Treating irritated or damaged skin can be inexpensive, simple, and safe using common products you may already have in your home. Unlike store-bought cosmetics, which often contain chemicals or artificial fragrances, natural products will not irritate sensitive or damaged skin further. In addition to helping to relieve irritation, natural products also promote a healthy, fresh-looking skin.
Olive oil
By using olive oil, you can fight serious diseases such as psoriasis or eczema. Dr. Christopher Dunnaker, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco, advises using a teaspoon of olive oil per square centimeter of irritated skin. Unlike branded products containing olive oil, natural olive oil does not contain chemicals that can damage irritated skin.
Mineral water
Spraying mineral water on damaged skin helps to deal with burns, rashes, redness or itching of the skin. The minerals in the water are anti-inflammatory and also soothe the skin after laser cleansing.
Salt and Neem Oil
Acne can be treated by cleansing your face with coarse sea salt and a few drops of neem oil. Salt is a natural antiseptic, and neem oil (available at natural beauty stores) has antifungal properties. After the mixture of salt and neem oil, you can apply a yogurt mask and leave for 15 to 30 minutes. Yogurt fights acne, fine wrinkles and improves skin color. The lactic acid found in yoghurt has a mild exfoliating effect and gives the skin a healthy glow.
Vitamins A and C found in tomatoes keep your skin healthy. Tomato juice thanks to its astringent properties and acidity, it cleanses the skin of excess oil. Use tomatoes every day to get rid of acne and other skin imperfections. Just apply the pulp of tomatoes on your face, and after an hour rinse with warm water and you will see how your skin will transform.
Chopped aspirin
Aspirin paste is an excellent remedy for mosquito bites. To make a paste, mix a few crushed aspirin tablets and a tablespoon of water, and apply the resulting mixture to problem skin. Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces redness and swelling of the skin caused by mosquito bites, bees or ingrown hairs.
Herbal soap
Soap containing chamomile ginger and echinacea, also effective in treating mosquito bites. These herbs are anti-inflammatory and when soap is applied to the bite site, it relieves itching and swelling.
Phytonutrients in green and black teas soothe blood vessels and capillaries after sunburn and other burns. Make a cold compress by soaking a towel in the cooled tea and apply it over the burned areas.
Tomato juice and buttermilk
Thanks to the natural cooling properties of both ingredients, they are blended together to soothe the skin after sun exposure. Mix 2 teaspoons of tomato juice and 4 tablespoons of buttermilk and apply to skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
Sergeeva A.N.