The appearance of a small kitten in the house is a joy for both children and adults. The kid gets a new family, and you are a friend and companion to take care of. However, a little kitten is not a fluffy toy, but a living creature that requires a lot of attention, love and care. In a new place, he may become scared and lonely, especially at the beginning, when he just came to a new house, so the baby will cry and call his mother.
During this period, you need to give the kitten as much attention as possible, not scold and iron more often.
The kitten usually remembers his nickname very quickly, the main thing is to call him the same all the time, and not several nicknames at once. Pronouncing the nickname is best associated with any pleasant action - with feeding or caressing. Relationships should be built on friendship and mutual respect, not fear and threats. Cats do not tolerate rudeness, violence, value their independence, do not beat them or scold them strongly, then they will repay you for your love and patience a hundredfold.
Taking a kitten into the house, you need to prepare well. Buy bowls, scratching posts and container for transportation. The container can serve not only for transportation, but also as a house, a secluded refuge in an apartment. Go around all the rooms, thinking about the kitten - where he can climb, where to fall. Try to keep your baby safe by blocking his way to such places with boxes, pieces of cardboard. Take away, hide all the small things that he can inadvertently swallow, such as threads or needles. Secure table lamps and remove poisonous houseplants (violets, geraniums, aloe, and many others).
Cats value cleanliness very much, and prefer to celebrate their need in dark, secluded places. Therefore, in order to immediately teach the baby to walk in the tray, you should put him in such a place and use the same filler that the breeder used, and, if possible, buy out the tray to which the kitten is used. The best age to take your baby home is 2-3 months, at which time most kittens are already trained and can feed on their own. In addition, at this age, he will not have unnecessary reactions that appear in kittens weaned too early from the mother, for example, attempts to suck the owner's fingers or his tail. When picking up a kitten from a breeder, do not forget to take recommendations for care, feeding, pedigree, cat card and the coordinates of an experienced veterinarian who can then be contacted if necessary.
It is very important to decide how to feed a little kitten... After all, it can be fed both with ready-made food and natural. The big plus of natural feeding is that you know exactly what to feed it. However, there is a minus - cooking takes time, and a suitable diet for a cat is very difficult to choose, because you need to take into account the specifics of the breed and age characteristics. The main thing is that the water in the bowl must be fresh all the time, change it often.
Ready-made feed contains macro- and microelements, vitamins necessary for the animal. But it is worth using only high-class feed, and not cheap advertised ones, otherwise it can cause some diseases or addiction.
Kittens up to three months old should eat six times a day, eating up to 150 g of food, and from three to six months - four times a day until 220 g. During this period, he should be given 30 g of meat every day. It could be raw chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, pre-scalded with boiling water. It is not recommended to feed your baby pork, river fish, sweet, salty or smoked, as this can cause quite a strong stomach upset.You can not feed the same food that we eat ourselves, spices can cause kidney or stomach diseases.
From three months, the animal can be vaccinated. Vaccinations are best done at a veterinary clinic. There you will find an accurate and detailed vaccination schedule. With proper care, cats can live up to 15-16 years, and some even up to 20. Therefore, you need to remember that you are fully responsible for the well-being and health of a new family member who will live a happy and long life with you.
Smorchkova E.M.