In our time, the issue of the treatment of malignant tumors is one of the most exciting problems of medicine, which occupies the minds of scientists around the world. Researchers in many countries are persistently searching for the causes of cancer, developing new methods for recognizing and treating malignant tumors. Much in this area of medicine has become known, but how much is still unknown!
The science of malignant diseases - oncology - has now become one of the most important areas of medicine. Great attention is paid to its development. An international organization has been set up at the UN to study cancer problems. International prizes have been established for new discoveries in the field of oncology. Representatives of medicine from many countries of the world come to the international anti-cancer congresses.
A special place in solving the problem of cancer is occupied by the prevention of the disease and its early detection. This makes it possible to timely identify precancerous diseases, against the background of which cancer can develop, to eliminate them and thereby prevent the development of malignant tumors.
Very often, precancerous diseases, as well as cancer, at the beginning of their development are not accompanied by pain or any other easily noticeable symptoms. Only a thorough and comprehensive examination of the patient can reveal a precancerous disease or detect signs of incipient cancer. Thanks to the improvement of working and living conditions, preventive examinations, and widespread promotion of medical knowledge, great success has been achieved in the prevention of cancer in our country. But no matter how carefully the prevention of this dangerous ailment has been established, it cannot prevent the disease in all cases.
Sometimes, unfortunately, still quite often, an insidious disease manages to deceive the doctor's vigilance and infect the patient's body. At the beginning of cancer development, surgical intervention is very effective.
Of course, surgical treatment of malignant tumors does not exclude other methods. On the contrary, oncologists believe that the most effective, providing positive results for the longest time, is a complex treatment of malignant tumors, combining surgery with X-ray therapy, the use of radioactive isotopes and chemicals.
Various methods of treatment are used in a wide variety of combinations depending on the structure of the malignant tumor, its localization (location), the degree of development and spread. Recently, much attention has been paid to general methods of treatment, the use of chemical anticancer drugs and hormones, immunobiological substances and various medicines. And yet, to this day, the surgeon's scalpel occupies an honorable place in the arsenal of anti-cancer drugs.
With stomach cancer, which makes up almost one third of all diseases caused by malignant tumors, surgical intervention is mandatory. It should be emphasized that stomach cancer often has a latent course and is accompanied by signs of other diseases. In order to timely and correctly recognize stomach cancer, periodic examinations of patients, especially the elderly, are necessary. The most reliable and convincing research method is X-ray transmission, which makes it possible to detect a tumor even as small as a few millimeters. And if a diagnosis has already been made, there should be no doubt.
The earlier the patient is operated on, the more reliable the treatment results. Very often, due to the absence of signs of stomach cancer, the disease is recognized late, and patients, fearing a serious operation, refuse surgical treatment.This usually leads to dire consequences.
Cancer of the stomach, once it appears, retains the ability to grow and can spread to other organs. At the same time, the removal of the part of the stomach affected by the tumor is no longer such a dangerous operation. In addition, so-called replacement operations have become available in modern surgery, in which the amputated, removed part of the stomach can be replaced with a section of the intestine.
The same replacement operations are carried out after removal of a part of the colon. The affected part of the large intestine is removed, and a portion of the small intestine is transplanted into its place. If the esophagus is partially removed due to cancer, then it can be replaced with a piece of the small intestine of the stomach or large intestine. It is also possible to use prostheses made of polymers.
Another very common type of cancer is breast cancer in women. With modern research methods, the recognition of this disease does not present any particular difficulties. First of all, the woman herself can examine the mammary glands on a monthly basis (best in the postmenstrual period). In the presence of any tumor of the mammary gland, you should immediately consult a doctor and, if necessary, perform an operation, remove the tumor. True, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one. Here a number of research methods come to the rescue - X-ray of the breast, laboratory analysis of the fluid secreted by the mammary gland, and examination of tumor cells under a microscope. All these methods, as a rule, make it possible to quickly make a correct diagnosis.
Breast cancer treatment is usually carried out in a complex way - surgical intervention is combined with exposure to X-rays and other techniques.
It has long been proven that hormonal disorders play an important role in the development, course and outcomes of breast cancer treatment. Therefore, along with local methods, general treatment with hormonal drugs is also widely used - substances that regulate metabolic processes in the body. If a breast tumor is recognized late and other organs are affected, hormone treatment is mandatory.
For the treatment of young women, male hormones are used - methyltestosterone, testosterone, propionate, androsten, etc. For the treatment of older women, female hormones are used - sinestrol, stilbestrol, estradiol and other drugs. With advanced breast cancer in young women, the ovaries, adrenal gland, and sometimes the pituitary gland are removed, or these organs are exposed to radioactive rays. Often, the effect of hormonal drugs is complemented by operations on the endocrine glands.
Older men often suffer from prostate cancer. Treatment of such a disease begins with the use of hormones. Then the affected gland is removed, and after the operation, hormone therapy is used again.
Cancer of the skin and lower lip is well and long-term cured by X-rays. In these cases, surgical treatment is very rarely used. However, cancer metastases to the lymph nodes of the cervical nodes must be surgically removed.
Some malignant tumors are very sensitive to the effects of chemicals. These are cancers of the lymph glands, spleen, liver, acute and chronic blood diseases, some types of sarcomas, malignant ovarian tumors, seminoma, etc. Therefore, much attention is paid to the search for effective anticancer drugs.
More than a thousand chemical preparations have been proposed for the treatment of malignant tumors. True, most of them are still under study. However, the therapeutic effect of about 30 of these anticancer agents has been tested in clinics and laboratories, and now they are being successfully applied in practice. Thus, chemotherapy as a surgeon's “assistant” has become increasingly important in recent years.
Finally, recently, attempts have been made to create drugs (and to develop methods for their use) that would only have an effect on a malignant tumor, but would not harm the patient. Some progress has already been made in the development of this kind of "medical surgery".
Thus, injecting a high dose of a chemical in order to suppress tumor growth without exerting a harmful effect on the patient's body, a new method of treatment is applied, called "regional perfusion". It consists in the fact that a strong-acting chemical preparation is injected into a blood vessel feeding an organ affected by cancer, and other organs are isolated from the penetration of the chemical by imposing turnstiles on the vessels. At the same time, chemical preparations are also used, which reduce the danger of the harmful effects of the medication on the entire body.
But no matter how successful the latest radiation and chemotherapeutic methods of cancer treatment are, surgery is still the most effective and reliable weapon in the fight against many types of malignant tumors at this stage of the development of science.
Kukin N.N. - Ways of surgery