, or read the alphabet with the image of animals. Ask to name the items in the room with the letter "A". Learn simple verses with your child, sing songs. It will be great if you compose this song yourself.

To develop logical thinking, you can use pictures with images. In one row, you need to lay out fruits and one picture with the image of the beast, and ask to remove the extra picture. And using the example of the same pictures, ask to expand the image of adult animals and their babies according to genus. During the day, ask the child to hand over certain items with a description like this - "a yellow cup without a pattern", "a red cube, but not large", "a green book with fairy tales not for my mother", etc.

Role-playing games perfectly develop and help children adapt. Puppet theaters at home, replaying upcoming new situations. For example, if you have to travel on a train, you can play a game where you arrive with a suitcase at the station, get on the train, order tea and look out the window, etc. Replaying such situations helps the child to more easily go through the adaptation period in new situations.

Elena T.

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