Varietal cultivation of fruits and berries |
With a huge variety of apples, they are easier and, first of all, should be subdivided according to the ripening period into 3 groups: summer, autumn and winter. This is not about the date of harvest, but about the ripening of already harvested apples. Varieties of the first group are eaten or processed immediately after harvest, since these fruits spoil in just a few days. The second (autumn) varieties can be preserved without damage for up to 2 months after harvest, but they reach their best conditions after about two weeks of storage. Winter apple varieties (third group) are harvested at the latest, almost with the onset of cold weather, but with prolonged storage at temperatures close to 0 ° C, they become better in taste and aroma, without being spoiled for up to 9 months. ApplesApples contain on average 10% sugar, 0.7% organic acids, 0.5% mineral salts, 0.6% fiber. However, the amounts of these and other nutritional ingredients vary widely among varieties. So, there are varieties bred by breeders in which the content of vitamin C exceeds 100 mg%, while the bulk of apples on sale are very poorly saturated with this vitamin (5-6 mg%). The same can be said about the amounts of carotene, vitamin PP and others. However, there are also "mass" varieties of apples, bred in time immemorial by folk selection, the content of vitamins in which is at a fairly high level. This, for example, "Antonovka" and "Titovka", in the fruits of which 26 mg% of vitamin C (ie more than in lemon, raspberry, cabbage, cranberry, cherry, etc.). The number of recipes for the use of apples in cooking and harvesting accumulated over the centuries is beyond description, and it is difficult to even imagine another plant product that is more fortunate in this. PearsIn the middle lane, their varieties are poorer than in the south. Like apples, it is customary to subdivide numerous varieties of pears into the same three groups: summer, autumn and winter, and according to the same principle as mentioned above. Another criterion for dividing pear varieties: "dessert" (as it were melting in the mouth sweet pulp), "table" (less sweet, but juicy fine-grained pulp) and "household" (hard, dry consistency, low taste). Of course, this division also tells us how to use the product for food. So, "household" ones are not suitable for serving fresh, but can be successfully processed for various preparations or used to prepare various dishes according to the recipe. In regions with a temperate climate, the bulk of the pear harvest is made up of summer varieties, which are also classified as "economic". However, their nutritional value is not to be neglected. They contain up to 9% sugar, organic acids - 0.3%, mineral salts - 0.5%, fiber - 0.6%, vitamin C - 5 mg%. PlumThis horticultural crop is widespread throughout the country and after harvest, the buyer is presented with a rich selection of varieties. Here are some of them typical for the middle lane. "Green Ranclode", "Thorny Ranclode", "Kolkhoz", "Reform" and some other varieties belong to the so-called "Runklodes" and represent a table product, also suitable for canning. The word "green" flashed for a reason. Since fully ripe fruits are too tender for transport and storage, they are picked slightly unripe.But this does not interfere with using them for fresh food, as well as for making jams, jams, compotes, jelly, cake fillings, etc. Dark blue plums have a rather thick skin and dense pulp, as if fused with a stone. On sale from this group of varieties can be found such as "early blue", "pick", "diamond", "peach" and others. For fresh consumption, they are sometimes sour and not juicy enough. But this is a great product for all kinds of culinary ventures and blanks. Plums in the central regions of Russia ripen and go on sale, as a rule, from mid-August to the end of September, and housewives need not miss the “season” for harvesting and rapid processing of perishable product, storage of which even in the refrigerator at 0 ° C is limited to 2 -3 weeks. The nutritional value of plums varies widely depending on the variety and region of cultivation. Sugar in it can be from 7 to 15%, valuable organic acids - from 0.4 to 2.5%, pectin - from 0.3 to 1.5%, vitamin C - up to 10 mg%. CherriesThere are almost no regions in the country where one or another variety of this garden culture could not be grown. Closer to the North, the fruit is small, literally the size of a pea and weighs 2 g, while in the southern regions it almost competes in size and weight with the plum. However, cherry varieties are not subdivided according to these characteristics, but according to the color of the juice and the color of the fruit. The first of the two groups of varieties - Morelli - includes, for example, "Shubinka", "Ukrainian Griot", "Lyubskaya", "Pobelskaya", "Vladimirskaya" ("Parent"), "Anadolskaya" and some others. They are distinguished by thick burgundy or dark red juice and ripe fruits of the same color. They taste sour (or even tartly sour). And for the amorelli group, the opposite is true: the fruits are light red or pink and the juice is the same or almost colorless. They are not so tart, but sweet and suitable for fresh dessert. These are "flask", "spanka", "montmarency", "amorelle pink" and other famous varieties. Varieties of both groups can contain up to 12% sugar, from 0.8 to 2.1% organic acids, up to 0.8% mineral salts, from 10 to 20 mg% vitamin C. The loss of the nutritional value of cherries threatens the hostess literally from the moment the fruit is separated. from the stem. Even if the fruit is plucked "competently" (that is, with a peduncle), it can spoil in 2-3 days. However, ripe cherries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Therefore, you cannot delay for a long time with culinary use or processing. Black currantIn the central regions of Russia, this garden culture ripens already at the beginning of July. First, early varieties reach mature conditions - "Primorsky Champion", "Moscow Early", "Boskopsky Giant" and others. Two weeks later, medium varieties such as "Leah Fertile", "Eighth Davison", etc. appear on the shelves. And