Hounds |
Of all the groups of hunting breeds, hounds are perhaps the most ancient. It was the ability of pickling dogs to pursue an animal with a voice (bark) that was first used by ancient people. It is characteristic that the requirements for these dogs then differed very little from modern ones. They also demanded endurance, viscosity - not to give up the pursuit of the beast, aggressiveness, sensitivity and possession of a sonorous and loud voice. Lovers of listening to passionate rutting music can now be found all over the world. Naturally, in different parts of the earth, hunters bred hound breeds that were most adapted to local conditions and methods of hunting. There are numerous breeds of these dogs in the USA, England, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary and other countries. All of them have characteristic exterior features and individual working qualities. The use of these breeds can also be narrowly targeted, such as, for example, blood bloodhounds of European countries, looking for wounded ungulates on the blood trail. Such breeds of hounds as English Foxhounds and Beagles, French Basset Hounds, Hanoverian Bloodhound and American Coonhound Raccoon Hound have gained recognition and fame outside their countries. In Russia, hunting with hounds has long enjoyed love and had its admirers. Like all the chasers of the world, our hound hunters have developed their own special jargon, sometimes simply incomprehensible to an ordinary mortal: a climb - a search for an animal on the rise; porskanye - shouting, orienting the hound about the location of the hunter; cleavage - loss of a track by a dog; vyzhlets - a young male. In our country, the most popular are Russian and Russian piebald hounds and, to a lesser extent, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian. Recently, they began to import from abroad and breed, European countries. Currently, Russian and Russian piebald are used for hunting hares and foxes, less often for ungulates. The hounds of the Baltic breeds have also established themselves as farbers - bloodhounds capable of finding wounded ungulates on a blood trail. The Russian hound has long been used by Russian hunters, but in pre-revolutionary canine hunts, these dogs had a rather narrow purpose - to drive hares, foxes and wolves out of the forest islands in a flock, on which they were then thrown to catch greyhounds. With the extinction of canine complex hunts with hounds, rifle hunters began to hunt, catching hares and foxes from under them, for which they use single dogs, their pairs - bows and flocks. The work of the hounds has become more complex, placing higher demands on their hunting inclinations. Hunting with a Russian and Russian piebald hound is based on the fact that the animal pursued by the dogs escapes from them by its own paths, without leaving the area of habitation. The movement of the beast from under the dogs has the form of irregular circles. The hunter, guided by the voice of the rut, must intercept the beast to its manhole. Much here depends on his skill and knowledge. The modern Russian hound is a medium-sized dog, the height of males at the withers is up to 68 cm, dense build, calm disposition, with dense reddish coat. The breed standard was adopted in 1925. The Russian piebald hound is a younger breed, until 1951 it was called the Anglo-Russian. The dogs look smart, as they took the color of English hounds - Foxhounds, which were crossed with Russian hounds when breeding the breed. White with black spots and red tan on the head and thighs of the dog, moreover, are noticeable in the grounds. Although there are different views on the working qualities of each breed, it should be recognized that they are in many ways similar. Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian hounds are fairly new breeds, although they were bred by local dog handlers on the basis of their breeding material. Local conditions were taken into account in the formation of the rocks. So, all breeds are not large (the largest is the Lithuanian hound, whose males can have a height at the withers of up to 56 cm), since dogs have to work in conditions of little snow, besides, hounds of such height cannot harm the livestock of roe deer and deer. The hunting inclinations of the Baltic hound breeds also have special requirements: to be extremely obedient; act in contact with anyone, even an unfamiliar hunter; when hunting with a corral, drive the beast no further than the rifle line, and also be able to search for wounded ungulates on a blood trail. Usually hound breeds are kept outside living quarters. The best place is a spacious aviary. When acquiring a puppy, the hunter must first of all consider its origin. A pedigree with information about the producers can serve as a guarantee of hunting qualities. Taking a puppy from under dubious dogs is not worth it, as shortcomings and vices will surely affect later: A puppy from a litter should be chosen strong and well-fed, with a lively and cheerful disposition. In the upbringing of a hound dog, a special role is played by establishing contact with a young dog and familiarizing it with the environment, the forest and its inhabitants. To do this, you need to walk with her in the forest and field as often as possible. In the same period, it is not bad to introduce the puppy to the basic commands necessary for hunting: to approach at the call and horn signal, to respond to the command “no”. The team approach should be encouraged every time with affection and delicacy. But one should not "jerk" a young dog with commands, the hound must be obedient, but independent. When walking, change the direction of movement, and at the same time shout, letting your pet know about you. At first it is better, so as not to frighten the puppy, to take walks in more open places, gradually moving from bushes to forest thickets. It is useful to take such walks with an experienced dog, then the young one will quickly get used to the situation and environment. They move on to the real race of the young hound in the fall. It is better to do this in the early morning, when the animal is on the move and the tracks are fresh. Seeing the animal, they lead the dog on the trail, encourage its interest in it and the desire to pursue. To begin with (to awaken interest), you can start up a young dog with an experienced one in search, but then it is still better to whip the hound alone, otherwise it will accumulate shortcomings and begin to show dependent tendencies, leaving the main work of finding a trace for a partner. Even in a bow, hounds should sometimes be whipped apart. Depending on the physical condition of the dog, the hound is trained 1-3 times a week. The skill is sharpened on practical hunting and comes with experience. A. A. Sbitneva |
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