I bought a bread maker solely to bake bread without yeast.
And with sourdough, the hassle is not much more than using yeast.
In the evening I put everything in HP, stir it and leave it overnight.
In the morning when I am going to work I bake. Additional worries only to feed the sourdough.
My wife and I like sourdough bread more. Baked with yeast, somehow tasteless.
And they get fat from yeast, in my opinion, not because they are high-calorie in themselves,
but from the fact that they disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
It is clear that there is no point in straining because of yeast if you occasionally drink,
eat foods with preservatives and dyes, salinity, smoked meats, etc.
since the effect of yeast in this case will be insignificant.
Actually, they get fat not from yeast, but from high-calorie white bread, which is absorbed very quickly. I've never stopped eating bread in reasonable quantities (no more than 70 g per day, and not as a base for a sandwich, but separately), but it was bread with coarse wheat and / or rye flour and bran, without sugar and butter. Baked both on pressed yeast and on own-made rye sourdough on kefir - this is the same yeast, only "wild". Such handsome men turned out, especially when baking in the oven in a sealed ceramic container. She lost 23 kg.
So don't bother and use what you like.
My only remark is that the amount of yeast should be very limited, pressed can be only 8-9 g per 500 g of flour. You can also add 5 g, then let the dough come up a little longer.
And dry yeast is more concentrated, the pancreas can react to them, and the stomach has heartburn. Try to put them less, and it is better to replace them with pressed or sourdough.
Good luck to everyone and healthy bread!
My recipes for healthy breads and the secrets of healthy eating in this temka
Uncle Sam
Quote: Sergunya

Does bread rise without sugar too? I thought without him
yeast / sourdough does not work as they need food.

Flour is full of carbohydrates = food for yeast. And for those from the bag, and for those who live in leaven.
The finer the flour, the more enzymes in the malt, the easier it is to feed them.
Quote: Alexandra

Actually, they get fat not from yeast, but from high-calorie white bread, which is absorbed very quickly. I've never stopped eating bread in reasonable quantities (no more than 70 g per day, and not as a base for a sandwich, but separately), but it was bread with coarse wheat and / or rye flour and bran, without sugar and butter. Baked both on pressed yeast and on own-made rye sourdough on kefir - this is the same yeast, only "wild". Such handsome men turned out, especially when baking in the oven in a sealed ceramic container. She lost 23 kg.
So don't bother and use what you like.

Most people find that the bread tastes better with sourdough than with yeast. Accordingly, it is logical to assume that this is not the same thing?
Yeast itself as a culture is exactly the same.
The difference is in additives for industrial yeast, especially dry yeast. I don’t know and I don’t want to delve into their names, but both me and my family had heartburn from the constant use of cotton bread on dry yeast. For some time, until I found out that it was possible to bake on pressed ones, they switched completely to the store one.
But there is no difference between compressed yeast and sourdough in this regard, none of us cause heartburn. The taste is the same, with the sourdough it turns out more magnificent with a longer proofing. I do it differently: only on pressed yeast (8-10 g per 500 g of flour), only on sourdough (about 2 tbsp), pressed for 5 g plus 2 tbsp. l. sourdough.

And I also make bread that does not require kneading for a long proofing: you need 4 times less yeast (1/4 teaspoon dry or 2.5 g pressed or 1/4 cup sourdough), the dough stands at room temperature for 12 hours for yeast (or 18 hours in sourdough). I hung out the recipes for such breads.
Quote: Alexandra

Yeast itself as a culture is exactly the same.
The difference is in additives for industrial yeast, especially dry yeast. I don’t know and don’t want to delve into their names ...

Maybe it's not the additives, but the fact that the names (and yeast) are different. For example, there are white mushrooms, there is a pale toadstool. As a hypothesis, yeast in sourdough, as a less active variety, is actually inactivated during baking, unlike pressed and dry ones.
Quote: Alexandra

... I don’t know and I don’t want to delve into their names, but both me and my family had heartburn from the constant use of cotton bread on dry yeast. For some time, until I found out that it was possible to bake on pressed ones, they switched completely to the store one.
Before buying HP, I had a norm - a pack of soda for one to one and a half months, heartburn was severe, it is clear that my stomach acidity is increased. I also like, you know, to eat spicy food, and if even after cold vodka ... In general, there was such a problem.
After purchasing HP for 3 months, heartburn did not bother even once, I almost forgot about soda. Only recently, when I caught a bad cold and swallowed medicines with antibiotics and all sour food, and abundant teas with Kalinka-raspberry, I had to drink soda a couple of times.
At the same time: I eat exclusively homemade bread from HP, I bake an average loaf on average every other day (the four of us usually don't eat anymore), and wheat and rye, exclusively on dry yeast (before Saf-Moment, now Nevada, with sourdoughs has not yet worked out) , sometimes with different additives and different tempting recipes. True, if I use butter, either in bread, then only homemade, from the bazaar.
Here is such a contradictory entertaining statistics. Whether this can be explained by just one switch to homemade bread, I will not argue, but I can vouch for the reliability of the described ...
And yesterday I baked sieve on dough in HP, so I tortured heartburn ... And before that, this was not the case with dry yeast ...
I am a novice baker, but I remember how as a child my grandmother made bread in a Russian stove, it kept fermenting in her big vat on the stove in the warmth, she took a part from there, baked it, added flour and water, well, you can say it was "eternal dough" The bread was very tasty, I personally will never achieve this, because there are simply no such conditions, both for fermentation of the dough and for baking.
But you need to strive for perfection, and after reading carefully about the starter cultures, I made several options at once. My efforts were rewarded, out of three delivered, one in the end turned out (kefir from Admin). It took me 5 days, after the refrigerator, the sourdough became much more active. I have baked three loaves of rye on it, it turns out very tasty
And I use both. I can't even figure out how I feel about information about harmfulness / harmlessness, etc. I respect very much sourdough bread for its versatility and indescribable taste. Yeast - for the speed and ease of manufacture. However, I often bake sourdough (both in the oven and in the HP). If the leaven still lives with me, asks me to eat and does not create much trouble - why not use it.

Heartburn happens to me from baked WHEAT bread. But, here it is not in yeast, but in flour carbohydrates, in my opinion, which break down into acid.
Quote: Scarecrow

Heartburn happens to me from baked WHEAT bread. But, here it is not in yeast, but in flour carbohydrates, in my opinion, which are broken down into acid.

Probably yes, so the most "neutral" and problem-free for "gastritis" bread is the one where there is no sugar in the recipe, that is, French ...
I began to study the topic of leavening. I am preparing theoretically so that later (soon!) I will aim at practice.
The article in "Moskovskaya Pravda", which was opened by links (wandered on the Internet), opens a vision of the essence of the issue from a somewhat different angle.

"Killer Bread": they scare us, but we are not scared!

Recently my friends told me that the singer Zhanna Bichevskaya gives lectures on the dangers of yeast bread. There is even a disc with a recording of her report on this topic. And then the newspapers were full of sensational headlines: "Bread that is killing us", "Yeast-killers" ... I called Zhanna Vladimirovna and asked which specialists' work prompted her to perform not with songs, but with reports. The answer was laconic: "Ask the Standards Committee what the current bread is made of, and everything will become clear to you." For some reason, the singer did not want to talk with the journalist in more detail.

Horror in the press

And here is what my colleagues from other publications write about bread: “Ordinary baker's yeast is an artificially grown fungal flora that produces so-called aflatoxins. When baking, fungi do not completely die, since they are able to withstand a 500-degree load, and, getting into the body, multiply and attack the intestinal flora, destroying it. And doctors deal with the consequences. Pediatricians - with dysbacteriosis of children, with endless allergies and colds. Narrow specialists - with hormonal disorders in different ways. Moreover, yeast acidifies the blood. And malfunctions of the digestive chain begin, leading to a variety of diagnoses, because as a result, immune mechanisms are turned off, on which the vitality of the organism depends.

