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Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 331)

Maryanne,: girl_love: Our regiment (of crimson maniacs) has arrived!
Radushka because he is the only one "to smell delicate, but the taste is delicious!" )))) - well, I have it)) so far, my experience is not very great, but something like that nevertheless)))

Added Thursday, 16 Jun 2016 12:31 pm

By the way, about raspberry tea! an amazing miracle, in my opinion))), it turns out if it is partially brewed in rose water!
Dried cherries (1 hour), currants (2 hours). apple tree (3h.) (Mix) And again, when brewing, the granules crawled. The first time I sinned that when the young leaves of the apple tree were double frozen, there was an excessive loss of moisture, but now I took the leaves from the Antonovka and froze them once. I did everything strictly according to the recipe. "..... Well, it doesn't work out, Danila the master, a stone flower? ....."
lara55, Larissa, NO! Garden scent pellets always disintegrate when brewed! It is Ivanushka who holds the form of granules. By the way, they say that the leaves from Antonovka are not so tasty. as from other apple trees. Have you tried comparing?
Scrolled twice, the granules were wonderful. Photos of dried granulesFermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) Couldn't overdry.

Added Thursday, 16 Jun 2016 12:50 pm

Quote: Radushka
from Antonovka leaves are not so tasty. as from other apple trees. Have you tried comparing?
Radushka, from one Antonovka did not. Lyudmila wrote that Antonovka behaves well in mixes. While I have tea for one taste. Zhdems
After all, when brewing from cherries, and once freezing an apple tree (I don't remember the variety, the apples are red and pink inside), even during the second brewing, the granules were intact.
Oktyabrinka, yes, you can. I dried it too.
Quote: Maryann
and set it to ferment for about 7 hours, the smell was pleasant, but not particularly inspiring.
Zachary fermented for more than a day, and therefore the color is. I ferment spicy plants for 3-4 hours, this is to preserve the aroma, and for the color I leave part for a day, then I mix the already dried fractions and get aroma and color. And I don't fry the herbs. In any case, the aroma will increase after dry fermentation after 3-4 months.
Quote: Oktyabrinka
can peony flowers be dried in tea or not?
Can. And it's better to dry it just in the wind or under a fan without heating. Then the color will be preserved.
Quote: lara55
And again, when brewing, the granules crawled.
lara55, Larissa, I don't understand why the panic? God be with them, the granules that are obtained after brewing! Honestly, I never look at what is in my teapot - whether the granules are creeping or not! The main thing is that they turn out when twisted. After all, these are not industrial units that tamp the leaves when twisted, but just a home meat grinder.
Even better tea is brewed. My tea is brewed more slowly from twice twisted granules. Granules, yes ... They do not creep, but this does not affect the taste.
Quote: lara55
After all, when brewing from cherries, and once freezing an apple tree (I don't remember the variety, the apples are red and pink inside), even during the second brewing, the granules were intact.
Larissa, The point is in the currant. You have quite a lot of it in your mix. and it always tends to disintegrate, even when twisted. And you have such cool granules, so do not find fault with yourself.
Quote: Maryann
In general, he lay with me for 4 days and I could not stand it, I tried it - I was upset (.
Maryanne, 4 days for tea is so little. Autumn would have to wait, or better - winter ...
Linadoc thanks for the advice)
lappl1 yes) I know)) but I really wanted to have at least some idea of ​​this mixture))
Good afternoon everyone !!! Lost on urgent matters for several days, and now I'm catching up
Girls, thanks for the advice! Just in time, tomorrow I'll go to the market, agreed on melissa. They will bring both the grass itself and the spine. In winter, a decent bush of her and not only me, unfortunately, disappeared. So tomorrow I will make tea !!!
The peony has already dried up, the linden tree too, but the neighbor has two large catnip bushes and she allowed me to put him in for tea. She didn’t like him, and I have never made any blanks with such a “beast”. I read that in June, when it blooms, it must be harvested. Please tell me when you collect it and how you prepare it .. green tea with curling or granulated. I'd like to try to make it right.
During my absence I made two teas. There was a 2 kg mixture of rose hips, mulberries, wild blackberries, cherries, apricots, and pears. I did it according to your method, Lyudmilka... I made 1 kg from this mixture, and in the second I added 250 grams of fresh strawberries and black currants. The first batch was dried in 2 hours, and the second, with berries, had to be dried for 4 hours. Made by prescription Natalia, but first twisted the berries, and then immediately the whole kilogram of leaves and mixed everything well. Then she played it a second time.
I really like this creativity ... but now it rains every day, and in the freezer only a pound of the mixture lies. That is why tomorrow I will make lemon balm, thanks to your advice now. THANK YOU!!!

