Troubles are certainly inevitable: any living being requires care and attention. However, for the pleasure of daily communication with "smaller brothers", many people agree to make sacrifices. Think about whether you are ready to lose some of your free time and restful sleep in order to walk the dog several times a day (clean the cage or aquarium, "ask oats" to pets, etc.).
You may also have to sacrifice material assets, for example, wallpaper, chairs or slippers spoiled by a puppy. You should not get a pet if you know about allergic reactions of someone from the family.
In all other cases, you can think: why not try? It will be useful to refer to specialized literature or to friends who have animals in order to understand what kind of care this animal needs and to weigh your capabilities. Discuss this issue in advance. Consider the age and capabilities of the child, ask him to think and determine what part of the work he could take on. Of course, at first, you will have to remind your son or daughter from time to time that it is time, for example, to clean the aquarium. These tips apply mainly to preschool and primary school children. A teenager is able to take care of a pet on his own.
However, if the child has completely lost interest in the pet or openly refuses to care for him, it is worth considering. Do you agree to take full care of yourself? If not, it might be better to hand the animal over to a more caring owner. If your child is not even a year old, then keeping the house clean is one of the main concerns. Animals make this task very difficult (especially cats and dogs). When a newborn appears in the house, it is advisable to immediately dot the i's. Try to ensure that the four-legged friend knows his place. At the very least, the child's bed, his belongings and the changing table should be inaccessible for the animal. Always try to put away animal toys on time: bones, a greasy ball, etc., otherwise they may end up in the baby's mouth. Make sure that the baby does not eat from the animal's bowl and does not settle down to sleep on its rug. At the same time, remember that a kitten or a puppy are also children who want to play. Do not try to force iron discipline from them. Babies in the first years of life do not always understand that other creatures can have their own desires and feelings. A child can unconsciously abuse the patience of an animal: pull the tail, roll it in a doll's carriage, climb on top of it. As a rule, animals are sympathetic to the tricks of babies, but sometimes it is worth protecting Sharik or Murka from the encroachments of a child.
Our pets
Much depends on the example of adults and on the attitude that has developed towards the animal in the family. Help your child realize that other creatures can also experience fatigue or pain. Introduce the child to the "language of animals": for example, if a dog wags its tail, it means that it is happy. In a cat, on the other hand, this signal means irritation. Introduce your child to the animal world. Go to the zoo and look at the distant relatives of your cat: tigers, lions, manuls. If at the same time you invite your child to look for their similarities and differences, then arouse in him a research interest.
Treating pets during adolescence can be closely related to problems in relationships with people. Teenagers tend to strive to stand out with something, to attract the attention of others. Acquiring an exotic animal often serves this very purpose. Try to contain your negative emotions and look at the rat through the eyes of your son. It is possible that you can understand him better.Adolescence is associated with a variety of changes in a child's life. This often leads to mutual misunderstandings and conflicts between a teenager and adults. Think about whether the animal is the only creature that unconditionally accepts its owner? Try to tolerate your son's or daughter's “quirks”. After all, they are already old enough to choose their own friends - both among humans and among animals. As a rule, the choice of a pet very much depends on the characteristics of the future owner.
It is important for some people to be able to observe the animal and its lifestyle. Rather, they are attracted by the aesthetic side of animal ownership. Most often, they choose fish. If we are talking about a four-legged friend, then this is certainly the most beautiful kitten or puppy of all those offered. The same applies to birds: it must be effective and original, and everything else is secondary. If you consider yourself to be such people, then you can be safely called "visual". "Visual" is a person who perceives the world to a greater extent with the help of visual images, pictures.
Others are interested in the opportunity not so much to see as to hear. Therefore, they often acquire birds. If they have a dog or a cat in their house, they constantly talk to them. Often the animal learns to maintain a conversation. These people are "audials". They do not think of life in silence, they need sounds.
And some people prefer those animals that can be touched, picked up, stroked, and moved with them. As a rule, such people have dogs, cats, hamsters. These people are "kinesthetics". They communicate with the world through a variety of sensations, movements, and touches. Think about what exactly do you expect from your pet? Who does your child like? Of course, this is not always easy to determine, so the pros and cons can be very different.The main thing is to remember that you are not acquiring property, but a future friend.