Scary? Still would! Articles about “killer bread” are usually multi-page, with an abundance of terms. In one of them, I even found a list of scientific papers confirming the reliability of the bread and yeast horror films.

I quote: “Scientists all over the world have sounded the alarm long ago. The mechanisms of the negative effects of yeast on the body are revealed. French professor Etienne Wolff writes about this; Rosini Gianfranco, “The Killing Feature of Yeast,” Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 1983; G. Bassi and D. Sherman, "The Killing Factor", Biochemistry, Biophysics, 1973, no. 298, p. 868 - 879; SA Konovalov, "Biochemistry of yeast", 1962, M., Pishchepromizdat, pp. 13 - 14; BA Rubin, "Fermentation", BME, vol. 3, 1976, p. 383 - 384; Marilyn Diamond, Acid-Base Balance, USA; V. Mikhailov, L. Trushkina, "Food is a serious matter", M., "Young Guard", 1988, pp. 5 - 7.

The list inspires respect, isn't it? But Etienne Wolff was researching yeast, not bread. In the Great Medical Encyclopedia (BME), the article on fermentation is absolutely harmless. In a thin little book by Mikhailov and Trushkina, we are talking about the benefits of bread made from coarse flour. I could not find any other works on the “killer bread”. But colleagues from other publications are showing enviable awareness. The article "Thermophilic yeast and their negative impact on health" says: "Saccharomycetes yeast (thermophilic yeast) in the wild do not occur in nature, that is, this is the creation of human hands. By morphological characteristics, they belong to the simplest marsupial fungi and microorganisms. Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more advanced than tissue cells, independent of temperature, acidic environment, air content. Even when the cell membrane is destroyed, they continue to live. "

The article says that Academician Meshalkin and Professor Litasova, as well as the doctors of the N.N. Sechenov and specialists of the Kharkov Institute of Microbiology.

An urgent request to these specialists: please respond and give reasons for your opinion, because the editorial office of the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper has other information about this product.

The ubiquitous yeast

“All the specialists of our institute were surprised to hear about the attacks that went on bread,” said Irina Matveeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technology for Bakery and Macaroni Production at Moscow State University of Food Production; she has been teaching for a quarter of a century. - All this crazy information is spread by people without special education, who have not studied biotechnology, microbiology, or food chemistry.

According to Irina Viktorovna, the very expression "thermophilic yeast" is a gross mistake! Thermophilic yeast does not exist in nature at all! There are thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, which, according to Matveeva, bring enormous benefits to humans.

- The article "Killer Yeast" mentions some "bacterial yeast cells", - continues Irina Viktorovna. - That cannot be said, this is also a gross mistake. Yeast is a mushroom. In terms of their chemical composition, they have the most valuable components. We sell brewer's yeast in pharmacies in order to normalize the blood formula and improve metabolism. And bakery and brewer's yeast are one family of saccharomycetes. It cannot be that beer houses are sold in pharmacies, and bakeries are harmful.

As Matveeva said, from 50 degrees, the death of ordinary baker's yeast begins (and in the article about the dangers of bread, remember, it was about 500 degrees!). Normal baker's yeast multiplies at 25, and ferments at 30 degrees.

- In the center of the crumb when baking bread, the temperature reaches 98 degrees, - says my interlocutor. - After baking, not a single living yeast cell remains there, but only inactivated yeast biomass, which has the most valuable composition: proteins, lipids, vitamins, mineral components. There are no living yeast cells in bread! Let the authors of publications about the dangers of yeast bread and Zhanna Bichevskaya show me "thermophilic yeast" and tell me what strain it is, what race, what plant produces them. I repeat: there is no thermophilic yeast! There is thermotolerant yeast. This means that they can withstand temperatures of 45 degrees. Thermotolerant yeast is used simultaneously with lactic acid ferments, so that there are two types of fermentation: lactic acid and alcoholic. But this does not mean that thermotolerant yeast will remain a living cell in bread.

But in fact, this is not important, because live yeast does not enter the stomach with bread! The microbiological species composition of the contents of the stomach in a person who, suppose, completely abandons yeast bread, will still contain 20-30 species of saccharomycete yeast. Yeast enters the stomach with vegetables, lactic acid and other types of foods.

Let me remind you that the authors of anti-bread horror films scare us with the artificial origin of baker's yeast - allegedly the creation of human hands. However, the saccharomycete yeast was not created by man. And they really live everywhere - on the surface of vegetables, fruits, on lettuce leaves. They are in yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.

- They are in the air, sitting on their hands. They everywhere! - emphasizes Matveeva. - When you eat the most common apple, cherry, salad or cucumber, the yeast that is on them enters your body. Unless, of course, you do not cook vegetables and fruits before meals. Yeast will not be destroyed by simple washing under cold water.

Bread is the most valuable product, Matveeva emphasizes. And people get sick, she believes, because the environment has deteriorated, and because many today lead the wrong way of life: drink too much alcohol, smoke, exercise little.

And yet, bread can indeed be harmful. But only ... for one hundredth of the total population! Namely - for patients with celiac disease.There are people who cannot tolerate wheat proteins - gluten (it is an allergen for them). This is the only category of people who should consume gluten-free foods such as buckwheat. But yeast has absolutely nothing to do with it.

No sourdough without yeast

Anti-bread articles talk a lot about the benefits of yeast-free bread made according to old recipes - with sourdough, especially hop. The authors of bread horror films and rye bread are respected - it has been eaten in Russia since ancient times, and, according to the authors of the above publications, there is no artificial yeast in it.

“There are two types of biological leavening agent used in the baking industry,” explains Matveeva. - This is an alcoholic fermentation that is caused by yeast. It is used for all types of products, except for waffles, biscuits, shortbread cookies. But for some types of wheat and especially rye products, lactic acid bacteria are used. This is a traditional technology. Humanity has been eating bread for 50 thousand years, and for five thousand years it has been eating loosened bread, that is, yeast bread. Our army won the war, and the soldiers ate just such bread.

Thermophilic lactic acid bacteria (mesophilic) are very useful, they are used for rye bread. In Belarus, all rye bread is prepared using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. What, people are being poisoned there, or what? But this does not mean that there is no yeast in rye bread. If you do not bring them in, they will multiply themselves, because they sit on particles of flour. The yeast will appear in 2 to 4 hours. And in two days there will be plenty of them.

- In general, it is impossible to prepare such a leaven without yeast in it! - Matveeva is indignant. - I repeat once again: the yeast is on the surface of the flour, and spontaneous spontaneous alcoholic fermentation begins. Yeast bread is well loosened, it is healthier than unleavened cakes.

Hop sourdough, according to Matveeva, does not replace yeast or lactic acid bacteria. It is added because it has a pleasant taste and aroma. It gives additional attractive consumer properties to bakery products. Hops contain ingredients that slow down mold growth. But this is just an addition, not a substitute for traditional technology.

- Irina Viktorovna, and here are the authors of anti-bread publications write that refined flour is dead. What does it mean?

- I also do not understand what "dead flour" is. Now in baking, up to 15 types of flour are used: not only the highest grade (refined). But bread made from high-grade flour is really less useful than bread made from wallpaper or second-grade flour. Coarse flour contains much more vitamins and minerals. But our people traditionally prefer bread made from premium flour, they don't take gray loaves. Manufacturers are forced to meet demand. Plus, you can't make croissants and buns with wholemeal or wholemeal flour. It will be gray with inclusions.

Irina Viktorovna herself prefers rye bread and products made from coarse flour (they are more useful). But, according to her, it is also necessary to eat whole grain bread in moderation, because shell particles can irritate the intestines, and it is not far from colitis with gastritis. It is useful to eat a slice of such bread a day. And on average, a person needs 250 - 300 grams of bread per day. Not rich rolls and cakes, but bread. This, according to Matveeva, is a low-calorie product. The World Health Organization has put him at the top of the food pyramid.

