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Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class (page 17)

Quote: lappl1
Do not disappear for a long time!
I'm getting ready for my first Russian tea season. I prepare not only theoretically. But also practically. I make some kind of equipment for the processing of raw materials. I, Luda, am actually a turner by profession. Generally a techie.
Quote: Turner
I, Luda, actually a turner by profession
Sergey, I thought so, because your nickname is eloquent! The fact that you are a turner is so great! So many gadgets can be made to make tea. We have tried everything. To the extent that leaves were passed through the rollers of the washing machine!
I read the lines that
Quote: Turner
I make some equipment for the processing of raw materials.
and I just wanted to get into your workshop, see what you are doing there ... I hope that you will share your inventions with us. We really need this. And with pictures, if possible. Let's look forward to it.
Elena Kadiewa
ABOUT! The turner has turned up! Lost, where have you been? Can you swim? Go to the gazebo, we, in my opinion, need a diver, take a diving suit!
SergeiIt's great that a techie was found who is interested in the topic of making tea! By the way, today they said that tea will soon rise in price by 30 percent. So, please, if you come up with something, then semaphore for us right away! We will bring ideas to life!
And my last liter jar of Ivan-tea will open tomorrow ... WHERE SPRING ?!
Lyudochka, if there is this proverb about Ivan tea and it will be superfluous, then tell me, I will delete it.
"I didn't drink tea - what is the strength? I drank tea - completely weak!"
I remembered its meaning, maybe it will be interesting for someone to find out.
"Didn't drink tea - what is the power?" this applies to morning and afternoon tea. It invigorates and gives strength, while it is caffeine-free.
"I drank tea - I was completely weak" - this is for the evening tea reception, it relaxes, soothes and gives a sound sleep.
Quote: marika33
Lyudochka, if there is this proverb about Ivan tea and it is superfluous, then tell me, I will delete it.
Marinochka, wow! To the point about our Ivanushka. Indeed, he really gives both strength and calms! In general, a station wagon. I will honestly say that I have never gone so deeply into this proverb! Maybe she's about our Ivan tea. I don’t know, I haven’t met. Well done, you went deep into the question and presented such subtleties to us! Thank you very much for that !
Lyuda, yes, this is said about Ivan tea, only he has such a property.
I do not remember the source of this explanation, I will find it, then I will inform you.
When we learned the meaning and meaning of this proverb, we were very surprised.
Often you do not delve into the depth of a proverb and sayings, but in this one, if you think about it, it seems to be a contradiction to one another. But in fact, no, everything is understandable. Indeed it is.
Quote: marika33
Lyuda, yes, this is said about Ivan tea, only he has such a property.
Marinochka, even if you don't find anything, I still believe that this proverb is about our Ivan tea. Thank you dear . You warmed my soul with this!
Anna in the Forest
,, K AND P R E J "from satin synthetic ribbons.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
You will need to cut: FOR FLOWERS - from Pink ribbons:
No. 1) 1.2 cm wide, 9 cm long - 2 pcs.
No. 2) 3 cm long - 2 pcs.
No. 3) 3 mm wide, 5 cm long - 2 pcs.
No. 4) dl. 1.6 cm - 1 pc.
FOR STEM - from Green ribbon, wide. 6 mm, 58 cm long - 1 pc.
FOR LEAVES (No. 5) - dl. 7 cm - 6 pcs.

For flower segments "round off the edges with scissors, and for" leaves "and" stem "cut the edges obliquely at an acute angle.

It is imperative to melt the trims on a match or a lighter, so that it does not get frizzy and does not fall ...

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

WE COLLECT ,, plant ".

For a harmonious perception, we make the plant asymmetrical: there are 3 flowers from one end of the stem. from the other-4.

Having retreated from the edge of the stem 2, 5 cm, we make a free knot and, without tightening, we pass through it a piece - "flower" No. 4. Tighten it. Then, through the gap, we tie a knot with a piece No. 3, having previously folded the piece three times (with a bow) so, so that the tip inside it looks out, then No. 2 and No. 1 (fold in three with a bow). And "Leaves" - 3 pcs. The approximate distance between the nodes is shown in the figure.
On the other hand, the same thing, just start with segment # 3.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

We first wrap the bag of Ivan tea away from ourselves and, crossing the ends, return them to the front and tie a bow.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Galina Iv.
Anna in the Forest, anya, how detailed everything is clear !!! thank you very much!!
And how beautiful !!!!
Anna in the Forest
Galina Iv., Thank you!
Galina Iv.
Quote: Anna in the Woods

Galina Iv., Thank you!
Yes, thank you !!!!
Anna, perfectly!
Introduced into the content (in the first post).
Anna in the Forest, Anya, thank you for such a gorgeous MK! I already copied it to my computer! Anh, share your work with us, please! So everything turns out beautifully for you! We need this beauty!
Quote: Chef
Introduced into the content (in the first post).
Chef, thank you very much!
Anna in the Forest
I am so glad. that everyone is happy !!! Thank you!
Girls, Oksanchik once again treated me with her wonderful teas!

