Usually, a person receives vitamins from food. Vitamin D is an exception to this rule. A person can not only receive it from food, but also create, synthesize in the body, this requires exposure to sunlight, more precisely, ultraviolet rays, on the skin.
If a child, who especially needs vitamin D during the growth process, does not have much in the fresh air, the best nutrition will not prevent rickets, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin D.
No wonder in England - a country where fogs so often obscure the sun, rickets was very common and was called the "English disease". Even members of the royal family suffered from this disease at a time when the word "vitamins" did not yet exist and the meaning of sunlight for prevention of rickets has not yet been opened.
What is the connection between vitamin D and rickets? Vitamin D regulates the metabolism and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus and the exchange of these elements are of primary importance for building bone tissue. Calcium is part of lime, and lime permeates our entire skeleton. Bones devoid of lime become weaker, more flexible and can bend under the weight of the body. Calcium is also essential for muscle and nervous system function.
For the normal course of all these processes, vitamin D is needed.It is especially necessary for a growing body. Ensuring that the child receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D must be taken care of not only from the first day of his life, but also during the mother's pregnancy.
In a pregnant woman's body, the consumption of vitamin D is greatly increased. To cover the increased consumption and for the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy, it is necessary to eat foods with a high content of vitamin D. These foods include butter, eggs, caviar, fresh or well-soaked salted herring, liver, especially veal.
Of course, we must not forget about other vitamins; you should try to diversify your diet as much as possible, including in the diet a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. In addition, a daily walk in the fresh air is absolutely mandatory, during which, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the reserves of vitamin D in the body are replenished.
Vitamin D content in foods varies with the season. There is more of it in summer and autumn than in winter. At the same time, during the cold season, children are less exposed to the fresh air, the sun is often covered by clouds and the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is significantly reduced. The question inevitably arises, how to provide vitamin D to children and pregnant women in winter?
In winter, every child, without exception, should be given fish fat... Fish oil can be given to infants from the first months of life, after agreeing on the dosage with the doctor supervising the development of the child.
Sometimes a mother, believing that her child is well-fed, does not find it necessary to give him fish oil. This is not true. Often, it is children with rickets that make the impression of being overweight, well-fed.
Along with fish oil, pharmacies sell vitamin D preparations, oil solutions and dragees.
Knowing that vitamins are very important for health, some mothers give their children vitamin pills. This is very useful, but you need to know when to stop: too much vitamin D is bad for your health.
Vitamin preparations should be given to children only as directed by a doctor and only in the amounts indicated by the doctor.
Vitamin D is sometimes a powerful treatment, as is the case with lupus. It is also used in the treatment of bone fractures, lead poisoning, and some skin diseases.
Doctor of Biological Sciences AND.YANOVSKAYA, magazine "Health", 1957