Who benefits from this?

Why did such attacks on yeast bread suddenly begin? According to Matveeva, the authors of the anti-grain articles did not grasp the essence of the matter in pursuit of sensationalism. But the main reason, in her opinion, is that some manufacturers have begun to "spin" new, non-traditional brands for our people: waffle bread, exploded flakes.

- Irina Viktorovna, you say that yeast will multiply spontaneously in any leaven anyway. And the industry has already begun to produce yeast-free bread.I already bought one myself.

“This is how the industry reacts to demand,” explains Matveeva. - Manufacturers make sourdough bread and write for the consumer that it is yeast-free. We also write on packages with vegetable oil “does not contain cholesterol”, although this is simply ridiculous - there is no cholesterol in vegetable oil at all. It used to be fashionable - without cholesterol, and they began to write in vegetable oil, although it cannot be there at all. The bread is made with sourdough, but this does not mean that there is no yeast, even if you baked it yourself at home. Zhanna Bichevskaya is not a biotechnologist, it would be better if she sang songs.

“I just came from the bakery exhibition, the largest in the world,” Matveeva says. - There were more than a thousand representatives from the Russian side. 40 countries were represented at the exhibition, and everyone eats yeast bread. I do not count countries where the population traditionally eats rice. Ten huge pavilions, you can't even imagine! And everything is filled with yeast bread, and everyone eats it with joy. I read a lot of foreign literature, but the question of the dangers of yeast bread began to be raised only with us.

Where do legs grow from ...

For the sake of objectivity, I decided to get information about the newly appeared "killing factor" from another source.

“Yeast is one of the most harmless microorganisms,” explained to me Ivan Chernov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Department of Soil Biology, Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University. - But the problem is that recently the number of fungal diseases has really increased. Maybe this is what caused the wave of publications in the press about yeast bread? But one thing has nothing to do with another ...

Yeast, according to Ivan Yuryevich, does not form toxic substances. But the yeast itself (not baker's; in fact, there are about 40 types of yeast) enter the body and can infect it, as happens with pathogens.

- I mean candidiasis and very dangerous systemic mycoses that affect the internal organs, - says the professor. - Yeast begins to grow inside us. This is not due to the pathogenicity of the yeast itself, but as a result of the weakening of immunity after taking antibiotics and immunosuppressants. In the scientific literature, a case has been recorded when a fungal disease in a weakened person was caused by the most common yeast strains.

Fungal diseases are dangerous for people after long-term antibiotic treatment, when normal microflora is inhibited, or for patients after tissue transplantation or oncological treatment, when immunity is suppressed with special drugs, or for HIV patients.

But the bread has nothing to do with it! Ivan Yurievich confirmed that baker's yeast in live form is not contained in baked bread. This is the same yeast used in brewing. They are the most common, not pathogenic. There are a huge number of such organisms in nature; they live on leaves, in the air, in dust. We breathe in fungal spores. Yeast is especially abundant where there is sugary discharge - for example, in flower nectar.

Finally, Ivan Yuryevich said that he himself ate and will eat yeast bread, he especially loves Borodinsky ...

Internet "scholars" give advice

Several forums have already appeared on the Internet, where they seriously discuss how to escape from thermophilic yeast. For example, I was very amused by the message: “Don't like thermophilic yeast? Boil them in water in a skillet for 3 to 5 minutes and lightly fry. If you don't like it in a frying pan, buy yourself an electric stove and fry the bread dried in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes. " Awesome advice, isn't it? Especially when you consider that thermophilic yeast does not exist, there is no living yeast in bread, and we generally inhale yeast spores.

REFERENCE "MP": Yeasts are unicellular fungi.
Good day!
We haven't written anything here for a year, but I want to speak out! And you draw your own conclusions, how good or not ordinary commercial yeast is! I have already made my choice! All my adult life I really love baking, and homemade: pies, buns, and all kinds of baked goods, but! I couldn't eat it, that is, I ate it, but then I suffered from severe heartburn and discomfort in the liver!
In the spring I decided to bake bread and began to study various information! Accordingly, I learned about yeast, how and from what it is made! So I decided that if I bake bread at home, then it should be the best! I went to the organic food store! There was everything I needed, including I saw bio-yeast! They were immediately bought in the amount of one pack per sample! What was my delight and surprise when I did not have any health problems! For 4 months I have been baking bread with this miracle bio-yeast and everything is in perfect order !!!
For the first time I hear about Bio yeast. So, this has already been invented, or is it just a commercial trick? If possible, please post a photo of a bag of bio yeast. To know what to look for.
Margit, this is not a commercial gimmick, but a serious well-known company dealing with organic food products!
photo please, this is dry yeast, there is also pressed!
About daily bread: leaven or yeast

Our great-grandfathers used to say: "Bread is a Gift of God." But they did not bake it with thermophilic yeast. This yeast appeared before the war.

Scientists who were studying this issue came across sources from Hitler's Germany in the Lenin Library, where it was said that this yeast was grown on human bones, that if Russia does not die in war, then it will die from yeast. Our specialists were not allowed to make links to sources, to copy them. The documents were classified ...

So, if thermophilic yeast appeared recently, then with the help of what was kvass bread baked in ancient times and in the recent past? Famous peasant sourdough cultures were made from rye flour, straw, oats, barley, and wheat. Until now, recipes for making bread without today's yeast have been preserved in remote villages. It is these starters that enriched the body with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, pectin, biostimulants.

Baking bread in folk cuisine was a kind of ritual. The secret of its preparation has been passed down from generation to generation. Almost every family had their own recipe. Bread was prepared about once a week with various sourdoughs: rye, oat. Although the bread was rougher, the use of unrefined rye flour contributed to the preservation of all the beneficial substances contained in cereals. And when baked in a Russian oven, the bread acquired an unforgettable taste and aroma. Such bread will not grow stale and moldy even after a year.

But for several decades now, bread has been baked differently. And for this they use not natural starters, but thermophilic yeast, saccharomycetes, invented by man. The technology of their preparation is monstrous, anti-natural. The production of baker's yeast is based on its reproduction in liquid nutrient media. Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc. Strange methods, admittedly, are used to prepare food, moreover, given that there are natural yeast in nature, hop yeast, for example, malt, etc. etc.

Scientists all over the world have sounded the alarm long ago. The mechanisms of the negative impact of thermophilic yeast on the body are revealed. Let's see what thermophilic saccharomycete yeast is, and what role they play in the deterioration of the health of those who eat food prepared with their use.

Saccharomycete yeast (thermophilic yeast), the varieties of which are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking, do not occur in nature.Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more resistant than tissue cells. They are not destroyed either during cooking or by saliva in the human body. Killer yeast cells, killer cells kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by releasing toxic substances of low molecular weight in them.

The toxic protein acts on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Yeast first enters the cells of the digestive tract, and then into the bloodstream. Thermophilic yeast multiplies in the body exponentially and allows the pathogenic microflora to actively live and multiply, inhibiting the normal microflora, thanks to which, with proper nutrition, both B vitamins and essential amino acids can be produced in the intestine. The activity of all digestive organs is grossly disrupted: stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, intestines.

The inside of the stomach is covered with a special mucous membrane that is resistant to acid. However, if a person abuses yeast foods and acid-forming foods, then the stomach cannot resist this for a long time. The burn will lead to the formation of sores, pain and such a common symptom as heartburn.

The use of products prepared on the basis of thermophilic yeast in food promotes the formation of sand clots, and then stones in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, the formation of constipation and tumors. In the intestines, putrefaction processes increase, pathogenic microflora develops, and the brush border is injured. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body is slowed down, gas pockets are formed, where fecal stones stagnate. Gradually they grow into the mucous and submucous layers of the intestine. The secret of the digestive system loses its protective function and reduces the digestive function. Vitamins are insufficiently absorbed and synthesized, microelements are not sufficiently absorbed, and the most important of them is calcium.

