More and more of our members of the forum are using forms Nordic warewhich really deserve a separate discussion. I propose in this thread to share experience, recipes, tricks for use.

A bit of history

Nordic Ware was founded in 1946 by a married couple. Initially, kitchen utensils were manufactured in the basement of a family home in Minneapolis, Minnesota; the product line consisted of only a few types of dishes intended mainly for the preparation of national Scandinavian dishes.
Today, Nordic Ware has a wide product line, from bakeware, microwave ovens and grills to kitchen accessories.
Undoubtedly, the most famous products of the Nordic Ware company are the Bundt bakeware, which are popular all over the world for the unique properties of the material from which they are made.
Here we will talk about them.

So what is special about these forms? Well, first, of course, their shape and design (all pictures are taken from the official website Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipesBakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipesBakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
The second feature is the material from which the molds are made - cast aluminum 3 mm thick and a non-stick coating. All this together allows the dough to bake well, rise, creates the effect of a Russian oven, in which the product languishes, completely excluding raw, unbaked places even with a large amount of "wet" filling.
Nordic Ware molds are not cheap, but trust me, they are worth it.

Where can I buy

Features of operation

How to lubricate the form

Volume calculation guidelines

Converting American Weights and Measures

Form volumes


Coffee apple muffin
Lemon gingerbread cake
Honey Lemon Cake
Gingerbread house
Lemon bread
Lemon Cream Cupcake
Rainbow cupcakes
Cupcake "Beehive"
Apples with cinnamon
Vanilla cake
Heritage Cupcakes
Traditional Alsatian muffin
Chocolate muffin with curd filling
Cupcake with chocolate and cherry
Vegetable cake at Bayern Munich
Curd casserole in "Pro Form"
Italian marble cake
Carrot muffins
Cupcake with strawberries and cream cheese
Mango muffin
Sour cream cake with blueberries
Gingerbread men
Gifts with lingonberries
Devil Cupcake
August Molten Aztec Bundt
Nut cake in "Garland"
Holiday stamps
Nut cookies
Potato and meat baskets
Baskets with peaches
Chocolate cupcakes
Chocolate muffin with red wine
Chocolate muffins at the Quartet
Pumpkin muffin with walnuts
Curd muffins in maple leaves
Pumpkin pie for the "Turkey" mold
Heritage Salmon Cupcakes
Brownie chocolate-beetroot
Velvet rose
Fairytale house
Mini Cupcakes "Harvest"
Salt Cooking Pie
Vienna cheesecake
Walnut-apple raisin muffins
Pineapple muffins
Custard gingerbread
Red velvet
Cupcake "Semistakannik"
Green baskets
Cottage cheese muffins with raisins in "Garland"
Potato-sour cream cake in "Heart"
Carrot cranberry muffin
Cupcake "Waffle cups"
Bitter chocolate and green tea cupcake
Black volcano cake
Brownie chocolate
Tahini carrot cake
Budapest muffin
Texas chocolate muffins
Chocolate cake with a strength of 40 degrees
Banana Peanut Cake
Texas chocolate muffins
Citrus cake with rum glaze
Airy curd cakes
Spicy marble cake
Puff pastry snack cake
Bird cherry raspberry muffin
Blueberry "Honeycomb"
Sunny cupcake
Cupcake with halva (honeycomb)
The most humane prices for, (here you can buy goods with a markdown of half the price, often the markdown is caused by the lack of original packaging or its damage). In addition, you can find Nordic Ware shapes in large kitchen supplies stores, such as: Mediamarkt, Wikimarkt, but the choice there is limited to 3-4 models.
I would like to draw your attention to the indispensable conditions, the observance of which will help you get an excellent result when baking in Nordic Ware tins.

1. Forms must be lubricated with oil every time they are used.
2. if the finished product without the addition of cocoa and chocolate (light), then sprinkle the form with flour on top of the butter, you will additionally make it easier for yourself to remove the finished product.
3.Choose a temperature 10 degrees lower than the recipe for other forms
4. accordingly, the cooking time will increase by 15-20 minutes
5.Before placing the pan with the dough in the oven, knock the pan on the table several times. So we will remove unnecessary voids, and the final relief will be perfect.
6.After the end of the baking program, remove the baking dish and let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes! Not more!!! Otherwise, the cupcake will stick to the mold, and you can only peel it off in parts. It is also not worth taking out before 10 minutes, since the air structure of the dough may be disturbed.
7. Do not wash the molds in the PM, preferably with your hands in warm soapy water, if necessary, use a soft bristled brush.
Quote: Ipatiya

