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Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class) (page 309)

Lesichka, Lenochka, thank you VERY MUCH for such a detailed review !!! It helped a lot. I already ordered 20 bushings. in reserve. They are in our joint venture for 13 rubles. So at this price, let it be better

elena kadiewa, Lenochka, I ordered under the action 41.02 for 2999 (full set) in Technosila. By the way. they shortened the duration of the action by one day. Now until April 17th.


Lesichka, only 134 kg of fireweed?! .. These are the volumes !!! Yes, you can't do with a mechanical meat grinder. And I turned everything on a mechanical one. But I have a few liters of total supplies. I am planning preparations for this year, the matter is overshadowed by the fact that only for myself I am always reluctant to do, no matter how I quit this venture ...
In the freezer, I found a small bag of fireweed leaves. I was at a friend's dacha, already in the fall, and when I found a few more green blades of grass, I immediately surrounded them, put them in the freezer at home, as it was full of other berries and mushrooms, and forgot. Now I came across and think about what to do next. I haven't dealt with fireweed before, this is the whole harvest. How not to spoil
Ludmila, I also first bought 10 bushings, and then the meat grinder itself! Sorry, I turned the meat grinder over, and there is model M-31 01, not 02. There is one box for two models. ekivoka_i, yes, the volumes are large, everyone likes tea, but they don't want to do it. Yes, it's hard on a mechanical one ... You definitely need to make tea for yourself. If there are few leaves, ferment in a glass. The most important thing is the layer height. I write everything down for myself in a separate notebook: what to do in what order, what mixes I did, the weight of each batch after drying, which mixes can be repeated. This makes it easier to understand your mistakes later. I would like to share my experience of freezing leaves for the winter. I froze the leaves already rolled in a meat grinder in freezer bags. I attached a bag to a meat grinder using an elastic band and scrolled various mixes and mono teas. Be sure to sign. Packs flat and into the freezer immediately. I have laid 2 boxes like this. Then I take it out to thaw for the night, poke holes with a toothpick. Well, everything further according to the plan, wait for a delicious smell and frying drying. Very convenient, takes up little space, can be dried all winter. And the smell in winter when outside the window is 30 degrees or more! I didn’t write before whether I wanted to make sure that the tea would turn out or not. Everything worked out, the tea is just as tasty, there are no differences. We collect fireweed far out of town, in large batches, some can be frozen like that, and some can be put directly to fermentation. This is me for the question of how to combine work and tea preparation.
Elena Kadiewa
Yeah! We are sick people! : girl_pardon: but we will find a way out of any position!
Lesichka, super idea! I thought about long-term freezing, but only the leaves. And for the future - what is the best way to mix fireweed? You can, indeed, fill the freezer like this and then take it out, mix and ferment the mixed mix!
Elena Kadiewa
Fireweed, whatever, he will emphasize any scent and give his best!
Lesichka, Elena, how good it is that we shared the frost of the scrolled foliage. I also thought about it, but did not risk it.
And now I think that this bag should be put in a vacuum bag, then it will be better and longer in the freezer, it will not collect snow and there will be no unnecessary aromas.
ekivoka_i.. I agree with Elena, fireweed can be mixed with any scent. It will give the tea all its astringency, accentuate the delicate aroma of any plant, give the "body" to the tea. You need to try all the mono plants and then add one plant at a time. Everyone has different tastes.Many people like Victoria, but we do not really, postponed it for next year. So I would like to try the cherry. We have 2 varieties, but there is no taste, about which the girls describe. But raspberries are good! Both mono and in mixes! Forest raspberries are tastier than garden ones. The most delicious mix for me is drupe, strawberry and wild rose. The tea has a delicate rose aroma. It is very difficult to collect, mosquitoes do not sleep
Alla, I don't have a vacuum cleaner. Freezer bags are very tight, odors are not allowed through. I still fastened it with a rope.
LesichkaElena, at first I was also disappointed with cherry leaves, I did mono, no taste, no aroma. And about six months later, she opened the jar and gasped, the aroma is delicious, I added it to other teas when brewing. Sorry, it ended quickly.
francevna, Alla, this season I will.
Lesichka, forest grasses and leaves and collect without mosquitoes - you will be stunned! And with mosquitoes and completely deadly attraction.
Thank you girls! I realized that everyone's felt-tip pens are different, we'll take a look. I praise all the cherries, too, have not painfully tasted. Although I did not do a clean one, I was afraid of the difficulties of scrolling, immediately interfered with the apple and already twisted it like that. Maybe that's why. Now I mix this tea with a raspberry-apple mixture and brew it together, it's delicious. But I still don't see the super-cherry scent ...
Elena Kadiewa
ekivoka_i, girls in the subject wrote that varietal cherries do not give any aroma, better wild ones. I have a small bush, there are no berries, but I cherish it and cherish it only for the sake of the leaves! A drop of fermented cherries left over from 14 years old, so aromaaat!
And you are probably from the northern regions too, right? Mosquitoes and midges are our everything!
elena kadiewa, I was born in Novosibirsk. Although I practically did not live there, I still consider Siberia my homeland. And I know about the vile there, yes) Although giant mosquitoes in Polesie or midges near Akhtubinsk are quite competitors to them.
With my consumption rate, my tea will completely live up to 2020, then I'll try how delicious and fragrant it will become))) leaves are something else. So I have every reason to consider it wild.
Elena Kadiewa
ekivoka_i, well, almost a countrywoman, only 2200 km to Novosib! By northern standards, very close!
Can you imagine what tea will be in 2020? Well this is a miracle!
Oh, girls, you all confuse me with fireweed. But today I tried meadow geranium tea. I did as Zachary described. Thank you very much !!! Even without dry fermentation, the tea turned out to be strong and tasty. I have found so much of this geranium that it's enough to make a lot of tea. I will try to mix with her. I think it will be delicious. Today I opened a jar of tea with flowers of fruit trees - the smell appears very, very tasty. The cherry blossoms gave a more noble scent than the leaves.
I forgot to write that I made leaf tea from cherries, cut it by hand.
Quote: Lesichka
frozen leaves already rolled in a meat grinder in freezer bags
Lesichka, Lenawhat an interesting experience! I just froze the leaves and made tea in winter. And the scrolled leaves did not think of it.It's true, much less space takes up

