Diabetes mellitus, was first described by Demetrios of Apamania in the 2nd century BC. e - a healer from Ancient Greece. In his work, he wrote the main symptoms of this disease: loss of water and unquenchable thirst.
Modern science knows that this disease is endocrine, the main feature is the deficiency of insulin produced by special cells of the pancreas (pancreas). Insulin deficiency causes disturbances in the body's metabolism, since cells cannot fully feed on glucose, if this hormone is lacking. With a lack of insulin levels in the blood, the level of glucose rises in it and diabetes is diagnosed by the level of glucose.
According to recent data, from 180 to 230 million people on planet Earth have diabetes mellitus, the number varies from source to source. This number is ~ one-twentieth of the entire population of the Earth, with the exception of newborns. In the Russian Federation, diabetes has been diagnosed in more than 3,500,000 people.
Type 2 diabetes in ~ 3 million, the rest of the people have insulin-dependent diabetes. Moreover, most likely, there are significantly more people with diabetes, this is due to the fact that only a part of people come to receive medical assistance. Least of all, those who come to medical institutions for whom this metabolic disorder does not significantly affect their daily lifestyle.
Diabetes mellitus, statistics
Among middle-aged people (about 35 years old), diabetes suffers, on average, three times more often, and among people aged 40 to 50, diabetes is even more common, namely, as much as 4 times, relative to the average statistical data.
The actual number of diabetics aged 50 to 70 years is 2 times higher than the documented number. Almost four million people die every year from countless complications from diabetes mellitus, in particular diseases of the cardiovascular system! Things like strokes and heart attacks happen two to three times more often in diabetics than in non-diabetic people of the same age. Diabetes has other detrimental effects - gangrene, blindness, chronic weakening of immunity, serious kidney disease.
Don't let diabetes ruin your whole life!
Diabetes for the person who has been diagnosed with it becomes not just a medical problem, but also an everyday, “life” task. Diabetics with a severe form, no matter the first or second type, have to monitor the amount of glucose in the blood every day, and when necessary, inject insulin. Therefore, they are forced to build their daily routine taking into account these circumstances. If a person falls ill with diabetes at an already mature or old age, he has to completely change the "routine of his usual life", abandon many of his habits and favorite foods.
It is for this reason that this expression is common - diabetes is more a lifestyle than an ailment. Doctors of today cannot yet cure this endocrine disease. However, medicine today can keep this disease under control, naturally with the assistance of the patient.
Diabetes has many unpleasant and dangerous consequences, so people with diabetes need to learn as much scientific data and information about their disease as possible. After all, this will avoid some of the consequences of diabetes, or at least minimize them. It is important not only to know a lot of useful information about your disease, but also to apply this information, monitor your health and follow the recommendations of specialists.
Diabetes mellitus: diet, food replacement
Diabetes mellitus and alcohol
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