So, my "roses" and "baskets" were baked. But first I ask you to be lenient and not kick. My ceiling is a lemon muffin in a slow cooker. I chose for the 1st time the recipe for Voronezh cottage cheese cake according to GOST from here


... It turned out very tasty, but a little not for these forms. The dough itself is heavy. And for such a relief and small products, a more fluid dough is needed. Before baking, you need to knock with the mold itself to expel air and to evenly distribute the dough. I can't imagine how you can do this with silicone. I made the 2nd test rate. Enough just for "roses" and "baskets". I baked "roses" at 160 ° C for 30 minutes, "baskets" - already 25, because 30 is a lot. Well, the photos.

Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes

At the baskets the relief is "blurred" by the flash, but it is visible. The optimal size, the shape of the "basket" is kept perfectly. If there is a choice between these 2 forms, then I would choose "baskets". They are original and can serve as a form for all kinds of fillers, such as jam, fresh berries, cream, etc. But “roses” are also good if you choose a lighter dough.
Excuse me for the ridiculous question, how much dough to pour into a rosette-type mold? I have 12 such cubs, the first unsuccessful experience, everything first came out and spread and then stuck tightly.
Perhaps there is a universal recipe that cannot be spoiled.
Ira, thanks for the topic! We will gain experience and hone our skills!

Piano, I did it by eye - 2/3 of the form. To avoid sticking, according to Nordic Ware, it is important to follow the 10-minute rule: after baking, the cake must stand intact for 10 minutes. Remove early - the cake is hot, brittle and will fall apart. Later, the sugar caramelizes when it cools and sticks to the mold.
Quote: Piano

Excuse me for the ridiculous question, how much dough to pour into a rosette-type mold? I have 12 such cubs, the first unsuccessful experience, everything first came out and spread and then stuck tightly.
Perhaps there is a universal recipe that cannot be spoiled.

It is better to pour on 2/3 of the form.

Quote: Ipatiya

Ira, thanks for the topic! We will gain experience and hone our skills!

I really hope for you, I can't do it alone
Quote: Loksa

Baskets seem more, they probably will enter the rose!

Loksa, "roses" are about 1.5-2 times smaller in diameter and can be easily placed in "baskets". I was afraid that the "flowers" would be big, but they turned out to be just the way they should - not very large, but not too small either.

Baking tips from Nordic Ware.

Quote: Piano

I have 12 such cubs

Helen, where did you buy these forms? I dug up the message on the Internet, we did not find it. As I saw the gingerbread house, now I really want it. Well, maybe I could have taken something with a trailer to it.
I have two such forms. Everything flies out of them perfectly if lubricated with universal grease for bread molds. There is no smell of lard or oil at all. I very much react to such smells. I also baked a biscuit in them. Everything turns out great.
Quote: Qween
Helen, where did you buy these forms?
I got it, but it's not Nordic ...
About the non-stick mixture. Luda (mariana-aga), before the LJ was closed, talked about another, even more effective - a mixture of oil and leticin. Here is a saved copy without images.

Balm for molds.

Today there will be a story about the non-stick composition of the industrial force. Pure magic and magic, guys! We are saved!
About what I grease the molds, I once shared. Or two.
1) the universal product "Better than PAM" is a mixture of liquid and solid fat at room temperature, whipped into a cream with flour
2) any margarine or vegetable oil is sufficient for cast bakery molds according to GOST. They have such a metal that you need a little. I use Pro-Active Ultra Light, an ultra-low fat margarine precursor. Its composition: 20% vegetable oil, 80% water. Nothing sticks.
In Russia, a similar spread will be Rama-light, this is the same company, only the composition is slightly fatter.
And the other day I prepared oil oil for lubricating the most difficult forms - worn out former non-stick, to which everything in the world sticks.
It is prepared from a mixture of oil and lecithin in a 2: 1 ratio. That is, half a glass of lecithin, granules or liquid for a glass of oil.
Terrific formula, recipe from San Francisco baker Manuel Friedman, published in The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book, 1984, 2003, p.390

Balm for molds

1 cup vegetable oil
0.5 cup lecithin, liquid or granules

Whisk into a homogeneous mixture in a blender, store in a jar in the refrigerator. Apply in a very thin layer with a brush. That is, dip the very tip or edge of the brush and distribute over the mold.