Oh, it turned out that everything is written in highlighted text ...
Elena, I simply twist the lemon catnip after withering and dry it immediately without fermentation in a dryer at 40 degrees. Just like all your mints. The rains ... it is bullying!
Thanks for the tip, Radushka !!!! I don't know what kind of catnip she has, in May it smelled of mint ... I even thought it was a kind of mint. Now the smell has become a little different and not so intense. I have no drying, unfortunately, I have to dry in a gas oven with a temperature "by eye". In a microwave oven with convection, I don't have 40 degrees, it starts from 100.
And .. during flowering it is necessary to collect it, or is it possible now, and as it grows, repeat the cut?
Last year, a neighbor gave a little peach leaves, dried it at room temperature. I add to coffee, the aroma of amaretto is present, but I did not add it to tea.
ElenaI collect all season. After flowering, the leaves become smaller. And now he is "fat"
Quote: lappl1
Larissa, I don't understand why the panic? God bless them, the granules that are obtained after brewing!
Yes, my general!
It is at the fat leaves and stems that I look ... 😆 Well, beauty is simple, not bushes. Thank you very much again, Radushka, I went to "mow" the catnip.
Borkovna,Elena, You would have cleaned your mailbox, otherwise the message will not be sent!
I also made tea from catnip with fermentation for 3 hours. It turns out well, dried at 50 * C.
Lind @
Can you tell me? I have some rosehip petals, maybe a couple of handfuls.
When dried, it can turn yellow, ugly and tasteless.
Can be dried in a dryer and if so, what is the temperature.
Then I want to add dried petals to mono raspberry tea.
Quote: Lind @
Can be dried in a dryer and if so, what is the temperature.
It is possible and even necessary! Temperature 40 degrees.
Linochka, your posts about essential herbs are getting lost, it's a pity, can you decorate them with a recipe?
As I understand it, both lemon balm, and mint, and here's a catnip, and oregano can you do that?
Lind @
Quote: filirina
It is possible and even necessary! Temperature 40 degrees.
Thank you.
Quote: Natalo4-ka
and lemon balm, and mint, and here is a catnip, and oregano so can you do?
Namely, all spicy-aromatic herbs contain essential oils.
Quote: lappl1
God bless them, the granules that are obtained after brewing! Honestly, I never even look what is in my teapot - whether the granules are creeping or not! The main thing is that they turn out when twisted.
And I also think to myself quietly ... In my teapot they always creep away But the main thing is delicious!
Here Nadezhda opened my eyes to forest geraniums! Soon I will do geranium too

Added on Friday 17 Jun 2016 03:34 AM

Quote: Linadoc
I ferment spicy plants for 3-4 hours, this is to preserve the aroma, and for color I leave a part for a day, then I mix the already dried fractions and get aroma and color. And I don't fry the herbs.
Linadoc, Lina, indeed, such developments are valuable, and in these multi-page topics they will be lost ...

