First of all, the sick with angina must be put to bed. This is one of the main preventive measures for both local complications (the formation of a near-tonsil abscess, inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes), and general - rheumatism, infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, nephritis, pyelitis, etc. (only with very mild catarrhal sore throat, semi-bed rest can be allowed).
Unfortunately, some patients, overestimating the role of drug treatment, underestimate the prophylactic importance of bed rest.
It is imperative to call a doctor (therapist, pediatrician) at home, since only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Timely treatment leads, as a rule, to the disappearance of all painful phenomena, both local and general, and also relieves the patient from the occurrence of sometimes very severe complications from the heart, kidneys, joints and other organs.
Food should be varied, non-irritating, with plenty of drink and plenty of vitamins (juices, lemonade, lemon, etc.). It is also necessary to monitor the action of the intestines; with stool retention, an enema or a light laxative is prescribed.
Medical treatment of common acute tonsillitis is not difficult. The use of sulfa drugs (white streptocide, sulfidin, norsulfazole, sulfadimezin, etc.) is enjoying well-deserved success. White streptocide is usually given to adults on the first day 4 times 1 gram each. After 2-3 days, in case of a favorable course of the disease, the dosage is reduced to 0.5 grams 3 times a day. Children are given streptocide in the following dosage: at the age of up to 1 year, 0.0-0.1 grams per dose, from 2 to 5 years old - 0.3 each. From 6 to 12 years old, 0.3-0.5 grams each. 4 times a day.
The injection of penicillin and, in general, the introduction of antibiotics in the normal course of angina is not required. They are prescribed in especially severe cases. If necessary, penicillin is prescribed in tablets by mouth, 100,000 units of action 4-6 times a day.
Recently, in hospitals, sometimes a method of introducing certain medicinal substances by inhalation through the mouth (inhalation) has been used, which is essentially a method of general and local treatment. The medicine in a diluted state (in liquid form) is sprayed into very small particles by means of a special apparatus (aerosol therapy). When this sprayed medicine (for example, a solution of streptocide, penicillin, etc.) is inhaled through the mouth, the latter gets on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, including the tonsils, and into the lungs. In this way, a completely painless irrigation of the diseased organ (tonsils) occurs, and if we consider that most of the drug is absorbed into the body through the lungs, then such treatment is both general and local.
For headaches, pyramidone or analgin is prescribed. In order to affect the nervous system, it is useful to give sleeping pills, for example, sodium amytal; in hospitals, sometimes even solutions of morphine or pantopon are prescribed under the skin.
In the early days of illness, it is recommended to rinse the throat every hour, for which it is advisable to use emollient decoctions - sage, chamomile or even tea. For severe tonsillitis with plaque, disinfectant solutions are prescribed, for example, a 0.8 percent streptocide solution. However, it should be borne in mind that such rinses as hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, rivanol are consumed no more than a week. Long-term use of them causes a very unpleasant dry throat. It is better if these liquids are slightly warmed up. Other rinses are prescribed by your doctor.
For a long time, dry heat, a compress or heating pads, etc. have been used for tonsillitis.on the neck, especially the submandibular lymph nodes.
It should be remembered that often complications from the heart, kidneys, joints, etc. occur during the period of the end of the sore throat, therefore it is better not to rush to switch to the normal regime. It is necessary to withstand at least two days of bed rest after the temperature drops and the inflammation disappears in the throat. Those who went to work for 5-7 days should beware of general and local cooling (especially drafts).
If, after a sore throat, the patient has an abscess, then it rarely opens on its own, more often it is necessary to resort to opening it surgically. After this, a significant improvement in general condition usually occurs immediately. In case of repeated tonsillitis, it is necessary to carry out, if the doctor advises, the complete removal of the tonsils.
In case of Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent sore throat, in addition to disinfecting rinsing, the ulcer surfaces are lubricated with a 1% solution of brilliant green in 70-degree alcohol. Intramuscular injection of bioquinol is sometimes used with success.
As we have already said, people who often get sore throats, in some cases, get sick with chronic inflammation of the tonsils - chronic tonsillitis... In this case, it is necessary to solve the question of what is the form of this disease.
In chronic tonsillitis, gargling is ineffective, since the entire pathological process is in the tissue of the tonsil itself, especially in its lacunae (crypts). Therefore, the method of washing the lacunae is widely used.
For many years, for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, electrical moxibustion has been used - galvanocaustics of the palatine tonsils. With this method, gradually, in several steps, the lacunae expand or the diseased tonsils are burned out in parts. It should be noted that this method of treatment is rather painful for the patient and it finds less and less application. In addition, in some cases, galvanic caustics cause deterioration. This is due to the fact that complete removal of the tonsils by burning cannot be achieved. The scars formed after cauterization hide the remnants (deeper parts) of the lacunae, which still produce pus and plugs. Thus, chronic tonsillitis remains.
With compensated ironic tonsillitis, a sharp increase (hyperplasia) of the palatine tonsils is often observed. This is especially true in children. In some cases, the tonsils are so enlarged that the patient cannot freely swallow food and even breathe correctly. At the same time, food constantly injures the tonsils; conditions favorable for the development of angina are created. In such cases, a small operation is performed, the so-called tonsillotomy (usually on an outpatient basis), that is, the amygdala is cut off to its normal size.
Normally, the tonsils are usually not enlarged; they are located behind the front temples. In certain painful conditions, they grow to a very large size. For a clearer idea of the size of the enlarged tonsils, Professor B.S.Preobrazhensky introduced the conditional division of enlarged tonsils into I, II and III degrees.
If tonsillotomy, that is, partial removal of greatly enlarged tonsils did not give an effect or there is another disease (more often rheumatism), you have to resort to their complete removal - tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomy, if indicated, is performed for both children and adults.
Preobrazhensky B.S. - How to protect yourself from angina and its consequences
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