The girl Sasha, the one who gets along well with the flowers that inhabit the home greenhouse, and knowledgeably waters them from her red plastic watering can, asking me about this book, is keenly interested:
- Will you write about the flowers that grow in the garden? For example, about a rose? I want you to write about her.
Having promised her, I can't help but keep my word. I hope there will be many garden flower lovers among the readers. They try to take a place for flower beds right at the doorstep of the house in order to bring flowers closer to themselves. Flower beds can be polygonal, round or square.
In the place where they are "smashed", the soil is dug to the depth of a shovel bayonet and fertile soil is poured. A border of low-growing plants is usually made along the edge of the flower bed, which outline its borders. To make your flower garden look, choose plants that would be harmoniously combined in color, prove that you have a taste and an excellent taste. For the tallest flowers - a place in the center of the flower bed, for the undersized - closer to the edge.
If your summer cottage is too small and it is problematic to build a flower bed on it, give preference to a rabatka. It, like a garden bed, has a rectangular elongated shape and will perfectly fit along the path leading from the gate to the porch.
Which colors to give preference to is already your own business. You can asters, levkoy, marigolds, petunias, the so-called one-year-olds, which propagate by seeds. Since their growing season lasts several months, you can instruct children to grow their seedlings in the middle of winter. Will look great on a flower bed and pansies, daisies... But it is most convenient to plant perennial flowers that grow for a long time in one place. This and lilies, and peonies and phloxes, and daffodilsand tulips...
Flowers that children love care. They must be regularly watered, weeded, and fed. So that dahlia or gladiolus did not break (these are vigorous plants), they are tied to specially prepared pegs.
Oh yes, I was asked to tell you about the rose! But this cannot be done in a compressed form, there are almost 350 types of them, maybe even more. There are hybrid tea, which have large bushes. And the leaves, the leaves! From bright green to bronze-red tones. And the flower itself! Large, inexpressibly beautiful color, fragrant ... The varieties of this rose - the sea, everything is countless. But polyanthus roses, on the contrary, with low bushes, and their leaves are much smaller. However, the flowers themselves too. But they are very cute.
Some practical tips on how to grow a rose.
Firstly, it must be planted in a place open to the sun, but also protected from harsh winds. The soil must be fertile, cultivated. In the fall, they dig it up and immediately bring in a lot of organic matter, preferably a couple of kilograms of manure for each bush. Before planting a rose, the soil is thoroughly filled with mineral fertilizers. It is not bad to add a stove eola.
Secondly, you must remember that before planting, shoots and a little roots are cut shortly. The rose is planted in such pits, in which their root system feels at ease. Planted - watered abundantly - spud. And throughout the summer, the "queen" must be watered, fed, loosened and hilled in the most careful way. It would be nice to pamper with fertilizers 4 times during the season.
Already in the last month of summer, you must stop cutting flowers. Autumn is on the doorstep, it will be replaced by winter - and the rose must be prepared for it. In August, it also stops watering and loosening. Without waiting for frost, the bushes are sprinkled with loose earth or peat. When October comes, do not forget to cut the leaves, cut weak and diseased shoots to the base, and cut strong and healthy ones to a height of 40-50 cm.The first frosts hit - the rose must be covered immediately. You can, for example, with spruce branches, putting a film on top and pouring a small layer of earth. And in spring, by the end of April, when warm days are established, roses are taken out of their "shelters", the frozen ends of the shoots are removed and ... they begin to form bushes.
My young friend, of course you dream of growing a rose yourself? But the "queen" is not up to you yet. Do not be upset, time will pass, you will become an adult, save up experience and be able to plant any flower. You will be able to cope with this, too, requiring serious care and increased attention.
You know what, try to grow, for example, forget-me-not. She is also very, very pretty. This flower can be blue, and blue, and white, and even pink. It forms whole inflorescences. Connoisseurs assure that without forget-me-not and a flower bed, and a bouquet look depleted. There is in her some kind of special, touching tenderness.
But just remember, my friend, forget-me-not will not grow anywhere. If you want her to be and feel good at the same time, pick up a semi-shady place in the country, where the sun would sometimes penetrate and where at the same time the shadow would fall. The land in the garden where you decided to sow the seeds of this flower must be moist and fertile. In this regard, consult with dad and mom. They will be happy to help you choose such a corner in the garden.
This forget-me-not in late June early July. Not earlier, not later. Always keep the soil in her bed moist. If it doesn't rain on the ground, take a watering can and give it yourself. Do not fill the garden bed so zealously, do not arrange a universal flood ... Very little water is needed, if only the soil is moistened.
Two weeks passed, you looked at your "sponsored" garden. ... And there already (oh, joy!) Tender sprouts have come to the surface. It's time to thin them out so that they do not interfere with each other's growth and feel more comfortable. And if weeds have already appeared, they must immediately be pulled out and thrown away. Do you find it difficult to determine where is the sprout of forget-me-nots, and where is the weed? Call your mom, she will tell you. Her one good lesson will be enough for you to learn how to distinguish a future flower from a weedy, and therefore harmful, grass. And in general, do not hesitate to consult with adults. They are experienced and know a lot. By the way, they are pleased that a son or daughter listens to their words and respects their opinion.
... We got a little distracted. Let's continue our conversation about forget-me-not. A couple of weeks after the first thinning, there is a reason to thin out the sprouts again. One is clearly not enough.
You sowed forget-me-not in the garden, and the plant can be transplanted to the permanent place of its flowering (flower bed) in August or next spring, when the so-called rosette of 3-5 leaves has already formed. Your forget-me-not will bloom in May - early June next year and will bloom for about a month and a half. And three weeks after the end of flowering, her seeds will ripen. Please remember all these terms.
Remember one more important detail: although forget-me-not is a frost-resistant and undemanding flower (weeds weeds, loosened the soil, watered - that's all its requirements), however, the planting of this plant should be covered for the winter so that they do not freeze. Mom and Dad will gladly help you with that. Perhaps you can't do it alone.
... Just imagine: a forget-me-not bloomed, and you, carefully picking a few flowers (you don't even need a whole brush), bring your mother the first bunch ... Not purchased, from a store, but from a flower bed in which your work is also invested. How happy mom will be!
In a word, do not hesitate, take patronage over forget-me-not. Today over it, and tomorrow, when you have already accumulated experience, you will take care of gladiolus, carnations, roses ... If only the desire to be friends with flowers, to decorate the earth, to serve beauty does not run out!
Sashina E.Yu. The ABC of Home Economics