in August, a series of late varieties - for example, "September Daniel", "Goliath", "Neapolitan", "Krasnoyarsk giant" ... In about a month and a half, all varieties go through the collection and sale season. The preservation of this type of currant is as “capricious” as that of cherries (see above). However, if in the few days that were released for processing black currant, you managed to get and preserve its juice (from the freshest berries), then within six months it will retain all the valuable nutrients with virtually no loss. (So, vitamin C in six months it will contain at least 80%.) The "charge" of berries with this vitamin is simply amazing. In some varieties, it goes beyond 300, and sometimes reaches 400 mg%! (This means that, having eaten only a small pinch of berries or a tablespoon of juice, a person fully provides himself with the daily requirement for this vitamin. However, let's not delude ourselves: an excess of vitamin C is harmful to the body.) The set of vitamins is not limited to this. The berry contains, for example, 0.7 mg% vitamin A, it is not deprived of vitamins B, P, PP and others.The percentage of sugar in varieties varies from 5 to 12%, organic acids in them from 2.85 to 4%, there are mineral salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, which are so biologically active. And what is remarkable - there are pectin substances (up to 2%), which is of particular value for a culinary specialist (it is easy to make jelly, preserves, jams). For many decades, we have recognized the best varieties as "hero", "Faya fertile", "Dutch white", "Dutch red", "Chulkovskaya", "Versailles white", "red cross" and others. The passion for breeding and cultivating these varieties is explained not by one "matter of taste", but to a large extent by the fact that people sought to get a harvest of "rapid-fire" garden culture, which, before the same black currant and other garden berries, would become a means of overcoming spring vitamin deficiency, and even would give the hostess raw materials for culinary creativity, when she has nothing else. (Have you noticed? Red and white currants are almost never sold in bazaars. It is very painfully sensitive to transportation. This once again confirms the purpose of the culture.) These types of currants are much poorer in black vitamins. In particular, vitamin C is only 10-15 mg%. But, as they say, an egg is dear to the holy day. Fresh consumption of spring-ripened berries, pie fillings, juices, marinades, use for liqueurs, liqueurs and homemade wines is a justified result of cultivating these “unprofitable” garden crops. RaspberryOn sale it is not so often you come across this "tamed" forest berry, but gardeners and gardeners use its violent disposition to grow quickly and give a harvest. There are a number of cultivated varieties (large-fruited, medium and small-fruited), bred by them in our country and abroad. It makes no sense to go into the details of the varietal division yet, but having bought or collected raspberries in the forest, every housewife should know that even in the refrigerator a berry can last no more than a week, and at room temperature its existence as a full-fledged product is measured for hours. Agree, it's a shame to lose a product with sugar content from 0.5 to 9%, vitamin C - from 20 to 30 mg%, the most valuable organic acids - from 0.9 to 2.9%, isn't it? And raspberries are available to everyone who is not too lazy to look for it in the forest, starting from mid-July. It is enough to approach the collection wisely so that nothing is lost and we get enough raw materials not only for culinary undertakings, but also for making wine, marshmallows, jam, and other valuable preparations. GooseberryA particularly characteristic garden culture for the central and northern regions of Russia. Recently, there has been some misunderstanding of its appropriateness and nutritional value. Even those gardeners and amateur gardeners who "let" gooseberries on their site often have no idea about its varieties, which, by the way, were well versed by their grandfathers and grandmothers who lived in "pre-October" Russia. The very names of numerous varieties reflect love and admiration, in a word, a very respectful attitude towards this plant miracle. "Avenarius", "date", "yellow gigantic", "emerald", "white triumph", "black negus" and a number of others were considered the best. Indeed, gooseberry varieties have so many flavor and nutritional qualities that they could please the most fastidious gourmet. The sugar content in the varieties ranges from 6 to 10%, organic acids - from 1.5 to 2.3%, pectin (jelly-forming) and other valuable substances in them are also a lot, and there is so much vitamin C in them that after the incomparable black currant gooseberries can be considered a "silver medalist" - from 30 to 50 mg%. Unfortunately, the once popular recipe for dessert dishes, drinks, gooseberry preparations has also been forgotten, and all this must certainly be revived. StrawberryThe entire European part of the country, vast regions of the North, Urals, Siberia and the Far East are quite favorable in terms of their climatic and soil conditions for growing garden strawberries, at worst - garden strawberries, which are also sometimes mistakenly called "strawberries". In the middle lane, the harvest of these juicy and sweet berries (especially of such popular varieties as "Milanese" and "Spanka") is harvested in June, and then new, as if fading waves of the harvest follow, yielding somewhat smaller berries. Strawberries contain from 6 to 10% sugar, from 0.6 to 1.7% organic acids, a lot of mineral salts (especially valuable for the body iron and phosphorus salts). Vitamin C in berries is on average 54 mg%, which is more than that of tomatoes, green onions, red currants, apples of the best varieties, etc. Along with the traditional use in fresh food, strawberries are used for the preparation of sweet culinary products, jam , drinks, including home wines. B. P. Brusilov |
Tips for growing gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries | Tillage for agricultural use |
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