Doctors sadly note the critical drop in blood calcium levels in children. If earlier it was 9-12 units (normal), now it does not even reach 3! Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. Microbial, fungal, viral, parasitic flora easily penetrates the body. Metabolic processes at the cellular level are disrupted. The biochemical composition of the blood changes. Mud appears in the blood plasma. The movement of blood through the vessels slows down, microthrombi are formed. The lymphatic system wears out. The nervous tissue undergoes all kinds of dystrophic changes.

Another serious disease is acidosis, a violation of the acid-base balance. Fatigue, irritability increase, rapid physical and mental fatigue appears, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, gray plaque on the tongue, gastritis, black circles under the eyes, muscle pain from excess acid, loss of muscle elasticity. The body fights acidosis, spending a lot of energy to restore acid-base balance at the expense of itself, intensively wasting the most important alkaline reserve: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium. Removal of alkaline mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility, which is one of the main causes of osteoporosis at any age.

And finally, anatomical abnormalities. Normally, the heart and lungs and underlying organs - the stomach and liver, as well as the pancreas, receive a powerful massaging energy stimulus from the diaphragm, which is the main respiratory muscle that takes off up to the 4th and 5th intercostal spaces. During yeast fermentation, the diaphragm does not reach the required volume of oscillatory movements, takes a forced position, the heart is horizontal, the lower lobes of the lungs are compressed, all the digestive organs are clamped by extremely swollen gases, deformed intestines. Often the gallbladder leaves its bed, even changing its shape.Normally, the diaphragm, making oscillatory movements, contributes to the creation of suction pressure in the chest, which attracts blood from the lower and upper extremities and the head for cleansing into the lungs. When limiting her excursion, the process does not proceed properly.

All this together contributes to the growth of congestion in the lower extremities, small pelvis, head and ultimately leads to varicose veins, thrombus formation, trophic ulcers and further decrease in immunity.

The experience of the French scientist Etienne Wolff is noteworthy. He cultivated a malignant tumor for 37 months in a test tube with a solution containing fermenting yeast extract. At the same time, for 16 months, an intestinal tumor was cultivated under the same conditions, without connection with living tissue. As a result of the experiment, it turned out that in such a solution, the tumor size doubled and tripled within one week. But as soon as the extract was removed from the solution, the tumor died. From this it was concluded that the yeast extract contains a substance that stimulates the growth of cancerous tumors (Izvestia newspaper).

This question cannot be passed over in silence. Where did the whole grain flour from which our ancestors baked bread disappeared? Only whole grain flour contains B vitamins, micro- and macroelements and the germ, which has fantastic medicinal properties. Refined flour is devoid of both the germ and the shell. Instead of these naturally created, healing parts of grain, all kinds of food additives are added to the flour, chemically created substitutes that can never fulfill what nature itself has created.

Refined flour becomes a mucus-forming product, which lumps down to the bottom of the stomach and slags our body. Refining is an expensive and costly process, while killing the vitality of grain. And it is needed only in order to keep the flour from spoiling as long as possible. Whole flour cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not required. Let the grain be stored, and from it, as needed, you can make flour.

To restore the health of the nation, it is necessary to return to baking bread with the help of the yeast that exists in nature itself, in hops and malt. Hop leavened bread contains all essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins Bl, B7, PP; minerals: salts of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, as well as microelements: gold, cobalt, copper, which are involved in the formation of unique respiratory enzymes.

Apparently, it is no coincidence that the ears of grain are called golden. Bread based on hop sourdough gives the maximum sokogonny effect, that is, it actively extracts from the pancreas, liver, gallbladder enzymes and other substances necessary for full digestion, which improve intestinal motility. A person who consumes such bread is filled with energy, ceases to be ill with colds, his posture is straightened, his immunity is restored.

Information about the dangers of eating bakery products made from baker's yeast slowly but surely enters the minds of people. Many people bake their own bread. Mini-bakeries begin to open. This non-yeast bread is still expensive, but disappears instantly. Needs outstrip supply.

From a neighboring article in the same place:
A. Jack, A. Kushi: “In a macrobiotic kitchen, we do not recommend making yeast bread for regular use. For thousands of years, bread was baked according to traditional recipes, the basis of which was the fermentation process, caused only by careful kneading, natural yeast in the air, or sour dough leaven. When whole wheat flour was refined and turned into white flour, and the grain no longer contained bran and germ, the bakery industry needed yeast to breathe some life into its product.

It is important to be clear about the difference between yeast-induced fermentation and natural fermentation.Yeast (wild or cultivated) ferments the naturally occurring sugars found in wheat, which break down into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, causing the dough to rise. Bread that has risen absorbs heat faster than non-rising bread. Raised bread is better baked inside and more tender, and its taste and digestion process depend on it. Natural fermentation occurs thanks to the activity of bacteria that break down important nutrients in wheat, converting them into a form that is easier to digest. This process can be called preliminary digestion. It is best when the dough rises and ferments. The yeast-free sour dough combines both of these steps.
igorkzn ! The forum has a whole topic (76 pages) about yeast and horror stories there above the roof. Here you are:
I will answer with one quote ...Food is tricky. You need to be able to eat, but imagine - most people do not know how to eat at all. You need not only to know what to eat, but also when and how. And what to say at the same time. Yes, sir. If you care about your digestion, my advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God forbid you - do not read Soviet newspapers until lunchtime. Patients who do not read newspapers feel great. Those whom I deliberately forced to read Pravda lost weight.
Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov
Quote: lga

igorkzn ! The forum has a whole topic (76 pages) about yeast and horror stories there above the roof.
thank you for the link. began to study the topic.
But there the topic began with a question about the composition of yeast and the presence of chemistry there.
And here in the article the problem is posed differently: what is thermophilic yeast (there are none in nature) and how they are prepared ...
Quote: igorkzn

thank you for the link. began to study the topic.
But there the topic began with a question about the composition of yeast and the presence of chemistry there.
And here in the article the problem is posed differently: what is thermophilic yeast (there are none in nature) and how they are prepared ...
Then here's another topic for you:About daily bread: leaven or yeast
Ilya Alekseevich
Friends, I consider it my duty to share this information finding! On one of the sites I came across an article by V. Zakrevsky for the magazine "Save Our Souls!", Which talks about the technology of modern yeast production.

Quote: "In general, the yeast production process in our country is shrouded in secrets and mysteries, this raises a lot of questions. Who gave the right to the Turkish company to buy out the yeast plant? Why is the country (Turkey), where yeast bread is not eaten or produced Why is a weak (according to the testimony of laboratory assistants of the yeast factory) ferment supplied in bottles from Turkey used for its production ?!
It is alarming that Turkish sourdough is genetically modified. What effect on the human body can an altered part of the gene lead to? For what purpose was it replaced?
In the conditions of monopolization of bakery, the yeast production process is of strategic importance. By introducing any substance or element into the composition of the yeast cell, the desired effect on a large part of the population of the country can be quickly realized. The possibilities of genetic engineering are now endless.
In addition to the effect at the genetic level, yeast affects human health through the introduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium in the composition of fertilizers to improve the process of cell growth and reproduction, as well as antibiotics to suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria. The minerals phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, which are diluted many times during the division of the yeast cell, act like a homeopathic remedy. But in which direction - positive or negative - is this impact carried out? Judging by the fact that the health of the population is steadily deteriorating, it is clearly negative. "
Extremely important information about yeast! Provocation of dozens of different diseases. Yeast as a weapon of genocide, slowly killing a person.

Don't be lazy, extremely important video:

and further

The way out is obvious - sourdough bread:

I hope all those who care about their health will draw the right conclusions!