Added on Monday 18 Apr 2016 03:36 AM

Quote: francevna
cut by hand
francevna, Alla, heroine! I'm not capable of this ...
Elena_Kamch, Lena, in 2014 almost all tea was made from loose leaves. And only the late autumn son twisted it in a manual meat grinder. And I made the following blanks on Zelmer, began to lay a few leaves and everything worked out.
Elena_Kamch, Elena, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you a lot of delicious tea in the new season!
I am very glad if my experience is useful to you. Only do not push tightly into bags, since some of the granules disintegrate. Granules are not important to me, I brew in a press filter.
francevna, Alla, I also made my first leaf tea in 14. Then she began to use a harvester, graters for cabbage and carrots. Then the mass was hammered to juice and fermented under the load. Many girls did not like this method, but it was easier for me to squeeze out the juice from an already chopped leaf. Especially raspberries, pears and apple trees. Then in the winter I bought a meat grinder only for tea and I make almost all the tea in granules. Tea is, of course, different from leaf tea.
Quote: Lesichka
I froze the leaves already rolled in a meat grinder in freezer bags.
Lesichka, that is, leaves do not even wither?
Elena Kadiewa
Nooo, the leaves must be dried, otherwise the silage will turn out!
Natalia-65, Natalia, the leaves must be dried! And then there will be a smell of fish in the tea. I sprinkle more fabric on top of the fabric in a thin layer and be sure to stir. You can fold snails. I wither until the crunch of the midrib disappears.
So, first we dry, then into the meat grinder, then the freezer (how long is it in the freezer?), Then we defrost (right in the bag or sprinkle?) And dry. I understand correctly. The method is interesting to me, because I work and therefore such questions. I would like more details.
Elena Kadiewa
I missed the most important thing - fermentation!
You can ferment after a meat grinder!
Natalya, in the tea theme! At least re-read the recipe!
Natalia, That's right. First, the leaves are dried, then the meat grinder immediately into bags for a small portion, flatten in the bag and into the freezer. I dried tea in March, which I froze in September. She defrosted it right in the bag, made punctures with a toothpick. Didn't scatter. Fermentation comes in a bag. It is important not to miss the delicious smell. Through punctures, it is clearly audible. Then I fry in the oven at 150-160 degrees, stir. Then I dry it in an electric dryer at 70 degrees, then lower it to 50. I rearrange the pallets. Then I leave the pillowcase or in pallets for several days, covering the dust with a cloth. Then I pour it into jars and into a dark cabinet.

Added Monday 18 Apr 2016 07:13 PM

elena kadiewa, Elena, of course, after the meat grinder you need to immediately ferment, but if you have no time or a very large batch, you can freeze part of it, and part immediately for fermentation. It also takes up less space, roofing felts with leaves, or already granules. Again, wash the meat grinder less
elena kadiewa, Lenus, I've read it many times over the years, but it's interesting to try a new way. After all, this year I have a big order for Ivanushka, but time is short. I only collect it on weekends. So I'm looking for a suitable method for myself.