It is the finest non-stick in the bakery business. Without it, it is simply impossible to bake difficult types of dough with milk and honey in the composition (i.e., dough with increased stickiness). And he returns youth to the old molds.

Lecithin is a special fat (phospholipid) found in ordinary sunflower oil or egg yolk. It is he who makes vegetable oil suitable for lubricating molds. But baking oil is a vegetable oil with a high content of lecithin. That is, lecithin is extracted from vegetable oil and then mixed with ordinary vegetable oil, multiplying its antipigarity. Unlike vegetable oil, butter is slightly thicker in consistency, so that it does not flow down the walls and is not absorbed into any types of dough in the mold! ...

Lecithin is sold as granules or as a thick liquid oil
Granules are easier to deal with, to be honest. Liquid lecithin is something scary, in the sense that it is difficult to wash off your hands if you get dirty. You will not get off with plain water, you will have to pour it heavily with soap or dish detergent to remove liquid lecithin from your hands
Half a glass of granules (65g) with a glass of deodorized oil (220g, odorless) in a blender
50 seconds at high speed and voila
An unsurpassed fine oil, a real balm for molds, ready. Pour it into a jar and store in the refrigerator
It is applied with a brush in a thin layer on the walls of the forms
These my beloved Japanese molds were once non-stick, but they were worn out and everything began to stick to them. And with butter, with balsam - a MIRACLE.
The same can be said about my favorite - a mold from Zodzirushi bread machine. A new one costs $ 100, plus money for new stirring blades, which wear out their factory non-stick composition quite quickly, especially along the ribs.
And the lubrication of the pins with the composition "Better PAM" still turned out to be less powerful than we would like.
And with butter, my old experimental mold is back in service!
Now it's not scary to take on baking in clay molds!
And print gingerbread with ceramic stamps. Will not stick!
I mixed liquid lecithin into a cream with butter. This is also possible.
On the left is a plant-based mold balm, and on the right is a creamy one.
And the composition for lubricating molds according to GOST can also be prepared at home or in a small bakery, if anyone wants. Lecithin, water, oil, knock down at high speed. But it is less stable (it contains 75% water), it is stored for a couple of days, and then it is dissected and it must be knocked down again into an emulsion.

Fat-water emulsion for lubricating baking tins and sheets
GOST 1975, 1988

78-75g water, 50C
15-20g vegetable oil
5-7g of lecithin.

The oil is mixed with lecithin, then this mixture is emulsified with water, similar to how liquid homemade mayonnaise is prepared in a blender or mixer. Add water to the oil a little at a time, knocking down. You will get a liquid homogeneous mass of white with a yellowish tinge, reminiscent of cream in consistency, capable of not exfoliating at room temperature (not higher than 30C) for up to two days. You can apply it to molds from a spray bottle or a brush.

Typical consistency of an emulsion for molds, for example Tricasol emulsion
Other brands of formulations for lubricating molds: dovidol, tincol, tinglide, release ...

Thanks to Manuel and Laurel. Thank you! From Manuel, the genius of black bread, a self-taught master baker, who has never read a single book on baking in his life, we have received several more recipes and tips for baking from plain wheat flour (i.e. wallpaper wheat). I will gradually lay them all out, and so will his starter culture from a half teaspoon of milk. She is amazing!
The story of Manuela in a 1980 newspaper article and his recipe for oatmeal cookies baked in a slab over an entire baking sheet, then cut into strips. Our mother used to bake this in those years. Very tasty.

link to original 🔗

A source: 🔗.
Mnenenade .. mnenenade .. and don't send me an invitation !!!!!
Omela, exactly, definitely not necessary? Well then fine. Ira has such a miracle for tea.

Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
there you are, yeah ... wicked

throw a link to a normal person, pzhl, killers.

Omela, link to what is needed?

Quote: Omela
there you are, yeah ... wicked

And we are happy to try! Should I be sick alone?

Quote: notglass
I have two such forms.

notglass, share, what are your forms?

