It is also called borage, borage, or even borage; the latter name is used, however, only by botanists. All over the world, cucumber herb is grown rather limitedly, but in Russia it is very rare, mainly as a vegetable, melliferous and medicinal plant in vegetable gardens. But in ancient Rome and in medieval Europe, borage was common on the menu of warriors and newlyweds. It used to be believed that flowers help lift the spirit and drive away sadness.
Interest in cucumber herb in Western Europe increased after the publication of Walter Schoenenberg's book "Plant juices - the source of health". The author argued that borage juice is, in essence, a natural love drink.
In the meantime, cucumber herb is eaten as a substitute for cucumbers, adding it to vinaigrette, salads, side dishes, okroshka, cold vegetable soups and borscht, sometimes used for flavoring tinctures, wines, punch, vinegar.
The leaves contain ascorbic acid (up to 17 mg%), carotene (3.4 mg%), mucous substances (up to 30%), malic and citric acids, significant amounts of potassium nitrate; flowers - mucus and essential oil.
In medicine, herb leaves are used fresh and dry for articular rheumatism, gout, skin diseases, as a sedative, mild laxative and coating agent.
Vitamin salad from cucumber herb prevents inflammation in the kidneys and intestines and reduces the feeling of irritation in highly excitable people.
Cucumber grass is a common weed in fields and wastelands. It is an annual or biennial plant of the borage family. Leaves are fleshy, large, hard-haired, whole, finely toothed along the edge; have the smell of fresh cucumbers. Stem branched, thick, bristly hairy pubescent. Large blue drooping flowers with five dark purple anthers are collected in a spreading corymbose-paniculate inflorescence.
The fruit is an oblong nut, ribbed and unequal, dark brown when mature, almost black.
To obtain early greenery, seeds are sown before winter or early spring. In greenhouses, sowing in a row or randomly (6-8 g per 1 m2); in the open field, single-line or tape with row spacing of 45-50 cm, between rows 20 cm (3-4 g per 1 m2). Seedlings are thinned twice, leaving a distance between plants of 15-20 cm. Care consists in loosening row spacings and weeding. Plants removed in the second thinning can be used.
I. Shelukhin