Lesichka, and you, Lenochka, thank you for a detailed explanation.
Yesterday I watched a program about tea bags, like OurPotrebNadzor. The Chinese owner of the tea plantation tasted teas of Russian brands. He said that there is no rich taste of tea, it can be seen that it was dried in the region of 85 degrees, but it is needed at 91 degrees.
So I'm thinking now ...
Quote: francevna
The Chinese owner of the tea plantation tasted
This all happened on about. Sri Lanka. It was about Ceylon tea.
Ludmila, I will not argue.
For me, the main thing here is the temperature regime during drying.
Quote: francevna
I will not argue
Likewise ...

Quote: francevna
the main thing here is the temperature regime during drying.
I also paid attention to this in-tion.
Lesichka, thank you very much for your congratulations and explanations!
Quote: Lesichka
I brew in a press filter
I also brew this way I realized that solid and whole granules are not important for me. It's delicious anyway
Elena Kadiewa

I'm old already!

Quote: businkairika

But today I tried meadow geranium tea. I did as Zachary described. Thank you very much !!! Even without dry fermentation, the tea turned out to be strong and tasty. I have found so much of this geranium that it's enough to make a lot of tea.

Irina, I want to ask you: is there a photo of such a meadow geranium on the Internet, from which you made tea.
We have this grass, but it is so different - meadow, field ...
How to figure out what to collect:
Lightwhat a fine fellow! Everyone will be helped, prompted and shown!
Beautiful flowers! We don't grow up like that. Are they blooming in spring or blooming in summer?
I am wildly delighted with 2 year old cherry tea, probably with the addition of chokeberry. The year before last, I made teas on the farm with cherry T-shirts, black chops, raspberries, pears.She laid out all the teas in sachets, 100 grams each and signed. All the teas had already been drunk, and one packet was lying, and for some reason without an inscription. And the other day I was doing an audit of cereals and herbs and found a bag. I was stunned by the aroma and taste.
Conclusion: the more the fermented leaves lie, the richer the taste and aroma becomes. And it is fermented leaves and herbs. Because dried herbs, by the usual method, lose most of the aroma in the 2nd year.
And there was probably very little blackberry, I can feel it. just a note.
Quote: Elena_Kamch
Do they bloom in spring or bloom in summer?
Zachary knows this.
Elena_Kamch, Lena, geranium blooms in summer. The leaves do not bloom very early either. Also this year I want to try this tea, we mow this geranium like a weed.
Quote: paramed1
we mow this geranium like a weed
Veronicawhat a teas to enjoy! And the weed was removed, and the tea was made!
Girls and boys , Has anyone tried to make tea from Potentilla? : mail1: I seem to have thrown out a lot of leaves.

Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)

Elena Kadiewa
Cinquefoil-Kuril tea?
I did. Worth it!
elena kadiewa, Elena, in what sense is it worth? Not tasty or ...... what's wrong?
Elena Kadiewa
Lena, in the sense, it's worth doing! He didn’t inspire me in 14, so I didn’t do it in 15, and in the fall I smelled it, and he’s really nothing! This year I will do it.
It is unusual, because I have little that grows, so teas are only from ivanushka and country teas, and this one is not the same as they are.
And the flowers were also collected and dried separately.
My mother constantly dries Flowers for the winter. They're medicinal. But how the leaf will lead in feritation, I want to try. I threw away the star anise. I didn't like it. And without feritation in the composition we drink.
Elena Kadiewa
I do not ferment badan, I just pick black leaves in the spring, quickly wash and dry them.
And you hesitate to collect the Kurilian too, the leaves are small, I then cut them off with scissors, and together with the flowers.
Lena, do it by all means, in winter everything will go away, the more you want variety. Oh, I'll go right now I'll brew the Kuril!
Good day to all! Tell me, please, when can you start collecting Ivan tea in the Moscow region? We are here invited to Mayskie to the dacha of friends, in the fall I saw a bunch of Vanechka in the vicinity, but already dried up. I'm thinking, is it too early to try to find it?
And yet, who knows, is it growing in the Saratov region? In the summer, most likely, I will be there again, the reserves of the leaves of fruit plants were already explored last year, but the lump ... Who I asked my friends - no one paid attention ...
Girls, I'm asking who has the "Tool for grinding leaves for loose tea" can I write about the sizes here? The husband requires clear instructions! if this board is large, it will be hard to grind the leaves with it for a long time, and if it is small, then how long will you have to tinker with. I would like feedback from those who used the device last season.
svetn, Svetlana, open page 677-679 here, there you will find a device for grinding leaves.
I stumbled upon a report about how tea is made in India. Lots of photos. I was especially interested in the photo with the size of crushed leaves.

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