Do not share with your girlfriend, but share with the pillow!

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Do not share with your girlfriend, but share with the pillow

The third part of a person's life is spent on sleep. And no one will argue with me about the fact that sleep should be healthy and complete. What does it depend on? You will not believe - from the choice of a pillow! Can you imagine what the consequences can be from an incorrectly chosen pillow ?! You will say: everyone has their own body, and you will be right, therefore, diseases are different: from the curvature of the vertebrae of the neck, from which osteochondrosis begins and the back constantly aches, to the most serious diseases.

Tips, advice !!! You came to the store for a pillow. Which do you choose? Naturally, you want your loved one to have the same pillows. For children and little ones, you also try to choose the same to match. It's a paradox!

But! Remember who and how of your family members are sleeping! Let's say you prefer to sleep on your side, which means your pillow should be taller than the others. And your precious half loves to sleep on your stomach or on your back, which means that she needs a low pillow. Does your man have broad shoulders? - the pillow should be high, because the curvature of the spine, according to the anatomy, is also higher.

Or maybe yours is soft mattress? - buy a high pillow, and if on the contrary - a low one.

The main thing is what is your favorite pose! Surely, each of you knows what position he takes during sleep. So, what is your posture - so is the pillow. Sleep on your side means hard, on your stomach - soft, on your back - medium hard. You will have to do a little more arithmetic: what is the width of your shoulders, that should be the height of the pillow. And at the same time, you should know that the insides of any pillow roll down and harden over time, so after a month or two you may notice that the high pillow has turned into an uncomfortable low one.

Pay attention to what's inside! Today, the stores sell such a variety of pillows that sometimes you really don't know where to stop. Still, I would like to give some information about fillers. There are two types of them: synthetic and natural materials.

Do not share with your girlfriend, but share with the pillowSynthetic ones, of course, have big advantages: they are cheap compared to natural ones, wear-resistant, do not require complicated care and are easily washed in any type of machine. And if your choice fell on a synthetic pillow, I consider it my duty to inform you that there is a so-called memory foam pillow, inside of which viscoelastic foam is the material used for astronauts. It adjusts to you! - takes the position of your head and neck, and then becomes the same again. Apparently, that's why they called it “memory pillow”.

Who are they for? These pillows are for those who have frequent headaches or back pains osteochondrosis and sciatica, in general, are problems that happen to the spine. Just keep in mind that they cannot be washed, because the foam inside the pillow "loses its memory."

Now let's talk about natural fillers. I will say right away that they are much more environmentally friendly, but I do not recommend sleeping on such pillows for people with an allergic reaction to feathers and down of birds. By the way, down and feather pillows are considered to be the best among natural ones, so if you do not suffer from allergies, then you will have a sound and healthy sleep.

Are there other fillers? Of course, these are vegetable! Those who constantly get sick from various ailments, experience frequent stress and irritation, then pillows with vegetable fillers are for you! They can be very different, for example, hop, herbal, rice and buckwheat contain the properties of hypoallergens, envelop you in a soothing aroma and, in addition, massage the scalp, clearly repeating its contours and relaxing the whole body.

And finally: everything that you entrust to your pillow will stay with you!

Boltoeva N. D.

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