Endurance running is a powerful source of health. A source that is equally beneficial to most people. And in order to use it, essentially no super-efforts are required.
It is enough to put on a tracksuit, go outside and run. And in order for running to bring you joy and benefit, we recommend that you first read the recommendations of a specialist. This also does not require much effort from you.
Speed and distance
People who are practically healthy or have minor deviations in health can immediately start training with a slow run, very gradually increasing the volume of load by increasing the duration of the run. The first two weeks, the running time should be no more than 3 minutes. at low speed (pace - 120 steps in 1 min.). In the next two weeks, the duration of the run can be 5-10 minutes. depending on the functional state and age. Then, during each month, the duration of the run can be increased by 3-4 minutes.
The running distance should be lengthened very gradually, and not in every lesson, but after 3-5 workouts and only if the load is successfully completed. Subsequently, with an increase in the level of fitness, you can very gradually increase the running speed. This process can last for months and years (depending on the state of health, physical fitness and other individual characteristics). Such caution is necessary to exclude the possible development of myocardial dystrophy due to physical overstrain. And here it is also important not to get carried away, succumbing to excitement, not to strive to overtake the more prepared at the cost of extreme efforts. You need to enjoy training from training, and not exhaust yourself with pain and suffering from unbearable loads.
The running speed, depending on individual characteristics, can vary from 5 to 10 minutes. per kilometer, and its duration can be increased for men up to 60 minutes, for women up to 30 minutes.
However, it should be noted that to obtain a training effect, 15-30-minute runs are sufficient. They can be longer on weekends. For most people, perhaps, it is possible to recommend limiting the duration of the run to 30 minutes, and then increasing only its speed, bringing it to 5-8 minutes. per kilometer.
There are fans of hour-long and even long-term jogging. Such loads are far from always rational and in case of errors in the training method, they most often cause myocardial dystrophy, overtraining, etc., especially in the presence of foci of chronic infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, chronic cholecystitis, etc.) and a violation of the regimen. This is important to take into account with age, after 40 years, when it is necessary to more carefully select the load, so that it matches the functional capabilities of the trainees.
Pulse load dosage
The dosage of running should be carried out not only according to its duration, speed, but above all according to changes in heart rate. Heart rate is readily available for recording. It should be noted that the dosage of physical activity by heart rate is widely used in sports practice. This approach to the management of the training process is physiologically fully justified. So, it is known that in the range of heart rate observed during training loads, from 120 to 170 beats / min, with an increase in heart rate, the power of the work performed, oxygen consumption and some other indicators linearly increase.
By setting the physical load according to the pulse, we, therefore, dose the amount of physiological changes that the training should lead to.This is incomparably more objective than dosing physical activity in terms of the volume and intensity of the exercises performed, because it is well known that the same load can cause completely different increases in heart rate in different people, and if for one this load is insufficient, then for another may be excessive and cause overvoltage.
According to the idea of Professor V. M. Zatsiorsky, a special electronic device "Autocardiolider" was created, with the help of which it became possible to set the training load according to the pulse rate. Now these devices are widely used not only in sports practice, but also in medical physical culture during the rehabilitation of patients and during training in health running. The principle of operation of the autocardiolider is to compare the set pulse program with the actual heart rate and issue a mismatch signal. So, for example, if an athlete with myocardial dystrophy due to chronic physical overstrain is allowed to conduct running trainings with a heart rate of no higher than 130 beats / min, then the 130 program is set on the autocardiolider scale. The device is connected to the runner's body using three miniature electrodes, which are attached with an elastic belt. Two of them are located at the level of the fifth intercostal space along the midclavicular line, and the third is located between them. The autocardiolider is quite compact, lightweight and can be placed in a jacket pocket or simply hung on a string around the neck. If, while running, the pulse rate exceeds 130 beats / min, the device will emit a high-pitched sound signal, in addition, a light alarm (red flashing light) will turn on. In this case, you need to reduce the running speed so that the signal disappears. This will happen when the athlete's heart rate drops below 130 beats / min.
Of course, it is not at all necessary to conduct every lesson with this device. After 5-7 workouts, you can learn to quite accurately "feel" your pulse, and then the autocardiolider can only be used occasionally for control.
