At the beginning of spring, the question always arises: how to liven up yourself with vitamins? The body is exhausted during the winter period and needs doping. Most of us immediately remember the traditional ones: onions and garlic, rich in phytoncides. But we forget about mushrooms, which, it turns out, are able to "push" our natural defense.
Although researchers have found that some of their varieties can even slow down the development of tumors.
Gourmets probably know that chocolate not only improves mood, but also protects the heart and blood vessels from the influence of free radicals thanks to the antioxidants that are in cocoa... And most importantly, substances important for immunity are hidden not in exotic plants, but in our usual vegetables and fruits, and other products of domestic origin.
So vitamin C, which helps a person to cope with infectious diseases faster, is contained in cabbage, potatoes, salad peppers, sour apples... Both children and adults will benefit from a crust of bread with butter and a spoonful of black currant, grated with sugar. There are more vitamins in such a sandwich of health than in boiled fruits, since during heat treatment the berries lose more than 50% of nutrients.
Vitamin C can make blood vessels more elastic, strengthen the nervous system, reduce blood cholesterol levels, and help fight wrinkles. Its last property is explained by the fact that it is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which betrays the elasticity of the skin. Until a new crop matures in the garden, it is still far away, therefore, in order to enrich the body with ascorbic acid, you need to eat sauerkraut, in which, by the way, useful substances are better preserved than fresh ones. The immune system can be supported not only with fresh juices, but also with tea: from viburnum, mountain ash, rose hips.
We also need microelements: iron, iodine, copper, zinc, selenium. For example, selenium is found in red meat, sea fish, shellfish, liver, kidneys, and nuts. This trace element is known to rid the body of heavy metals (mercury, lead) that destroy the immune system. It also helps to cope with stress, as it reduces the level of cortisol, a hormone that is produced when a person gets into adverse situations. It is known that selenium, while protecting cells from aging, also exhibits anti-cancer properties. Together with zinc, it supports the defenses from the very first minutes of an aggressive infection entering the body. To boost immunity with zinc, it is useful to add oatmeal and legumes to the already listed seafood and liver.
We also do not forget about beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which kill harmful bacteria inside the body. We are talking about the so-called live products: kefir, sour milk, fermented baked milk. Relatively yoghurt, then they will bring health benefits, provided that they do not contain artificial preservatives, flavors, colors. But we need not only to consume bacteria that are friendly to us, but also to maintain our own beneficial microflora. And she "loves": bread with sowings, apples, beets and in general - vegetables and fruits, legumes and cereals.
Asya Novikova