Loksa, Oksana! Thank you very much!

As promised, I am reporting!
The first report on Oksana's tea with the signature "Roly new":
My husband said that dry tea smells like rose hips and distant notes of black raisins. Of all Oksana's teas, he especially liked this one!
Infusion of medium density, with a beautiful amber-cinnamon color. It smells like ordinary black tea with notes of frozen rose hips. My husband dreams of sweetmeat and shades of smell and taste of chamomile, but I don't feel it (maybe because my tongue was burnt). Infusion, soft, flowing, enveloping the tongue, drinkable, as the winemakers say. Good both hot and cold.
It brews pretty hard, which I like. The granules are well compressed, there is no turbidity in the cup. Although, even if there were, it does not bother me at all.
With milk it gets a rather bright herbaceous aftertaste, but I like it.
1 tsp tea leaves can be brewed at least 2 times, the infusion is the same strength.

For myself, I concluded that sometimes I like leafy less, because not so aromatic and bright taste.

In two words: delicious! Oksana, Thank you!
Nastya, praised! I'm glad I liked it! And in my sheet the technology is broken! So, in a meat grinder, not an easy movement: from the hip, it gives the right result! Well, the leaf is less fermented.
Quote: Tricia
As promised, I am reporting! The first report on Oksana's tea with the signature "Vanka is new":
Quote: Loksa
I'm glad I liked it! And in my sheet the technology is broken! So, in a meat grinder, not an easy movement: from the hip, it gives the right result! Well, the leaf is less fermented.
Girls, and how glad I am that you are glad!
Elena Kadiewa
Nastenka, how beautiful and delicious! Ksyunka is our fellow!
Anna in the ForestWhat an original way of giving tea, thank you very much. We must try to present it like that. Otherwise, the package is not
it looks presentable. Ivan tea deserves the best packaging!
Loksawhat are we talking about? About some wonderful blend? I'm interested too!
Rada-dms, Olya, you'd better ask her about this in the gazebo. And then she rarely looks here!
And our Ivan-tea did not even rise after winter ...
Quote: Natusichka
And our Ivan-tea did not even rise after winter ...
Natusichkamaybe it's too early? We, too, he has not yet ascended.
Lyudochka, we live in the south, everything has already risen ... but Ivan-tea is not ...
Natusichka, what a pity ... So, everything is like frozen. Maybe try the seeds? Although, there is a lot of trouble with them.
Lyudochka and girls, I met on the Internet this way of making Ivan tea. I have not read the whole topic, maybe there is one, then, Lyudochka, take this post away. And if not, then suddenly someone will use it?
2.Forgotten way.
Put Ivan-tea leaves on a pre-moistened linen canvas with a layer of about 3 cm, and then roll tightly into a roll. Tighten the twist with a rope, and then knead the mixture with your hands. After that, leave the curl for a few hours, periodically checking its temperature by touch. If the curl is noticeably hot, it is worth finishing the fermentation earlier. Tamp the resulting mixture with a pleasant aroma into plastic containers, and be sure to write the date on the lid. Another 36-40 hours, and you can start drying tea in the oven. To improve taste, color and aroma, keep the oven door slightly open. 1.5 - 2 hours and the tea is ready to drink. Store Ivan - tea covered, in a dark place. It is important to know that tiled tea is good for over 10 years!
Quote: lappl1
What a pity ... So, everything is like frozen.
Very similar ... We dropped him off, and then it started raining heavily and immediately the temperature dropped sharply ...
Quote: marika33
I met on the Internet this way of preparing Ivan tea.
marika33, Marinochka, thank you for writing to us about this method. I showed a photo of this method, while Mistletoe described and also took pictures. But you did not describe it in such detail. Therefore, we will not delete anything, because I am not deleting anything at all. Every grain of experience is very important.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
If only I could find a linen canvas! No ...
Veronica, find an old tablecloth or sheet. I do it in the tablecloth.
Lyudochka, hello! I don’t have linen tablecloths ... And figs knows from what sheets. I wrap unbleached cotton with a staple, once my aunt worked in a textile factory, 30 years ago. Only I do not for this method, but I dry on it and twist into it, if there is no time. Also good at it.
Luda, have the Ivanushkins' sprouts appeared yet?
Mary Poppins
Linen canvas can be found in shops specializing in flax. I saw one, but in a store in another city, in Moscow, there were no such stores along the way, but there should be))