The recommended device is extremely easy to use and inexpensive. If it is not possible to purchase an autocardiolider, then control over the intensity of the load should be carried out by counting the pulse for 10 seconds. at periodic stops.
By reasonably managing the training process, it is possible in the shortest possible time to develop the circulatory system, which, as you know, primarily limits our physical performance in sports that require endurance (running, cross-country skiing, etc.).
When training on the pulse, it should be borne in mind that with age, the heart rate decreases when performing maximum power work.
For persons under 30 years old, when doing jogging and skiing, it is recommended to devote most of the time to training with a pulse of 130-160 beats / min, for persons aged 31-40 years, with a pulse of 120-150 beats / min, 41-50 years old - 120 - 140 beats / min, 51-60 years old - 120-130 beats / min. Training at high pulse values will be ineffective, since it will quickly lead to fatigue and, therefore, will not be long enough to fully contribute to the development of cardiac mechanisms of endurance, and for older people, who usually have disorders of the cardiovascular system, training at high heart rates can be hazardous to your health.
Long distance (i.e. extra-long) runs can only be done by healthy, well-trained people.
Cross-country running
Cross-country running with overcoming natural obstacles - ravines, requiring ups and downs, bushes, lying trees, etc., that is, cross-country running, is considered the most difficult. Obstacles make it much more difficult, while at the same time they make running fun.Given the complexity of the running distance, it is recommended that you first go through sufficient training in smooth running, the duration of which can be 2-3 months. Having mastered well the 5-8 km route on the plain, you can gradually complicate the route, including cross elements at the beginning of the training. At first, it can be gentle and small ascents and descents.
Cross-country running is an excellent means of training endurance, it can be dosed in time. It is enough to run cross-country 1-2 times a week.
When running, you need to keep freely, relaxed, do not strain, the lower back should be slightly bent, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms, bent at the elbows at right angles, work freely and rhythmically. While running, one should not make unnecessary movements of the head, the gaze is directed forward. On level ground, steps when running are uniform, free. On soft or sandy ground, as well as in slippery places, you should run with frequent short steps, this is easier. It is better to run uphill with small, but not frequent steps, and the foot must be placed on the front of the foot, from the mountain - with elongated steps. Small ditches, felled trees on the way are overcome by jumps. If the runner is in a steep ravine, then zigzags should be used to get out of it. Natural obstacles - hills, ravines, ditches, etc. - require a change of pace, which increases the intensity of the training. The running pace can be changed on purpose. This variable speed run (fartlek) is especially difficult. And sometimes it is only after 1-2 years of preparation that one can accelerate while running without much effort.
Cross loads and fartlek should only be recommended to those who are healthy and sufficiently trained.
Warm up
Running training should always start with a warm-up. Some do not do this, believing that they are only wasting their time, but it should be noted that the running load in this case is worse tolerated, discomfort is noted, and traumatic injuries are more common. What is the reason for this? It is known that under the influence of muscle work, the function of internal organs changes and these changes concern primarily the circulatory system, which mainly limits physical performance. It takes a certain time, during which there is an adaptation to the changed conditions. This period of time is usually called the operating period, followed by a new, steady state of operation, the so-called steady state. That is why if the warm-up is not done, then it is difficult to run, especially in the first minutes, various unpleasant sensations are noted, which is associated with the restructuring of the body to a new mode of operation, and this, as we have already noted, does not happen immediately. Warm-up is also necessary to prepare the musculoskeletal system for work. You need to stretch, warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments. This will prevent or reduce the likelihood of injury.
You can start the warm-up with walking, then general developmental and special exercises follow, the task of which is to stretch, warm up the muscles and ligaments, prepare the cardiovascular and respiratory systems for the upcoming load. In cold weather, it is especially important to warm up the muscles well, work out the joints. They usually start with the fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulder joints, then the ankle, knee, hip joints and the spine are stretched with the help of circular, rotational movements (it is possible with small weights), push-ups, bends, turns, swings, squats, etc. If the load turns out to be tiring, it should be alternated with breathing exercises. Strength exercises (exercises with a barbell, kettlebells) should not be carried away - this constrains the muscles. It is better if they will be performed on another day, free from jogging.