Added on Friday 17 Jun 2016 03:34 AM

Quote: Natalo4-ka
Linochka, your posts about essential herbs are getting lost, it's a pity, can you decorate them with a recipe?
Girls, tell me, please, is it worth making tea from red and yellow currants or is it better not to waste time?
s_vet_lanochka, Svetlana, not worth it. They, of course, can be used, but neither will they allow the granules to form, nor, more importantly, they will not give a special taste to the tea. Girls sometimes add these leaves to others to increase mass.
Then I was inundated with requests for a recipe for herbal tea. I'll try to do it, but I don't promise. I will try, because I need to try out a new dryer and not lose important information about tea from spicy aromatic herbs. Exactly tea, but not herbs... I have already stopped going into the Tea Arbor, because I cannot see what is happening there. I have already written many times that medicinal herbs are the same medicines, only not dosed and with a bunch of peculiarities, and they should be treated like medicines, and they should be prescribed only by specialist phytotherapists after all examinations and taking into account individual problems. But it is useless, they treat everyone and everything. And tea is not herbs, it is different, although it still has its own characteristics, based on the characteristics of the herbs from which they are made. Okay. I will not talk about this topic anymore.
Radushka, Thank you.
Quote: Linadoc
treat everyone and everyone
Linochka, this is another argument in favor of a separate recipe for these herbs. In your competent presentation and with the comfort of the search that Lyudochka creates for us, we will have where to "send" chelas, read about the differences between tea and medicine, and how not to harm ourselves by taking it all inside (I mean tea). The recipe, codenamed "Don't Pull Anything Into Your Mouth!"
We'll hope and wait for the recipe
Quote: Linadoc
Then I was inundated with requests for a recipe for herbal tea. I'll try to do it, but I don't promise.
Linadoc, Linochka, we will be looking forward to it! Although you do not promise, I know you - you cannot leave to chance the irresponsibility with which people treat their health and the health of their loved ones. Take your time. When there is time, then you will.

And come into the Gazebo ... We will no longer ...

Quote: s_vet_lanochka
Is it worth making tea from red and yellow currants or is it better not to waste time?
s_vet_lanochka, Sveta, Radushka has already answered you ... And I want to advise. If you have any questions about a particular plant, then remember that the recipe says about the principles of selecting plants for tea. If there are no tannins in the leaves of this plant, then making tea is useless. Red and yellow currants are among this number. There are tannins, but very little. It's simple. You just need to use a search engine ... And you also need to remember about batch test ... Red and yellow currants did not pass the batch test ...
Lina, I also add my voice to the request to make a separate topic of herbal tea. This is how you will save the health of sooooo many members of the forum and those who do not register ... but consume and make teas. And then you will again come to the Tea Gazebo and delight many people with your messages.
Quote: Linadoc
need to try a new dryer
Lina, what kind of dryer is suitable for this purpose in your opinion? I'm just going to Moscow (200 km away) on June 21st to buy a dryer specially. I realized that it was necessary for finishing tea.

stopped at Walter to try the marshmallow

Added on Friday 17 Jun 2016 12:05 PM

I'm going to make a big summary table memo for myself, otherwise I got confused with temperature regimes at different times. And in a separate column add tips for "frying", fermentation time spread, etc.
Maybe someone has already done this and can give a link?

