Many of us have to endure extreme heat in apartments without air conditioning. This happens for various reasons: someone is afraid of sudden changes in temperature, someone did not have enough funds to install an air conditioner, and some families do not install expensive household appliances, because they live in rented apartments or plan to change their place of residence soon.
In all these cases, with the onset of intense heat, it becomes necessary to make your home cooler and more comfortable. At the same time, various methods are used that were known to residents of city apartments even before the appearance household air conditioners.
The most popular way to keep your home cool is to use a fan. However, if the temperature in the apartment is very high, the fan is not very useful. If you put a container with ice cubes or a plastic bottle with frozen water in front of the fan, it will drive around the room not hot, but slightly cooled air.
Another effective method is to cover windows with a sun-protective film. Such a film has a reflective effect, it repels the heat and light of the sun's rays, preventing the room from heating. You can buy a protective film in the departments of stores where they sell household products and household chemicals. One package is used for pasting two standard windows. Clay foil or mirror wrapping film can be used instead of sunscreen.
When the air temperature rises to 30 degrees, it makes sense to close the windows, because in this heat, especially if the windows face one side, the room is not ventilated, but simply filled with hot air. After sunset, when the heat subsides, the windows should be opened.
In city apartments, the temperature is raised by the so-called "heated towel rails", which are located in the bathroom. If you wrap them in regular foil, the air in the apartment will become cooler by several degrees.
It is better to remove carpets from the floor during the summer heat. It is advisable to spray cold water in the apartment as often as possible. Curtains can be moistened generously. If there are small children or people with respiratory diseases in the house, a wet sheet or diaper should be hung in each room.
When preparing food, it is better to give preference to "cold" dishes. The more they cook and fry in the apartment, the more it will heat up. You should especially avoid baking food in the oven, as it tends to keep the temperature for a long time. It is advisable to use a microwave oven that does not heat up at all. As often as possible you need to turn on hood - through it heated air leaves the room.
Clothes for the home during the hot period should be made of natural fabrics. If the heat becomes unbearable, you can wear a T-shirt or shirt soaked in cool (but not cold) water. You can cover yourself with a damp sheet at night. A warm shower, which can be taken several times a day, helps a lot.
Maksimova Oksana E