Spread this information whenever possible ... ...
Thank you for attention !
sazalexter just look at least

and your ardent and "unselfish" desire - to mold yourself as an authoritative know-it-all, will noticeably diminish.

Pay attention to yeast ingredients! This composition could only come up with the perverse mind of an obvious misanthropist. And this is not fiction. The truth begins to seep with unprecedented intensity. I beg you to contribute to the distribution.
But unfortunately, this is just one of the many acts of sabotage aimed at destroying the Russian people ...
Of good.
sazalexter, why are you twisting?

Yeast in its natural environment (sourdough, kefir, raisins, etc.) is not at all the same as strained plant yeast

You once wrote: "... Once a modified plant will never be the same as it was in nature." I think this also applies to factory yeast?

And the question is not that we are all educated people to get rid of ALL yeast, we know who in our intestines produces certain vitamins

I do not welcome fanaticism in anything, but Information is always needed so that everyone can make an informed choice
Department of Microbiology of the State Research Institute of the Bakery Industry
Sources of material:

Yeast does not "devour the intestinal microflora", and there can be no "yeast bacteria" in principle, just as there cannot be a feathered pike or a winged sheep. Such statements speak only of the lack of basic knowledge in the field of biology. Let's dwell on more meaningful statements.

In particular, the authors of this kind of publications argue that all yeast cells die in "hop bread" during baking, but not all of them in ordinary bread. This statement is also simply absurd. If you do not go into physical and chemical details, then the death of yeast when heated depends mainly on their type and temperature. During baking, in the center of the crumb, the temperature reaches 95-97 ° C, regardless of the technology used to prepare the dough. As for the type of yeast, it is known that in hop starter cultures, it is known that mainly the same S. Cerevisiae is contained as in pressed or dried yeast, which was proved back in 1937 by V. A. Nikolaev.

Therefore, in both cases the yeast almost completely dies off and only single yeast cells can remain viable when baking both "hop" and ordinary bread. This fact is well known and has long been included in textbooks.

In addition, the number of yeast cells entering the human body from bakery products is simply incomparable with the amount that enters a person with other food products. It is known that the yeast of the genus Saccharomyces is secreted from the surface of grapes, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, currants. For the production of wine, in the production of beer and kvass, strains of Sassharomuse s serevisiae (previously called S.vini, S. Carlsbergensis, etc.) are also used. S.serevisiae.

Thus, it is obvious that yeast will still enter the consumer's body, even if he completely refuses to eat bread and bakery products. Now let's consider what effect they have on the human body?

Yeast is not at all some kind of exotic, "derived by the efforts of geneticists" (as stated in one of the publications). They are a constant part of normal human microflora. About 25-30 yeast species are regularly found in the body, which do not cause manifestations of clinical infection. The number of yeast in the intestine ranges from hundreds of cells to millions per gram of contents.

As for the publications about the longevity of the Abkhazians, who "do not bake bread, but are distinguished by longevity", the following facts can be cited: in the study of the normal microflora of the intestinal tract of long-livers of Abkhazia and their family members, carried out in 1978-1981.- yeast was detected almost constantly (in 75-100% of cases). In centenarians, among other yeasts, S. cerevisiae were isolated, and these strains showed strong antigonistic properties in relation to various pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. The literature also describes other facts of inhibition of bacterial growth by protein substances isolated from baker's yeast.

Thus, the statements of the authors of such newspaper publications about the dangers of baker's yeast for human health are unfounded. They would not deserve special attention from specialists if they did not mislead the consumer, sowing unwarranted panic among the population.

All the specialists of our institute were surprised to hear about the attacks that went on bread, ”said Irina Matveeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technology of Bakery and Macaroni Production at Moscow State University of Food Production; she has been teaching for a quarter of a century.

According to Irina Viktorovna, the very expression "thermophilic yeast" is a gross mistake! Thermophilic yeast does not exist in nature at all! There are thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, which, according to Matveeva, bring enormous benefits to humans.

- The article "Killer Yeast" mentions some "bacterial yeast cells" - continues Irina Viktorovna. - That cannot be said, this is also a gross mistake. Yeast is a mushroom. In terms of their chemical composition, they have the most valuable components. We sell brewer's yeast in pharmacies in order to normalize the blood formula and improve metabolism. And bakery and brewer's yeast are one family of saccharomycetes. It cannot be that beer houses are sold in pharmacies, and bakeries are harmful.

As Matveeva said, from 50 degrees, the death of ordinary baker's yeast begins (and in the article about the dangers of bread, remember, it was about 500 degrees!). Normal baker's yeast multiplies at 25, and ferments at 30 degrees.

- In the center of the crumb when baking bread, the temperature reaches 98 degrees, - says my interlocutor. “After baking, not a single living yeast cell remains, but only inactivated yeast biomass, which has the most valuable composition: proteins, lipids, vitamins, and mineral components. There are no living yeast cells in bread! Let the authors of publications about the dangers of yeast bread and Zhanna Bichevskaya show me "thermophilic yeast" and tell me what strain it is, what race, what plant produces them. I repeat: there is no thermophilic yeast! There is thermotolerant yeast. This means that they can withstand temperatures of 45 degrees. Thermotolerant yeast is used simultaneously with lactic acid ferments, so that there are two types of fermentation: lactic acid and alcoholic. But this does not mean that thermotolerant yeast will remain a living cell in bread.

But in fact, this is not important, because live yeast does not enter the stomach with bread! The microbiological species composition of the stomach contents in humans, which, suppose, completely abandon yeast bread, will still contain 20-30 species of saccharomycete yeast. Yeast enters the stomach with vegetables, lactic acid and other types of foods.

Let me remind you that the authors of anti-bread horror films scare us with the artificial origin of baker's yeast - allegedly the creation of human hands. However, the saccharomycete yeast was not created by man. And they really live everywhere - on the surface of vegetables, fruits, on lettuce leaves. They are in yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.

- They are in the air, sitting on their hands. They everywhere! - emphasizes Matveeva. - When you eat the most common apple, cherry, salad or cucumber, then the yeast that is on them enters your body. Unless, of course, you do not cook vegetables and fruits before meals. Yeast is not destroyed by simple washing under cold water.

Bread is the most valuable product, Matveeva emphasizes.And people get sick, she believes, because the environment has deteriorated, and because many today lead the wrong way of life: drink too much alcohol, smoke, exercise little.

And yet, bread can indeed be harmful. But only ... for one hundredth of the total population! Namely - for patients with celiac disease. There are people who cannot tolerate wheat proteins - gluten (it is an allergen for them). This is the only category of people who should consume gluten-free foods, such as buckwheat. But yeast has absolutely nothing to do with it.

No sourdough without yeast
Anti-bread articles talk a lot about the benefits of yeast-free bread made according to old recipes - with sourdough, especially hop. The authors of bread horror films and rye bread are respected - they have been eaten in Russia since ancient times, and in the opinion of the authors of these publications, there is no artificial yeast.

“There are two types of biological leavening agent used in the bakery industry,” Matveeva explains. - This is an alcoholic fermentation that is caused by yeast. It is used for all types of products, except for waffles, biscuits, shortbread cookies. But for some types of wheat and especially rye products, lactic acid bacteria are used. This is a traditional technology. Humanity has been eating bread for 50 thousand years, and for five thousand years it has been eating loosened bread, that is, yeast bread. Our army won the war, and the soldiers ate just such bread.

Thermophilic lactic acid bacteria (mesophilic) are very useful, they are used for rye bread. In Belarus, all rye bread is prepared using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. What, people are being poisoned there, or what? But this does not mean that there is no yeast in rye bread. If you do not bring them in, they will multiply themselves, because they sit on the particles of flour. The yeast will appear in 2 to 4 hours. And in two days there will be plenty of them.

