In cereals, carbohydrates predominate from nutrients. Their content reaches 71%. The protein content in cereals ranges from 6.3 to 10.8%. All types of cereals contain vitamins B |, Bg, PP.
Millet... Millet is used to produce polished millet, which is millet kernels freed from flower films and partially from fruit, pome shells and embryos. By quality, it is divided into three grades: superior, first and second. The moisture content of all varieties of millet should not exceed 14%.
The content of good-quality kernels in premium millet must be at least 99.2%, first grade - 98.7%, second grade - 98%. Among the benign kernels, the content of broken kernels in the highest grade is allowed - 0.5%, in the first - 1.0%, in the second - 1.5%. The good quality of the kernel characterizes the purity of the cereal.
When bulkheading cereals, polished millet is 65%, including premium millet - 5%, first grade - 58% and second grade - 2%.
Buckwheat... There are two types of production: a kernel from unboiled buckwheat grains and a fast-cooking kernel from buckwheat subjected to hydrothermal treatment (steamed and dried); done un-steamed and done quickly. The kernel and the fast-digesting kernel is a non-chopped buckwheat kernel, freed from the fruit shells. Propel and through fast-cooking are crushed buckwheat kernels.
Fast-digesting kernels and ungrounds are divided into first and second grades depending on quality. Propelled and propelled fast-cooking into varieties of ns are subdivided. The yield of cereals is 66%, including 52% of the first-grade kernels, un-steamed, and 58% steamed, the second-grade - 4 and 3%, respectively, and 10 and 5%.
Barley groats... According to the method of processing barley, two types of cereals are distinguished: pearl barley and barley.
Pearl barley is a kernel, freed from flower films, membranes and embryos, well polished. The groats are divided into five numbers. Groats No. 1 and 2 should have an elongated shape with rounded ends. Groats No. 3, 4 and 5 should be spherical. The yield of five-dimensional pearl barley is 40%, including: No. 1, 2 - 28%, No. 3, 4 - 10%, No. 5 - 2%.
Barley groats are parts of the kernel of various sizes and shapes, obtained as a result of crushing barley grain freed from flower films and partially from fruit shells. Barley grains are classified into three numbers. The yield of three-dimensional barley groats is 62%, including: No. 1 - 15%, No. 2 - 42%, No. 3 - 5%.
Pearl barley and barley groats are not divided into varieties.
Oat groats... Uncrushed steamed and rolled cereals are produced from oats.
Polished non-crushed oat groats are produced from steamed oats or kernels. According to the quality of the groats, they are divided into premium and first grade. The total yield of cereals is 45%. including: non-crushed premium grade - 15% and first grade - 30%.
Rolled oat groats are produced from polished uncrushed steamed groats. According to the quality, the cereals are divided into the highest and the first grade. Crimped groats boil faster than regular groats. The yield of non-crushed crimped groats is 44.5%, including: crushed cereals of the highest grade — 10%, uncrushed first grade — 19%, crimped premium cereals — 5.5%, crimped first grade — 10%.
In addition to these types of oatmeal, oats produce oat flakes "Hercules", petal oatmeal and oatmeal.
Wheat groats... Wheat is used to produce groats Poltava and Artek. Poltava groats, depending on the size of the grains and the processing method, are divided into large No. 1, medium No. 2 and 3 and small No. 4.Groats No. 1 are wheat grains, freed from embryos and partially from fruit and seed coats, elongated with rounded ends, sanded.
Groats No. 2, 3 and 4 are particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from embryos and partly from fruit and family shells. Groats K® 2 are oval, groats No. 3 and 4 are round, all of them are sanded.
Artek groats - finely crushed wheat kernels, completely freed from embryos and partly from fruit and seed coats, particles of cereal are sanded.
Semolina... It turns out cereals with high-quality milling of wheat. Usually, in the manufacture of high-quality flour, 1–2% of semolina (based on the weight of the grain) is selected on sieve machines.
Semolina is subdivided into three brands: M grade - from soft wheat, MT grade - from soft wheat with an admixture of hard, grade T - from hard wheat.
Semolina is characterized by quick boiling (10-15 minutes), good taste and high digestibility - 95-97%.
Rice groats... Depending on the method of processing raw rice, the following types of cereals are made: polished, polished and crushed rice.
Polished rice is a grain freed from flower films, fruit and seed coats, and partially from the embryo. Rice has a rough, tormented surface.
Polished rice is obtained by processing polished rice on polishing machines. The product has a smooth shiny surface and is produced from glassy rice varieties.
Crushed rice - these are parts of a rice kernel less than 1/2 of a normal kernel, has a rough surface.
In terms of quality, polished and polished rice is divided into three grades: superior, first and second. Crushed rice is not divided into varieties.
Corn groats... Corn grits are produced from various types of corn, but flint and bursting are used mainly for these purposes. Depending on the processing method, cereals are divided into two types - polished and crushed.
Shelled peas... Depending on the processing method, split peas are divided into the following types: polished whole split peas and polished split split peas. Hulled peas are not divided into varieties.
Storage of cereals... All types of cereals should be stored in dry ventilated rooms with a relative humidity of 70-75% and a temperature of no higher than 20-25 ° C.
An increase in cereal humidity and air temperature during storage promotes the development of microorganisms and pests and leads to a decrease in quality.
Coca's textbook (editor S.M. Timokhov), 1982