It is good to include in the warm-up two or three special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg and the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint (lifting on toes, circular movements in the ankle joint, walking on the inner and outer arch of the foot, etc.). Some of the warm-up elements can be done on the move. Having finished running, they do not stop immediately, but switch to a gradually slowing step. In conclusion, you should stop and do some breathing exercises.
Tips for beginners
For beginners, you can recommend running after 2 days, after 5-6 months - every other day. Intensive workouts should be alternated with less intense ones. The load during exercise should increase gradually, reaching a maximum by about the middle of it and decreasing towards the end. The running time is arbitrary. You should not only carry out training after 20 hours. (since running tones up and it will be more difficult to fall asleep) and immediately after waking up, when the body is not yet ready for intense work. However, after a sufficiently long and intense exercise, you can move on to a running workout. Morning runs lasting 40 minutes or more are not recommended on an empty stomach.
Women cope well with running loads, but their intensity and duration should be less than that of men. The effectiveness of running increases with the inclusion of gymnastic exercises, including corrective (i.e., corrective) exercises, as well as special exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press, pelvic floor.
When running, the leg can be placed first on the front of the foot and only before taking the next step, gently lower the entire foot. At the same time, its spring function is fully used, which is especially useful for women. However, this method (especially if you are overweight) quickly leads to fatigue of the calf muscles, which sometimes causes pain in them. Overload mo-
gut lead to a drooping of the arches of the foot, the development of deforming arthrosis of the ankle joints, joints of the foot and toes, in connection with which such a positioning of the leg should be recommended in sports running (since this increases the efficiency of repulsion) and in recreational running of short duration. When running for a long time, especially for older people, it is recommended to put your foot on the heel, then roll onto your toe.
For health, it is not at all indifferent whether air passes through the nose or through the mouth. Read more in the article How we breathe.
Running clothes should be lightweight, soft and comfortable. The most hygienic are cotton and woolen fabrics, which absorb sweat well; synthetic clothes are poorly permeable to body-heated air and vapors. Underwear should not have rough scars. In cold weather, you should wear warm knitwear, a fleece tracksuit, and a jacket made of thin and dense fabric over it. A woolen hat and gloves are also required, however, in the cold, fingers freeze quickly in gloves, so it will be safer to use soft leather mittens, under which woolen mittens should also be worn. Lighter clothing is recommended for seasoned people. After a few minutes of running, as the feeling of coldness gives way to a pleasant feeling of warmth, you can remove anything from your clothes.
You should not wear anything tight - tight swimming trunks, a bra, a tight belt and tight elastic bands will disrupt blood circulation, interfere with movement and contribute to the formation of scuffs, frostbite. In summer, in warm sunny weather, a white linen hat with a visor will do.
Training shoes should be lightweight and durable and provide good cushioning. The most comfortable sports shoes for running - "sneakers», Which are made on thick and soft soles. In sneakers or semi-sneakers, you need to put another thin foam insole.Running in unsuitable shoes - boots, slippers with thin soles, as well as in tight and unworn shoes can lead to abrasions, curvature of the feet, inflammatory disease of the periosteum, which usually develops in the area of the anterior-inner surface of the lower leg at the place of muscle attachment, especially if running is carried out on firm ground or asphalt, and other consequences.
Woolen socks must be clean, dry and intact. This will help prevent scuffs.
After finishing your workout, you need to take a warm shower with soap. This is necessary to wash away fat and salt from the skin. Skin care is essential for a runner. This will prevent abrasions, as well as the development of infectious skin lesions (epidermophytosis, furunculosis, etc.).
Legs require special attention. Wash them daily. In case of excessive sweating of the feet, first wash them with warm water and soap, and then rinse them with cold water and wipe dry, then wipe the feet with a 2% salicylic alcohol solution and, when the skin dries, powder it (especially the spaces between the fingers) with a mixture consisting of equal parts of alum, boric acid and talc.
Calluses are possible on the skin of the feet. They are an inflammatory thickening of the skin, often accompanied by deep and painful cracks. After steaming in the bathroom, the calluses are carefully washed off with a pumice stone, after which a special softening foot cream is applied to the skin, for example, "Effect".
It is very useful to combine running with other cyclic exercises, among which skiing and swimming should be especially recommended.
E. Chen, A. Sinyakov