But it is most convenient to twist fireweed through freezing - a couple of tightly packed packets of leaves can be processed in 20-30-40 minutes (the speed of work is different for everyone) - almost a full bucket of sausages turned out. It will last longer with linen canvas. But it's also interesting to try. If necessary, I can when meeting with the canvas and for those who want to stock up)) But not earlier than the second half of May.
And the canvas is rougher than linen, especially since the old tablecloths are even soft))
Veronicek, Hi! You know, cotton will do. After all, there was no cotton in Russia, so they wrapped them in linen. Although, their properties, of course, are different. This is what I say as a textile worker.
Quote: paramed1
Luda, have the Ivanushkins' sprouts appeared yet?
Today I'll go and take a look. There was a fire where I tore Ivanushka. And I’m afraid to go to more distant places - we have run wild dogs - they attack people. The local hunter is trying to shoot them, but they have become more cunning than wolves - they are hiding.
Mary Poppins, Thank you! But I also respect the meat grinder more, and the handles do not hurt, and quickly, and takes up little space. But I am not through freezing, but through withering - there is always no room in the freezer, and the leaf withers quickly in summer. And in the quote it was said precisely about flax because there was once a lot of it in Russia. Any natural fabric is suitable for drying and unfolding.
Quote: Mary Poppins
And the canvas is rougher than linen, especially since the old tablecloths are even soft))
Mary Poppins, Hi ! Long time no see!
The canvas, of course, is rougher, but old natural fabrics absorb excess moisture from the leaves more easily. Freezing is good too. But all the same, the leaves must be wilted beforehand so that the quality of the tea does not suffer. Excessive moisture in the leaves does not improve the taste of the tea.
Lyudochka, we are singing with you! About fabrics ...
And after the fire it will still grow, I think, but not now. We are on Tuesday at the dacha, first of all I will run over the fence on the backside to see what we have there. The pens itch! And the Koporsky tea is over. And she did, as it seemed to me, a lot.Now I open an empty jar, the aroma remains in it, and I enjoy at least it ...
Quote: paramed1
Lyudochka, we are singing with you! About fabrics ...
Aha, Veronichek! And about Ivanushka - we will sing in chorus
Mary Poppins
lappl1, Hi!
I can't keep up with you in the gazebo

Withering - yes, now an obligatory stage! I didn't understand it right away, but by the end of the season I realized
In a canvas, it can make sense not only for the absorption of moisture, but in the fact that the fabric is rough - it is the canvas, then when the fabric is twisted, its fibers themselves contribute to the destruction of the sheet. The threads of the canvas do not envelop the leaves, but on the contrary, they seem to fray them.

Natusichka, very sorry
Can you buy more rhizomes where you bought last time? It's spring now, it's time to plant. But at least one dormant bud may still wake up on your rhizome, they may come out after a while (and even after a year). If not frozen at all. But for reliability, I would have planted it.

Anna in the Forest, oh, how detailed and wonderful! Plusy to you in karma for the explanation! And it's not difficult, which is very important to me
Mary Poppins, agree about coarse fiber. But where to get this canvas? Now such canvases are not woven. And if they do, it is unlikely that there will be 100% flax. Back in Soviet times, the standards for fabrics allowed up to 20% of different chemistry. And they wrote on the labels - 100% cotton. She herself was amazed at these standards. And I saw how siblon (artificial fiber) is added to cotton. And now, when complete freedom has gone, you can hardly find natural fabric. It always becomes fun for me, like me, a textile worker with the appropriate education and experience, some young saleswoman tries to convince in the market that this is all natural. But with my eyes closed, I see that there is no more than 50% cotton or flax. It is especially touching when they talk about chiffon (at the price of synthetics). Chiffon is a natural silk. And it should be very expensive. Moreover, it does not wrinkle at all, unlike the current "chiffon".
Back to the topic. I think everyone has some old sheet. If not, then you can ask grandmothers or mothers. after all, we need the excess moisture to go away. And we can grind it with handles - we are already used to it. I also use the "squeeze" trick - I roll a roll with wrapped leaves and roll it like the laundry is squeezed. The structure of the leaf is also well disturbed.
Mary Poppins, I will ask, if they are still on sale, I will definitely buy !!!
Natusichka, just went to see Ivan-tea. does not even think to climb out. He begins to grow later than all the smelly. so maybe not all is lost. But for reliability, try to order at least a couple of roots. In the meantime, train on other leaves.
Mary Poppins
lappl1, thanks for the clarification, here's a discovery for me! I am fooled by the inscription and if 100% linen, I believe that there is only linen. I will consider.
If I get to the canvas, I'll try to photograph. Or maybe I'll buy it, it will fit in the farm))
Mary Poppins, not at all. Now, fortunately, they are trying to make chemical fibers with properties close to natural ones. In any case, natural linen wrinkles in such a way that it is impossible to smooth it out even when wet.
I wonder, but in the 70s were linen sheets 100% flax? And then I have a completely new one, it might fit, how nice it would be.
natushkawere, of course! At that time, chemistry in the USSR was not so developed.
Quote: lappl1
were of course

Hurrah! So I will use it for tea!
Greetings to all. Share. Has anyone fermented bird cherry?
Quote: Turner
Greetings to all. Share. Has anyone fermented bird cherry?
And her leaves are not poisonous?
Quote: niamka
Posts: 421
Got thanked 85 times
Name: Natalia
Location: Moscow
Generally, the leaves of bird cherry are brewed and drunk with stomach upset. Tested on myself)))

Ivan-tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class "Answer # 848 Today at 18:07"

Quote: Turner from Today at 05:34 PM
Greetings to all. Share. Has anyone fermented bird cherry?
And her leaves are not poisonous?

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