To be painted or not?

Mcooker: best recipes About beauty

To be painted or notMake up, but under one condition: if you have a good friend. I may be asked what is in common? And what a good friend will tell you directly, if you start to abuse paints and become funny.

Just do not cause ridicule in old age! This is your main task. A smeared, old wrinkled face can evoke sympathy at best, but in general everyone laughs at such a woman.

Nevertheless, it does not interfere with a little touch-up. Red or slightly tinted lips are not conspicuous - all women paint lips and you will get lost among them. You can, perhaps, still slightly tint the cheeks. In the event that you are very pale, and without preening all the time you cause your friends to wonder: "What's wrong with you, why are you so pale?" One fine day, you just get tired of answering the same thing: "Nothing, I have such a complexion since childhood," and you ... put on a little makeup. They will stop pestering you with questions and you yourself will like that you look better.

But at your age, that's all you can afford. It's funny when a woman dyes or plucked her eyebrows and paints them in a different place, and not where they normally grow. In the same way, dyeing and curling eyelashes is best left to film actors, etc.

To be painted or notInterest in yourself and beauty at your age you will acquire differently: the originality you have developed, which you will acquire or have already acquired by conscientious long-term work. Finding one's own measure for everything is a skill at every age, and in youth; for example, on dance courses, a large neckline shows not only immature femininity, but also the unreasonableness and uncriticality of both the girl and her mother. And at your age, criticality is doubly necessary.

But again, you shouldn't be afraid of bright colors, and even a moderate dressing up can be in your favor, if only everything is done with taste.

But how is this done?

I have no doubt that each of you knows how to dress up with taste. But in the case that some of you are just going to "direct beauty", or someone is already directing it, but does it badly, here are some tips.

You can see in the picture what human skin looks like under a microscope. We also saw pores through which fat and sweat are released onto the surface of the skin, and where oxygen penetrates into the skin, in a word, the skin also "breathes". It has already been said that skin care is mainly about ridding the surface of the skin of dirt, sweat and oil so that it can breathe and resist infection.

It follows that every blockage of pores, even with cream, lipstick or powder, is fundamentally wrong. Grease and sweat will accumulate under the applied substance and two possibilities arise: the pores will gradually expand and will look like ugly blackheads. They need to be squeezed out more often, and this is work. In addition, with impeccable cleanliness of the hands, another possibility will certainly arise - frequent inflammation of the skin pores. It disfigures you too.

To be painted or notBut a sane woman who sometimes loves to make beauty or has been doing it for twenty years, and is still quite healthy, and she has skin inflammation no more often than other women who do not dye, may object: a man, if he does not hide under a glass cover from dust and germs, it occurs quite naturally with these harmful factors in every environment. The pores are clogged with dust, soot, various pathogens, and what can be done against this? Nothing, on the contrary, in comparison with these harmful elements, our cosmetic preparations - pure cream, powder, lipstick - are much more harmless, and rather protect the skin from the caustic action of chemicals in an industrial environment and from the direct deposition of pathogens!

I give up! This is true, but with certain reservations.

First of all: do you have healthy skin? By this I mean whether you are healthy at all. I ask this because there is no independent skin disease as such. It is always associated with some other disease. If you are sick, that is, for example, you suffer from anemia or hypersensitivity, or eczema, or suffer from prolonged stomach ailment with constipation, etc., you will not cover such a disease with cosmetics. All the same, it won't help you if you look unnaturally "healthy", and this will not deceive your body. You will only deceive yourself instead of trying to be cured. Make-up and beautification are not harmful if the person is completely healthy, but in case of illness, they can significantly damage the skin.

There are reasonable women who immediately stop using makeup as soon as they start to feel unwell or during an illness. I advise every woman: do not neglect these tips, otherwise you will look unnatural.

To be painted or notThe second condition is to use only impeccable cosmetics, which, although expensive, but cheap ones would cost you more in their own way. A young girl, who has everything to face, can do with inexpensive cosmetics, in your age, such cosmetics will look at least as bad taste. Better quality also guarantees less harm and, of course, more refined taste; never forget about it.

Finally, being able to paint is a kind of art. The blush on the cheeks should be light, and, moreover, it should be applied only to the upper part of the cheek. The paint is best applied with your finger, as shown in the illustration. Rub the make-up on the cheeks with a red handkerchief or each time with a clean piece of cotton wool, gradually reducing it to nothing. The fingers should be well washed. Some prefer greasy lipstick, others prefer powder paint. Here habit already plays a role. As a general rule of thumb, less is more. In winter, when everyone is pale, it is enough to touch up a little. In the summer, if you are tanned, you can be less careful, do not skimp. As for the shade of paint, check with an experienced saleswoman in a good perfumery store, and also with your friend.

It makes almost no sense to powder in the second half of life After all, it is mainly girls who do not want their nose to shine! The nose shines with increased function of the sebaceous glands, that is, with oily skin. Due to the fact that by old age the skin becomes drier (at least something positive), the nose also ceases to shine, and therefore there is no need for powder.

But still - on special occasions - you want to look your best, and then you can powder yourself. Of course, just lightly, don't rub the powder into your pores! Use a darker shade that is less conspicuous.

To be painted or notLip tinting also has its own rules: the lips should be smooth, not chapped, so that the paint does not fall into the cracks. Whatever the fashion, never paint your lips with a "square" or "heart", it is better to stick to their natural shape! Please note that your skin around the lips is not as smooth as the girl's, but on the contrary, it is all covered with fine wrinkles. If you eat fatty foods, lipstick dissolves and spreads over wrinkles; it looks unpleasant. Also, do not let lipstick get stuck on your teeth if you dye it carelessly.

Anything that would be forgiven for a girl, when tinting in your age, is not forgiven and causes ridicule. Therefore, be careful and avoid any bad taste.

It is also inconvenient to comb your hair, tint and varnish your nails in public. All this is never done in society.

Klimova-Fugnerova M.

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