On the site .. kind people have already made happy !!!
Ksyu, well, I'm just out of love for you! You know how cool things are! You take it in your hand, you sweep a thing! In, HERE First experience. And after that I bake only in it!
Me with

Quote: Kara
sweep a thing!

will soon be kicked out of the house without maintenance.
Irina F
And what link does Melka ask for? I, too, nada, throw me too!
Girls, at the very beginning of the topic about shops where you can buy these forms
Well, they don't have a pick-up ... so I'm out of luck.
I bought on Ozone
On Ozone, a toad will strangle me.
Quote: Omela

Well, they don't have a pickup ... so I'm out of luck.
I don't want to upset you, but delivery for orders over 1500 rubles is free
Irk, yes also in Moscow, and I am in the village.

Girls, is this uniform with the same coating? They write in the reviews that the coating is being erased.

Cupcake Pan Nordic Ware Classic Colors

Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
And I liked Karochkin's uniform so much that I strangled the toad, especially since they had a discount. But I didn't buy a syringe for cookies, a reptile choked me, but he took it and went up in price
And here I am with a cupcake. I hope the picture is insertedBakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
Alycha, the beauty! Something looked at the form with 6 cupcakes of the same, but did not dare.
Alycha, what recipe did you make? It turned out very cool!
Quote: Omela
Girls, is this uniform with the same coating?
Girls, look at the form .. is it from the same series ?? or not?
They write that Nordic, but something suspiciously cheap. I also paid attention to her
On Ozone they write that it is light and thin.
Omela, I didn’t even look towards these forms. She took eternal (relatively) and brutal color. Many forms of past releases are sold on ebay. So they are more than a dozen years old, real antiques. And almost everything is unpainted aluminum.
So you shouldn't buy it. Miser pays twice
Okay, then I'll fight the toad ...
Great result! It is a pity that I do not have this form.

Bakeware Nordic Ware: purchase, features, reviews, recipes
Quote: Ipatiya
About the non-stick mixture. Luda (mariana-aga) before the closing of LJ told about another, even more effective - a mixture of oil and leticin. Here is a saved copy without images.

Where do they get lecithin? And how long can you keep in the refrigerator (according to my calculations, this amount will be enough for me for at least half a year)
Quote: vedmacck

Where do they get lecithin? And how long can you keep in the refrigerator (according to my calculations, this amount will be enough for me for at least half a year)

vedmacck , can there be lecithin in pharmacies? Or sports nutrition stores. Many links are highlighted when a search is made.

Ipatiya, I have a strong association with essential oils and soap making. Maybe who knows more?

Yeah, I found it in dietary supplements (the first one that came across, an example 🔗)
Quote: vedmacck

Yeah, I found it in dietary supplements (the first one that came across, an example 🔗)
vedmacck, exactly. I think there is no particular lecithin deficiency. Can buy.
It remains only to find out what kind of beast it is, but, apparently, it is not a problem to find it in the pharmacy at the place of residence or in stores of pseudo-health goods (there, in fact, a lot of useful things live along with the alchemical means of Makropulos).
vedmacck, then share the result? Lyudmila (mariana-aga) praised this non-stick mixture very much.
I found lecithin (USA) in my time only in Moscow in one place, an expensive pleasure ..
Tatyana, I have been using Lyudmila's recipe for several years: butter, lard, flour. I never let down, of course I don’t use molds with peeling non-stick coatings, but I didn’t let down in any others. Baked even in stainless thin-walled gastronorm containers. I store it in the freezer. Doesn't smell like anything in baked goods
IpatiyaAs soon as I get home, I am now "at the settlements" - outside the city. Only, since this is such an economical mixture, given the intensity of making muffins, I have a lot of half a serving. Will the blender go away after it

Horror! Girls! Why-why-why? Why did you give a link to the official site? I used to want three or four forms, but now I want a mustache! (as I said above, we won't eat so many cupcakes at all)
Hope, Thank you. In the freezer, then? How to defrost? So that the top is slightly melted or - to pick out a piece and smooth it along the wall?

Omela, maybe it's different now? I found a lot of links for one request (well, I hope otherwise).
Tatyana, it is very plastic, it will stand literally for 2 minutes and you can reach it with the tip of a spoon, it is consumed so slowly (or I bake a little), but even in cans everything lags behind.
Quote: Omela

I found lecithin (USA) in my time only in Moscow in one place, an expensive pleasure ..

Omela, and ours how? The price is lower. For example, Letsigran M (Plesa).
IpatiyaI probably bought a drink when I was pregnant. The doctor prescribed it to be imported. And for lubrication, I think any will do.

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Selection and operation of bread makers