Gaining weight is harder than losing weight

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Gaining weight is harder than losing weightFor anyone who cannot gain weight in any way, doctors, first of all, advise to be examined. We must first find out if the cause is the disease. If all is well with health, then a few simple tips will help to add kilograms.

Usually, most young people struggle with extra pounds. However, there are those among them who have the opposite problem - they cannot gain weight.

There are several reasons why it is difficult for a person to gain weight.

Perhaps the cause should be sought in heredity. If parents or grandparents have a similar figure, there is nothing to be surprised at. This means that this is a feature of your family.

It is another matter if a person has lost weight due to severe illnesses - infectious diseases, tuberculosis, cancer.

Disorders in the work of the endocrine system very often cause underweight. More often weight loss due to hyperfunction thyroid gland... Then the metabolism is accelerated. Weight loss is also observed in diseases of the central nervous system. For example, when the functions of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus are impaired.

Therefore, if a person with normal weight suddenly begins to lose it sharply, it is impossible to hesitate to see a doctor. First you need to consult a therapist. Young people should see an endocrinologist. If weight loss is accompanied by nausea, malaise, rejection of some foods - to a gastroenterologist. For older people, the doctor advises to be examined by an oncologist.

Another reason for the inability to gain weight is diet abuse.

It is fashionable for young people to be slim now. Many girls are trying to lose what they think is extra weight even in adolescence. This can lead to the development of anorexia.

Gaining weight is harder than losing weightIt is about a complete loss of appetite. This disease leads to a critical weight loss. It is often life threatening. Therefore, you need to lose weight in moderation.

In addition, it should be remembered: each person is an individual. For some, it is enough to lose 5 kg to feel comfortable. Their pressure normalizes, the condition of the joints improves. Even if the body weight is far from ideal. Losing weight is not worth further in order to prevent severe metabolic disorders. After all, then there is a danger that the body will program itself to be "afraid" to eat.

However, there are many cases when the results of all examinations are unanimous - a person is healthy. But he fails to gain weight.

The main thing is that there are no health problems. And to get better a little, you have to change your lifestyle a little. That is, pay attention to your diet, regimen and physical activity.

Thin people should never go to extremes - start eating everything and in large quantities. The diet needs to be expanded gradually. It should be high in calories. The number of meals should be increased up to 5-6 times a day.

Those who want to gain weight should not drive themselves to the point of feeling hungry. As soon as it gets sucked in the spoon, have a snack with a handful of nuts, a spoonful of honey, crackers or biscuits, or drink a glass of milk. The diet should include fatty fish, dairy products, sweets. That is, what increases calorie content nutrition.

After eating, it is good to rest for half an hour, do not take up physical activity right away. On occasion - even lie down.

I especially emphasize that you should not lean on fast food. Yes, hamburgers and the like put on weight. However, they harm health more. The rounded shapes aren't worth it.

It is important for people looking to gain weight to stimulate their appetite. This is done, say, by consuming a glass of fresh vegetable or fruit juice 15-20 minutes before a meal. And seasonings are added to the dishes - fennel, anise, coriander, cumin. You can also brew tea from them.

Effectively stimulate appetite with dandelion root tea, wormwood. True, they should not be abused either. You can drink no longer than 5-7 days, provided that a person tolerates such drinks well. That is, he does not have allergic reactions, exacerbations of chronic diseases. Helps to gain weight and high-fat dairy products. Moreover, milk, it is better to use it with tea or coffee, and make cocktails with sour cream, mixing it with non-alcoholic beer and yolk. It will be enough to drink half a glass of such a cocktail a day.

Alcohol in moderation is also known to stimulate appetite. You just need to remember that women should not drink more than 0.33 liters of beer per day, and men should not drink more than 0.5. It is better to choose a live beer that contains a lot of B vitamins. But even better, drink half a glass of diluted nutritional yeast. After all, beer is a heavy food product.

For those who want to "eat" a kilogram or two, it is especially important to ensure that their diet is enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Often the reason that a person does not gain weight is the monotony of food. The body may get tired of the same porridge... He simply does not perceive it. So - with any product.

In an effort to gain a few pounds, you should not completely abandon physical activity. Rather, on the contrary - loads are needed, but on certain muscle groups. Otherwise, instead of a general improvement in the appearance of the body, you can only get an unaesthetic tummy and chubby cheeks.

In the gyms, instructors will tell you which muscle groups to work with. These are usually the muscles of the arms and legs. Such exercises in parallel with a high-calorie diet will help to make the figure beautiful. Of course, you shouldn't exhaust yourself. All exercises should only give pleasure.

Finally, we advise you to pay attention to the daily routine. You need to train yourself to go to bed at least an hour earlier. To do this, it is good to take yourself a half-hour walk before bed, and then take a soothing bath or warm shower. And also - pick up the essential oil, the scent of which you like the most, and dispel it in the bedroom.

Calmness is very important. Some are known to be "seized" by stress. However, under stress, the body works for wear and tear, so it is difficult to gain weight in parallel. Therefore, the cause of chronic stress must be found and addressed.

Inna Ivolgina

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