- In general, it is impossible to prepare such a leaven without yeast in it! - Matveeva is indignant. - I repeat once again: the yeast is on the surface of the flour, and spontaneous spontaneous alcoholic fermentation begins. Yeast bread is well loosened, it is healthier than unleavened cakes.

Hop sourdough, according to Matveeva, does not replace yeast or lactic acid bacteria. It is added because it has a pleasant taste and aroma. It gives additional attractive consumer properties to bakery products. Hops contain ingredients that slow down mold growth. But this is just an addition, not a substitute for traditional technology.

- Irina Viktorovna, but also the authors of anti-bread publications write that refined flour is dead. What does it mean?

- I also do not understand what "dead flour" is. Now in bakery, up to 15 types of flour are used: not only the highest grade (refined). But bread made from high-grade flour is really less useful than bread made from wallpaper or second-grade flour. Coarse flour contains much more vitamins and minerals. But our people traditionally prefer bread made from premium flour, they don't take gray loaves. Manufacturers are forced to meet demand. Plus, you can't make croissants and buns with wallpaper or wholemeal flour. It will be gray with inclusions.

Irina Viktorovna herself prefers rye bread and products made from coarse flour (they are more useful). But, according to her, it is also necessary to eat whole grain bread in moderation, because shell particles can irritate the intestines, and it is not far from colitis with gastritis. It is useful to eat a slice of such bread a day. And on average, a person needs 250 - 300 grams of bread per day. Not rich rolls and cakes, but bread. This, according to Matveeva, is a low-calorie product. The World Health Organization has put him at the top of the food pyramid.

Sonadora I fully agree with what was said.
Now on TV there is a lot of gross and porn, this is definitely genocide and loosening.The programs are obviously of a custom-made nature, they are filmed for decent money, and are shown in prime time ...
The worst thing is that people are being led to these pseudoscientific TV shows and articles
*** yana ***
if we talk about the dangers in bread, it is rather all sorts of improvers, stabilizers, preservatives, and chemical additives ...
and we are here on the site, we are making the right bread ...
Sonadora your workpiece does not command respect. After all, it is completely crammed with many false statements. And almost all of them are pseudoscientific.
And at present, there are results of independent studies suggesting that after heat treatment, a small part of the yeast in the spores still remains ...
But again, I want to focus on the recently declassified composition of factory yeast, thus demonstrating all, previously hidden, inferiority for the human body in particular, and for the people in general.

Please see this video again:

PS I do not force anyone to categorically believe in everything I have said above. I am only sharing information that I personally passed through my sanity filter, and came to specific conclusions! And I'm not going to enter into disputes with anyone, for obvious reasons!

"And one person will be able to lead a horse to a watering place, but a hundred people will not make him drink"
Goodness and sanity to everyone!
*** yana ***
your workpiece does not command respect.
what is yours better? distorted facts, as they always do for television .... the truth is somewhere nearby ..... read the forum. there are a lot of interesting things, including about healthy bread ...
here, for example
Peace be with you bakers!
Pakat -

Vit0Svet - do you know that bacteria are multiplying in your mouth \ represent -coop up \
understandably, a toilet duck eliminates 99 percent of bacteria - but pour it into your mouth
Quote: Ilya Alekseevich

In addition to its effect at the genetic level, yeast affects human health through the introduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium as part of fertilizers to improve the process of cell growth and reproduction, as well as antibiotics to suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria. Multiply diluted in the process of yeast cell division, minerals phosphorus, potassium, magnesium act like a homeopathic remedy. But in which direction - positive or negative - is this impact carried out? Judging by the fact that the health of the population is steadily deteriorating, it is clearly negative. "
But this part touched me. I drink asparkam to replenish the stores of potassium and magnesium in the body. And here everything turns out to be so simple - you need to eat Turkish dry yeast!
Vit0Svet, this is not my "preparation", this is just another opinion on this issue and not written by me. What to believe - everyone decides for himself.
For example, I will never believe such "secret" data, which were first "suddenly" revealed, and then classified again. Rave.
Are you confused by bone meal? It seems to me that there is much less of it in a pack of yeast than in factory-made sausages.

Quote: Vit0Svet

your workpiece does not command respect. After all, it is completely crammed with many false statements. And almost all of them are pseudoscientific.

Is it possible specifically for each item?

Although I think I know where the wind is blowing from. But developing this topic, we will go into such theological disputes that have nothing to do with this issue.
Quote: Sonadora

Although I think I know where the wind is blowing from. But developing this topic, we will go into such theological disputes

And in my opinion the key word here is "theological".
Quote: Erhan

And in my opinion the key word here is "theological".

I think so too ... And the word commerce is not the last here ... So that everyone rushes through the monasteries for leaven ...
Quote: Sergunya
In the evening I put everything in HP, stir it and leave it overnight.
In the morning when I am going to work I bake. Additional worries only to feed the sourdough.
Sorry for offtopic, but is there a program in the HP - just stir it up?

Probably in the evening the "Dough" mode, in the morning - the "Baking" mode?
If so, it would be very easy to make with sourdough
Angela Leonidovna
Yes, interesting to read. I decided for myself to bake with sourdough.Not long ago I read in a magazine that dry yeast can be used to bleach clothes. If they bleach clothes, then what are they doing in our body?
Quote: Vit0Svet

Extremely important information about yeast! Provocation of dozens of different diseases. Yeast as a weapon of genocide, slowly killing a person.
I hope all those who care about their health will draw the right conclusions!
Spread this information whenever possible ... ...
If you find it easier to live with, then please. But it's funny that you also urge everyone to "distribute this information." Name any product, and I will tell you why it is harmful. So then maybe not eat at all, not breathe, not drink, not use washing powders, detergents, not sleeping on feather pillows, not using the microwave, not wearing synthetics, not sunbathing, and many, many more.
So I join these authors:
Quote: Pakat

Life is a very harmful thing, people die from it ...
Quote: shade

and you know that bacteria multiply in your mouth \ represent -coop up \ understandably the toilet duck eliminates 99 percent of the bacteria - but pour it into your mouth
Vit0Svet, once again a similar post - and a bath for a week.

Now there is Great Lent - try to fight your passions at least during it, calm them down.
Sonadora, I share your position.
How nice that the forum has the majority of sane people (I humbly consider myself one of them)
and then some fat Troll will throw garbage at the people, and the people run out, carry them! but to stop and think "what am I talking about" is somehow incomprehensible ..
Personally, for a long time and in large quantities I have come across information about the CATEGORICAL HARMFUL of industrial yeast, which prompted me to plunge into the art of sourdough baking.

I must admit that my business with making bread with sourdough stutters a little - sometimes sticky, sometimes low, sometimes "hardened", sometimes it didn't rise at all ..
but I am not going to retreat - I continue to experiment, because I dream of making my own medicinal leavening bread, which will have an extremely positive effect on human health and push many ailments of the body caused by the modern aggressive human environment (in the broadest sense), aside.
adding ingredients unique in composition and value to bread - whole grain flour, flaxseed, Jerusalem artichoke, black cumin, spirulina, kelp, spelled, green buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, nuts, urbechi ..

There are many nuances in the production of sourdough bread, especially at the initial stage of familiarization with this matter and, at times, you want to add industrial dry yeast and stop worrying about the result.

and, so, so that once again, when you have a similar thought, you do not turn off the path, I want to share a piece of an article about industrial yeast-saccharomyces and the colossal harm they bring to the human body.

earlier in some other branches I raised this issue but this information did not arouse much interest.
I suppose that in this section the placement of such information is expedient and may be very useful for someone.
Saccharomyces yeast (thermophilic yeast), the various races that are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking are not found in the wild in nature, that is, this is the creation of human hands, and not the creation of God. By morphological characteristics, they belong to the simplest marsupial fungi and microorganisms. Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more perfect than tissue cells, independent of temperature, pH of the environment, and air content. Even with the cell membrane destroyed by saliva lysozyme, they continue to live. The production of baker's yeast is based on their reproduction in liquid nutrient media prepared from molasses (waste from sugar production). The technology is monstrous, anti-natural. The molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc.Strange methods, it must be admitted, are used for the preparation of food, moreover, given that there are naturally occurring yeast in nature, hop yeast, for example, malt, etc.

