For the production of all types of cheeses, lactic acid bacteria are required, which ferment milk sugar and milk citrates to form lactic acid, CO2 and some other products (diacetyl, acetoin, acetic acid, etc.).
Lactic acid gives the cheese a characteristic sour taste, CO2 promotes the formation of a cheese pattern, diacetyl and acetoin are aromatic compounds. Lactic acid bacteria, fermenting carbohydrates, deprive other types of saccharolytic bacteria of energy sources, increase active acidity and reduce the redox potential of the cheese, which prevents the development of other microorganisms that can reduce the quality and even cause spoilage of the cheese.
Lactic acid bacteria and milk-clotting enzymes break down some of the casein to peptides and free amino acids; proteolysis products play an important role in shaping the taste, smell and texture of cheese.
In cheeses made from pasteurized milk, the main source of lactic acid bacteria are bacterial starters and preparations.
Along with lactic acid streptococci and sticks, propionic acid bacteria participate in the formation of the organoleptic properties of cheeses with a high second heating temperature, fermenting some of the lactates with the formation of propionic acid and CO2... The specific taste of cheeses with a high second heating temperature is mainly due to the waste products of these bacteria, which are not completely destroyed during milk pasteurization. When producing cheeses with a high second heating temperature from pasteurized milk, they are additionally introduced into the mixture after pasteurization.
A complex association of aerobic microorganisms, which forms cheese mucus on the surface of the cheeses, takes part in the ripening of Dorogobuzh, road, nemunas, rambinas, and piquant cheeses. This mucus contains yeast, micrococci and non-spore sticks of the species Brevibacterium linens... The latter form a pigment from light yellow to orange or brown, which determines the color of cheese mucus. The yeast included in the cheese slime uses lactic acid salts for its nutrition and, by increasing the pH of the cheese, creates conditions favorable for growth Brevibacterium linenswith a strong proteolytic effect. Proteolytic enzymes of the mucus microflora diffuse into the depths of the cheese and carry out a deep decomposition of proteins, the products of which determine the formation of a specific taste and delicate texture of these cheeses. Despite the spontaneous appearance of mucus, the cheeses are periodically sprayed with a suspension of specially selected microorganisms.
Molds take part in the maturation of certain types of cheese. In cheeses Russian Camembert, white dessert, amateur mature, Smolensk mold grows on the surface of cheeses, in roquefort - inside the mass of cheese. In the production of cheeses, Russian Camembert, Smolensk and others use mold Penicillium candidum or its variant Penicillium caseicolum (in cheese making they are often called Penicillium candidum and Penicillium album), when making a roquefort - Penicillium roqueforti... Molds use lactic acid as an energy source. The products of mold metabolism give Roquefort a spicy, peppery taste, Camamber - a mushroom flavor and a delicate oily consistency.
In cheeses, microorganisms can multiply that reduce the quality of the cheese (coliforms, butyric acid bacteria) or cause food poisoning (staphylococci, salmonella, enteropathogenic strains of E. coli). One of the most important functions of lactic acid microflora is to suppress the development of technically harmful and pathogenic microorganisms.
The composition of the microflora of bacterial starters and preparations for cheeses
- Cheese with a low temperature of the second heating, soft cheeses without ripening, homemade cheese
Mesophilic lactic acid streptococci: Str. lactis, Str. cremoris, Str. diacetilactis. Leukoiostoks: Leuconostoc cremoris, Leuconostoc lactis (outdated names - Streptococcus citrovorus, Streptococcus paracitrovorus).
- Russian cheese and other cheeses with a high second heating temperature from pasteurized milk
Starter cultures for cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating, thermophilic lactic acid sticks: L. helveticus, L. lactis, mesophilic sticks L. plantarum, propionic acid bacteria, Str. thermophilus, L. helveticus, L. lactis.
- Cheese with a high temperature of the second heating from raw milk
Str. lactis, Str. cremoris, rarely Leuc. cremoris, L. bulgaricus, L. helveticus.
- Cheddar cheese
Str. lactis, Str. cremoris, rarely Leuc. cremoris, L. bulgaricus.
- Cheese with superficial mold, slime
Starter cultures for cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating, Penic mold. candidum, Penic. album etc., cheese mucus bacteria.
- Roquefort
Starter cultures for cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating with an increased dose of leuco-waste, Penic. roqueforti.
- Pickled cheeses
Starter cultures for cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating, L. casei, L. plantarum.
- Pickled cheeses with cheddar cheese mass
Starter cultures for cheeses with a low temperature of the second heating, StT. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus.
G. A. Belova - Technology of cheese