Added on Friday 17 Jun 2016 12:09 PM

Borkovna, Helen, try to click on the first icon IN(very first on the left), it is responsible for the function of the selected text
Lydiathanks for the hint. I pressed, I know for a long time how to select .. the tablet is buggy.Only the name is highlighted in the written, and when sending, the entire text is obtained.
Borkovna, Lena, fixed!
Quote: space
Lina, what kind of dryer is suitable for this purpose in your opinion? I'm just going to Moscow (200 km away) on June 21st to buy a dryer specially. I realized that it was necessary for finishing tea.
space, Lida, can I also answer this question? A drier, of course, is a very useful thing in the household, but it is not at all necessary for finishing tea. I draw your attention to the word "final drying". I never dry out in the dryer. the oven copes with this. But for spicy herbs and petals - yes ... Only in a dryer can you dry them with high quality.
I have the simplest "Veterok" dryer. She copes with all tasks perfectly. Of course, if there are funds, it is better to buy Isidri. There are more pallets and no need to swap them.
Quote: space
Maybe someone has already done this and can give a link?
space, Lida, Many people do this, but they did not show it here.
Thank you, Lyudmilka!
Quote: lappl1
Maybe someone has already done this and can give a link?
It is very well described how to make a dryer (although this option is suitable only for summer cottages, because it turns out to be voluminous) in the last or penultimate issue of the Household Economy magazine (May or June issue, I don’t remember exactly) you can ask at the kiosks, or maybe in on the Internet you will find a digitized edition. The article is called "the sun dries the harvest"
Maryanne, Lida asked about the table. And she wants to buy a dryer.
lappl1 oh then I'm sorry
Quote: lappl1
I never dry out in the dryer. the oven copes with this.
maybe I'm a reinsurer? I would like a 100% guarantee for the storage of tea.
the humidity outside is now high, so my "wealth" lies next to the gas convector (which works at a minimum)
Quote: lappl1
Of course, if there are funds, it is better to buy Isidri
definitely not on her
Quote: lappl1
Many people do this, but they did not show it here.
if anything worthwhile comes out of this, I will definitely share
true design specialist from me is still the one, but I'll try to collect the information together
Quote: Maryann
It is very well described how to make a dryer (although this option is suitable only for summer cottages, because it turns out to be voluminous) in the last or penultimate issue of the Household Economy magazine (May or June issue, I don’t remember exactly) you can ask at the kiosks, or maybe in on the Internet you will find a digitized edition. The article is called "the sun dries the harvest"
Thank you Maryanne, for your concern, I will definitely look
Quote: space
if something worthwhile comes out of this, I will definitely share the truth of the design specialist from me - still the one, but I'll try to collect the information together
Lidochka, YOU WILL DO A VERY NECESSARY BUSINESS !!! So I will definitely wait for a sign from you.If something with Lyudochka lappl1, agree, specify. I think a lot of people will say THANKS to you
Quote: space
I would like a 100% guarantee on the storage of tea
Lida! I dry my tea only in a dryer at 70 degrees, and then I still leave it in the room to dry it for about a week. Excellent storage. Cherries have been there since the year before last. I store it in PET bags with a zip lock, i.e. conditionally hermetically sealed. Nothing has ever become moldy.
Quote: lappl1
I have the simplest "Veterok" dryer.
Oh, and I have a breeze for 5 pallets, they can be swapped. I dry apples in it, I'm very pleased. The pallets are deep.
Quote: lappl1
if there are funds, it is better to buy Isidri. There are more pallets and no need to swap them.
Sukhovey-M, just as it is not necessary, the principle of work, like Isidri.
Quote: Mila1
WILL MAKE A VERY NECESSARY BUSINESS !!! So I will definitely wait for a sign from you
it will definitely not work out quickly, but if something comes into my head
I will try, I think that by joint efforts we will do
Quote: filirina
I dry my tea only in a dryer at 70 degrees, and then I still leave it in the room to dry it for about a week. Excellent storage. Cherries have been there since the year before last. I store it in PET bags with a zip lock, i.e. conditionally hermetically sealed. Nothing has ever become moldy.
Thank you, Irina, I want to finish what I did and take it to the city apartment. Also, for now, I'll put it in such bags and let it ferment further in the city and not seduce me
Quote: space
fermented in the city and doesn't seduce me
A very correct decision, I also stand teas for a year on the floor. Then AaaHhhh, it's delicious!
filirina, Irina, mine are waiting for the one YEAR anniversary of the tea that I took away (just tore it out) in a jar. Was the most delicious in the opinion of everyone who got to try it! By the way, the mono cherry (which smelled like a rose) became a completely different smell. It seems to be a cherry ... but ... there are more raisins or something ...
Quote: space
maybe I'm a reinsurer? I would like a 100% guarantee for the storage of tea.
space, Lida, in the dryer, of course, you can dry it. This is for large volumes. When one party props up the other. But the oven also gives a 100% guarantee. After all, we will then finish drying tea in a bag.
Quote: space
definitely not on her
Then don't mind. Take the cheap ones. I am not overjoyed with my Wind. He works for me from spring to winter. I dry everything. Even if she wanted to, she could not finish drying the tea - the dryer is always busy ...
Quote: space
if anything worthwhile comes out of this, I will definitely share
Of course it will! We will wait. Write!
Girls how to keep the smell of amaretto in peach leaf tea? can it dry at 80 like currant leaves? so want to keep this smell !!!
Lutik, Nina, I will also wait for answers. Today I brewed tea with peach leaves for the first time. I liked it very much. Now I sit and think how best to do it.

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