Now let's see what a "disservice" thermophilic yeast does to our body. The experience of the French scientist Etienne Wolff is noteworthy. For 37 months, he cultivated a malignant tumor of the stomach in a test tube with a solution containing an extract of fermenting yeast. At the same time, for 16 months, an intestinal tumor was cultivated under the same conditions, without connection with living tissue. As a result of the experiment, it turned out that in such a solution, the tumor size doubled and tripled within one week. But as soon as the extract was removed from the solution, the tumor died. From this it was concluded that the yeast extract contains a substance that stimulates the growth of cancerous tumors (Izvestia newspaper).

Scientists in Canada and England have established the killing ability of yeast. Killer cells, yeast killer cells kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by releasing poisonous proteins of low molecular weight in them. The toxic protein acts on plasma membranes, increasing their permeability to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Yeast first enters the cells of the digestive tract, and then into the bloodstream. Thus, they become the "Trojan horse" with which the enemy enters our body and contributes to the undermining of his health.

Thermophilic yeast is so reactive and tenacious that with 3-4 times its activity only increases. It is known that when baking bread, yeast is not destroyed, but is stored in gluten capsules. Once in the body, they begin their destructive activity.Now it is already well known to specialists that when yeast multiplies, ascospores are formed, which, entering our digestive tract, and then, entering the bloodstream, destroy cell membranes, contributing to oncological diseases.

Modern man eats a lot of food, but he does not gorge himself with difficulty. Why? Yes, because alcoholic fermentation carried out by yeast, without access to oxygen, is an uneconomical process, wasteful from a biological point of view, since only 28 kcal are released from one sugar molecule, while 674 kcal are released with wide access of oxygen.
An extremely interesting study by VM Dilman, who proves that oncogene gas contains yeast, A. G. Kachuzhny and A. A. Boldyrev confirmed the message of Eten Wolff that yeast bread stimulates tumor growth.
V.I. Grinev draws attention to the fact that in the USA, Sweden and other countries, yeast-free bread has become a common occurrence and is recommended as one of the means of preventing and treating cancer.

Let's take a closer look at what happens in our body when yeast enters it.
Fermentation disorders

The activity of all digestive organs during fermentation, especially caused by yeast, is grossly disrupted. Fermentation is accompanied by rotting, microbial flora develops, the brush border is injured, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body is slowed down, gas pockets are formed, where fecal stones stagnate. Gradually they grow into the mucous and semi-mucous layers of the intestine. Intoxication by the waste products of bacteria, bacteremia (when they inseminate our blood) continues to increase. The secret of the digestive system loses its protective function and reduces the digestive function. Vitamins are insufficiently absorbed and synthesized, microelements are not properly absorbed and the most important of them is calcium. there is a strong leakage of calcium in order to neutralize the destructive effect of excess acids that appear as a result of aerobic fermentation.

The use of yeast products in food contributes not only to carcinogenesis, that is, the formation of tumors, but also constipation, aggravating the carcinogenic situation, the formation of sand clots, stones in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas; fatty infiltration of organs or vice versa - dystrophic phenomena and ultimately leads to pathological changes in the most important organs.

A serious signal of advanced acidosis is an increase in blood cholesterol in excess of the norm. Depletion of the buffer system of the blood leads to the fact that free excess acids injure the inner lining of the vessels. Cholesterol in the form of a putty material begins to be used to patch up defects.

During fermentation, which is caused by thermophilic yeast, not only negative physiological changes occur, but even anatomical ones. Normally, the heart and lungs and underlying organs - the stomach and liver, as well as the pancreas, receive a powerful massaging energy stimulus from the diaphragm, which is the main respiratory muscle that takes off up to the 4th and 5th intercostal spaces. During yeast fermentation, the diaphragm does not perform oscillatory movements, takes a forced position, the heart is located horizontally (in a position of relative rest), it is often rotated (that is, rotated about its axis), the lower lobes of the lungs are compressed, all the digestive organs are clamped by extremely swollen gases, deformed intestines , often the gallbladder leaves its bed, even changing its shape.

Normally, the diaphragm, making oscillatory movements, contributes to the creation of suction pressure in the chest, which draws blood from the lower and upper extremities and the head for cleansing into the lungs. When limiting her excursion, this does not happen. All this together contributes to the growth of stagnation in the members of the lower extremities, small pelvis and head and, as a result, varicose veins, thrombus formation, trophic ulcers and a further decrease in immunity. As a result, a person turns into a plantation for the growth of viruses, fungi, bacteria, rickettsia (ticks).

When the employees of the Vivaton company worked at the Institute of Circulatory Pathology in Novosibirsk, they received convincing evidence from Academician Meshalkin and Professor Litasova about the negative indirect effect of yeast fermentation on the activity of the heart. A small digression into the anatomy: Doctors often call the liver a right heart. Normally, the liver produces about 70% of the lymph, which flows into the right chamber of the heart, enriching the blood with lymphocytes, actively phagocytic cells, vitamins, microelements, balancing the venous blood, creating an acid-base balance in it and bringing it closer to arterial in quality. During fermentation, the liver does not have time to cope with its functions, and the venous blood is poorly cleansed. Therefore, scientists note with regret that microorganisms, worm eggs, rpkketsia and many other unwanted aliens appear in our arterial blood, which should normally be sterile. At a lecture at the Sechenov Research Institute, doctors enriched our knowledge of the negative consequences of eating yeast products with new evidence. When sowing exudates from the ear, nose and larynx, they found a huge amount of yeast, which was not noted several decades ago.

Now let's see how yeast fermentation is reflected and its consequence - acidosis on blood components. With acidosis, hatches appear in the membranes of erythrocytes, cells are deformed, ooze appears in the blood plasma, the movement of blood through microvessels slows down, congestion, microthrombi are formed, defects of the intima (inner lining of blood vessels) appear, spasms, metabolic processes are disturbed, the body's immune defense decreases. Dystrophic changes occur in the hematopoietic bone tissue, transmembrane metabolism is disrupted, the biochemical composition of the blood changes, lymphocytes and the lymphatic bed are especially affected - where the reaction is alkaline.The lymph flow slows down, leading to regional lymphostasis (local congestion), edema, the nervous tissue undergoes all kinds of dystrophic changes. The state of acidosis opens the gateway to infection. Microbial, fungal, viral, parasitic flora easily penetrates the body, often staying in the cells in the L-form (virus-like) for a while, and then rapidly multiplies and spreads throughout the body with the blood stream. The processes of aging, wear and tear of the body are increasing, while nature has rewarded it with the ability to self-repair. For example, the brush border of the small intestine is able to renew itself every 5-6 days, the myocardium - every 30 days, the protein structures of brain cells - from; 1 to 16 days. With acidosis, chronic stress develops, the buffer reserves of the blood are depleted: bicarbonate, phosphate, protein, lupine, ammonia (normal blood plasma contains 11.6 mKmol per liter). The buffer systems of the blood are normally able to maintain acid-base balance - the basis for the constancy of changes in the internal environment - homeostasis - by timely binding and excretion of non-volatile and excess acids. In the blood plasma, with sufficient buffers, acidosis is leveled within seconds, while the release of excess acids through the lungs takes minutes, and when the urinary organs and rectum are released from them, it takes hours.

