More processed food - shorter life |
Foods such as instant noodles and soups, breakfast cereals and chicken nuggets have been linked to earlier deaths. Eating highly processed foods can shorten your life, according to new research. A study from the JAMA Department of Internal Medicine followed the diet and health of over 44,000 French men and women over eight years. Their average age was 58 years at the time of observation. About 29 percent of their energy consumption came from ultra-processed foods. Some of them are: instant noodles and soups, breakfast cereals, energy bars and drinks, chicken nuggets and many other ready-to-eat meals and packaged snacks that contain numerous ingredients and are made using industrial processes. During the study, 602 deaths were recorded, mainly from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Even after adjusting for many medical, socioeconomic, and behavioral characteristics, including the Healthy Diet Compliance Scale, the study found that for every 10 percent increase in over-processed food intake, the risk of death increased by 14 percent. The authors hypothesize that high-temperature processing may generate contaminants, additives may be carcinogenic, and packaging of finished food products may penetrate food.
Mironova A. based on source Similar publications |
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