February in the suburbs

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February in the suburbsThe days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter, and the frosts are still strong, and the snow is falling. But at noon, melt water is already running from the rooftops.

With the increase in the solar arc, the length of the day increases steadily. If at the beginning of the month daylight hours in the Moscow region lasted 8 hours 38 minutes, then at the end - 10 hours 34 minutes.

February - the pass, the turn of winter, the final phase of the season. This period in central Russia lasts about 31 days.

In V. Bianchi's forest calendar, this month is called “the month of endurance until spring”. February is the most difficult time for the wild inhabitants of forests and steppes. During the winter, animals and birds have grown emaciated, their strength has diminished, and food has been covered with snow, under which there may be ice, which greatly complicates their prey.

You look around at the beginning of the month - as if nothing has changed since January. Unless the day has increased and the sun has brightened. At noon, the sparkling white snow makes you squint. And despite the fact that it is coldest in the first half of the month, one can already feel: something has changed in nature.

February in the suburbsMammals sleeping in winter in the north continue to hibernate, and in the south badgers and gophers are already beginning to appear from their holes, at the same time the first signs of molting appear in fur-bearing animals.

February in the suburbsIn February, squirrels stop roaming. Their wintering sites are gradually turning into nesting areas. Squirrels have a rut this month.

A black crow flies by slowly. Shines in the sun with black plumage. This bird is notable for being the first to catch the breath of spring. By the end of winter, poverty forces these usually wary birds to approach human dwellings in search of food.

February in the suburbsAccording to the nature calendar of the Moscow region, February 3 is the latest date for the start of air games of black ravens.

February in the suburbsFebruary 7 - the earliest arrival of starlings and the average long-term period of drops from roofs in frost.

On February 12, the sled path begins to deteriorate, the first thawed patches appear on the slopes, and scout rooks arrive.

From the middle of the month, lively tits fly up the tallest trees and, looking around and making sure that spring is coming, drag on their spring song, awakening the sleepy forest from a long hibernation. Sparrows and jackdaws are especially animated. They got caught up, got busy. And when they sit down on a branch to rest, they certainly strive to arrange themselves so that the sun warms up the breast.

February in the suburbsOn February 20, in other years, you can hear the first song of the common oatmeal.

Lazily sleeping in December - January, foxes revive from the middle of the month. They wander in pairs, threes, sorting out the relationship, leaving scraps of wool in the snow - traces of fights for the right to create
giving to the family. They have a rut now, wedding time. Spring games begin for hares.

February in the suburbsFrosts and blizzards are still ahead, but nature itself suggests that it is time to start renewing forest life. Fights broke out among the predators - wolves. Males win more worthy friends for themselves and look for hidden places for their den.

In the second half of winter, the snow is compacted, and sometimes intercalated with crusts. In the fields, its surface is compacted so much that it can withstand a hare, or even a fox. During this period, deep rest in trees and shrubs ends, and at home, any living branch can bloom. Buds develop especially quickly in birch and poplar, hazel and bird cherry.

According to the calendar of collection of medicinal plants in February, the harvesting of outgrowths of a birch fungus (chaga) and pine buds continues. The collection of pine cones is also in full swing.

February in the suburbsWith the addition of daylight hours, the time for a more active life of fish comes. According to the angler's calendar, at the end of the first decade after ice spawning, burbot bite, and more actively on dark nights. Perch bite is gradually improving.

In the second half of February, some other fish also revive, leaving their winter camps. There is a short-term pike consumption. She takes in the thaw and in deep places.

In the last decade, when the weather is favorable, the movement of flocks of large bream begins. The success of this fish fishing depends on a well-chosen location.

Fast chubs wake up at the end of February. From the deep pits, where they spent time since the beginning of winter, they go out to shallow places and swim there in dark flocks.

This month biting improves markedly in flowing water bodies and rivers. And only a complete calm on some closed lakes, especially herbaceous and overgrown. Here, and so there is not enough oxygen dissolved in the water, and with heavy snowfalls, frosts and thaws, the situation is even more aggravated: in such places the fish have absolutely nothing to breathe and death is observed.

Of all the nicknames of the month, the most common is "Blizzard"... The confrontation between cold and warm fronts of air masses generates lightning flashes. The highest drifts fall just at the end of winter. In open places, the snow cover reaches 40 centimeters, and in the hollows it can be even more. At the end of February, quite severe frosts can still hit, such that they penetrate to the bones.On some days, blizzards howl, crossing the roads, but the trail from the sled runners begins to soften.

In the last days of February, the beginning of sap flow is observed in Norway maple. Among broad-leaved tree species, it is the first to wake up from winter torpor, especially if it is in a warmed-up place. At this time, bumps appear at the butt of single trees. All living things respond to an increase in heat and light.

February in the suburbsAnd in the southern regions of our country at this time cypresses, box trees and mimosa trees are already blooming. In Central Asia, the spring migration of waterfowl begins.

February in the suburbsAccording to the calendar of "happy stones", the month corresponds to amethyst, about which in an old Russian medical book it is said that he removes dashing thoughts, makes good minds and helps in all matters.

February in the suburbsAccording to the flower calendar, a violet corresponds to February.

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