The state of the body's buffer system depends on a person's spirituality, first of all, breathing, nutrition, sleep, water procedures and physical activity. It is especially traumatic to enter into stress, irritation. Non-volatile paralytic poisons (lactic, acetic, formic and other acids) descend at night and linger in the venous channel of the lower extremities, in a horizontal position they rise up and hit thin places, manifesting themselves with pain, spasms, shortness of breath, insomnia, weakness. The situation is aggravated by the fact that fermentation caused by yeast prevents the diaphragm from supplying blood for cleansing to the lungs.

Recall that the body always strives to maintain the constancy of its internal environment - homeostasis. But it is especially important to maintain a constant blood composition. The values ​​of the acid-base balance of the pH of the blood of a healthy person varies within a very narrow range from 7.35 to 7.45. and even a slight change in it can lead to illness. Acidosis develops - a shift of the blood to the acidic side. It disrupts the normal course of metabolic reactions. That is why it is so important to ensure that the blood reaction is more alkaline than acidic.

The constant excess of acid inside the body leads to tissue erosion. In order to counteract this - to reduce the concentration of acid and remove it from vital organs, the body retains water, this negatively affects the metabolism. The body wears out faster, the skin becomes dry, wrinkled.

Alkaline reaction should have not only blood, but all other fluids and tissues of the body. The only exception is the stomach: the presence of a certain amount of acid in it is necessary for the digestion of food. The inside of the stomach is covered with a special mucous membrane that is resistant to acid. However, if a person abuses yeast foods and acid-forming foods, then the stomach cannot resist this for a long time - a burn will lead to the formation of ulcers, pain and other signs of indigestion may appear, and such a common symptom as heartburn may occur. It indicates that excess acid from the stomach is thrown into the esophagus.

During digestion, there is an interaction between acids and alkalis along the digestive tract. Normally, outside of digestion, the pH in the oral cavity is 7.5 and higher, in the stomach it is 7.67. in the small intestine and the initial section of the large intestine pH - 9.05 - alkaline state, gallbladder (gallbladder) bile and lower sections of the large intestine. intestines have a slightly acidic reaction.
In the oral cavity there is saliva lysozyme - an antibacterial enzyme that melts the membrane of a bacterial cell and thereby makes it unviable. Lysozyme, a strong alkali with a pH of 11, also affects yeast, and although the yeast shell melts, the yeast regains its working capacity under appropriate conditions. The cell wall of yeast is an extremely active physicochemical system, and not a mechanical barrier. It is easily penetrated by amino acid and glucose molecules, but it is impervious to proteins.

In order to neutralize the acid formed during fermentation, the body is forced to resort to its alkaline reserves - minerals: calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and magnesium. A significant decrease in the alkaline reserve significantly weakens organs and systems. Symptoms of acidosis - "acidification" of the body, are being observed.

When the iron in the hemoglobin of the blood is used to neutralize the acid, the person feels tired. If calcium is consumed for these needs, insomnia, irritability appear, due to a decrease in alkaline reserves, mental activity worsens. A connection between a decrease in alkaline reserve and depressive states is not excluded.

The removal of alkaline mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility, and the leaching of calcium salts from the bones to neutralize acids becomes one of the main causes of osteoporosis.

Now let's look at what happens to the cell during acidosis, the internal environment of which normally has an alkaline reaction, which depends on a sufficient supply of alkaline mineral salts.

If the blood washing them becomes slightly more acidic, then the cells will have to sacrifice their own mineral resources, and the internal environment of the cell itself will become more acidic. What can this lead to? In an acidic environment, the activity of most enzymes decreases. As a result, intercellular interactions are disrupted. In an acidic environment, cancer cells also thrive and multiply.

Most of us are familiar with the symptoms of acidosis, but tend to underestimate them. First of all, this is fatigue, loss of muscle elasticity, irritability, muscle pain from excess acid, nausea, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, rapid physical and mental fatigue, bitter taste in the mouth, black circles under the eyes, gray plaque on the tongue: flushing to the face. The body fights acidosis, spending a lot of energy to restore acid-base balance.

Our doctors sadly note the decrease in blood calcium levels in children. If earlier the egot indicator was 9-12 units, now it does not reach even three. Focusing on the current state of affairs, these norms are adjusted to reality.
In the Bible, "Book of Books", in Exodus (ch. 12, verse 20), a direct instruction is given to the Jews who left Egypt: "Do not eat anything leavened, eat unleavened bread in all your stay." Apparently, such bread is more beneficial for health, especially for those who are on the way, do not lead a sedentary lifestyle. The fact that such bread does not cause fermentation, and as a consequence of this fermentation - does not shift the pH of the blood to the acidic side - is the most important recommendation for its use for all of us, because, as numerous studies have shown, modern mankind in terms of pH is steadily moving towards acidosis ... And if at the beginning of the century the pH was 7.5, now, focusing on the actual state of affairs - 7.35-7.45. But in fact, for many, these indicators are within 7.25. It should be noted that a pH of 7.18 is fatal. You can see where we are going, chemicalizing food, housing, clothing, agriculture. Isn't it time to stop at the edge of the abyss and turn back to nature?


taken from here - 🔗
Baking on your own sourdough is a wise decision: flowers: and kefir is made using thermophilic yeast
I will not go into the jungle of the question of usefulness and harm. I want to share my experience. I used to bake bread (rye) with yeast, and two years ago I switched to sourdough.And then I spoiled my leaven for the last time and had to add yeast to it. And here are the features I noted:

1. The taste of the bread was personally unpleasant for me (after two years of experience in making sourdough bread, and before (when I regularly baked with yeast) I did not notice anything like that).
2. On the third or fourth day, he was covered with mold, and even abundantly.

The sourdough bread lasts for a week, maybe more ... I've never seen such horror.

I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not, but yeast bread (I only bake rye) somehow I don’t want to bake anymore.Although I sometimes cook wheat pies and buns with yeast, I like yeast bread more.
Svetlana Ko
Good afternoon everyone. I will not enter into disputes, since I came here in search of an answer to another question. At first I baked bread with yeast, but it was very interesting to taste the leaven, which I did. Now I have two people: a Frenchwoman and a semi-finished rye product. The bread was baked in different ways, sometimes it turned out, sometimes I didn't really like the crumb in the sourdough bread, such a Rezenevensky, perforated Pekla both in the KhP and in the oven. But what I noticed was that my husband and I had heartburn, and I didn't even know what it was. Sometimes, sometimes the bread was slightly perturbed in proofing, but not always ... I returned to the yeast, although I liked the sourdough bread. That's how yeast turns out to be less harmful for me.
There is nothing difficult about leavening. Phased in on my blog 🔗
I have wonderful pastries on it (without any purchased yeast at all), and the dough rises perfectly. And most importantly, it is useful, it is real without any chemistry!
Quote: annykashu

There is nothing difficult about leavening. Phased in on my blog 🔗
I have wonderful pastries on it (without any purchased yeast at all), and the dough rises perfectly. And most importantly, it is useful, it is real without any chemistry!

And what is so far to send us from the forum?
And we have a large section, even three for bread and sourdough - useful information there "above the roof" CONTENTS OF THE SECTION "BASICS OF KNEADING AND BAKING" and Various starters

And so, it turns out - advertising your site beloved, this is not accepted with us
Quote: Admin
At home, you can and should bake sourdough bread (any), but the proofing of such bread is large - up to 10-14 hours.
Hello! I grew a leaven according to Luca's recipe - "eternal leaven" (rye).
My bread rises perfectly on it in 5 hours. In HP for 3 hours, then I turn it off and then bake in the "baking" mode.
In the recipe: sourdough, water, wheat flour 1 grade, tsp. rast. crude oils, salt.
The crux of the question: is a short time for proofing normal?
The leaven is 4 months old.

You need to come here with questions Starter cultures - in questions and answers
Thank you!
I found the answer in your correspondence with jal from 27 Sept. 2008 on 3 pages
All the best!

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